Pope warns against new seeds of anti-Semitism…

Pope warns against new seeds of anti-Semitism…
His warning came as far-right, xenophobic and neo-fascist political movements are making gains across Europe


VILNIUS, Lithuania (AP) — Pope Francis warned against historic revisionism and any rebirth of anti-Semitism that fueled the Holocaust as he marked the annual remembrance Sunday for Lithuania’s centuries-old Jewish community that was nearly wiped out during World War II. Francis began his second day in the Baltics in Lithuania’s second city, Kaunas, where an estimated 3,000 Jews survived out of a community of 37,000 during the 1941-1944 Nazi occupation. He ended it back in the capital, Vilnius, to pay his respects to Lithuanians who were deported to Siberian gulags or were tortured and killed at home during five decades of Soviet occupation. Francis honored freedom fighters at the former KGB headquarters where anti-Soviet partisans were detained and executed, solemnly touring the underground chambers that have now been turned into a haunting museum of occupation atrocities. “In this place of remembrance, Lord, we pray that your cry may keep us alert,” he said afterward. “That your cry, Lord, may free us from the spiritual sickness that remains a constant temptation for us as a people: forgetfulness of the experiences and sufferings of those who have gone before us.”

Francis paid equal tribute to victims of both Nazi and Soviet atrocities on the 75th anniversary of the final destruction of the ghetto in Vilnius, which had been known for centuries as the “Jerusalem of the North” for its importance to Jewish thought and politics. Each year, the Sept. 23 anniversary is commemorated with readings of the names of Jews who were killed by Nazis or Lithuanian partisans or were deported to concentration camps. Francis prayed silently in the former ghetto and warned against the temptation “that can dwell in every human heart” to want to be superior or dominant to others again. He prayed for the gift of discernment “to detect in time any new seeds of that pernicious attitude, any whiff of it that can taint the heart of generations that did not experience those times and can sometimes be taken in by such siren songs.”

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ffs maybe the Jews should stop being Jews and nation wrecking from within, there is always a cause and reaction, and the reaction of anti-semitism does not occur from Jews minding their own business.

Good. Hatred is not a Christian principle.

Yeah, no one hates the group just because they saw a yarmulke. It's because they repeatedly lie. destroy, and steal to have an edge over everyone. They complain about white supremacy and colonialism enough to destroy our statues and subvert our academia, but decry Palestinians who retaliate against them with the same measures. Israel is more close to a stereotypical Nazi Germany than Europe and America will ever be.

You can be counter semitic without being hateful. Considering their past actions against Christians especially by means of communism it would be in Christian interests to permanently disempower jews.

*deep breath*

Can you show the court on the doll where the Jew touched you?

My fellow anonymous user I can't help but notice that your nose is showing..

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You're not doing yourself any favors if you pretend that it's blind hatred that came out of a vacuum. Not all of them act with malice, but there's plenty of them that do. They were complicit in getting Sam Hyde and Alex Jones fired and blacklisted.

People don't treat them with mercy and forgiveness because Jews don't treat anyone with mercy and forgiveness. It's reciprocal.

Your Zig Forums is showing. Hatred is not a Christian value.

What about all those Ukrainians the jews killed in the 30s?

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Never claimed that, you can see it in my second sentence. There are good Jews who break that stigma, but there's also plenty who are vindictive, hypocritical, and spiteful. The Jewish owned SPLC and ADL aren't doing anyone favors by firing and doxing US citizens in an attempt to intimidate them.

If you want to talk about hatred, then I believe that Jews are the most hateful demographic out there. Not only do they kill Palestians, they also destroy the culture of European countries by claiming that it's "white supremacy". They've been successfully advocating left-wing protestors to remove statues of our founding fathers and confederate soldiers. Yet if a single person remotely vandalizes a holocaust memorial with spray paint, then Jews would antagonize the person responsible via the government, media, etc.

we shouldn't buy our heads in the sand and pretend that JQ doesnt exist

The only sensible way to deal with the Jews, given the deeply rooted racial supremacism of their ethnic and religious identity, is to either make them second-class citizens in order to protect the interests of the gentile majority wherever Jews and non-Jews commingle or to forever strip the Jews of their identity, for example, by destroying all of their supremacist texts and imprisoning any Jew who promotes ideas stemming from them.

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Nothing brings out Zig Forums faster than having the audacity to not hate Jewish people. You guys have a bot or something?

If it helps, then my favorite Jews that I look up to is Von Neumann and Bernhard Riemann. They successfully integrated into European society and they didn't hinder it with anti-european propaganda when they had the chance to. They performed actions that benefited everyone around them as a whole.

It's almost as if terrible people are just terrible regardless of their ethnicity. Too bad Zig Forums has to get hung up on something so simple as where a person came from.

Nah, you guys got it all wrong. Just withold the gospel from them if you hate them that much.
Tell them they're right and that they're doing a great job as "God's chosen people."

