Loving American Protestants

So i'm a cat, and I can't deny what's true is true. And on this board and elsewhere i've railed against protestants many times. But lately, I really have to say, i've totally fallen in love with (as a prefix american) protestants and just a lot of the culture and stuff. Not the theology, but gosh aren't they just they have the spirit of things in a sense so great. I honestly really love so much about it. I used to think worship music was bad, and well, I really love it now. Even "Here I am Lord", which was written by a cat in seminary is a big worship song and so much more.

This isn't a debate thread or anything, all I can really say is that I really love the energy and I feel that their energy is amazing. Theologically/intellectually I have to disagree of course, but I do believe many of them really love the Lord, and it's amazing. Thanks you guys. I pray for the day we can be one again. Love you all

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They believe in a different Christ so…yeah. “Jehovah’s Witnesses” and Mormons can be very nice too, until you reject their faith.

Buddhists, however, are generally nice and the source of their faith isn’t anti-Catholicism.

On Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus:

This affirmation is not aimed at those who, through no fault of their own, do not know Christ and his Church:

Those who, through no fault of their own, do not know the Gospel of Christ or his Church, but who nevertheless seek God with a sincere heart, and, moved by grace, try in their actions to do his will as they know it through the dictates of their conscience - those too may achieve eternal salvation.

CCC 847

Possibly most Buddhists go to Heaven and certainly most Protestants go to Hell, therefore don’t exalt the latter.

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Scholasticism, folks…

is "cat" a filter for something

believe me, most buddhists go to hell (in my estimation). my ethnicity are the jews of buddhism, and believe me… you don't know the half of it.

listen, i read the church fathers, aquinas augustine and all that. Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus 100%.

i would say we have barely anything to learn from other religions, barely. a minority like augustine did from the neo platonists and all. but the protestants… listen academically yeah, it doesn't make sense. but their energy and vibe and culture and stuff, in at least 50% of the sense I really really love them.

i know i'd trash a post like this myself a couple months ago. anyways i really love you guys, your worship music, your enthusiasm etc. i could go on about our differences, but just wanted to say i love you guys.

cat is short for catholic

I spoke about the practice of Buddhism, in and of itself; Buddhism is not rooted in anti-Catholicism and that’s the key difference.

If Buddha existed (questionable since the earliests texts were written many centuries after his alleged death), Christ very likely looks at him favourably and it is not unsafe to assume that he is currently in Heaven; the opposite can surely be said about the founders of the Protestant religions, who all diabolically hated His Church.

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Oh, wow, i forgot about this catholic cat meme from here. I've been here way too long.

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This is because Buddists believe others are worshiping brahma or what their god is called, instead of YHWH, not because they're buddies with Catholics.
Prots don't hate the Church.

My point still stands: Buddhism was not born out of hatred against the Church.
They do, though not as much as Luther.

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Such a carefree and happy OP. I don't call myself protestant, though many on this board would call me one, Personally i feel the same way about Catholicism, and have a lot of family who are Catholics. I love the spirit of their churches, but i also disagree with a lot of the practices.

An user on here talked about this before, saying they're the most difficult to convert because they smile and assume you're talking about Brahma instead of YHWH
neither are a lot of other belief systems, that dosen't make them compatible, or agree with Christianity.Simplistically speaking Buddism has the opposite end goal (isolation to end suffering) to Christianity (multiplying).

Maybe i misunderstood you, Define "The Church"? They're against what they disagree from other churches, just like Catholics are. However they're not against the church as a whole.

This thread reminds me so much of old Zig Forums, everyone was so peaceful, yet there was still place for christian evaluation of other beliefs.

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haha seriously, to the people who wrote for example the visuddhimagga etc (oh don't know what that is) you have no idea what you're talking about. you can't even read these things or speak to them in this language. and yes we can read pali natively. you really have no idea what you're talking about and i'll leave it at that.

i've railed on protestants loads of times but don't tell me you have read texts in pali and such and understand them better than me. just be quiet. the gap is massive. you can't pronounce even these words so please. and nothing to do with me being proud. (my first language is english actually, but just don't play around).

meow to you too miss :3

i could rail on prots till the day is long, but they love christ and I love them. i love all protestants, they're amazing.

i know i've been victim to hating on a b or c. i've seriously (and i believe God showed me) a great love for protestants. before i'd say what you can learn from heretics and all. but i think the lord allowed this for a reason. their love, passion and many other things are things (and forgive me) in general are really great. i really have such a strong love for them now. to any protestant sisters/brothers out there, i really love you and may the Lord bless you.

