Thoughts on the toxoplasmosis theory of homosexuality?

It has also been blamed for causing schizophrenia, submissiveness, masochism, other mental illnesses, etc. Interesting that cats have always been associated with witchcraft, regarded as a familiar to witches, etc. Cats were seen as holy to ancient Egyptians. Cats were also considered an unclean animal in the food laws, although there are some positive references to big cats like lions in the Bible.

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This is what science should pursue, not winnie the pooh iPhones.

Also interesting that Romans 1 blames the worship of animals instead of God as causing homosexuality (like the homosexuality is a judgement on man for that). And then now we have these feminist women who focused on their career instead of having children, calling their cats their babies.

This makes so so much sense. It makes too much sense.

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I thought toxoplasmosis caused aggressiveness and promiscuity in menohmyGod

Funny. Had cats for years and learned about this relatively recently. I looked around studies, hoping to debunk the more severe claims. When I couldn't, my next step was to look into what was being done to redress it. When I found nothing, i was horrified.

It seems deliberate, guys.

the cbs article seems to imply you only get it if you have a weak immune system and get toxoplasmosis

One of many factors at best but definitely not a reason on its own.
Not much conclusiveness and only slight correlation with anything it causes.
Also like points out your immune system must be bitch-boi tier
What also doesn't add up is the proclaimed permanent alteration because that would mean it could rewire your brain but if something can rewire it you can too.
The only real permanent neurological changes come from 'visible' physical changes in the brain, e.g. a bullet or a tumor.

So yeah it might be a factor, but don't get fooled guys and don't miss the real reason homos are increasing.

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I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out to be a factor, but ultimately we know that it's the fact people turned their back on God and, according to what Romans 1:24-2:2 says, God gave them up to those things.

Also, "the Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished."

I would say also that people who are always worshipping and always lift up their cats and dogs but who just want to ignore the role of God in everyone's life are showing definite signs of going down the wrong way. I don't think it was a coincidence the passages mention how people "changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things." God help us if that's where so many people are at.

Just throw me into the bog already.

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Hey, just like me! I’m 6ft tall, ugly and same issues; still, I want more proofs.

Also, remember that Martin Shkreli 'pharmabro' guy? The drug he raised the price from $13 to $750? Guess what it treated? Toxoplasmosis.

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sounds interesting. Might be worth reposting elsewhere to spread awareness.

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Toxoplasmosis itself can be cured (the sooner you act the better). It's also worth noting that cats aren't the only possible source of it. Medium cooked pork, unwashed vegetables, etc. are also.

The part that's up in the air is whether or not the resulting behavioral changes are reversible.

Also approximately one third of human civilization has toxoplasmosis, so it would be hard to get rid of anyway (and there's a tinfoil theory that infected people subconsciously want to spread it, thus preventing any major medical movement to figure out how to eradicate it entirely) Men affected become more aggressive, women more promiscuous, and toxoplasmosis is passed on to children conceived by such couples in some cases.

But a third of the world isn't remotely projected to be gay. Even Japan, where everyone is cooped up and can't figure out how to date anymore, only has ~8% LGBT people and cats are very culturally significant.

Did the OP in those pictures not take 8th grade science class? Mothers can only give x chromosome so they can't determine the sex of the baby only the father can who can give either x or y.

In my opinion, faggots are possessed by demons.


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Try these

It's just not true man. I have to go with the biblical theory on homosexuality, that is, fags rejected God, and God gave them up to vile affections. It's their choice.
I like cats, and I'm not homogay. Quit making excuses for sodomites.

"Everyone who has a cat is gay" isn't the argument.

Hehe my cat is indoor-only so she probably never caught toxoplasmosis. Im safe r-right.

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6ft is below average where I live…





I prefer the actual biblical theory as outlined in Romans Chapter 1. Everything else is a jewish fable.

hi rabbi

This was the guy who on one of his streams said that the NT had amazing poetry in it and is a definite read for anyone and that was what convinced me to open the Bible in the first place.
And those scum put this man in prison on some bullpooh that every suit on Wallstreet does everyday x100…

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5'10 is UK average bruv

Hmm…it doesn't explain lesbianism.

Either way, I think homosexuality is pretty clear cut in cause: sexual inclination is a conditioned response that arises as pleasurable stimuli are associated with environmental factors.

For the homosexual, either because of childhood rape or a later in life aversion to women on account of rejection or on account of pornography or any other factor that places him in a situation of being stimulated by men; he begins associating sexual stimulus with his own sex.

It's pretty much pavlov's dogs all over again.

All sexual inclination works like this, not only homosexuality, but everything. Whether you like fat women or thin ones, redheads or blondes, children or adults, tentacle monsters or animu girls – it all boils down to conditioning. If the brain associates pleasure with something, it will be inclined towards it.

can confirm this is true.

i had homosexual tendencies when younger, read up on this back when it was originally published and decided to get on Bactrim.

long story short my homosexual desires went away, i became a decent person, abandoned my degeneracies, and ultimately found Christ and repented for it.

I thank God for leading me away from faggotry and showing me the way to Him.


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digits give reason

I don't know what to think about him. It seems his hiking of the price mainly screwed insurance companies moreso than the people with toxoplasmosis, and they would also provide it for free to patients when necessary. Odd that he went to prison on an unrelated thing shortly after. Maybe tptb just didn't like the fact that his activities caused toxoplasmosis to be brought up in the news? Everything toxoplasmosis causes seems to be the same things the elite want us to have.

Praise the Lord! Happy for you.


Another angle to consider: Shkreli stated that the profit from the drug sales would go to developing newer, better drugs to combat toxoplasmosis. What if he really intended to do this, and people in power don't want toxoplasmosis cured, so they shut him down?

tfw no sexy parasites

What he did was par for the course in the medical industry. Which is not to say that I agree with it, but he's been singled out for following local traditions.

I don't know if this is true or pseudoscience, research will never confirm this because it is politically incorrect.
From my experience I am aware of two types of homosexuals. One are normal people who are uninterested in females and attracted to male bodies but they act normally and often try to resist to this attraction, from a christian point of view they have to stay chaste.
The second group is people who are clearly perverese and disgusting, act in a very unnatural way, and probably practice things that would cause most people to puke, this kind of homosexuality includes the big majority of militant homosexuals and is nothing more than a moral and sexual disorder caused by a lifestyle of promiscuity, depravity and sin.

Include a third type for those that, through constant failure acquiring a female mate, are seduced (for lack of a better word) by men willing to show them affection when no women has, that turn to homosexuality out of a warped sense of attraction from never obtaining female companionship. The male body isn't foreign to them, and they simply project their own masturbatory fantasy onto an external party. These people often still remain chaste and are the male equivalent of the meme that butch lesbians just need a good man to unscrew their minds, as their homosexuality is based entirely in the assumption that womankind in sum has rejected them.