I'm the same guy who posts questions that could be troll posts and says I am not trolling...

I'm the same guy who posts questions that could be troll posts and says I am not trolling, or something with a similar meaning. I am not trolling you. I'm curious to your beliefs as to why god is not even slightly evil if he controls everything and evil happens. I mean, according to the Bible he caused the fall of Lucifer and the falls of Adam and Eve. So, tell me Zig Forums how do you reconcile these beliefs and (I don't know what to exactly call them, the "I mean, according to the Bible he caused the fall of Lucifer and the falls of Adam and Eve." so I'll call it:) information?

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God created a space of possibilities, the multiplicity that we partially perceive as "the universe". Evil is a possibility within this space since it arises from free-will that acts in opposition to God's will.

He didn't cause it directly, he created the possibility for it by generating the world of possibilities, and Eve took action and turned a possibility into an actuality via her will power.

Does this help? A carpenter can build a house for you, with all good intentions. If you decide to turn the basement into a torture chamber that's your own evil, you can't blame the carpenter.

This thread gets replies but mine doesnt

This is a slow board, calm down. You sound paranoid.

hahaha you read my post. thank you. it feels good knowing someone out there is listening

But what about things that don't arise from freewill like the negative parts of all things (like when you say pros and cons)? Why create the possibility of evil? Isn't that just asking for trouble?
There's no way he didn't cause evil if he controls everything and there is evil within everything.
That does not help, but it does demonstrate your stupidity or your willingness to be intellectually dishonest in order to protect god.

But thank you for trying, I presume you gave some effort and I hope you are just stupid and not lying to yourself.

In regards to the insults I slung, this is a chan website after all and you should have a thick skin and know not to return the insults from using these websites.

And I mean like if he's controlling me right now isn't he sending me to hell by making me an atheist? That doesn't sound very good. That sounds evil.

you're a meanie

I am very evil, but I try to be polite when I talk to people. Isn't that sin? If God controls everything he is the largest cause of this as I have no choice but to perform his will?

I forgot to write "and you're a pussy", pussy.

Another way to think about it is like this:
God is perfect
Creation implies separation
separation from perfection implies imperfection
thus, from imperfection stems evil, suffering, disaster, etc.

These things act as trials and tests for us, when people practice evil others are called to practice the good. Those who endure to the end will have a great reward, those who fail will not.

Because you can't create Up without a Down, a Left without a Right, Cold without Hot. We live in the world of multiplicity and in order to have free-will the possibility of evil must exist. Since we are made in God's image we have the ability to choose, we have the ability to understand right from wrong, etc.
God made us for the good, to love and to be loved. But you can't have Up without Down, so evil has to be a possibility for us, otherwise we would not be authentic individuals.

I might be stupid but I always try to be honest and avoid self-deception.

Keep searching, I had similar questions years ago too, before I reverted back to Christ.

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If he's omnipotent he can do anything. He can make a square circle. He can make a female man. He can cause a virgin birth. He can cause or make creation separated but perfect. Your god is evil. And good, there's good stuff in the Universe too. But he's also evil. He's a mix. An insane man. He births his son one day and kills entire species the next. When are we really going to feel the sting from your god?

"Because you can't create Up without a Down, a Left without a Right, Cold without Hot. We live in the world of multiplicity and in order to have free-will the possibility of evil must exist. Since we are made in God's image we have the ability to choose, we have the ability to understand right from wrong, etc.

God made us for the good, to love and to be loved. But you can't have Up without Down, so evil has to be a possibility for us, otherwise we would not be authentic individuals."
He can do anything at all. He can make only up or only down. So really, answer my goddamn question: why create evil or even the possibility of evil?

And why is our reward for worshiping Jesus just going to a city in the sky? If I were in charge, I would give you whatever you wanted. Even if you wanted to kill me (no lies) or be in the city in the sky.
Now, I'm not entirely sure that I would let you kill me, because this situation hasn't come to pass yet, but when ex girlfriend tried to kill me I just lay there and let her. SO I'm thinking if you said you wanted it I'd let you.

And if you don't believe God could do everything, even the impossible things like resurrection, you're not true Christian and I want you to get the winnie the pooh out of here because I want a true Christian to explain to me why God isn't evil.

My mom, doesn't believe in the Bible completely. Her beliefs almost make sense, but they sure as hell make more sense than what I'm hearing here.

Too pussy to answer me? Maybe your "God" will, he talks a lot, doesn't he?

Because it also creates the maximum possible good. Much good arises from the creation of evil, God himself subverts evil acts and turns them into even greater goods. The crucifixion of Christ becoming the salvation of all humanity being the prime example

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Why not create even a better maximum of good without evil? If he's Omnipotent he can do anything. Are you saying God, Yahweh, or Jesus is not omnipotent? Heretic.

