Nazism, socialism, white supremacy, eugenics, and racial antisemitism is not compatible with Christianity

Nazism, socialism, white supremacy, eugenics, and racial antisemitism is not compatible with Christianity.

If you're into that kind of stuff please go back to Zig Forums.

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Other urls found in this thread:äubig

Nazism is neutral.
Socialism is anti-Christian.
White supremacy is compatible with Christianity but not necessary.
Eugenics are anti-Christian.
Racial antisemitism is literally Christian doctrine.

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How do you explain these?äubig

Also, pic related disagrees

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Nazism promotes paganism and genocide of whole peoples. Go back to Zig Forums friendo.

No it's not. Jesus was not European. Nor where his apostles. Jesus and his apostles were from the Levant. Seriously, your 19th and 20th century nationalist ideologies have nothing to do with Christianity.

Again, no. Jesus was ethnically Jewish and practiced Judaism in it's true form. Now it can be agreed that the Pharisees (who became the Talmudists) are products of Satan himself, but this is not due to their race but due to their evil doctrine. They practice a corrupt evil Satanic form of Judaism. They may be ethnic Jews, but spiritually we are the true Jews. Jesus was both an ethnic and true Jew. So are many regular Christians. So were all of Jesus's early apostles.

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You don't need to be some idiot occultist to be a Nazi.
Also, the Nazi getting rid of Roman Catholic and Jewish vermin is a good thing, and a holy fragrance to God.

Dude. You have a lot of work to do to get back on track. Take some time. Go on vacation - read the whole NT, and read the Pentateuch, histories, major prophets, and Psalter. You shouldn't even be THINKING that, much less saying it. Get steeped in scripture.


Nazism isn't necessarily pagan however.
I don't care about the genocide of white people, it's their problem.

I did not say Jesus was a white supremacist. I said white supremacy isn't incompatible with Christianity. You can be a white supremacist and a good, orthodox Christian.

The religion of the Jews was a pedagogue up to Christ, but the race of the Jews is eternally cursed. See Matthew 27:25 and the Good Friday services.

I read the scriptures daily, thank you very much. I'm currently re-reading the Bible since I got a translation I really like, and that has the whole Orthodox canon too. I'm currently at Isaiah.

73 years later, schismatics still mad :^)

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I don't know what happened 73 years ago, but I know what happened 1000 years ago. The Church of Rome left the Ark of Noah and has become a pit of perdition since then.

I don't know why anymore would enter this thread unless they would want to argue semantics back and forth or they just want to suck OP's dick.

Yes it is. Link in even shows:

No you cannot. White supremacists believe the white race is superior to all other races and they hate other race. They are also for eugenics despite the Bible telling us that marriage is between a man and a woman and not a white man and white woman and black man and black woman.

You misunderstand Matthew 27:25 , it's not talking about race but rather children born into the same principles of the Talmudists people. If they repented of their Satanic doctrine and came to Christ then they would be saved. Talmudists and their children are under a curse for holding to Talmudists Satanic doctrines.

Also, we are the true Jews.


I never said that, you're the one who finds nothing wrong with genocide

The only acceptable anti-judaism is religious supersessionism.

Christianity superseded the old Israelite religion. But what Jews practice now is way different from the old Israelite religion. What Moses practiced was once valid, but much of what Jews believe and practice today was never valid.

It's not incompatible, it's just largely irrelevant. Whites are superior in virtually all corporeal faculties: physical health/fitness, intelligence, temperament, time preference, reproductive strategies, self awareness, and so on. But I don't think these things factor heavily into one's "spiritual worth", if you will. White Supremacy is simply judged by measured capabilities, just as all people are. You might as well say an IQ test is incompatible with Christianity. Which of course would be nonsensical because an IQ test has nothing to do with Christianity in the first place.

Where did this meme come from? Christianity didn't supersede Israelite religion, Christianity IS Israelite religion
Romans 2:29
But a Jew is one inwardly, and circumcision is a matter of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the letter. His praise is not from man but from God.

That is what we're saying, Israel is solely a spiritual designation now, but it used to also be a physical nation/ethnic group.

