Let's discuss a pretty clear source of hypocrisy among Christians - charity in relation to 'refugees'...

Let's discuss a pretty clear source of hypocrisy among Christians - charity in relation to 'refugees'. Jesus clearly said to give the coat off your back to anyone who asks for it. So when atheists or other Christians accuse someone of being un-Christian-like when you refuse to help, they are technically right ,they have the Biblical backing for it.

So how can anyone be anti migrant and Christian at the same time when it clearly, clearly directly opposes what Jesus said? Because it seems to me that according to Christ's teaching, a people in a country should basically give anything they can to migrants and endure any violence because 'love your neighbor' and all that. Christ did not say 'help under these conditions', he said help unconditionally.
Pic unrelated

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Other urls found in this thread:


help them…on their own land

Jesus said to take in actual refugees, not bandits.
Thieves, robbers, social welfare profiteers, murderers, rapists,…where does Christ tell us to take them into our homes?

The Law talks about taking in refugees because we were once foreigners in Egypt ourselves (at least the Israelites were) but the Law also states that we should treat them like our own.

After this verse the person asks Christ "who is my neighbour?" and Christ gives a parable explaining that those who need help should be helped.
These migrants aren't even real refugees, these are men looking for money and easy living and yeah I can't blame them but like hell would I let them enter my country and fugg it all up.

Too late for that.

Again, Christ did not make these distinctions. A person knocks on your door, he's hungry and thirsty, how can a Christian not help him?

Pharisee begone.

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I don't know man, why did the Catholics and the Orthodox fight with muslims, after all they too pray to thr God of Abraham?
Oh, i know, because islam is not a religion of peace.

Ok the women and children can stay but the adult males (18+) who don't integrate in less than 2 months get out.
The women who raise the children also are islamic extremists themselves. So it's up to the state to educate properly these immigrant children in the valuse of the west the Catholic ones. It's ok to believe in allah but the moment you start believeing islam>Christianity, you're out.

It's thanks to weak leaders we have this mess. I say we only let the women and children in because the cause less trouble. The women and children also get a temporary residence. All who descend from these immigrants get temporary residence.

Defending your religion against invaders is Christian. God is about love but He is also about righteousness.

I sure hope you don't need me to remind you the countless rapes and robberies taking place in with high immigrant population. Not to mention the high unemployment rates in those same areas.


Again, Christ did not say 'do not help them if they don't integrate'. There are no conditions for helping people, zero. Just like with the love your neighbor stuff. There are not IFs and BUTs.

what a weak strawman

Where's the strawman if I say that you should listen to Christ when he said 'give him the coat of your back'? Did I make that line up?

When the migrants don't give squat to your coutrie's laws and neither does their government. When the migrants preach their way of life, which led them to flee home, on people who took them in. When violence and abuse is commonplace.
Then you can be anti-migrant and a Christian.

He did, the Law was dictated by God and thus by Christ who came to fulfill the Law.
One should help anyone regardless, but allowing criminals to reside in your country is to be directly responsible for people becoming victims of them.

You are strawmanning very very hard.
Nobody has ever knocked on my door for help as of yet, and 99% of those 'refugees' aren't in need of any help.
They are only hungry and thirsty because they decided to cross the bloody Sahara and after that the Mediterranean Sea in search for free shekels and rapeable women.

You advocate for loving the migrants, but not:

The people they rape.
The people they kill.
The people who are forced to pay their welfare benefits (the Bible also says a man who doesn't work shouldn't eat).
The people stuck in their home country who are now defenseless since all the men pissed off to another country.
The legitimate Christian victims who can't go to the migrant camps for fear of being raped and killed by the Muslims.
The people who are lead straight to Hell by Muslim teachings because their neighborhoods were overrun with mosques.

You can't just say "LOOK AT THESE PEOPLE YOU HAVE TO HELP THEM OR ELSE YOU ARE A BAD CHRISTIAN!!" without thinking about all of the people who are being hurt by your efforts to 'help.'

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Man, you people are so bad at rationalizing your own faith. A person who is hungry and thirsty needs help, period. Reasons are irrelevant, Christ certainly didn't say anything about reasons. You have 0 biblical evidence of what you're saying. Sure, there may be some in the old testament, but not in the new.

