Pope Francis Says Accused Pastors Are Like Jesus on ‘Good Friday’

Pope Francis Says Accused Pastors Are Like Jesus on ‘Good Friday’
Bishops who are accused should remain silent like Jesus on Good Friday when the crowds called out for his crucifixion, Pope Francis said Tuesday.


When people insulted Jesus on Good Friday and shouted, “Crucify him,” the pope said in his morning homily at the chapel of the Santa Marta residence, “he remained silent because he had compassion for those people deceived by the powerful.”

“He was silent. He prayed,” Francis said.

“In the same way, the pastor, in difficult times, in times when the devil is unleashed, where the pastor is accused—accused by the Great Accuser through so many people, so many powerful ones—suffers, offers his life and prays,” the pope said.

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Oh Frankie, the difference is that Jesus did nothing wrong.
You pompous Argentinian windbag.

Sadly, I think he knows the Scriptures well enough.

Which makes it worse.

Vatican is one of the most powerfull organisation in the world, literally supported by every other powerfull organization like EU, United Nation and MSM. Pedophile's victims are usually poor kids. I wanna beat this hypocrite bastard's face to the ground.

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Funny thing: in context it's actually not as insane as it sounds
In other words, the accused should up the shut winnie the pooh and stop running around protesting they're innocent and let justice be done.

At least, that's my reading.

glorious wordfilter

But you actually removed context by removing the last line in OP's post.

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It's only going to get worst from here lads….

Keep extending the benefit of the doubt lads. They like a good chuckle.

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Pope Hilarius II when?




By the lord, what does he mean by this?

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This. We saw enough to confirm the words of Pope Francis are intentionally ambiguous and the worst sense is the one he really mean.

The comments are nauseating. Lord Jesus protect us, I sincerely hope those are shills.

>We are called not to be cold to one another, nor too firey. A lukewarm spirit is what is best, and I think most of us commenting here will agree.
>Which is why we should try and be Moderate Catholics. Like the great saints. Moderate in faith (and hope), but ZEALOUS in love for God and neighbour - with many of these great saints ending up martyrs for the faith.
What did I just read.

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The words of someone who's going to hell.


Sure, why not? I mean, in the US at least, we have "the right to remain silent" and "innocent until proven guilty in a court of law".

I'm pretty sure that guy is being sarcastic. Still, since we have autistics out there like you guys who don't get that stuff, it could still lead to problems. Probably best to be avoided to prevent confusion on matters of faith.

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The Roman Catholic Church, by its very nature, is clericalist.
Sure, they say follow the Bible and what it teaches, but the clergy also makes up its rules alongside it, and puts it on equal footing.

It would be fine if they just suggested that people abstain from meat on Friday to show their love for God. Or just suggested they go to church every Sunday. Or suggested confession to a priest as an act of humility. But they don't. They don't encourage those things for the love of God. They mandate those things, and if you don't do them, the clergy can send you to hell by their word because "they have the Keys of Peter". Quite a wild interpretation of scripture, I think.

And in this day and age, more and more Roman Catholics are realizing the slavish devotion to non-scriptual doctrine and the word of the clergy is a trap. They are turning away from Rome in droves and becoming Protestant, or Orthodox, or Independent Catholics. They couldn't keep the truth supressed forever.

The clergy is going to double down out of a misguided attempt to protect the hierarchy, which they of course believe is "the Church" described in scripture. This predator Cardinal was known about since 2000, which means Pope Francis fully knew and promoted him, and Pope Benedict covered up his abuse and tried to sweep it under the rug, and Pope "Saint" John Paul II was in on it as well. What a scandal that would be if a canonized saint was involved in the mass sex abuse coverup. Orders of magnitude more scandalous than even the Pope being involved.

the absolute state of (((shitstains)))

You do have to keep an eye on your shepherds these days; in which case, which ones are the sheep really?

More likely you are seeing the beginning point of a new schism, although since the heretical faction is the one in the driver seat this time, this is sort of a strange situation for a change. That said, this is becoming enough of a problem that criminal prosecutors are getting involved in the US over this, and other countries nearby are not far behind.

