SNL Makes a Fool Out Of Kavanaugh In Hilarious Skit

Last night, Saturday Night Live had THE FUNNIEST SKIT IN YEARS!!!

Matt Damon played the role of Brett Kavanaugh in the Senate Hearing for his nomination.

it doesn't matter what your personal feelings are about the Kavanaugh situation, because this skit was fucking HILARIOUS!!!!


this is definitely the funniest thing Saturday Night Live has created in years and years. Maybe even the funniest skit they've ever created.

Matt Damon was PERFECT !!!

The skit correctly summed up what a bitch Kavanaugh truly is.

I saw that skit last night, and laughed so hard I almost shat myself.

top kek it's just like him.

Fuck off faggots

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Remember when SNL actually came up with original material for their skits and wasn't just leftist propaganda masquerading as "satire"?

Yeah, me neither.

SNL hasn't been funny for 20+ yrs.

Keep typing, faggots. Earn those shillshekels!

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Mad TV was better tbqhfam.

MAD TV was nigger tier

although i support the Kavanaugh nomination, id be lying if i said Matt Damon didn't nail it on the head.

This nigger gets it. Mad TV was great.

Saturday Night Live sucks, but the production quality of mad tv was so bad, that it was hard to watch, and the show was demographically targeted to uneducated white trash and negroes.

true. people tend to overlook the demographics of television. it's a well known fact that Mad TV was specifically written for and targeted to young blacks and unemployed whites with no college education or high school diplomas. the only reason you guys liked it is because you were 10 years old at the time.

that would explain why only niggers liked it

SNL pls go and stay go

true, SNL is targeted to an educated audience, even though it's not funny. Mad Tv was targeted directly to niggers, and also wasn't funny.

You say that like the demographics have changed.

just watched the skit. first time I've laughed in weeks

so funny. My hippocampus will never be the same.

the average Zig Forums user was 4 years old when 9/11 happened. that's why they have no perspective on politics or life in general. they were 11 years old when Obama was elected. it's impossible for them to understand anything about politics, and when they say 'make america great again', they're talking about when The Teletubbies was being broadcast.

watching the anime/videogame/cartoon sissies of Zig Forums pretend to have 'valid political perspectives born from experience' is like watching a Filipino Prostitute who never graduated high school pretend to be an 'indignant Republican American Patriot'

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SNL is for poor people who can't afford cable or and for those that can't read well enough to know what's going on in the world. I worked with this guy once who got all his news from from Colbert and that guy didn't know jack shit about what was going on in the real world. He was a total drone that only wanted to be entertained 24-7 and had the attention span of a gnat. SNL is just the "news" cycle for dumbasses.

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She looks cute with her new short haircut.

when most of you 'opinionated political experts' were still shitting yellow into your diapers, I was divorcing my third wife…..

and I'm honest enough to admit that even I'M not a political expert……

you guys have more experience pretending that you are 'a magical elf in an enchanted forest in a child's video game' than you do talking to girls.

your generation Doesn't Know Jack shit about politics.

she looks like a monkey with horse teeth

Listen to this boomercuck, everybody. He's right, you know.

Imagine being brainwashed enough that you find the murder of the democratic process funny.

you're so wrapped up in your bitterness and resentment towards females from being rejected your whole life, that you failed to realize Kavanaugh made a fool out of himself.

what Dr. Ford testified was completely credible, but that's not what made Kavanaugh lose credibility.


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Lol funny as shit !

I'm sorry that women always overlooked you and rejected you outright

hopefully, with counseling and time, you will be able to overcome the insurmountable emotional damage you allowed to occur

Can libtards even comprehend an argument that's not just baseless accusations?

>thinking there's an E in the word 'having'

those two syllable words are tricky, huh?

