Is it truly wrong to pray for god vengeance?

Is it truly wrong to pray for god vengeance?
We live in a world where liberals defend people who rape animals to death. I have no shame praying for another great flood to wash away the degenerates.

Do you eat the flesh of animals? Curious.

"and forgive us of our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us…"

what's your problem with eating animals?

There a special in hell for lukewarm apologist like yourself.

Well OP was complaining about animal abuse. I'm wondering if he eats them. Cause that would be a conflict of beliefs, no?

What's lukewarm about being consistent?

Animals killed for consumption are slaughtered humanely, with as little pain as possible. So no, not even close.Sounds like dumbass vegan logic.

On what earth?

This is like someone telling me women have the right to "safe abortions"

Not a vegan, but I do realize that killing and eating animals as a luxury of taste is not morally ideal. If it's necessary it's different since we are worth more than animals, but our taste-pleasure is not worth more than an animals life.

people like you want me to exterminate every single non-human life on this planet

God gave you the duty to fight injustice.

So no difference in shooting a bullet through your head or cutting off limb for limb as a way of execution?

'Vegan' logic everybody.

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dude, the furries in question are way beyond "not morally ideal" they're like triple sodomites
rethink your philosophy and don't call others beliefs inconsistent

There is a difference of course, but both are immoral.

Didn't watch the video.
You haven't said how I'm being inconsistent. The fact that one evil is worse than another evil doesn't mitigate the other.

Don't equate animal life with human life again, please. Humans have souls, animals do not. Animals are meat robots that exist for our use.

On the next day, as they were on their way and approaching the city, Peter went up on the housetop about the sixth hour to pray. But he became hungry and was desiring to eat; but while they were making preparations, he fell into a trance; and he saw the sky opened up, and an object like a great sheet coming down, lowered by four corners to the ground, and there were in it all kinds of four-footed animals and crawling creatures of the earth and birds of the air. A voice came to him, “Get up, Peter, kill and eat!”

God has no issue with you eating meat, that's what the animals exist for.

Frikkin' heck these people.

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Animals do have souls, just not one like us.
They aren't mere meat robots meant for exploitation.

I'm not saying that you can be unnecessarily cruel and cause suffering for no reason, since obviously we're the stewards of the Earth and have a duty to shepherd it as God shepherds us. That said, animals do not have souls and killing animals to eat is not immoral. If that was the case then God would have been telling the Israelites to sin when He instituted the laws for passover. You're being unneccessarily scrupulous. It's great you like animals, but it's not a sin to eat meat nor is it immoral.

Animals have simple animal souls, whatever life giving principle is animating them and allowing them to be aware, they have something. They don't have to be exactly like humans to have a moral status.

So why the need to be humane to them "with as little pain as possible" if they are just empty robots?
You're being inconsistent. I don't need to be "humane" or "moral" to a robot, it's not a living, conscious being. I do have to be humane and moral towards animals, because I recognize they are living and conscious beings, like myself, but not in the same degree or power.

Whatever animals have is sufficient to warrant treating them well. Just because they are not equal to us doesn't mean they are worthless and should be sacrificed for our gluttony pleasure.

I'm all for hunting animals in times of scarcity or necessity, since they are not our equals ontologically. But they do have value, enough value to trump a persons "taste pleasure" criteria. Since 99% of meat eaten these days is not out of necessity, but out of taste pleasure, as a luxury.

This is what we call idolatry. To put something that is good above God.
This is why liberalism is cancer too. They take liberty which is a good and put it up as the supreme value that must be obeyed with religious fervor, when in fact it's just one og God's creations.

What you do here is functionally the exact same thing. You autistically cling to the idea of consistency as if it was the authority on this issue when it is well known for us all that God is the only true authority and his word clearly reflects that you are wrong.

Having sex with animals is forbidden by God's word while eating animals is allowed by God's word.

Your appeal to consistency is nothing but idolatrous speculation in spite of God's commandments.


What the winnie the pooh?


God promised that would never happen again, so your prayers are guaranteed ignored.

"One of these things is not like the other, one of these doesn't belong"

I pray that God "curse" them with repentance and through it they'd find salvation.

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He only promised he wouldn't flood us again. He never said he wasn't going to drop something worse on our stupid sinful heads.

The act is depraved indeed, but animals rape each other too though. I'd say that animal rape isn't as bad as human rape.

Stop being apologetic. No one said this was worse than human rape in the first place.

OP specifically said "another great flood".

False equivalency. God gave us the right to kill and eat animals in scripture, but forbids us from committing beastiality.

I guess if you are a jew used to smashing chickens against the street?
I don't see how it's idolatry if you say I don't need to eat meat to survive and it's not worth killing animals to appease my gluttony and tongue lust

We're allowed to eat meat. That doesn't mean we have to. Sometimes it's necessary, sometimes it's just vanity.
Why not fast from meat?