Most of them don't though. Your disobeying your God by not giving them the coat off your back.

It is evil to endorse invasions that destroy a nation and its people. It doesnt matter that the invaders get hungry and thirsty between drug deals and rapes, they are still invaders and must be thrown out, just like I would throw out anyone who got into my house uninvited.

No, because we have to obey the laws of the land. And because mass immigration (legal or illegal) is NOT good for our neighbors, ourselves, our families or communities, or the homeless, for dozens of reasons I'm sure you're aware of already.
So we have the legal argument, and the moral argument on our side.

The more you post, the more you start to sound lime the typical /r/Atheism gremlin.

It doesn't help that you're literally just ignoring the Old Testament by your own parameters.

Of course they should be humanely treated as their bags get packed and they are shipped off to a safe area in their country.
No one is denying they should be humanely treated.


This is one of the worst heresies of the modern age, the idea that you have to give aid and comfort to anyone who sticks out their hand because God says 'love your neighbor.' It's patronizingly simplistic, fails to take into account unintended consequences, treats all acts as though they exist in a vacuum, uses a childish definition of love that boils down to 'be nice,' and, conveniently, only requires that you love whatever group of people the speak happens to be advocating for, AT THE EXPENSE of people they are not advocating for.

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I love people who bait Zig Forums to show their true colors. Scratch a Christanon, find a non-Christian.

good luck with that, OP


such arguments
so amaze
debate shutted
very reasonings
no proofs
vitcorious vitcory
such lazy

The proof is the mental gymnastics in this thread. The age old "anyone we let into this country is a rapist and welfare queen" bullshit that uses Zig Forums-like infinitesimal statistics to "prove" that brown people don't belong in Europe/USA.

The Christian thing to do is to welcome the strangers in and not make presuppositions; but if you scratch a Christanon, you always find a non-Christian. Zig Forums is showing its true presence on this board and its true desire to subvert and destroy this board with its poison fruit.

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Even though I'm sure this is a shill thread with crap responses to make a false sense of superiority. Let me take the time to properly educate you on our faith, since you obviously don't know the faith, either through willful ignorance or being a protty.

1. Any calls to charity are done on the individual level. This means that though we are encouraged, it is to be done according to availability and to spiritual brothers and sisters (Deu 16.17; 1Jn 3.16). If done at a parish level, a separate collection is done to acquire those moneys for missionary purposes.
2. We live in such a time where the world is active run by satanists. In fact, in the current time of the church every criteria for just war is met except for a call from clergy to assemble, which hasn't happened due to pressure from those same satanists.
3. There is canon allowing people to adopt others, and in those canons, its explicit in the caretakers taking responsibility of the actions of these beggars. A refusal to accept responsibility, by those very same satanists doing so on our own tax dollars, makes them complicit in not just the initial thievery but the malfeasance of those they import.
4. These people aren't our neighbors by choice, but by the conspiracy noted above.
5. These people aren't innocent, nor do they wish to convert. The fact that they refuse to work by being fed by our tax dollars via the aforementioned conspiracy makes both parties guilty on another level of thievery. (2Th 3.10)
6. Due to the aforementioned, you are making an argument from silence, by taking Jesus' holy word and corrupting it to attempt carte blanche on the destruction not just of the west, but of the church entirely. This makes you especially dishonest since you claim to be of the faith.

Spotted the non-Christian. You obviously started this thread as a D&C attempt.

Tolerating violence, rape and theft does not equal love. Nowhere did Christ imply we should allow evil.

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L'chaim, kike. (Act 7.43; Rev 2.10, 3.10; Amo 5.26)

I will pray for you.

So evidence that you can't refute so instead you try to manipulate us trough morality
Facts over feelings my friends Zig Forums

The mere fact that the proponents of multiculturalism and diversity have failed to provide any evidence to support their position and that there's no single "diverse" or "multicultural" society that has been succesfull in comparison with homogenous ones.

God separate us when he destroyed the tower of Babel for a reason, yes he asked to be humble at heart but not to the point of SUICIDE.

also this: jasss.soc.surrey.ac.uk/16/3/7.html

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Satan speaks many tongues i see.