Do you know what self-awareness is? Of course you don't, you can't even control yourself.

if only you could spell, you'd realize how stupid you look when you misspell simple 2 syllable words, and how it discredits ANYTHING you say


the ardent woman-hating, inexperienced, idiotic, videogame sissy Trumptard CAN'T SPELL ON A 3RD GRADE LEVEL…..


just like Trump said:

"I love the uneducated!"

The world would be better if your were dead, commie vermin.

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What made you so warped? What's wrong with your brain?

A G A I N :

perhaps one day, with counseling, you'll overcome the emotional trauma of being rejected by females, embrace your homosexuality, and get your GED

Go back to r/politics. And there's no way you have an IQ above 90.

Take your 80 IQ back to reddit.

“I mean, typically when you’re asked about a sexual assault and your drinking problem at a job interview, you don’t get the damn job.” - Michael Che on SNL''s Weekend Update

Go back to whatever hellhole you crawled out of.

You know we had the Red Scare once and now it's all about the Rape Scare. How do you expect to actually prosecute a rapist when people are losing face the justice process? When did "guilty before innocent" become an american law? Because it never did. There's still literally no proof or solid evidence through testimony in the trial because they keep contradicting themselves.

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A "valid" political perspective doesn't need to be informed by experience, you leftist retard. If you can reason, that's more than adequate. Of course, you Marxists can't relate.

SNL died with Chris Farley.

It's a rough black pill to swallow to realize just how rotten and loathsome leftists really are. A good chunk of the population is exactly like this.

You're not a political expert….

You're a DUMB FUCK METH HEAD who can't go 5 minutes without posting some gibberish about how HA HA FUNNY brainless trash like SNL is… You probably saw the re-run on a starbuck's TV….

Why don't you focus on finding a real job and not posting from an obama phone inside a fuckin STARBUCKS….

The hypocrisy of you calling people pussies when you have to sit outside and beg for change to get your daily "frappy" is the FUNNIEST thing about every post you've ever made. Get a job…


The people that buy into that shit aren't necessarily rotten and loathsome, they're just doing what they're told and following the herd. It's the people guiding the herd that make them so shitty. If the people guiding the herd weren't so terrible, then the people following the herd wouldn't be so terrible. In a decent world, they'd be decent people. But here we are.

Nonsense. You're being very naive.

poor, bitter, resentful, lonely videogame imageboard child, always had to endure the laughter of girls behind his back

Not at all. They're just followers. If they were led in a better direction, they'd be better people. But the rotten, decadent society that is the West today is not good for them. Not everyone has what it takes to break away from the herd and carve their own path. And that's alright, but like I said the problem is that the cattle drivers hate the cattle instead of trying to look out for their best interests.

I'm curious…….

did you even notice it when the girls stopped waiting for you to walk by, and they simply started laughing in your face?

uses a
drag queen

and you wonder why girls instantly know you're homosexual

you guys are gay as fuck

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….if your feelings mattered, they would've continued waiting until your back was turned, so you couldn't be sure which girls were the ones laughing……

but at some point, they realized it didn't matter if you saw their faces as they ridiculed you, so they'd just bust out laughing directly in your face

the dungeons and dragons boy

here's a test:

look at this photo

notice how your sexual attention was instantly drawn to the male instead of the female?

that's because you're a latent homosexual…. and videogames were the red carpet you walked into your predictable gayness

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Hello, Anons!!

I'm a typical imageboard computer 'genius' who was watching the Teletubbies when my mommy changed the channel to watch the 9/11 attacks happen live.

then I became 'mommy's big boy' and she started buying me video games.

eventually, it was anime that completed my cycle back into the infantile state I will be eternally trapped in.



