Goldman Sachs: Curing Cancer Is Not A Sustainable Business Model, Goyim!


Curing patients of terminal illnesses, such as cancer, is not a “sustainable business model,” according to a new report by banking giant Goldman Sachs that suggests curing patients is not profitable enough, unlike “long-term treatment.”

The investment firm also urged investors to resist backing pioneering “gene therapy” treatments as “one-shot cures” are bad for business in the long term.

In a report entitled “The Genome Revolution,” the worlds fifth largest bank asks: “Is curing patients a sustainable business model?”

Analyst Salveen Richter wrote in the note to clients Tuesday says that long-term treatments garner far more revenue than “one-shot cures,” saying:

“The potential to deliver ‘one-shot cures’ is one of the most attractive aspects of gene therapy, genetically-engineered cell therapy, and gene editing.

“However, such treatments offer a very different outlook with regard to recurring revenue versus chronic therapies.

“While this proposition carries tremendous value for patients and society, it could represent a challenge for genome medicine developers looking for sustained cash flow.”

According to CNBC, Richter cited Gilead Sciences’ treatments for hepatitis C, which achieved cure rates of more than 90 percent.The company’s U.S. sales for these hepatitis C treatments peaked at $12.5 billion in 2015, but have been falling ever since.

Goldman estimates the U.S. sales for these treatments will be less than $4 billion this year, according to a table in the report.

“GILD is a case in point, where the success of its hepatitis C franchise has gradually exhausted the available pool of treatable patients,” the analyst wrote.

“In the case of infectious diseases such as hepatitis C, curing existing patients also decreases the number of carriers able to transmit the virus to new patients, thus the incident pool also declines…

“Where an incident pool remains stable (eg, in cancer) the potential for a cure poses less risk to the sustainability of a franchise.”
There has been one previous thread about this article.

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Other urls found in this thread:

How to prevent cancer from growing:
1) Cut off ALL processed sugar from your diet. This includes anything with toxic additives too.
2) Start taking high quality curcumin and vitamin supplements.
3) Boost your intake of Vitamin C, some look into intravenous injection of Vitamin C, but do your research on that.
4) Do not take chemo radiation 'therapy' its a scam.
5) Get plenty of fresh air, sunlight and take naps.
6) Organic bone broth. Use this for chicken soup stock.
7) Heavy metal detox recommended. (You can do this cheaply by mixing water with baking soda (pure sodium bicarbonate) to reduce acidic PH levels, and it will help absorb toxins within your body and easily dispose of them. Doctors used to recommend this a very long time ago but stopped after medicine became corrupted by the Big Pharma industry).

There. Cancer won't grow anymore, or it will at least slow it down so significantly you'll barely notice it.

The treatment will be available for the elites. The plebs must carry on with long-term treatments. I wonder what the end-game is, the elites already have pretty much everything.

What is the ratio of baking soda to water?

They recommend 1/2 teaspoon per 4oz of water, that's the recommended instructions on the box. Up to 4 times per day.

kill us all off and replace us with robots>>691743

elitist snob mentality

anti-slide 314`3 4 `141

anti-slide 332

stop sliding my threads

stop sliding my threads

Where is the old thread that rightfully points out Hitler was a fucking saint.

Please name the article. I don't recall. If its 404'd I can find it in my collection and re-post anytime.

OK, I think I *might have found what you are looking for:

This article doesn't talk about Hitler. But it does expose a lot of kikery (under the guise of "fascism" but I extended that to communism and zionism for more honest clarity for the readers).

Remember this life saver. Archive it. Learn about it. Know it. You can prevent cancer, (((THEY))) just don't want you knowing it!

I learned how to use youtube-dl recently and am getting some great alternative health channels backed up. Will eventually upload to other alternative video hosting sites.