Every "redpill" you drop proves that you're just another Zig Forumsack trying to subvert and destroy this board. I'm sorry your "le kike on a stick" memes didn't stop this board, but I can smell Zig Forums like a fart in a car. You have no power here.

You are literally retarded.

Hey, OP. A lot of anons here are recovering Zig Forumsacks so be patient and no words over two syllables. God Bless

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If you're going to pull the Babel card, you might want to stop speaking English. The English language didn't exist at that time and your use of it proves that you want to assimilate cultures that God supposedly separated.

I don't recall Jesus to destroy your country and kill your descendants by importing millions of third world low IQ savages. I do recall the Bible saying there will be nations until the end of days. And nations have borders. I do recall several references to Jews as the Synagogue of Satan. You know , the Jews behind the "refugee crisis". Jesus wanted us to protect the flock. Arguing we should let in the wolves makes you a servant of satan.

If the Church Fathers were around today you'd call them Zig Forumsacks, too.

You mean the same Church Fathers who crossed borders - sometimes illegally? Those same Church Fathers who went against the Babel narrative in order to learn other languages? Those exact same Church Fathers who preached love and brotherhood among ALL nations?

No, they weren't Zig Forumsacks. Don't use them to justify your own sickness and hardness of heart.

Yes, those Church Fathers who were theocrats, mystics, patriarchs, traditionalists, who supported strict gender roles, feudalism, the death penalty, slavery, patriotism and a million other "problematic" things. Yes, those ones.

If you are seriously telling me that St. Augustine would support modern mass immigration then you clearly do not know St. Augustine. He would describe it as absurd, rash and intensely illogical, for it is based solely on the movement of capital, the fulfilment of animal desires and the anthropomorphic values of an atheistic Enlightenment, not on love of God.

Or, would you suggest St. Leo was wrong in turning back Attila the Hun? Should he have welcomed him as a brother? Should he have laid down his cloak for him as he marched into Rome?

And that pesky Charles of Martel who repelled the Mohammedans are Tours – what a bigot!

Fine – give women and children their bread and water – but do not pretend for a second that this is what welcoming refugees into Europe actually is. You aren't there in Italy or Spain or France where these things are occurring; you do not know the brutality of these migrants; your sister hasn't been raped, nor your brother killed. And if you think Christ is sat on His throne frowning at those of us who wish to turn these people away, wary of their blasphemous ways and violent demeanour, you must be insane. Christ tells us to welcome the stranger, but Christ also tells us to carry a sword, to die for our friends and to not cast pearls before swine.

It may surprise you to know that the Church fathers werent a bunch of blacks looking for dem gibs

You're really comparing a conquering army to people fleeing a decade long civil war? Your racism has hardened your heart so much that you honestly believe refugees are conquerors. I will pray for you, but I won't suffer your foolishness.

They are a conquering army, they are already destroying the nations and replacing the popuoation. There are no POOOOOR REFUGEES, just a bunch of -~30 yo black men who start running towards da gibs the moment they set foot on the country.

According to the U.N. – a liberal body – >80% of the migrants coming to Europe are battle-aged men (i.e., between the ages of 16 and 40). These people, in your eyes, are refugees?

I don't need to go into the thousands of accounts of sexual assault, violence and crime these people are responsible for – look down on Zig Forums all you like, they don't get their claims from nowhere. I can attest even in my own city in England that these people are unruly, violent and dangerous. They would destroy you before you had any chance to tell them about Jesus.

However it is true that it is not a fair conparison. Im sure Attila was much more educated and was less wild

So, you can't be a refugee if you're an adult male? Interesting. I'll keep that in mind. Indulge me … if your country decided to draft you into military service to engage in an unjust and sinful war, would you leave your country? Maybe go to another country … as a refugee from a war you don't believe to be right?

How about Israel and Turkey take them. They are closer.

So now all those are poor drafted people. I wonder to what point we can take you with your excuses. Why would anyone ever believe the stupidity you just said?