This isn't true, it's a logically incoherent view of omnipotence. It's fundamentally paradoxical. I think the problem is you've constructed a strawman God in your head that doesn't make any sense and when people try to explain things you just use this paradoxical omnipotence to say "Nuh uh! God could do something that doesn't make sense!". So if you're claiming God can do nonsensical things why are you demanding a logically coherent argument? Yours isn't.

Is the Bible wrong? Did some heretic write it? The bible states that the LORD controls everything.

Omnipotent means having all powers, a power is the ability to do something. All powers include the power to make a square circle. "With God all things are possible" said Jesus. He is directly implying that God can do impossible things and/or that god can do anything. You're wrong. I'm right. Just is, now go back and suck the Jesu-cock.

You don't understand what omnipotence is, that's your stumbling point. We know of at least one thing God cannot do, Sin. Does the fact God cannot sin mean his power is limited?

Here's the relevant part of the Summa where Thomas Aquinas addresses your point:

Now you're just preaching and not even listening. We understood your question from the beginning, no need to rant and be rude.

Because he is free to do as he pleases, he created man in his image so we attained some of his powers, the freedom to choose between Good and Evil.
He knew the fall would happen anyway, that's why there is the contingency plan of salvation. God gives us second, third, and fourth chances, chances after chances to redeem ourselves.
All evil will be reconciled and dealt with justly in the end, all good will be rewarded, the balances will be fair.

The fact that we are tested for a few years on earth is nothing to have an existential crisis about, the real problem is losing your soul eternally by doing evil and separating yourself from God on purpose.

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Yes, his power is limited because he cannot sin. If you cannot do something you do not have that power.

Sin is a defect. It's not a power. Lacking a defect is not a real "limitation" because a defect is a lack of being or a degeneration of being. It's like lacking in "ignorance", no problem here. Ignorance is not a power neither is Sin, it's a lack of power, deprivation of being.

Some things are simply incoherent or impossible no matter how much power you have. You could convert all the mass in the universe to energy but it still wouldn't give you enough power to breach the speed of light. God can create entire universes ex nihilo and this one we inhabit was the one with the maximum potential for good. Any change God could've made would've resulted in a universe with less potential good. That's simply the way it is.

">All confess that God is omnipotent; but it seems difficult to explain in what His omnipotence precisely consists: for there may be doubt as to the precise meaning of the word 'all' when we say that God can do all things. If, however, we consider the matter aright, since power is said in reference to possible things, this phrase, "God can do all things," is rightly understood to mean that God can do all things that are possible; and for this reason He is said to be omnipotent." Okay, why did he give us such a shitty priest that couldn't explain or correctly and sufficiently define "omnipotence" or "all-powerful". This is apparently a matter of the greatest important. You'd think if he was perfect he would have known how important it was and he would send the best priest (or at least one who knew to and would define the goddamn word) or wait until the best priest (or at least one who knew to and would define the goddamn word) was able to write it.

No, my ability to winnie the pooh for reasons other than procreation is also an ability to sin. This ability to winnie the pooh is a power. If god can't sin then he doesn't have the power to sin. However if he just doesn't sin, but is able to sin then he is more likely to be omnipotent. Is that what you're trying to say? That he has the power to sin, but it isn't in his nature?

And how do you know this? Do you have all the necessary data for that conclusion? Because you have to have a lot more data, than we as a species, have now.

Sorry, somehow god changed my words from winnie the pooh to winnie the pooh instead of changing my mind like a goddamn more perfect being would do.

God is the font of all goodness in creation. He created the universe that would contain the most good because He is pure goodness. We have all the data we need. Learning how the physical universe works is irrelevant for everything but understanding how to control it and create new technologies.

God has all-power. But his desire is all-good, so he doesn't use his power for evil/defective, ignorant or delusional behavior.

But the Bible states numerous times that he controls everything and there is evil in the world. Even if we have free will he is in control of us thus our choices are really his choices. So again, how can there be evil in the world but God also be good.

He allows us to exercise our will, that doesn't mean he is responsible for it. Our agency is our own.

There is no such thing as evil in a godless world.
Evil is freely acting against God's will, against the Good.

I meant f u c k

Because evil comes from man, specifically evil is rejection of God and moving away from Him, not towards Him.

This isn't even remotely true and shows you have a laughably poor grasp on philosophy. If you make a decision, then I go back in time with the knowledge you will make that decision, how does my knowledge of your decision mean I'm "controlling" you or culpable for your action? Very poor argument.

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Haha, you're so stupid you can't understand what that means? Your god or your computer programs suck

This is impossible the Universe is entirely mechanical in nature. When you drop an object in a gravity field it gravitates toward the center of the gravity field. When you see a stimuli it dictates a response. Do you guys not understand it? Because it is demonstrable and observable.

Again, he causes everything. Why cause the evil to manifest? Why cause Lucifer to rebel?