They started attacking Zig Forums after this was posted.

we know what they're trying to hide

Oh, you were forewarned
As you ridiculed, mocked and scorn
you thought you were invincible
till the lying devil struck you with his horns
now your dying, and your crying out for help
but save your last breath, you clearly got what you have dealt

Goldman Sacks….White Christian Males?

the deck was stacked from the start

Basically impossible for anyone living in the West rn

Vitamin C is a prooxidant you nigger. It increases your chances of developing cancer the same way antioxidants reduce it.
In other words, you're just parroting shit you've heard without actually understanding whether it will really help you at all. Especially seeing as there are no studies that have found any verifiable health benefits to that curcumin you mentioned.

You want to reduce your chances of cancer? Eat antioxidant foods, avoid food dyes and nitrates/nitrites so the nitrosation and islet accumulation don't damage your digestive cells and pancreas, and quit masturbating so that the androgen release doesn't inhibit your NK cells. Then go back to ignoring all those things because you have the willpower of a wet paper towel.

What did he mean by this?

Neither of us are experts on cancer, are we?

I came here with exalted knowledge to share.
The cure to cancer is Sodium Bicarbonate. Also known as your average table baking soda.
As stupid as it seems, I do not care whether you like it or not - truth stands for itself and I am not here to debate with mundanes lacking in stimulation.

If you're still with me you might ask for the dosage. I cannot prescribe specifics but you may start with 1/4 tsp (teaspoon) everyday - 1/8 tsp if anxious about it. Just mix it with water but make sure it is pure Sodium Bicarbonate, fresh, and sealed tight inside a container and stored with accordance to product guidelines otherwise the taste would degrade due to its ability to purify air and absorb bad odors.
Avoid taking in quite a lot of these as it may cause indigestion due to its ability to neutralize stomach acid and if you eat a lot of 'raw' meant you should probably avoid this.

A healthier choice would be eating cakes or doughnuts that aren't leavened by yeast - or any bread in general which uses the same leavening agent.
Avoid yeasty and moldy foods as they can be a source of cancer - especially those of the darker colored molds.
meme virus - funny how people believe in memes without a second thought. It might be true and miraculous to an extent but the effect itself might favor some people's interests. Eat that black mold while you can goyim.

Try to minimize sugar consumption (believe it or not sugar can get moldy) and throw all of it when you suspect dark parts as mold outbreak or if they smell bad.
Minimize starch consumption and don't buy that raw potato starch craze they tell you. If you have onset cancer or diabetes then feeding your bad candida yeast raw starch would drastically accelerate them and come out of your gut to cause cancer.

You have my approval to screencap this. Sharing is caring.

Attached: screenshot-a96ae05f-3a94-4861-915b-5c904e0c1985-2018.10.10-08-10-28(2).png (969x4041, 2.38M)

YES. Curcumin also slows down cancer growth.

Attached: CANCER-CURE-002.png (1052x370, 93.77K)

Attached: CANCER-CURE-001.png (1057x467, 96.2K)

Will be making a new thread on the cure for cancer @ >>>/prepare/

Both comments will be included:

They hate the truth, but the truth is coming out.

Are you retarded?

You ph level can be acidic, and sodium bicarbonate DOES help curb acidity so fuck off smartass.

You are an idiot, just admit you misspoke dude.

Yes, I mispoke, but I hope people would realize what I meant.

What are you, a female? People should just "get" it? Fuck off you anime brained faggot

THE CURE FOR CANCER: >>>/prepare/53 |

Your an idiot if you think that was deliberate. I type fast and mixed up a few words. Big God damn deal. You can fuck off.

The (((free market))) at work.

The FREE MARKET also has real cures, if you know where to look: >>>/prepare/53

milton friedman is rolling in his grave at what passes for free market in the US. since an essential part of free market is not propping up monopolies but you all fucked that up with your car companies and giving out tax breaks to the largest companies to make sure they keep a grip

Bailouts and govt subsidies didn't help either.

Capitalism works great as long as the govt can't pick winners and losers.

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THE CURE FOR CANCER: >>>/prepare/53 |

Don't allow Big Pharma to steal your savings and scam you.

Replace the word "dinosaurs" with "eternal trans-humanist beings" and it would be much more accurate. Yes, the elites are actually THAT crazy they are trying and testing this kind of DNA-modification (usually kept secret in fortified underground labs with high security standards).