Suck my ass mods, Nuggetfest Thread

What: NuggetFest, one of the biggest Zig Forums meetups in North America.
Where: Near Genoa, West Virginia, directions will be posted on the website in the coming weeks.
When: August 16th - 18th

Directions and Ticket info here:

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Other urls found in this thread:

will there be HUEmonkey hunting?


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was a nuggetfest thread deleted? ive been busy with Tarkov the last few days and may have missed it, did something happen?

So Aussie prisons are Scandinavian-tier and they let inmates play video games, but only shitty ones? Nice.

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Tarkov is great, and one was deleted a little bit before I made this one.

No thanks.

I deleted it because meetups are faggot shit that ruin anonymity and promote circlejerk faggotry. I see no point in not deleting these threads, BO.

Maybe your a huge, lonely fag with no friends. Go back to 4chan if you feel like deleting relevant threads

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Makes sense that foriegnfags would be jealous of a good time. I feel bad for you.

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Greek mod deletes literally everything he doesn't like and bans people that follow board rules.

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I don't like cuckchannery
Never did that

You banned me for shit before. This isnt cuckchannery, this is kommandos networking and having a good time. Stop being a nigger.

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You've been just a little assblasted fella before, now we know you're a massive fucking liar.

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If you ever got banned was because you were either derailing a thread, posting like a redditor, not using the QTDDTOT, embedding youtube, making a low effort thread or for suggesting that we break our anonymity and meet up some honeypot circlejerk closet faggots in a forest.

I wonder how a noguns gyronigger got to be BO in the first place, ukiebro

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BV, not a BO thanks god.


Small miracles, for sure. Wonder if we can get the BO to pass judgement on his (and my) faggotry

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Are you fucking blind? This post contains two screenshots showing exactly that.

You dumbass faggots should seriously know that its a huge fucking no no to meet in public like that.

It's been going on since '14, been a damn good time ever since.

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Right gyrosnigger, time to nuke this thread before he posts any more.

Dont you have some Muslim cock to suck? This thread is for Americans only(stop shitposting)

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Im happy to have Nuggetfest threads on Zig Forums, as long as theres no shitposting and such. Of course public meetups like this can be risky so it all on you.

I fucking wish i could goto these though. No honeypot channels though.

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Go back to 4cuck, your le epic funneh emoji mask pictures you try to force aren't funny.

If you want to get into the honeypot scene just drop me an email at [email protected]. I help run the Nugfest server. Yes I know it's a kiked platform, but there are hundreds of kommandos using it so it's hard to change over everything.

It's unfortunate that you support these threads, BO, but you're the one who makes the rules so I have to go with it.
However, is a clear example of faggy d&c, surely that post deserves a ban?

Why, what ever do you mean?

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A warning for now, lets keep an eye on things.

D&C? That's just responding to an asshole. I wish to get along with all my kommando brethren, even you.

Too late, boss. He already banned me. Please know that I'm not trying to merge 4/k/ to 8/k/. I just want to introduce more of our people to each other to build networks and friendships.

Why is Greek mod abusing his authority?

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Why is it that the only time you post, it's to complain about the wog mod?

It was BO and he literally just gave a 1-minute "ban".

You were shitposting with another Greek, not me. You were both retarded and after a while I deleted all your posts.

Should have added it was a one min warning ban.

All good, like I said, I'm not here to cause problems. Please drop me an email so I can show you more of what I'm doing.

You called me a subhuman -> I posted scientific data on your subhumanity -> I got banned for this data despite not conflicting with board rules. If you really think this is a sane board volunteering, you belong to leftypol.

I think he said you were arguing with another Greek dude

He just wrote "I deleted all your posts", but 2.png is still available:

You should make the usernames visible in the logs, tbqh.

I see that some traditions are still exercised, nice to see!

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A bunch of fat autists walking around with guns. Sounds like great fun and not a way to get shot by some sperg. At least on Zig Forums I can pretend you aren’t all LARPing, butterbloods. Meetups are cuckchannery and Gyrosvol was right for the first time in deleting this shit.

Reminder to report cuckchan meetups to the FBI for "terrorism".
That'll teach those fucks.

haha wouldn't it be funny if someone went to one of these meets and tried to kill everyone there haha
Just kidding of course.

You just admitted you're banning people based on your fucking feelings, dude.

Cry more bitch nigger.
Also, I take it this is the official Zig Forums shitposting thread now?

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Leaf is mad

Feel free :^)

All I hear is people buttmad about never going out and doing anything. Its a great place to make friends and connect with people

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Cry. More. Bitch. Nigger.



I honestly cant tell who is jewing who anymore. But I do hope you wont let your paranoia get the better of you forever.

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Can you faggots please fuck off back to 4channel?

Post your guns.