Oh only from man? What about Lucifer? Or do you not believe in him? You are an idiot. Don't reply again.

It's not his knowledge you winnie the pooh moron. It's his ability and exercisation of the ability to control everything. This has nothing to do with his omniscience, only his omnipotence and his controlling of everything.

You guys are either controlling me, or you got hit on the head worse than I did.

Satan would have no power on Earth if it wasn't for the fallen state of man. It all comes back to humanity willingly disconnecting itself from God.

God not infringing on your free exercise of will doesn't make him culpable for your actions.

No. I can allow someone to smoke, without being the direct cause of their smoking. I can allow someone to win a race, without being morally responsible for their achievement.

If you don't accept free-will then you have bigger problems to worry about than gravity and stimuli. Keep thinking and seeking.

He doesn't need to micromanage every event because he has a final solution for evil already in effect. All evil is subject to destruction and hellfire. All good will be retained into eternity and rewarded in his presence.

He allows us a few years on earth to be tested and to grow towards him, or to separate from him and seek our own destruction.

No the Bible says he cause it. CAUSES IT.

It also says he is fully righteous, there is no darkness or evil in him. So you have to get the total picture, not just cherry picked verses. If God sends down destruction like in Sodom and Gomorrah then it is justified and not evil, although it is a huge calamity.

When it says "I form light and create darkness; I make well-being and create calamity; I am the LORD, who does all these things." - Isaiah 45:7 esv

This doesn't mean that God sins, but he creates the possibilities where such things arise. And in some cases he does cause calamities (flood, plagues, etc). But those are justified.

A book can say a fish is a monkey, but a fish ain't no monkey. How do you know he creates possibilities and does not cause things as apposed to what the bible teaches (that he causes all things)?

already answered.

Don't cherry pick 1 verse, read full contexts, read multiple verses, realize what's going on.

Okay, why can only Jesus create his own food? Surely you're not gonna argue that that is good.

Mothers create milk for their babies.

Breast milk comes from the food that you eat. She can't create bread to continue to produce breast milk. You are winnie the pooh stupid.

Jesus created food out of food. Try again.

Nesessary evil. Without it there would be no conflicts and honestly no good story. Every author will have one in their story and to no surprise our god made it so. Its not interesting if there is nothing to overcome. Not a theological view just a random thought. Take it as you will

Evil is the absence of good, good becomes absent in man due as the result of internal disorder, which man himself has arrived at using his own free will. As discordance increases, divine nature is suffocated. At moderate levels, this could be expressed as interrupting natural order to suit your own needs with high exclusivity, for example; at increasingly extreme levels (usually unnaturally high) it would be to disrupt any function in nature at all even at personal cost.

Read Augustine of Hippo, he's early church and a lot of his research on the matter carried down to the rest of Christianity, and also Western secular philosophy. If you are truly interested with sincerity and intellectual curiosity, that should assist you in your studies (on multiple subjects even). You can also read, although he's more on the Catholic side but still of interest, Thomas Aquinas who also talked about the nature of evil (in amidst his other scholarly work).

I doubt that, if you were you would be too dis-concordant to be able to post here, at least without assistance of some kind.

I don't really agree with the proposition. It would be well and good for the divine to be reflected as perfectly as possible.

This makes perfect sense if you believe that God is a truly neutral and indifferent creator. I don't know what to believe, personally, but I don't like the idea that of such a cold and unfeeling high power.

*but I don't like the idea of a higher power who is so cold and unfeeling
I am having a hard time formulating sentences today, please forgive me.

He created food out of thin air. He had a few bits of bread and fish, but even if he created them only with other food we can't multiply our food which is my point. God is an evil winnie the pooh cunt.

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OP is a faggot. Let's leave it at that.

Matthew 7:6
Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.

Proverbs 23:9
Speak not in the ears of a fool: for he will despise the wisdom of thy words.

Revelation 22:14-15
Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.

Matthew 22:13-14
Then said the king to the servants, Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and cast him into outer darkness; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

For many are called, but few are chosen.

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This is where your false dilemma comes in. The options presented are not in the Bible at all.

Was pain, suffering, evil all part of God's plan? No, it wasn't. So why did he allow it. For two simple reasons: Sovereignty and Integrity.

When the snake(Satan) approached Eve again he told her that God was lying and that she WOULD NOT DIE if she ate the fruit. That she would know good and evil and become like God herself. That's why Satan's name is Satan the Devil. It's not his real name. Nobody knows his real name. Satan means "Slanderer" and Devil means Rebel. He was the first to lie, the first to slander and blasphem God, and the first to rebel. Why did Satan want Adam, Eve, and himself to rebel? Because of Sovereignty. The right to rule. Satan STOLE God's sovereignty over humanity by tricking Adam and Eve that THEY would be their own sovereigns themselves by knowing good and evil and "become like God." They would govern themselves and decide their own moral code. God could have destroyed the rebels but he chose not to so they could present their challenge.