(don't get me wrong there should be only one church, but yes.. i feel there are many shortcomings and stuff)

I'm male.
Bless you as well, i'm curious what has given you this love for an opposing denomination?

The One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.

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And you don’t seem to have a clue what I’m talking about either.

Protestantism = exists because of anti-Catholicism
Buddhism = doesn’t exist because of anti-Catholicism

That’s all I’m saying.

don't disagree…. is it hard to imagine that i don't but i love them too?

well believe me i understand too. some parts of them have been so hard on us i could never help but fighting back.

so love protestants now

haha… you can't even read 95% of the books you need to read… please don't tell me know you know about buddhism… or let's talk in another language… or otherwise shut up

and hey sis/bro… true on that point. a, please don't talk to be about buddhism cause you can't even read loads of things etc i will school you. b, i understand your sentiment. i used to be there too. and you know what? i'm not saying i'm advanced or anything. i just can't really say anything other just saying, i love them. i love all you guys really. love the culture, love the worship music, the movies (that people say are cheesy) etc. thanks.

Is this bait? Genuine question.

i'd type in another language although a) i can't really and b) yeah.. so yes it's not a joke. seriously the race of my people have been buddhist for over 2 millenium and literally consider us to be the chosen people of it… far longer than any other people including before tibet or any other place was a thing so yes…, you want to play we can… this isn't a stupid debate about buddhism. although we can have a side convo and you'd be a complete idiot if we did.

I have many questions about this common catholic assertion, but that would be off topic, so i'll leave it at that.

Read this post:

How did you come to accept Catholicism btw?

i really hope this isn't something like you should be buddhist more than catholic type post. gosh… c'mon i'm just trying to say i really have a lot of love for all my protestant sisters and brothers out there. but please like first of all don't talk to me about buddhism i'd school you… many monks wouldn't even consider half of you even like worthy to talk to them and all (and guess what another testament to how nonsense this is.. if you're born this sort of way you're clearly not ready etc). let's just not derail this about buddhism. honestly if the lord wills it i'll write a book exposing things that most people don't know, i mean loads of things which are 100% authentic and are not even in english etc, starbucks stupid latte buddhism, c'mon, you don't know the half of it.

and to reply to someone else i've always been catholic. my culture is influenced by this but tbh actually being christian has held a high position in general. this point literally is not about railing on buddhists but literally i doubt many ppl here has the authority to than i can, but it's okay. my point is

i grew up in north america, actually elementary school went to a protestant christian school before i knew what was what. intellectually it's hard to go away from the true church, but as of lately i've i guess i really love protestants, lots of the culture etc, i feel we've lacked a lot of stuff on that end. i can't and won't and don't say it about loads of other ppl because i've experienced probably most and they're trash. those great protestants i feel we need to do some work to fix the gap cause i really feel the love of the Lord and all.

God bless you all protestants seeing this.

and also doesn't exist? haha literally there was at least one monk (and more) who burned themselves alive (and tried to backout) cause people were converting to christianity. there's even a video online. and over there they treat monks like literal Gods… guy still did, it they tried to stop them.. and guy still died. oh guess what heard of korea? when i was even in college my korean friends and their family converted to christianity… even despite me wearing a cross since i was a wee kitten, and not appreciating it.

forgive me for my harsh tone, i guess it's sort of the name of the game here. in the end if you want to talk about other religions we can do that, in fact make another thread, my point here is just some good will towards protestants. i'm the first one to say, and i have no opposition about people on the theological level against them. whether i like it or not what's true is true. but i as of lately, god willingly, have really seen, i really love them all (and yes i went to a protestant christian school growing up) but yeah… love you guys. i know people say ecumenism is overrated, but gosh might be true, but for all the love that protestants have shown the Lord i am truly grateful.

now if you wanna stick to this topic lets go. grr. c'mon everyone :)

It isn’t, I’m just curious; I want every single person on Earth to be Catholic.

