What are your thoughts on Nootropics?

They're any supplements that could possibly enhance one's cognitive abilities. Also nootropics are Christian-friendly because, unlike Marijuana, this stuff makes you super-sober and more productive.

Attached: 8954506909-6351654535476.png (800x918, 1.02M)

take vitamins, sleep 7-8hrs, exercise and eat healthy, pray often, 1000x better than any shit that passes as "nootropic" these days.

I do agree. Nothing can replace the necessities, but Noots can people an edge in productivity, particularly in elderly folks.

Vitamin user here. "Nootropics" are a marketing ploy to sell brain, stress, and adrenal supplements to people who wouldn't normally go to a vitamin store. Like any other supplement, if you use them responsibly and intelligently you can maintain your body in its best possible condition. Used poorly you could waste a lot of money on nothing, or if you do something over the top stupid, accidentally compromise your health.

I don't think anything sinful comes into play here.

I don't know what the winnie the pooh neotropics are. Sounds like a level in a Sonic game. If it's legal, do what you want, but don't get high enough that you lose control of yourself. If it's illegal, don't do it you dumbass. Either way, asking your priest sounds like a good thing to do.

Why would a health supplement be sinful? Chaga and Lions Mane are gifts from God, they help and repair the mind/body not fill us with delusions like other substances

They are bugmen enhancers. What Soylent is to actual food, nootropics are to actual health, where diet, exercise, socializing, and sleep are indispensable parts. Buying stuff in order to fix problems, or in many cases, simply to mask them, is too ridiculous for words. Better to find the actual source and to deal with it at that level using sustainable solutions independent of the globohomo military-industrial gayplex.

You have no clue what you're talking about, nootropics like Chaga and Reishi are ancient traditional health foods

It's true, I am mostly ignorant of the particulars. I was mainly attacking their use for enhancement where no problem exists and for remediation where one does exist. In the former case, I detest the mentality of neoliberal corporate efficiency that animates their promotion, which in the long term amounts to a race to the bottom. In the latter case, I think better, healthier, more sustainable solutions already exist, like those mentioned in my original post.

There is probably nothing sinful about taking a little caffeine with some 5-HTP, but sleep and exercise will do more than anything else for mental performance with the added benefit that you won't become dependent on supplements.
Beside that the benefits of most nootropics are negligible at best.
t. someone who fell for the smart drugs meme

I want to take this opportunity to sustain my attack against this bug plague that epitomizes modernity. The attached image summarizes the problem with utmost clarity, demonstrating how absolutely corrupted the West's institutions are at this point, where cultural and religious education, the literal transmission of a people's own historical memory about itself, no longer happens. The note about the acknowledgment of "the limits of human power" is of particular relevance.

Attached: a liberal education.png (774x1954, 346.12K)

I was thinking about making this thread and I thought it would quickly devolve and/or slide and/or ban.
I was thinking about this and I had this kind of thought out:
Certain things like herbals and supplements (Vitamins, Omega-3s, or St. Johns wort, etc.) seem perfectly fine.
Then comes things are more legally grey. Stuff like modafinil, or prescription stims like methylphenidate, or even more grey: psychedelics (LSD, mescaline, etc.)
For me, I wouldn't touch amphetamine class things because of their neurotoxicity and side effects, so that's not a problem. But what about things like *microdosing* psychedelics? It's *probably a sin* (duh) to trip balls on that stuff, but what about Silicon Valley scientists, engineers, and mathematicians who take a microscopic bit so that you don't trip at all? Is it equivalent to like, say, drinking coffee? I don't know

A lot of "nootropics" only improve function if you start of impaired. Otherwise, no statistically significant is found.

t. koine

Again, the question isn't so much about niacin or Lion's mane, but for me,
1) Microdosing psychedelics
2) Getting your hands on and using scheduled substances like amphetamines

No? Diet and exercise are the *first* steps to nootropic habit.

Neoliberals don't like promoting this.

my real questions
1) What is the position on scheduled drugs of different schedules?
- Modafinil (Schedule IV in the US)
- Methylphenidate (Schedule II in the US)
- Adderall (Schedule II in the US)

2) What is the position about *microdosing* psychedelics?
Microdosing means taking such minuscule quantities as to not actually induce hallucinations.
- LSD (Schedule I)
- Mescaline (Schedule I)
- Psilocybin (Schedule I)
- Psilocin (Schedule I)
- DMT (Schedule I)

more specifically, the "gayplex neoliberalism" you talk about really does not like the concept of differing human intelligence. They'd rather everyone be equal and "good in their own way" and mediocre.

These are good. I've been itching to try Reishi too, but it has 5AR enzymes.

have your (you)s

Then what's your opinion on acetylcholine supplements?

Well, a lot of nootropic, research chemicals aren't psychoactive, like Semax or piracetam for example, but the vast majority of them in the market are really understudied, so side effect aren't completely unknown.

Problem is one would have to use micrograms of psychedelics, which is nearly impossible measure unless one have a scale that cost over €880. I'm sure the majority of these people won't be upset if they accidentally tripped, but that's a huge sin in Christianity so…

Nootropics are modern snake oil
Dont buy it

You do know that even caffeine or b-vitamins are considered nootropics, right?

I used to experiment with those.
Protip: most nootropics are basically extended release stimulants. Many are minorly addictive, and most will lead you to experience excitotoxicity and stimulant madness if you don't balance them with ten tons of gaba-ergic nonsense.

I'd say they're potentially useful, but imprudent for most people to use.

I can only think of three in existence. What were you using?!

Or you could use a repeated dissolution process, with a guaranteed bound?
Also, could you be more specific about tripping as a sin, whether moral or venial, or otherwise and other canonical status?
It's also a sin to drink cafe to hepatorenal failure probably.

For me, I don't want the acceleration and stimulation as much as I want the thought connectivity and novelty. I already think faster than I speak so I doubt I need more.

Would you please stop this crap?

you can get excitotox from more than just glutamate.

I think they can be beneficial. When it comes to manmade chemicals, not that I'm against them per se, but I think we should be careful when it comes to messing with the balance of our brain's neurotransmitters, etc. We are finely tuned machines created the way we are for a reason and fiddling with that could have unintended consequences. Again, not against it, just be cautious and do research.