Ah fair though I don't think OP would be to picky about it. Others in this thread are correct though praying for such a thing is sinful and should be condemned. Only the Lord is allowed to pass judgement and it is not our place to ask him to move.

Whats apolegetic about this?

Whether we have to eat meat or not is a red herring. Necessity just isn't relevant. The fact of the matter is that God gave man the freedom to eat all living things and enjoy it. Also if you're eating at all you aren't following the example of fasting Christ gave us in scripture. Genesis 9:3

as Christians we don't believe animals have an immortal soul, it is not biblical to be against the slaughter of animals for consumption.
Inflicting pain, torturing or raping an animal is completely different from slaughter.

this earth. I can't speak for all countries on earth, but in my country pigs are put through a chamber with a certain mixture of air which puts them to sleep, then they are killed afterwards while unconscious.
Not all countries are like Vietnam where dogs are kidnapped from the streets and killed inhumanely.

do you mean to pray for God 's vengeance?

You are called to forgive. "Vengeance is mine," sayeth the Lord, and that includes the fact he will keep His OWN counsel on whom He will grant mercy and whom He will not. Don't try to give God advice in that.

God will judge according to His good pleasure. But bear in mind, some of the very people you'd be happy to see washed away in a flood may, in fact, end-up as your brothers and sisters.

BUT, by all means, pray for justice, pray for righteousness, plead for God to restore both to the world, but also pray for mercy for every one of your enemies, for aaaaaaaall those degenerates you despise so. Until you can willingly do that, and mean it, you might have no part in the Kingdom of Heaven.

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Eating meat in the modern era is vanity and gluttony.The meat doesn't defile you but the wicked intention of killing animals to please your tongue will count against careful

I think any method of killing is fine. You don't want to deliberately torture it anyway. That said, that gas might have some unwanted chemicals though. I prefer a more natural way.

There's nothing wrong with killing animals, most of them will meet a much worse fate in nature anyway. Dying of sickness or being mauled is are not cool.

There's no reason to believe wanting to kill and eat a beast is wicked. There's no reason to believe eating meat is vain or gluttonous. Stop watching vegan gains, kid.

This right here.

Why does no one in a high profile talk about praying for justice??? We need this, so badly today. I mean I'm Catholic so I'm practically used to sodomites telling us to overemphasize "mercy", inasmuch as it lets them keep screwing us, but where are the test of you guys on this?
By letting praying for justice go by the wayside we're basically telling anyone who has been grievously wronged to shut up and take it with a smile. This is why they call us cucks, man.

Actually it is the opposite. Meat is easy to acquire even the poor can easily purchase it. Maybe 100 years ago but in this day and age meat and bread are interchangeable. Should we be giving to poor countries yes, should we be using the resources we use to make meat to feed the hungry yes. However what will you do to remedy this? Taking what does not belong to you and redistributing it is breaking the commandants and is a grave sin. If you choose to not eat meat then good for you but to brag about it is to sin and makes your fast meaningless.

Nope, eating meat today is pretty much cheaper and more efficient than buying veggies which are pretty expensive on the market, thanks to your vegan hype that decided to turn vegetarianism into a trend that will push the price of veggies through the roof.
Gluttony has literally nothing to do with the kind of food you eat. You either control your stomach or your stomach controls you.
Vanity? We don't eat meat because it flatters our ego. We eat meat because it's available and because it's delicious and rich in nutrients and protein.

God is okay with eating meat, if you're not, do whatever you like.

I think I'm much more concerned about the conditions of living of domesticated animals than the way they're killed. The pain of butcher's killing is nothing compared to the way they're killed in nature, but being forced to live in cramped indoor spaces sounds like hell.

Liberals and atheists will never create a moral society. You're that idiotic to claim that eating meat is equivalent to having a sexual fetish for killing and raping animals.

You have no concept of order nor right and wrong.

SDAs are the worst

What? Even people I know in third world hellholes who aren't starving on the regular anyway can get meat with no problems. What are you even talking about my man.

when it comes to heretics and infidels it is our duty to convert them through peaceful and understanding means. Never throw the first punch, but do have your weapon drawn for when they do.

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Kill yourself, subhuman

Don't listen to these limp-wristed leftist pussies OP, it is a good and pious thing to make imprecatory prayers for the wicked

If you don't eat meat you will become a soyboy, which will lead to actual sins. Be careful.

based retard

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Christ himself gave us the parable of the woman who banged on the judge's door through the night, pointing out that if he couldn't stand her, how much more would Our Father in Heaven dispense justice to those who ask?

And, I'll even advocate personally for it, because the Lord came through for me within hours of being mistreated because I prayed for it. He does not forget the wronged, nor does His Rod stay still, but it is always according to HIS timetable and not ours.

Solid point, mate.

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