Also, I actually have 0 (zero) interest in Buddhism; it was just an example, no need to sperg out and my point still stands:

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buddhism is a lot more anti catholic than protestantism, despite i get the sentiment. although i can see someone really not getting all of it seeing it that way, i'd say strongly the other that… yeah well, right it's true protestantism exists because of that, but also exists because of the love of christ and buddhism honestly… exists cause of the love of self (the love of Satan).

the more you delve into this the more you deify yourself, the more relativism you get into and the more sick things become. like i said, i can speak to monks, in fact because i'm christian they're sort of more crazy to talk to me (imagine like a rabbi trying to get back a lapsed "jew".. they're just like that).

true protestantism has a bad history, but don't say something is not as bad if you don't understand it, even on the surface level. all i'm saying and believe me… i've attacked and railed on protestantism (on the intellectual level) a ton.

you know what? knowing myself i wouldn't expect anyone else to give me some leeway and that's okay. i just hope i can just say well if there are a couple protestants reading this, cause i feel it's far and few between.

thank you guys for your worship music, for your culture, for so many things. i can make 100 posts railing on what's wrong, but just want to say thank you brothers and sisters.

please don't derail this. if you wanna go about buddhism or etc make a thread and let's do it.

i'm a christian, i'm catholic christian till the day i die but, gosh what's about these other things. honestly some things don't even play with me. not really sure what it has to do with it all but some ppl picked the wrong topics

I like Protestants. Those who I know IRL.
I strongly dislike Protestantism however.



The problem with Buddhism is yes, it was before Christ so technically it wasn’t made out of hatred against Christ, but in this age where there IS Christianity, Buddhists still reject the Gospel. Sure, some of the nicest people in the world are Buddhist, but their slightest knowing sin (meaning they have sinned even by their metric) is what Satan will use to accuse them on the day of judgement, and because they do not have Jesus Christ as their advocate have not had their sins forgiven by him, will pass into hell.

Yes, you can claim that Buddhists are more friendly to Catholics then Protestants are, but to claim some Buddhists may be in heaven while all Protestants go to Hell a. Misses the point that most Buddhists are engaging with you with the belief you are following an Asura (a god, who is subject to the path of reincarnation and liberation like anyone else) and thus has no plan to convert, and b. that Protestantism hasn’t changed since 1600. Most Protestants (excluding Anderson-teir fundamentalists and the Amish) at worst judge the Catholic Church by the pedophilia scandal and money laundering, and not their doctrine, simply not caring about it.

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I'm going to be 100% honest for like 5 seconds I thought you were trying to say you were a literal feline, was rather worried and confused.

As a Catholic knowing the salvation of others who are outside the faith is of no benefit to us. Christ said outside of me there is no salvation, the church has affirmed this countless times. Who and if Christ privately reveals himself to the ignorant, this isn't revealed to us and won't be until the end of time. Treat Buddhists and everyone else with love, educate them and that's all.

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They come from lands that haven't been adequately exposed to it; some Apostles were indeed more successful than others.

They promise them freedom, but they themselves are slaves of corruption; for whatever overcomes a man, to that he is enslaved. For if, after they have escaped the defilements of the world through the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in them and overpowered, the last state has become worse for them than the first. For it would have been better for them never to have known the way of righteousness than after knowing it to turn back from the holy commandment delivered to them. It has happened to them according to the true proverb, The dog turns back to his own vomit, and the sow is washed only to wallow in the mire.
2 Peter 2:19-22

This mirrors modern-day ex-Christian militant anti-Christian atheists quite well; God is just and does not perceive Buddhists ignorant of the faith and alien to Christian lands the same way.

Come again? History is Protestantism's elephant in the room; see
Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong; the scandals are just the cherry on the cake for them.

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Neither protestanting was born out of hate against papism
I was rather that the pope was asking for money to sell you good deeds from his treasury and you could be burned alive if you openly question that bullshit

It was born out of pride, actually.

Nah, just peasants trying to survive and remain Christians somehow

>literal princes
Don't make Luther look like a bigger impostor than he already is.

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Or kings trying to get their divorces

Yeah Luther wasn't by himself. If the population wasn't robbed and tortured he wouldn't find the support he found.