It's going to be pretty messy, and I'm not sure it'll even remain confined to RCC. What about any law enforcement officers that protected church officials? Has anyone thought about them getting caught up, particularly if they run police departments now? And what about a different form of ecumenicism being discovered? It's not like abuse is utterly unique to Rome or even Christians. You could open up a whole can of worms where other religious organizations, or even secular aid foundations become targets as the scope of things widens and widens.

Apparently reading comprehension isn't your strong point…


It wasn't until the last paragraph that I knew he was being sarcastic - but that was only because I have read the Bible - people who did not read all of it or who have forgotten parts of it may not see through this message.

That being said before I thought it was sarcastic I was still against it, just believing that he was sincere. It is possible that others should feel the same.

Not all of the accused are guilty, but not all of the guilty have been allowed to encounter justice in their mortal coil. Until that's dealt with, that is the more damaging of the two problems. However we want to be careful, if you start jailing innocent people that information will come out and cause a backlash, which could turn people off to the idea of predator priests needing to be prosecuted.

Fortunately the clergy can't send you to hell if they themselves are heretics.

I look around me and all I see is cowardice, apathy, willful ignorance.
Did Vatican II emasculate anyone who would in previous times have fought for integrity, doctrinal or otherwise?
When I talk with my pastor, I ask him about this statement or that statement, and he has never heard about it until I've mentioned it. It breaks my heart in two. My generation was raised to think Catholicism was wishy washy, that it basically made no sense, that the history was uninteresting and probably something we should be ashamed of anyway. All the kids from my old Catholic school I've kept track of are atheist these days. Was this an accident? Or was it the point all along?

TL:DR, unspeakable evil stalks the land wearing our Church as a skin suit, the faithful barely even care.

Well, the "is it's Vatican II's fault" thing is an argument in and of itself. What ISN'T argued is that Vatican II was used as a cudgel to change everything. I really think that even if all that came out of it was a blank sheet of paper with no changes, the event itself would have lead to the same situation we have today with rampant atheism, criminality and other issues.

Keep in mind Vatican II was originally suggested by Cardinals Ruffini and Ottaviani to Pius, and those two were not at all modernists. But it turns out they were playing with the monkey's paw. The fact that the initial interest in it was from immutable traditionalists turned out to be immaterial, since it was used for another purpose beyond the initial motions.


I can't see blaming Vatican II for the rise of atheism, unless he's also somehow to blame for Protestant USA and Orthodox Russia also turning their backs on active practice of their beliefs.

Something mysterious and terrible happened in the 1960s.

After wwii Marxist ideology started reigning the world more and more. It makes no difference if you lived in communist east or capitalist west. The ultimate goal to destroy spirituality of our people has been pushed everywhere. They were infected with materialism, which is the ultimate foundation of both capitalism and communism.
Vatican II is not to be blamed for the rise of atheism in whole but it is a significant factor. It protestantizes catholicism, it preaches ecumenism, now modernists openly even preach universalism. The problem with universalism and ecumenism is that it implies that Christianity is useless. If there is no truth then it is a waste of time to occupy your mind with them.
So yeah, Now the churchm mirrors the absolute state of society instead of holding the line because a bunch of traitors decided the church should "go with times"

Bending the history and doctrine is a sure way to turn young from catholic church. I am from religious area, went to a catholic school but even there catholicism was slandered, its history twisted. Outside of church and lschool catholicism mocked. I can tell you it's not easy to be catholic where I live even though there are majority of catholics. The enemy holds the media, brainwashes young and turns them away from church. We still have the numbers but do not have the megaphone. Sadly our leaders are either traitors or most of them are too weak to stand up to the propaganda apparatus.
TL:DR, we reap what a bunch of traitors in church and outside of church in our nations sowed in 20th and 19th century. The grapes are sour but perhaps it is the only way to revive the true catholicism and faith in the hearts of our people

Well, to be fair, they did have to deal with hard Gommies. That's not going to help things. I think that was a different situation from Western decay, at least in so far as one was open and active, and the other seemingly passive or at least subversive.

I think there were additional forces at work beyond the general reactions to secular developments you mention. However, it's metastasized into so many areas now that narrowing it down to something specific might be counterproductive until some situational stability can be found.