These men are fleeing whilst their women and children stay, you fool. Were they true "refugees," as you say, then there would be no mass accounts of violence. Yet, the accounts exist across the board. What does this mean? It means that, regardless of their particular reasons for deserting their countrymen, they are overwhelmingly to be distrusted. Even progressive groups who have vowed to help them have stopped doing so on account of their violence, as we've seen in Calais recently.

Were I to be drafted etc., I would appeal to the Church as a whole, or move to the safest neighbouring land temporarily as opposed to marching thousands of miles to lands where I am guaranteed free money. I, also, would avoid acting violently. Such sense is lost on the Mohammedans, seemingly.

Turkey has 3,545,293 registered Syrian refugees.
Israel has about 42,000 refugees from Africa.

Might want to do a little research.

These people existed for millenia in the same perpetual strife, yet now they seek comfort in the efforts of another? 2Th 3.10, loser.

You think the Syrian civil war has gone on for millennia?

Islamic infighting has been happening perpetually since the seventh century.


So has Christian infighting. What's your point?

Here's some context on "give the coat off your back" - it's not to anyone who asks for it, it's to the creditor that demands your tunic and there's a specific point being made. Pic related, it addresses the whole section, coat-giving included.

How cool, another one of my posts ended up in an infographic, I was the post at the top of that one.

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ITT: Zig Forums and Zig Forums both trying to undermine Zig Forums, but got caught in each others shenanigans and start bickering

I didn't make the point, did, it being that issues in Islamic societies are endemic to them being Islamic, and that Muslims seeking hand-outs from other nations will not actually aide them. This implies an important point: What truly helps these people? Will allowing them into countries only for money actually help them, or is there another solution? Pro-immigration folk like yourself seem to believe that subsidising their migration produces a net positive in terms of their well-being, yet there is little evidence for this (not to mention the fact that the cost alone – not monetary, but in terms of violence and disorder – makes it questionable enough). Do we consider well-being only in terms of animal needs such as food and water, or should we also consider the spiritual aspect to all of this?

Firstly, virtually all of these migrants are Sunni Muslims, i.e., pagans, who are going to Hell whether or not they migrate to the West. If we truly loved them, we'd wish for their conversion to Christianity. When they migrate, however, they form enclaves and ghettos, keeping themselves to themselves and outside influences – excepting capital – out. Perhaps they would stand a better chance at converting living in proximity to our Arabic Christian brothers (leaving out the fact that Arab and Middle-Eastern Christians generally are being systematically bred out of existence by their Muslim neighbours, e.g., Egypt, Turkey, etc.).

Secondly, what spiritual good does mass immigration do to host countries? Lower social trust, violent outbursts and increasing segregation are several of the wondrous fruits of this sort of population activity, none of which help anyone – neither native nor foreign. How can people cooperate when their very metaphysical underpinnings are different? Surely you aren't ignorant of the fact that the general feeling of religions are different; the style or genre of spirituality relays its deepest aspects, and it is clear that there is a stark contrast between Christianity and Islam, not dissimilar to the the contrast between the religion of the Israelites and the idolatrous religions of their ancient neighbours.

What you are suggesting is that we mix and match regardless of the consequences – the future be damned. This betrays a deep ignorance of Christ's words on welcoming strangers. Whilst indeed loving acts are objective, meaning that their value is immediate and intrinsic, if later consequences produce hatred and sin, can the immediate well-intentioned act really be called good? Of course not. Christians are called to be loving, not stupid, and where love in one instance produces later sin, perhaps an approach which avoids that later sin (in this case the mass Islamification of Europe) should be explored.

These migrants should stay in their homelands, fix their broken societies and eventually be converted to Christianity. Shipping them elsewhere does not fix their homelands, mend their broken societies nor convert them. It only causes chaos.

If you take in 3,000,000 refugees and 25,000 of them are violent criminals; that is literally a net positive. People ITT are speaking as though every single one of them are violent rapists when, statistically, that simply isn't true. It's like saying that the 1% of Christians who are serial killers means all Christians are serial killers.

I do agree that there's a sense of isolationism and fear whenever a large group migrates to a new country. My family was part of the Irish wave to the US and, believe me, people really, really didn't want us here. We were treated no better than the mass Syrian migration that's happening now.