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I agree that there's some who are stupid with it like Patrick Little. Folks like him resent others because of their identity as opposed to their actions.

" Love means seeking the good of those whom we love, that is, God’s good, which is that His Name should be glorified by the doing of His will, and Man’s good, which is that all rights necessary for him to obtain his temporal and eternal welfare be afforded him. Infractions against these "goods" should be prevented and/or punished by responsible authority. Charity, remember, is not sentimentality. It is to seek the real good of others and to hate evil."


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Who is a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist who denies the Father and the Son.
Remember this verse whenever the subject of Jews come up.

Was Riemann Jewish? His wikipedia page says his father was a Lutheran pastor and it doesn't say whether his mother was Jewish, but "Ebell" doesn't sound too Jewish to me. And on the Riemnann surname page, there's only one Jewish person among many other German people.

The Church, from my myopic, uncatechised, unbaptised, outside view, seems to be very sick, attacked by Masonry, Sodomites, and corrupted Jesuits, the See's finances controlled by the Rothschild family and so on… but one should leave or avoid the Church for that reasons as much as one should leave or avoid one's own mother because she struggles with cancer and Alzheimer's.
Pope is likely saying this due to Progress but it is important to not be hateful. Keep your hearts open, but don't bleed out, essentially.

There are 5.8 billion people in the world who are not Christian. Why focus so much rage against Jews?

Their time is coming to an end.

National legislatures in the west aren't disproportionately stuffed with elsewhere-loyal Buddhists.

Because all those people are not as troublesome as a tiny handful of jews.



Never mind the fact their religious texts on how they speak of non jews. Their behavior is from their impressive application of belief. It's like the wizards of the world were tricked into a religion that tends to subvert their own behavior and identities. Long story short, you get the jew.

Face the facts. Just because you give yourself a victim narrative doesn't excuse you from committing outright murder and other crimes. It doesn't matter who you are.

What gives me the right is that I am capable without a craft to leverage my will.

Francis isn't the pope.
Jews aren't semite by necessity, there may be incidental semites that are jews, but all jews racial are not semites.
Also jews did this to themselves.


You aren't a Christian if you follow and believe a jewish Satanist is the pope.
You'd be a heretic if you believed that and you'd be executed by the church.

really makes you think

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Only a fool chooses to believe this horseshit!

Soros Pope, global warming Pope, mass immigration Pope, China's Pope. All except Catholic Pope.
He's the Pope of secular values, humanism and globalism.


I take him for what he says he is. The devil.

The best weapon against the jew are the Christian values themselves, because the teachings of our Lord makes them mad as winnie the pooh.
Hitler played the edgy card and today well we have this winnie the poohed up world.

Aren't people who call themselves Jews today really of the Synagog of Satan? Also they hate Christians.

As much as this retarded meme is popular here, that phrase refers to heretics in general. Jew there is synonymous to "believer", similar to "seed of Abraham"

I can't see myself calling him the devil, because I honestly doubt he's truly in charge of the infernal machine destroying everything it touches. Actual evil overlords seldom appoint themselves to public-facing positions. More commonly they're the quiet whisper into a weak king's ears.

Righteous hatred is

The Jews you speak of are a minority among their nobility the common Jew has nothing to do with the horrors that these "noble" Jews have done through out the ages. They still need to be converted though.

The Jew touched me on my social cohesion, for starters.

I got bad news for you bud:

That being said, I've met some really kind non-Christian Jews and know several nice Jewish Christians at the Baptist churches I've been to. The really nasty bunch are the elites and the secular/liberal/communistic group, the kind Zig Forums usually rants about but puts even the good ones in collateral, and those (((Jews))) usually got there power through the godless practice of usury.

And I admit, of the few sins you can blame Reformed theology for (but they're very few), Christendom's slack on usury is one of them, partly because Calvin and the Huguenots thought he could use usury against Catholics who were killing them, which was a short-sighted tactic and again shows that Catholicism is at fault too. And before you get on me, the Roman Church also did not enforce their anti-usury policy slightly before the Reformation onward as they ought, turning a blind eye to kings who borrowed from Jews, on interest, for the kings' pet projects and wars bringing everyone under the Jews' authority. "…The borrower is the slave of the lender." (Prov. 22:7 ESV)

It's funny that Jewish Yankees and carpet-baggers rail against the Confederacy, when that was filled with patriotic Jewish leaders and soldiers (there's a book on this I should read sometime). That merely reveals what side the anti-patriotic Jews are truly on.

wow Zig Forums is REALLY mad at anti-semitism.

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How come people still fall for this?
Read st. John Chrysostom and what other church doctors have to say on this matter.

meant for>>705633
By your standards the church for nearly 2000 years did not stand for what you call "muh Christian principle"
Read St.John Chrysostom.

