Life Changes For Conservatives As Crazed Lunatic Leftists Terrorize Political Opponents

BE PREPARED: >>>/prepare/1 |

Kelley Paul, the wife of Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), described her increasing concerns for the safety of herself and her family amidst increasing calls from Democrats and the broader left to amplify politically motivated hostility towards Republicans. She offered her remarks in a Friday interview with Breitbart News Deputy Political Director Amanda House.

“We’ve updated all of our security systems at home. I sleep with a loaded gun by my bed. I’m home alone a lot, obviously when Rand is [in Washington, DC], and so I’ve got deadbolts all around my house so that if someone’s in my house when I go to bed I’m deadbolted in three different levels,” Paul told House.

“It’s bizarre. I’ve never been like this in my whole life. … We used to never even lock our doors, and now that has all changed. Even going out to dinner in D.C., last night, you worry. You hope that people aren’t going to come up and just start screaming at you.”

Paul recalled a neighbor assaulting her husband outside their home in Bowling Green, KY, describing what she said is an increasingly politically polarized America. Her husband suffered broken ribs as a result of the attack, and the attacker was sentenced to 30 days of incarceration.

“Words do matter, and there are so many, quite frankly, unhinged [and] unstable people out there, and when they hear someone on their side telling them, ‘Get up in their face,’ they take that literally, and they think that gives them a license to be very aggressive, be harassing, throw people out of restaurants, and I don’t think anybody wants to live in a country like that,” Paul continued.

Paul composed an op-ed published by CNN entitled, “My husband, Rand Paul, and our family have suffered intimidation and threats,” in which she expressed anguish over harm done to her husband and threats directed against her family.

Paul’s op-ed was prefaced with the clause describing it as an “open letter” to Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ), who she said had encouraged his political supporters to threaten and intimidate Republican politicians.

In June, Booker urged his supporters to “get up in the face of congresspeople.” Booker’s communications director later described his boss’s statement as “an appeal for political activism that seeks common ground” illustrative of an “enduring commitment to decency.”

In 2017, a left-wing supporter of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) attempted a mass murder of Republican politicians, opening fire at a baseball practice in Alexandria, VA. Rand Paul, who was present at the event, later said “nobody would have survived … it would have been a massacre [if not for the Capitol Police].”

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forget winning elections, will the left wing even exist by 2020?

The problem is that this kind of crazed mentality thrives in the major cities. So there are a lot of leftists who don't bat an eye when these crazies do stupid hostile things to other people. In fact, many enjoy it and try to rationalize it. The "blue wave" could actually be real, a wave of zombies who have no care in the world for the destruction their politicians have caused to their communities. THE THREAT IS REAL.

Hopefully all the normies realize this threat before its too late and take to the ballots - for personal safety concerns!

Its hard for me to imagine people actually voting Democrat after all the bullshit they pulled in the last two years. Republicucks are not perfect by any means but damn it, at they at least have some logic to their madness unlike the libtards.

On the other hand its just as hard for me to imagine people actually buying new 'smartphones' every year and posting all their personal information on mainstream social media services too.

actual news

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I dont understand why the cops dont stop them.

First of all masks are illegal in public.
Secondly, why the fuck can they direct traffic freely?

I don't understand that either, then again, maybe there is some kind of corruption going on with the chief of police. Maybe the chief of police endorses this kind of "activist" thuggery and is a Dem voter? I don't really know.

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Prepare indeed. When the music stops, places like Portland are going to turn into warzones. If you live in these cities, or nearby, take necessary measures to survive without basic services for at least a couple weeks. If you have the means, I suggest you leave now while you can.

ise gots a plan
me & da fam is stokpilin wepons and we gonna wate out sid da preppers house & get dem wen dey cums out.

we gonna get der suplies and kill men but rape women and childs and use sum for meet

war do u liv kilcen

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We'll hunt you down.

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They're NPCs user.

k. You got one.
Because 99% of the guns in this country are in the hands of these ebil fascists.
Good luck.


Totally sounds like a real stat to me.


You mean to tell me you think the party that is anti gun is going to have more guns than the side that has to fight tooth and nail to keep them? Can I buy some of your stupid pills?

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You first.

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Hawks are the sexiest.

zero results on tineye thx for the thumbnail

just like the right wing nuts who terrorize left wingers like sandy hook families and

bring it you little faggot.
we've been ready for a long time.
I measure ammo by the pound.

Earn those shillbux, muhnigga,

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If only you knew how many ex-military are on the radical left. How many weapons experts and bomb makers we have. We'll bury you. The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi.

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Like that little faggot who outed himself and got discharged for being a literal commie? Ok, cool.
Even if you're not lying, for every supposed commie vet, there's 100 of pic related backing you up, comrade.

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I don't think this fag knows what facism is.

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What about the people who don't want fascism or marxism or any form of communism? What about people who want to be left alone, have freedom and security without some bootlickers hassling them or tying to subvert their culture?

As long as the worlds biggest crime cartel is waging a holy war against humanity, you'll be a target.

OK, good point made. I wish there were a company that would sell a "Kikeblaster 2000" that would eject tons of gas at your enemy target for means of self defense.