These were all challenges to God's sovereignty. So God stepped back, let mankind rule themselves, while the devil secretly ruled them. God's challenge to them and all currently mankind is "prove it."


After Adam Eve, Cain Abel, Noah Flood, Sodom and Gomorrah and RIGHT BEFORE the rise of Moses and the 10 Plagues was the issue of Job. At the time JOB WAS THE ONLY GOD APPROVED PERSON ON EARTH. That's right, nobody was good on Earth except Job. Satan noticed that for a while there always continued to be humans loyal to God and wondered why. He reasoned up above that it was because God was bribing them with rewards, pleasures, and nice things. That humans were only loyal to God for rewards and not for sincere love of him. Satan challenged God in from of the angels to "thrust out your hand" and "hurt" him. Deny him all good things and watch as how Job turns against him. "Skin on behalf of skin" means that a man will throw away all of God's moral standards to save their own life. So God has allowed Satan to inflict pain and suffering on humanity to prove that humans will be loyal to God IN RETURN FOR NOTHING.

Good news though. This system of pain in suffering is almost over.

When your concept of afterlife is city in the sky and some prisons with cages, this means that you seriously need to educate yourself about the subject instead of posting some retarded pleb imaginations

This is lot of talk for a man who doesnt even know meanings of "Satan" and "devil". Also, winnie the pooh off with your retarded protestard """opinions"""

What's wrong with what I posted? Assuming your the OP I answered your original premise thoroughly.

1)No, im not OP
2)Diabolos (Devil) means slanderer, not "Satan". "Satan" doesnt mean "rebel", it means "enemy" and wasnt always exclusively used for devil.
3)I think you protestants give that guy more prestige than he could even dream of. I mean, I know stories about demons posing as false gods, but there you go, you outright named the guy as """sovereign"""" and actualopposite of God. (and before you throw "le master of this world" meme, educate yourself about its meaning instead of spewing gn*sticoid garbage. It means that devil influences world via sins of men. If sinister chancellor influences duchy of a retarded duke, that doesnt make chancellor dukes sovereign).
4)No, God didnt annihilate demons because "le challenge", he didnt,because God loves them just as rest of the creation. God is eternal and doesnt change his mind, he wont suddenly hate and destroy someone for "He Is Love"
5)Unironically using "Jehovah"
6)No, story of Job contains some of the "in return for nothing" part", but isnt the whole story. In fact, Job starts to complain, God answers him, but is forgiven.

Oh yes and the most important part. No its not about """Sovereignty and Integrity."""" and this is retarded
its about free will. You cannot be Image of God and supreme creation without free will.

Nice pride bro, im sure you know better than the Creator of All. He who IS Wisdom, IS Life, IS Logic, and IS Love definitely knows less than you, the creature He created. Nice undeveloped and inconsistent world view.

Again, He who IS Logic, the God who put into the world Law and Reason that we as His children could trust in it and understand it, you who want to make sense of it using that same Logic and Reason, are asking for Him to break what holds the cosmos together just for you. Ever think maybe your logic is flawed? That perhaps you have a false first premise? Pride and blindness

Take responsibility for your actions; your refusal to believe in the meaningfulness of youre decisions by trying to excuse a reason for a non existence of the Divine Will who judges fairly will not make His reality any less real, and the weight of your decisions any lighter. Take up your cross.

He did send the Best Priest, in the Order of Melchizidek, Jesus Christ, you big nerd.

All these questions you have for us just sound like you asking "Why did God create me, I who know how sinful and evil I am, why do I exist???"

Because He loves you bro, and wants to give life fully and unceasingly. He even allows poop to exist. Very kind of Him to allow poop to exist tbh.

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The devil is the true ruler of the entire world. Not God and not Jesus. All politicians, parties, regimes, corporations, and religions answer to him.

4)No, God didnt annihilate demons because "le challenge", he didnt,because God loves them just as rest of the creation.

They are destined to go to war with God and Jesus. They are destined to lose and be executed. God has no love for those that oppose him and bring cruelty to life.

Free will is automatically added into the issue of sovereignty and integrity. That's why God stepped back and allowed the rebels, Adam, Eve, and Satan, prove they can bring paradise to themselves. That wouldn't be possible without free will. It's to prove that humans have free will but they don't have ABSOLUTE free will. Only God has absolute free will. Animals, humans, and spirits only enjoy relative free will.

Integrity is not possible without free will. The question that Satan brought up was that any remaining human on earth that loves God was only out of selfish gain. Take away all the "blessings" and protection from those humans and watch as those humans use their free will to curse God and abandon him. Thus, proving that any human that continues to love God is only out of selfish intent.

The issue was:

Those issues involve free will to be used.

Enjoy your ban, redditor """theologian"""