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The impression I got from watching it was that they were making a mockery of the whole event, which was a mockery of justice in and of itself.

all of it is kekworthy

a heterosexual male would have instantly focused on THE FEMALE

(you're a creampuff)

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finally, somebody I agree with

it doesn't matter what
side you agree with
regarding the politics

it was funny

see, YOU are someone
I could easily go get
beers with, hang out
with, hit on girls and
raise some hell…….

even though you and
I certainly have some
differing political views
I can accept them, because…..

you have an open mind

you aren't a fucking douchebag

*spits phlegm in your mouth and headbutts you*

Matt Damon was great

absolutely the best post I've ever created

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Jesus Johnny, who hurt you, man?

i hate your god damn guts but that was a pretty good post

generally, it's been ME

like anyone else, I've always been my own worst enemy

certainly, none of these guys
has what it takes to hurt me

Not really, you just have bad taste in comedy, you raging faggot.

yea, he cried like a bitch lol

cavenows cokane habeet shood be commanted on

Get punched Zig Forums

Waaaaahhh cry more Zig Forums cry waaaah

Remember when people thought Colbert was right wing because Comedy Central needed a counterpart to that kike Leibowitz?

The salt itt is amazing.

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hint: never trust the taste of a man who thinks anime is entertaining, because he'll end up wanting to see your penis.

my sense of humor is intact, obviously

your effemininity is hilarious, Sassypants

if you can't get enough "stewart" skits i suppose.

i don't get it. are you happy someone was able to be harassed and has his life interrupted because of some political bullshit?
the accusers brought no evidence, and it's not even "he said, they said" because none of the witnesses, even her friends that were there agrees with her story.
then they used the anger he showed after being wrongly accused to try to say he's unhinged?

next time a cop is arresting a nigger for resisting arrest, because he had no reason to be arrested in the first place; think about this case and how you were happy about it.

mad tv was way better.
This is a fact.

SNL was funny back in the chris farley/norm macdonald/david spade/adam sandler/chris rock/ days.
mad tv was never funny.


Who the fuck cares?


oddly enough, there IS evidence of it, because she discussed it with people years and years ago.

and I haven't seen HIM prove even a single shred of evidence that he's in control of his behavior, as was evidenced by his emotional outbursts, lies, distractions, angry lashing out, and refusal to answer simple questions.

I saw the behavior of a man
who most likely DID exactly
what he is being accused of

Find a bridge to jump off, Zig Forums. Make the world a better place.

And Phil Hartman.

I agree with you. SNL never was particularly funny, and certainly isn't very funny these days.

MAD TV was never even vaguely funny

and as you know, This Thread isn't really about the quality of Saturday Night Live

This Thread is about last night skit

and THAT indeed was humorous in many ways

My wives boyfriend and I were watching this and I laughed so hard I spilled my strawberry soy milk. He yelled at me, it was so not cool. Ruined the rest of the episode for me and to make it worse they were being really loud in my wives bedroom all night and they knew I had to protest KKKavanaugh in the morning.

last night's skit was not about him being guilty or innocent of the accusation

it wasn't about whether or not dr. Ford's accusation was valid

last night's skit was a satire about THE WAY HE BEHAVED

and no matter which side you are on, if you're going to tell me he didn't behave like a little bitch, you would be lying

MADtv > SNL Still watch clips of skits on YT and laugh my ass off all these years later. SNL, not so much no.

Listen and believe!

I'm willing to buy that leftists are mentally deficient and that the NPC meme has alot of truth to it, but it only goes so far. You seem willing to absolve them of all responsibility for the actions and views that they've, to some extent, choosen for themselves. The brainwashed Bolshevik Russian that killed his own Christian countrymen at the behest of Jews may not have been well-informed and his situation in life wasn't great, but he was still evil garbage. And these people were talking about, his ideological descendants, are the same. Even the lowliest leftist moron isn't blameless. Again, the world would be better without these cunts.

Yeah no.

your desire to be perceived as 'witty' or 'intelligent' are always going to be negated by the fact that you are an adult male who can't spell at a 2nd grade level…

it's spelled WIFE'S*, not 'wives'….

you're not even witty or intelligent enough to understand the use of an APOSTROPHE


because i haven't seen a skit on either show that was worth watching on YouTube until last night

I bet you watch WWE on YouTube, also

Your dum.