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I don't consider myself "alt-right" or "libertarian" either. I'm a nationalist, I want my country and peoples to be free and sovereign. I desire to see industry and prosperity. I desire strong justice (which we do not have today because of all the corruption that is free to run rampant). Limited government is healthy but as long as it polices itself as much as it polices others. Thats where our government has a problem. A big problem. Insider corruption is rampant, to the point it has become a constitutional crisis. We must outlaw ALL lobbying, thats what needs to be done. Any form of financial lobbying should be considered treason.

Daily reminder that commies aren't people.

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A dead communist is a good communist.

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Several leftist retards in this thread.

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Zig Forums is full of worthless, low-IQ losers that'll never amount to anything.

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Zig Forums is the dregg of society. They embrace collectivism since they can't handle competition. They're garbage, and deep down, they know it.

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Its amazing how many books they claim they read, maybe they do read, but yet they know absolutely NOTHING about economics or how society really works.

whenever I think about communists I watch this heartwarming video.

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You do know that Ganowicz was also an anti-Nazi who fought against Hitler's army?

Your not the only one that owns an AR. You think you can shoot straight when one is shooting back at you? I suggest you don't find out. Also, thanks for proving that Antifa is nothing more than a domestic terrorist group made up of Totalitarian nutjobs. Have fun with that FBI no knock raid.

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We cleaned the Nazi's clock once and we'll do it again.

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Have one not for ants.

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How's Mike Enoch doing?

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Because a Communist/Totalitarian insurgency is going to go over sooo well with the majority of the American people. *rolls eyes*
Have fun dealing with all of this.

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Airshit isn't a very good weapon.


I don't know. Why don't you try to take whatever you are trying to imply and state it honestly instead of acting like a commie/coward?

Get gassed kike. We can tell where you're from.

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It'll still put a hole in your fash skull.

>I want to kill anyone who disagrees with me, but they're the fascists
This is just getting embarrassing.

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Fuck off.

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"Anti-fascists are the REAL fascists"
Never heard that one before.

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Owned in one jej

I give up. 1? 2?

Rule of thumb: the guys at the top of the pile don’t want you to see through their scam and take back what they stole from you. They scare you with commies and fags and towelheads because distraction always works with people with short attention spans. The most amazing spectacle is to watch Trump pissing on you, and you say, my, the rain is warm and yellow today, must the liberals trying to steal my freedom!

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ya, I'm a pinko and I always thought it was skinhead type thugs I was supposed to be afraid of

How does it feels alt-right scum?

The day of the rope is here…and it's fucking for vous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hee hee

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a socialest is a demacrat

see i knowed

Why are they going against Randlet
It's hard to think of anything anyone to have against him severe enough to attack him, other than maybe being pro gun and anti Israel

Honestly I'm not scared of you fucks at all, though one thing, don't fucking call me aut-kike you trump loving faggot

The rich people fool you too commie, or will you ignore that you're on your apple, drinking starbukcs and wearing a sweatshop made "FUGG DRUMPF" T-shirt, by thinking to yourself "It's ok, these are based companies that support socialism" and totally not in it for you money

you must be a trumpetter

u b stoopid mon


So is this just advanced Trump Derangement Syndrome?

Go ahead punks make our day.
And why are you talking like a fucking yinglet.

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If the dems ever get power again they are going to do everything they can to destroy white middle America


8CHumps are losers who think memes pass for critical thinking.

"We examine the association between cognitive ability and party identity in the United States on the basis of two large databases. Contrary to recent findings (Carl, 2014a, 2014b) we find that when socio-economic status and race are controlled for, there are very few associations between the two."
Translation: The minority of Americans who identify as Republican (25 percent) are Chads like Kavanaugh who legacy into Yale and laugh all the way to the bank at 8CHumps who think this the way meritocracy works.


Dis gun b gud!

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I'm still waiting till the results are through after the Mid Terms. Not saying your wrong, but who knows? Its still up in the air and the media sure makes it look like there will be a "blue wave" but then again, the media HAS been wrong many times before too. Soooooooooo we'll see.

Just remember they also said Trump will lose and Kavanaugh had no chance to become nominated for SCOTUS. The media, despite all odds against us, were wrong those two times. So could it be possible they are wrong this time around? Maybe. Be patient and go vote. Time will tell who is right or wrong.

I can't find fault in this.

The media "predicted" a landslide victory for Clinton

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day of the rope isd here bigot scum…and it's cum 4 u

never expected that?

Because you generally tend to be stupid

We got our guns and we are keeping them because of assholes like you. Try not to get shot by us boomers.

ise gots a plan
me & da fam is stokpilin wepons and we gonna wate out sid da preppers house & get dem wen dey cums out.

we gonna get der suplies and kill men but rape women and childs and use sum for meet

we nos war u liv kilcen

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Because the police want the right to defend against them so the police can arrest the right. This is not rocket science.

Amen brother!


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Eagle rising!

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you mean after they let any cunt, faggot, and probably disabled into the army?

All that soy's gone to this faggot's head.
like semen to his mouth.


It's the soy that makes them suck their own cock like that.

Soyboy's are boring me with the basement rhetoric.

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The left doesn't even know which bathroom to use and their brains are shrunk like a raisin from the soy. I can't wait this is going to be so much fun.

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Trump likes to watch ignorant peasants pissed on(hookers too)