Is it a sin to work for an evil corporation like Umbrella, OCP or monsanto...

Is it a sin to work for an evil corporation like Umbrella, OCP or monsanto? monsanto Pretty much the real world umbrella corporation. Bioweapon Manufacturing and playing god by Genetically modified foods and animals.

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Monsanto has fed more people than Jesus ever did. Yes, they've done scummy shit, too. they're human, and humans are fallible. What IS a sin is lying to a starving country about GMOs, causing them to refuse shipments of food that would have fed their people.

God gave us dominion over the animals and told us to subdue the Earth. If everything gets winnie the poohed up beyond repair God will just end it all.

Hi jew.

Hi, murderer. Look up this name, you self-righteous cunt: Norman Borlaug. The man should be canonized.

The antechrist will also feed people and produce fabulous feats. How do you he will be able to seduce people otherwise? Do you think he will just appear as a demon and people will be "yeah just take me satan"
Might as well canonize Steve jobs and any rich "philanthropious" personality.

Some reading about the green revolution and the 'progress trap':

*Sniff sniff* Sure smells like Democrats in here.

More broadly, our economical decisions do not supersede our moral ones.
There is no such thing as "just doing your job", it does not absolve anyone from God.

With corn sugar and glow in the dark cabbages.
Mount Athos has the lowest cancer and heart failure rates in Europe for a reason. They eat actual food, which has proved to be more important than the medicine the secular regime deliberately creates shortages in the region.
Stop trying to justify non-food with fabricated novelties. Anyone reading this has a problem with over-eating and not the other way around.

Great read, thanks for sharing

Monsanto doesn't feed people. Farmers do. And they have been able to feed people just fine in the past millennia. All Monsanto does is prevent farmers from doing their jobs by suing them over patents, which, according to your definition, makes Monsanto sinful.

Points about that truth of your statement have already been made;

Also, man does not live on bread alone.

You're right. Most of sub-Saharan Africa consumes corn. They're still starving, because anti-technology people are constantly blocking development in the tech necessary to grow the shit in harsh climates, grow enough of the shit to feed everybody, get the shit where it needs to go, and preserve the shit until it gets to where it needs to go.

Those who oppose GMO are blatant racists in comfy little communities who have never had to worry about whether or not they would be able to eat tomorrow. Prove me wrong.

protip: go winnie the pooh yourself

Yes…. goy let a corporation trademark seeds. Farmer don’t grow feed. Corporation do. Corporations are people.

Yes. Because vote Republican. They are not controlled by the Jews too.

Shut up, Lefty. You people always talk about feeding the poor, but kvetch endlessly when anyone actually DOES that. Who is it preventing engineered crops from growing in places of famine? Oh right, the hippie Luddites who'd rather just let the (((state))) tax them to death so they can feel good about themselves.

It'd be nice if you're trolling and you don't seriously believe this crap that africa is some kind of anomaly where they can't grow food.

I never understand this either

My cousin has run a business in Rwanda that helps mothers make enough money to feed the orphans they've taken in from the genocide. She's said that refusal to farm is a huge problem there, despite the perfect climate and excellent soil. It's a matter of pride: they see it as slaves' work, so they refuse to do it.

Dude, do you realise that (((corporations))) are just as kiked as the (((state))).

They can. They have an absolute shit-ton of arable land. What they are lacking in is the education to husband crops, and the technology to maximize and preserve their yields. They're backwards, uneducated people, who constantly get taken advantage of by those attempting to push their high-minded, self-righteous agendas.

Don't give them food. Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day. TEACH them to farm, show them the technological developments that have allowed us in civilized lands to feed literally winnie the pooh everybody. Stop feeding them unscientific bullshit about "Frankenfood" and evil corporations. If you oppose the corporations taking advantage of them, educate them yourself so they know enough not to be taken advantage of, or do your best to destroy the copyright lobby that enables these corporate abuses to take place.

If you have enough food to feed yourself and your family, and you actively try to stymie those who do not, you are actively malicious. Evil. That which you call "Satan". Money where your mouth is. Join the Peace Corps and help, or shut the winnie the pooh up.

Plug "african farms" into google images.

That means nothing. The fact is that there is massive amounts of arable land not being put to good use in Africa.

explain the mass starvations then
and if those farms actually worked then the west should really stop sending gibs to that place.

Grain production per capita has increased 50% in the last 60 years. We have more than enough food to feed everyone on the planet. We have so much extra food that we are burning it as fuel in our cars instead of gasoline.

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user several philosophers and saints have addressed things like this. From what I have read I think the general consensus would be if you are not personally being asked to sin, it is fine if it supports you and your family. if they ask you personally to sin walk out. pray about it.