There are no Christian Jews.
Once you convert(Fully, not just to subvert), you are no longer a jew. You become a Christian. This is clearly stated in Galatians.
You CANNOT be Jew and Christian at the same time. As well as you cannot hold on to Judaic values and Christian values beause they directly contradict themselves.
I see you realize the second point…sorry about the rant but "Christian jew" or "judeo-christian" or anything of the sort always gets me started

Pedophilia scandals, rampant homosexuality, liturgucal abuse, bleeding members

Some online racists shitpost about lolocaust

Francis is the biggest cuck Pope that the church has ever had.

This pope is such a fahking disappointment. Way to push all the people who actually CARE about the principles of catholicism away.
At this point I consider him to be an enemy of the faith.


24When Pilate saw that he was accomplishing nothing, but that instead a riot was breaking out, he took water and washed his hands before the crowd. “I am innocent of this man’s blood,” he said. “You shall bear the responsibility.” 25All the people answered, “His blood be on us and on our children!” 26So Pilate released Barabbas to them. But he had Jesus flogged and handed Him over to be crucified.…

Daily reminder that Anit-(((semtism))) is biblical, Judaism should have become Christianity, but the Jews kept sacrficing to their gender and name ambiguous god.

What kind of personal gain do you get from defending the kikes on the Internet?

Unironically this.



Don't fall for the Jew meme, please. The white nationalists that push it are a bunch of fedoras, pagans, and queers.

Yes, and while all other religions are false, only one cult was built around actively denying Christ as Messiah.

Kek. Nice bait.


Wasted dubs, defending Christ-killers, or just completely missing the point.

Let's genuinely hope they're at least getting five cents a post. Someone doing it for free is almost beneath pity.

What kind of personal gain do you get from hating Jewish people on the internet?

Daily reminder that people shilling for Christ-killer cult (Christian Zionists) are just pathetic.
Church fathers are rolling in their graves when they see how Christianity has been subverted.
Ask yourself one question: If Francis was a good pope, if he even was a Christian…would media shill for him? Would liberals praise him?
A servant is not above the master. If they hated Jesus, they will hate you for speaking the truth.
If media does not condemn you nowadays you're doing something wrong

God, i love this board.
Stuff like this really drives the Zig Forums autism out of the woodworks, and triggers so many people.
Francis may be a weird ass priest with his comments, but in this case, he's right.
You don't have to be some meme tier zionist, but nazi-tier hatred of jews has no place in christianity.

Ironically, yeah.
All the axis and non-axis countries that protected their jews(despite having no sympathy for them) got rid of them later naturally, while the ones that embraced those measures got screwed.
There is a secret wisdom in Christ's teachings, that appear contradictory to outsiders.

Oddly enough, he's not really a strange priest. It's just that nobody alive today has ever known a religious Pope. (note: religious meaning "member of a religious order") Gregory XVI was the last one(Camaldolese) and he died in 1846. Folks just aren't use to it.

Aren't they the Synagogue of Satan anyway?

The *"///JEWS\\\"* killed the Christ and the pope is worried about anti-Semitism?

Most of those people aren't actively apostate, God bless!

t. kike

the eternal jew en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wandering_Jew

It's not a meme. It's a historical fact.

Poop = Jew

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Anti-Semitism is inherently homophobic, and the Roman LGBTQ Church can't have that.

I'm confused, didn't the catholic church have part in hiding nazi war criminals after ww2?

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only the homo nazis

Jesus told us that the world is under the control of Satan. He didn't tell us to fight against that; he told it to us so that we would be aware and not overreact to every manifestation of corruption. If the world is under Satan, it is going to be corrupt at the highest levels. At the lowest levels (where we are), there is the least amount of corruption.

As for the false prophet who worships a tranny demon – the less we pay attention to him, the better. Jesus warned us about the synagogue of Satan (false Jews), but this is just another example of corruption at the highest levels. The mom and pop Jews I know are OK people, just like most of the mom & pop people from every culture are OK people. We pray for those who are looking for the Truth, and the rest are not our concern.

i know that image is supposed to just be a dumb meme, but now it's kind of bothering me. why WOULD god give us an erogenous zone in our butts?

Trips of truth

Yet when you get to know them, you know a good number champion the same things for the west (open borders, transgenderism for children etc) and the same things for israel (jews only).

Of course they also try to subvert each other.

The two sides of the coin

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But antisemitis, even the complete and thorough annihilation of all jews would have no drawbacks on all the gentiles of the world, in fact, it would be a boon for them.

Just because you can ban me, doesn't meant I'm wrong about it and you will not have a counter for this, even if you tried.

what does that have to do with thread?

Maybe, but it will not eliminate the current problems with neoliberalism and the growing red horde. Jews work as agents of acceleration but they are not the main cause of our problems.



Pope has payed nazis and made shore they got out of Germany.
Why is this religion still aloud in the USA ?
Americans always changing the minds.