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You know, I used to think like you when it came to the kommandos over there. What I came to understand was that it doesnt matter what site you go to, a kommando is a kommando. We're all we got, man. Why continue this shitty brother war?

If it aint Colt its a copy

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Soyboys on moderation ruin everything.

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Go back to playing Guns Disassembly retarded hue

Nice Google thumbnail, onii-chan~

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As said before, go back to 4channel.

Glad to know you think we've got room for redditors, boomers, and leftists. So long as they liek funz right? XD

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What? No, fuck those guys. Theres no common history or culture there.

Used my phone

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ok retard

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please, try the brownies

With that kind of shit happening combined with the utter fucking nightmare spergfest every other past imageboard meetup has been you'd think fags would avoid attempting those, especially on this site.
Not to mention those meetups are always shilled by and populated by the worst of the worst tripfags on cuckchan.
chanology was a mistake


Greekfag is right, these threads should be deleted. Anybody interested knows where to find this garbage: in their fucking honeypot server. Not a single board on this site uses honeypot, if they weren't cancerous then they would already be here, these are the type of niggers who use facebook/instagram and relentlessly parrot board culture/memes in places they don't belong.

I am a Filipino-American. Can I join nuggetfest?

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Truthfully, if we stopped including arabs, north africans, light-skinned spics, and light-skinned mutts, it would be more like "le 31%"

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I'm not part white. I'm full Filipino and raised in America, if that was what you were implying.

Do you really want to hang around autistic redditors, obese wizards and degenerate trannies?

So you're Pinoy. A stranger in a strange land. A foreigner. What's your business here?

If you enjoy hanging around tripcucks frof halfchan then sure.
You'd probably even be the whitest one there

Wasn't aware with the type of people. If it has those types I guess I'm skipping. I assumed it would have a huge Zig Forumsack presence so I was going to ask before going so I don't get dirty looks or something.

My mom was born in the USA, and my dad immigrated here to marry my mom.


Just the circlejerk part, most of the people there are out for asspats and validation.

I ran a meetup before, pretty okay, just screen who's coming and have a fun time with other Zig Forumsommandos. Also, pretty nice to have people help me remove hog on property. And Battle Jesus, I know you're in this tread, lurk more faggot.

Brownies thing wasnt real, jesus christ, also bet youve never actually been out anywhere

Who hurt you?

Zig Forums isnt Zig Forums youll be fine, there are other asian people that show up

Have you ever been to a meetup?

Have you ever been to a meetup?

No u

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This thread is mostly shitposting. Just nuke it already.

Cant help but notice a lot of (1)'s in here

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That's because there's nothing else to say, you normalfaggot nigger. This thread is the worst thing in the catalog right now.

Thanks for bumping it, friend

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But since it's mostly shitposting, I can anchor it

Anything you can do to try and get your way, eh?

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Pretty sure your boss told you to fuck off, m8

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Most of the thread consists of anons calling you a cuckchanner and you replying to every last one of them like a faggot


What did he mean by this? If anything else it's just an excuse to post more photos from meets

Aus BO, take a long hard look at this thread and realize what kind of faggot shills for these meetups.
It's so obvious this cunt is not from around here and doesn't belong here at all.

Every single bad post in this thread has been made by faggots who are assblasted by it. If you filter all the reeeeeposting it's actually readable. The very definition of creating a problem just so you can falsely justify 'fixing' it. This is the absolute state of false flags and our moderation in 2019.

Come on. At least try harder than that to look like you care about this place more than how it personally suits you.

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Y'know part of me thinks that this is on purpose and certain people dont want kommandos to come together.

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Really makes you think.

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Wow, seems like a great time, why didn’t you include pictures of the circle jerk and anal stuffing contest?

Ironic roastie-posting is still roastie-posting.

Everyone has such strong jaws and good health not a single blob amongst them,
even blacking their faces out you can tell the these places attract the best of Zig Forums.

It’s almost as if posters on an anonymous image board value anonymity and not being placed on yet another list for going to a LGBT/k/ meet up.

BO’s keeping this thread up just as a shitpost, he’s still an Aussie after all.

I'm not gay, so no.

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After seeing all the ugly and very likely smelly faggots that go to this shit, I'm actually kinda glad that I don't socialize with anyone or go anywhere.

You can always just fuck off back to cuckchan where you obviously just flew i from, there's plenty of trannies and furniggers there for you to invite along I'm sure. Full/k/ has never done meetups.
Those types of retard you find on cuckchan are more likely to buy into your "we're all just one big happy LGBT kommando family guise :^)" too.
If you're going to pull this sort of faggotry outside of halfchan you should lurk the imageboard you're targeting before assuming they'll go for your lolberg tier crossdressing festival.

I'll also add that the fact all of this meetup shit appears to have happened post-exodus isn't helping your case either.