Hating on ethnic jews because of their ethnicity is wrong. Hating on religious jews because of their religion is okay tho.

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depends how you do them, living a healthy life is a form of eugenics. If your unborn baby has a genetic disease and you cure it , that's a form of eugenics.

nazism is not the same as hitlerism, you can remove the pagan idolatry from it. Most nazi soldiers and citizens were christian.

is fine as a form of general suspicion and understanding that elite jews are nefarious.

elite secular jews still act tribal against the interests of christians and europeans, so there is definitely a reason to be suspicious and disdainful towards them as a group.

Okay, so hating on non-christians jews is okay.

So now, we're getting Zig Forums shilling now.

Christianity is white supremacism lol.
The christian values we seek to uphold are by and far most largely practiced by white people, and white people were shaped by christianity for 2000 years.

Christian culture is heavily intertwined with white culture to the point that seperating them is kind of an impossible task.

So if you take christian values seriously, you are a white supremacist by definition.

Besides the obvious lies and dishonest propaganda that surrounds it, I don't see how National Socialism is incompatible with Christianity.

I'm pretty sure the holocaust never happened:


Read the programme of the NSDAP (pic related). And be careful when quoting from Hitler's tabletalks, it is not a reputable source:

As for Rosenberg and his influence on positive Christianity, you only need to read what the programme of the NSDAP says about it's own limits when it comes to religion, and what Hitler thought about Rosenberg and his views:
- Albert Speer's "Inside the Third Reich", page 96.

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This is not 4ch. to create slide threads as this . I find it interesting you did not include Marxism/Marxist egalitarianism/Communism/Bolshevism.
No. Those are not equal to muh socialism. If you think so you need to read more. But as I see using "nazism" instead of "national socialism" explains a lot.
Look man I am not trying to be mean but if you want to debate ideologies you first have to read about them from various sources "nazism" isn't what the ideology is called. It is called national socialism because it is not identical to marxist socialism. Until you get your facts straight and read something to be able to post something of value instead of:

< white supremacy isn't incompatible with Christianity
< White people are better than nonwhites
< therefore, white people are better than jesus
How is that compatible with Christianity?

Galatians 3:28‭-‬29 ESV

Apparently questioning circumcision is also not compatible with Christianity…. but transsexualism is.

Look at the front page

But God forbid you question circumcision, which Christ himself said is pointless, and any sane person would notice is monstrous.

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Didn't he take the place of a Jew? Not exactly like they targeted him specifically.

Of course you choose one of the very few translations which omit "neither male nor female". I wonder who's the one pushing an agenda instead of being truthful.

I'd say white nationalist rather than supremacy, in the sense that many Traditionalists just want to be left alone in their traditional culture instead of a melting pot of nothingness.
But you're right that traditional European culture (i.e. Pre-Enlightenment) IS Christian culture, they are one and the same.

They aren’t compatible with modernist meme Christianity. They are certainly compatible with Christ’s Christianity.

This is a lolcow board, anyway.

You have to say winnie the pooh and tigger instead of two of the most common expletives, "fu​ck" and "nig​ger" which humans use for a reason, too.

Imagine being a pastor and some nig​ger comes in and smashes your shit up.
You will have to call him a "black gentleman" at the very most if you wanted to vent about it here.

Really sad to see how they piss away the gift of language in here.

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I’ll never understand why you autists get so asshurt about the word filter

The total lack of substance in the OP – no questions, no definitions, no clarifications, no specifics, etc. – shows that this a thinly veiled D&C thread meant to sow pointless bickering and time wasting on Zig Forums.

Because mummy doesn't let them use swears in the house.

Im okay with the term "supremacy" because it is demonstrable that white christian culture is superior to all others.
I'm also for enforcing these values worldwide but I know that non-whites will forever resent us for this.

Denying truth is the height of cuckery.

Go back to hell with your Jew masters OP.

only if you hate (((them))). If it's calling them out, it's ok. Read St. John Chrysostom's 8 Homilies against the Jews.

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>>>Zig Forums

forgot to post the image

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You jews have no shame