You can't stay in your homeland when there is no food, your house got bombed into a crater, and someone's holding a very large gun to your head and telling you to gtfo. It would be very unChristian of us to tell them to go back to that, knowing they would die.

Indeed. Where real help is possible temporary migration should occur, but the fact is that the present nature of migration to Europe is exceptional and unique in history. What is being risked isn't merely suffering people, but the mass Islamification – i.e., un-Christianisation – of Europe. Arguably it would only complete the Enlightenment project, but it is nevertheless an undesirable thing which can't simply be accept because "muh charity." It isn't charitable at all to replace populations, destroy hundreds churches in the future and brain-drain Middle-Eastern countries who need gifted folk.

People are only thinking about this problem in the short term. They need to think about it in the long term; not regarding the next twenty years, but the next two hundred. That is the crux of the issue. Using the pretence of love as an excuse to cause future calamity is a truly grave evil.

It's funny cause it's true

OP BTFO multiple times, how will he ever recover?

Foreign aid is also charitable. Even better is the fact that you get to keep your nation with your kinsmen.

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It's uncharitable to make others suffer the consequences of your terrible actions. If you want a Mexican stranger to live with you and your family, then go ahead. But don't try to force others pay for the consequences in the long run.

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This tbh. The idea that the only way to help foreigners is to let them into our countries is absurd. Of course the people pushing these ideas don’t give a crap about third world countries, they just want to destroy the West.

Jesus later went on to talk about divorce, so the context of Loving your enemy was in personal interactions, it's different when you're pushing this on a Governmental entity that is suppose to protect the country.

Post all your banking info OP, I'm asking you for it. By your own logic you MUST give it to me or renounce Christianity I'd be fine if instead you just renounced posting forever and stop spreading your mental illness tbh

Every single "refugee" registered with any western country lives on the public doll, every single one. No need to even get into the statistics of how much public money is expended by standard immigrants, legal or illegal. The amount of money available to any foreigner willing to stick his hand out but not to my own immiserated countrymen in my nation alone is obscene.

But your counterfactual idea that every one of the MILLIONS who are invading the western world would die is totally false, and EVERY foreigner, even "law-abiding" ones, disrupts our societies is a net negative, the 3,000,000 "refugees" do far more damage than the 25,000 criminals. The problem is you're a de-racinated mutt with no concept of loyalty, to think that the needs of people jet-setting to the other side of the world to collect gibs demands the same concern as your suffering countrymen from a christian perspective is risible. They were right not to want you perfidious potatoes, just look at what their goodwill and charity bought them, generations later and still you're eager to hand away their birthright.

Scratch a liberal "Christian", find a liberal atheist. "Not in the new!!!!!" winnie the pooh faggot isn't even Christian, he thinks Jesus abolished the old testament's laws SMDH.

This. Love your NEIGHBOR. You have to decide what you love more, the welfare of your family and country who you actually live and form a community with, or the unending horde of foreigners who will always be willing to take advantage of them. The eternal cuck wonders "The family next door or the entire population of Eritrea, hmmm… who is my neighbor?"

Basically this, liberal politics is the systematization of replacing personal love for the people in your life, for the impersonal funneling of wealth to strangers, for the benefit of the powerful.

Most of the "Refugees" are economic migrants who (((someone))) has spun a tale of a land of rainbows and gold and then ships them here by the boatload

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This x10000000000.

You need to understand colloquialism, a person should turn the other cheek in day to day life but in a war, in which they are not simply defending themselves but their families and indeed even their entire country they should not "turn the cheek". The code of conduct for individuals and entire countries is different, individual should be charitable to other individuals but and entire country should not be charitable to another at the expense of it's own civilians, it is not loving your neighbour to worsen the lives of your own people i.e. neighbours. Even on the individual level it's not as simple as you misleadingly portray it to be. For example; the Bible tells us to follow the law of the land, yes. But If said law is contrary to the law of God, then obviously we should follow prioritise the law of God over the law of the land. In a similar vein, if you have one neighbour who is peaceful, and another who is a violent criminal, you should prioritize the well-being of the peaceful one over the criminal.

tl;dr you are a neopagan larper deliberately misinterpreting scripture to discredit Christianity

To me it's a bit like finding squaters or gypsies on your property