🙄…you don't know much about the history surrounding the alleged quote Reformation unquote, do you?

I was raised Protestant, I left to practice Buddhism, because it felt aggressive to take up a belief that considered my father's religion a heresy.
I agree that Buddhism is more anti-catholic dogmatically, and practically more satanic in deifying the world; however, Protestantism is a facade which hides the True Church from those who are most likely to be devout.
A devout Buddhist would have little interest in the OHCAC, whereas Protestants strongly desire to rediscover the Early Church, yet they're blinded by their doctrine.
So, I agree that Protestants are wonderful people, but let's not forget that their genuine love for God is being abused by Protestantism itself.

Protestants, come home.
We need you, His Church is here for you.

Protestantism was instantiated by God.

>quoting (((LaVey)))

Also perhaps I should state this again: God will judge any non-christian by what they know, but if they rebel against what they know, they will go to hell. That means that if a Buddhist slips up ONCE and does not do the proper rites within their religion to obtain absolution, Satan will drag them to hell with him.

Most Protestants, on the other hand, do pray to Jesus and God for forgiveness, and again only being taught that God alone an absolve sins, will go to heaven for their faith. Not every Protestant is a little Anderson/Jack Chick running around painting anything that isn’t 1611 KJV Independant Fundementalist Baptist as being straight from Hell itself.

The absolute state of Catholics.

Well, hello there, kitty. You type VERY well for someone with paws.

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wtf is this bile?! Is this the anti-OP post to counterbalance anything good the OP wrote?

No. No it was not. Sir.

I'm sure dalai lama knows what is the Catholic Church.
Only that dude who lived alone in a mountain and lived a saintly life goes to heaven by ignorance (assuming when Jesus Christ revealed Himself to him in the moment of death he accepted to be part of the Church).

Actually they don't. That's feyanism shit. Pope Pius IX say exactly what's in today's catechism. And I don't think you have the guts to tell me he was wrong.


This board really blows my mind sometimes

satan isn't God, heretic

By all means, convert all protestants!
Use sex if necessary!

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What proxy did you use to post this?

No proxy. Don't even know how to use one.

It fits with RCC doctrine. End of vid related

Post was initially to say bump to say OP if you're still around and want to divulge in all the infos you have on Buddhism that you say isn't common knowledge I'd be very interested to hear it, please either in this thread or starting a new one like you say

But then saw this post

Had to comment: This seems like an extraordinary view that I wouldn't think is common at all, particularly the suggestion that God works through and accepts the rites of other religions as valid means of obtaining salvation? Given other religions' anti-Christian nature, it doesn't make sense that the conditions on which salvation outside of Christ would depend is adherence to the rituals and rules of something that is inherently anti-Christ at it's core? Surely any salvation outside of Christ would be despite this not because of it?

I get this (the third part of the green text, not my comments above) would probably be a common view amongst liberal/inclusivist types but am very surprised to see it here. Does this mean there are 'two gospels' operating in reality despite their only being one written of the NT? Like I said, I thought if you wanted to be inclusivist, you made sure to emphasise that people were saved despite their adherence to anti-Christian worldviews philosophies and religions not because of fulfilling the obligations of them?

(As to how this actually worked, personally I've never been sure and always wondered, given that I'm not sure of a) the extent and uniformity of application of the so-called 'Golden Rule', b) emphasis on man's helplessness (i.e. not works based) and c) the extent of the recoginition of the need for forgiveness and to forgive among the different religions, world views etc. etc. - doubting that it's the case that the above three aspects are actually emphaised amongst the other religions to the same extent as they are in Christianity and by what means, I always just assumed that the only legitimate salvation outside of Christianity could actually only manifest itself with a person who has not known Christ at some point personally acknowledging their weakness, that they have a sin debt that needs atoning for and that they cannot atone for it themselves and that they out of instinct and desperation call out to a power greater than themselves, that we know as God, for help - I can't picture it being anything else - only because I think of Roman's 1:20 which says that everyone is without excuse…or does this passage only refer to the existence of God and not his holiness, his perfection, his justice, mercy, our sin, inability to atone for our sin, his plan for redemption etc. etc.)

There's something you don't see every day.

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Hello there, fellow cat

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Whoo boy….

bump for both parts of this post