Meximonkey Migrant Mother Jumps Border Fence, Hilariously Gets Impaled on Exposed Rebar

A mother who scaled the U.S.-Mexico border fence near the San Ysidro Port of Entry Friday night fell and was impaled by pieces of rebar, Border Patrol said Saturday.

The 26-year-old Guatemalan woman was with her two children, ages 3 and 5, when she crossed illegally, said Border Patrol Agent Tekae Michael. She told agents she was not part of the massive migrant caravan camped out in Tijuana, Michael said.

The mother climbed the fence east of the port of entry, where construction crews have been working to replace decades-old primary fencing with a new barrier. When she fell, pieces of rebar pierced her side and buttocks.

Border Patrol arrived to render medical aid about 8:25 p.m. and requested assistance from the San Diego Fire-Rescue Department. She was taken to a hospital with non-life threatening injuries.

Her children were also evaluated at the hospital for potential fall trauma and, showing no injuries, were released back to Border Patrol custody.

“Entering our country illegally, particularly over our walls is not only dangerous, but also very foolish,” San Diego’s Chief Border Patrol Agent Rodney Scott said Saturday. “This woman placed her own life and her children’s lives in peril. She could have easily died if not for the quick response by our agents and EMS.”

Authorities said the rebar was part of the ongoing border fence construction and not related to the military’s recent mission to fortify the fence in response to the caravan. The military has primarily been stringing concertina wire across the top of the fence. It was unclear if there was concertina wire where the woman crossed

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Latin American = meximonkey
It's not worth keeping track of all their different individual 'nationalities' or points of origin, as these cartel people's most important defining characteristic is that they all want to invade and defile our once great country

We had hundreds of years to secure our borders before now…. I would say that a wall is probably too little too late at this point….

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yeah and they are all mexicans to me since they all come from there to get to the US. mexico is the country that let's them all in so mexico is to blame.

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Now follow that line of blaming to it's original source (((them))) and up the ante on the blame game.

why don't you just keep things simple and say spic

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Please tell me that she died instantly. This sounds like hell.

Her ass took the impact and it was not considered a life threatening injury, if you could read more than the headline you would know that

When will we start firing on these subhumans mongrels?

always a millennial lolcow

What is this MSM?
I want to see pictures of the inpaling
Why? They are illegals, it's better she exsanguinates a so her body becomes an example for others.
Better than wasting resources.

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You get lost on your way to Facebook or something?

setting up spikes on our side of the wall isn't a terrible idea

Just here to make fun of the impotent rage of virginal nazi losers as they are rightfully replaced :)

aww, did someone get audited?

Even Mexicans hate Guatemalans.

No senor, some one got deported

I really just don't care about the woman.

Hilariously, Der Untermensch is about the brainwashed Bolsheviks, and neo-nazis are COINTELPRO zogbots.

almost like illegally trying to enter a country is a mistake, wall or no wall.

Guatemalans, at least most of them, are lazy mayans who sometimes genocide the tecos
Mexicans, the ones relevant in the illegal immigration aka the only ones for you, are mostly tecos mixed with some bajio warriors ones. Gov hates the shit out of mayan descendants.
All of them with a mix of moor, it's a tribal thing but went on so much they don't even understand the racial connotations, they just think it's natural. The thing here is that one of those build pyramids and long-winded cities a millennium ago, the others drowned in rain season and wait outside the Home Depot for 10 dollars a day.

Her MS-13 tatts were painted over

gonna need a tetnus shot

Hey look, everyone who shut their eyes.

I miss seeing something like this and caring. I'd ask myself questions like "What would drive her to such desperate lengths?" Hell, I don't even laugh, anymore. I really cannot muster up enough emotion to even be an asshole about it. I just looked at the picture and the headline and I just shook my head a little. "Oh. Another invader." I used to care about people, but the apathy and the juden trickery have made me borderline sociopathic when it comes to anyone like this.

The fuck? Nice post btw

Kicked out mixed spaniards in the reconquista social phase

Lol, in brazil too, amazing idea to mix natives and moors…

If you're posting about news, you should probably read the news first.

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Ah that makes sense. Do you have a source though, on Spain specifically ejecting Moor-mutts to the New World?

You are on the wrong board dipshit.

Metal of Honor

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Site Blocked in europe. Wtf??? Darn ass eu rulings

Majority of Mexicans came in the 80s and some are going back. Yes there is a difference. Mexico has a cartel problem but at least they have Healthcare and a cheap cost of living and you can actually own your own property without foreigners taking it from you.

Oh and if you try crossing the border between Guatemala and Mexico the difference is like going from Mexico to the US. Even though Mexico isn't the best you instantly feel safer just from leaving Guatemala, and you see the difference between the two instantly. The people in mexico don't really have to cross the border as much as they used to, as many factories moved down there and people can make a living a bit easier. Even Amazon has warehouses in mexico now. Now don't get me wrong Mexico is still a shit hole but central Americans are far worse than most Mexicans from what I've encountered.

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Of course you can not expect to remember all other nationalities, most of you are busy at their shitty minimum wage 8 hour at walmart, hahhaha, I just go there to fuck blondies & buy cheap nikes, then leave your shit hole mcdonalds country on a fucking plane, first class ;). Not all of us are poor as shit. But hey keep licking those jew balls you like so much over there

I was always leaning the bounding Landmine solution…both for spectator appeal and cost effective reasons.
How did I overlook the genius of rebar?


Apparently, they should just build a less expensive wall out of nothing but rebar

here's the irony:

they have more value to our economy than you douchebag
imageboard sedentary fuckfaces

NONE of you little softieboy™ sofa mushrooms are willing to do any hard work like they are…..

YOU are the drain on society

on your computers, complaining, playing video games, and relying on other people to wipe your lazy asses…

you should all be shipped off to Guatemala, and let them come in and actually MAKE OUR ECONOMY GREAT AGAIN….

fuck you…..

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You shouldn't care about an invading army. The US didn't seem to care even back in the days of the constitution. I remember vaguely about no standing armies, no taking of property without due compensation and no forced housing of soldiers on private property.

The fact is these people are an army, even if the don't realize it. Hint: they do. They are coming here not because they are fleeing anything. At best it's so they can suckle off the teat of the state, to then send it back to their family in the same country they supposedly despise. At worst they literally want to steal land and heritage from you. Don't get sucked in to this "muh compassion" shit. It's a load of fucking garbage and everyone who spouts it knows that.

In the unlikely event that that happens I'll leap laughing into my grave knowing that you mongrels will suffocate in your own shit soon thereafter without whitey to take care of you.

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I did not know Mexico made kebabs.

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At least it's not beans.

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If so, then why was she dumb enough to get impaled by rebar?

No they don't. They think shit is free here or that they will get free assistance.

loooooool ok paco. keep tellin yourself that


Do these people get high on meth and watch Disney channel or something and think that is actually how things happen here? What the fuck opportunities do they think there are for uneducated people who actually make the conscious decision to just go full Columbus in current year and just storm into a country where they aren't a citizen. I'm guessing there's something I'm missing here , there has to be some secret welfare program that you can only get if you arent white, because there is no fucking way most of these non whites I encounter would be able to survive a week when most try hard whites still have problems.

I don't know why fags think that this image is insulting. He looks very happy!

Looks like what they put up is working. Thanks OP. REAL NEWS.

Have some respect for the jews you deranged spico boy, they were the ones who trained your carter bound overlords and allowed your sorry excuse of existence to taint great non-failed nations.

They should have just left her there.

lel buttblasted beaner