Millennials aren't spending because they're broke, reports the Fed

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It's because we're more likely to complain and spend money on useless shit instead of invest for the future. The lack of children and the hatred of pregnancy contributes to this selfish lifestyle

One important thing to consider is technology. We have HD tv's, powerful computers & cellphones and high speed internet. The future is Wall-E. I used to go to the movie theater, mall, arcade etc. Today I can do all that from home and save money. If I was single I'd probably live in a small cheap place with a bad ass computer and an autoblow.

Don't get me wrong, previous generations had their priorities right. Family, career, property and a bunch of guns to protect everything. We're doomed.

Now how about an independent inquiry into how much physical assets are currently inside the reserve? Pro-tip…it's empty.


Get a job!

blowjob machine?

It's time to admit that society failed the millenials. Imagine going through life without being enslaved by enormous debt! For shame, federal reserve.

Too much student loan debt. Just as much your fault as well anyone (including parents) who encouraged it.

Massive student loans are a racket and I've said this over and over, needs to be treated like an illegal racket.

That's what happens when you saddle a generation with debt, and many the readily available jobs have lower income than they did 20 years ago.

Since the federal reserve was created the economy has been a gigantic pyramid scheme. You're at the bottom of the pyramid. Guess (((who))) is at the top?

What the fuck is an "experience"? if by "experience" you mean getting better at something by practice then i don't spend money on that either.

Trade school is by far a more solvent option for most. If you want to go into a specific profession (like science) then perhaps college would be an option because you would make enough to pay down that debt. Here's the kicker: MOST students that get a college degree DO NOT end up with a professional job and get strapped with massive student loans that they can't pay back off. Thats the problem. College was meant for professional careers, NOT the majority of regular working stiffs.

Four major contributers:

1) Outsourcing of jobs & automation.
2) Student loan debts.
3) Housing bubble.
4) Fiscal Insolvency of the nation which causes price inflation.


It was just the last materialistic racket to take hold over society. It should surprise no-one that the boomers fed this mentality with their "do as you wish" propaganda. They set a bad example by largely acting as if citizens owe nothing to their country, to their community, or to future generations. The implication at the core of that attitude is that your life doesn't really matter, so why do something Great with it? Greatness is difficult.

Why try? Get by. Do as you wish.

Oh my, that means that I am a millennial now ???… I always thought that millenials were these young people born after 2000. Aren't they ?

Not sure if it's the same in USA but here in France everything is 5 to 20 times more expensive now than it was when I was a kid. Not kidding, not exagerating. I do NOT make 5 to 20 times more money than my father did back then though, not at all, neither do him but at least he is finished paying his debs. So yes people are broke now because every little thing is so f***ing expensive.

Impossible, in capitalism people only get richer and richer.

I used to think that too. Just goes to show it's a very arbitrary and meaningless age bracket. In fact I thought people born from the 80s to late 90s were supposed to be called gen x.

You clearly don't know what capitalism is thinking that. Capitalism is a system based on supply and demand. And competition between businesses in the market place. Some succeed and some fail. If your business fails, you file for bankruptcy and begin asset liquidation for settlement. Markets boom and bust, its a natural cycle.

Unfortunately today the government intervenes too much when not really necessary (such as bailing out insolvent banks, institutions and companies which was NEVER originally part of the capitalist model).

Today the rich get richer typically because they get bailed out by their governments for being insolvent rather than being forced into bankruptcy. Halting all bailouts and corporate welfare (subsidies) would prevent insolvent monopolies as we see today.

However, no one wants to talk about this problem, they all want to blame a system which has been abused by corrupted entities. If we followed the normal capitalist procedures in 2008, we would have let the banks go bankrupt, we would have had a temporary crash in all the markets, we would have gone into a depression and we would have naturally worked our way out and recovered through the free market system. Thats how its supposed to work, but the US no longer allows that today. We manipulate markets today, we subsidize everything and bailout the cronies. Very abusive!!!

After 2001 are the Zoomers, Generation Z.


International Experts decided that LESS MONEY for people equals LESS CONSUMPTION…. less consumption is more Eco-Friendly.

They are making everyone poor to force them to have less children and consume less.

Meanwhile, they are forcing unlimited immigration….

It's precisely because having children is so prohibitively expensive that many don't bother pursuing anything shy of purely hedonistic lifestyles now. There's not enough room to make an economic buffer to shield a family starting out. It leaves people frustrated, they've got money but never ever enough to do anything meaningful with it as the costs of items just keep going up due to inflation (which is nothing short of a hidden tax on peoples money largely created by government social spending - they make money up in order to pay for shit they can't afford which robs literally everyone else of value on their dollars).

If you can't do anything meaningful with your money you might as well do meaningless shit at that point. Social welfare needs to stop across the board. You can't tax people enough, as not enough people make an income, to pay for it without bankrupting everyone. Why raise a child in this environment? You're literally submitting a human being to indentured servitude - morally wrong in a deeply intuitive way.

By making sure "everyone has the chance to live happily" with an insanely overpriced social latticework of securities we've ensured almost no one can be happy. These measures did nothing to fix financial stratification, they've ensured the ossification of it by destroying economic mobility.

Surprising how gender studies degrees don't bring in the big bucks.

Yep, and not much else either. Wanna be a dentist? Enjoy $500,000 in dept or so and paying off that til you are 70. Even jobs like wanting to be a teacher are coming with 20+ years of dept.

Oh and say nothing of the housing or jobs being outsourced. Or that the entire generation got fucked early in advance from the recession in general.

Fuck off, Keynes, you worthless Jew. Millennials are broke because of their stupid and irresponsible spending habits. If they cut the credit cards and didn't take out student loans, they would not be broke. I'm in my twenties and I've worked for a living since I was 17, and I have owned three cars, lived in two houses I rented myself, and own six firearms. I have just short of $4000 in reserve right now, and I have a man on the hook for $3000 that I loaned him to help him buy a car.

My secret? I save money, don't buy dumb shit, cook my own food, and I refuse to be unemployed. Millennials are not victims, they're the sources of all their own problems.

You forgot 5: Bringing in migrants to work the jobs "beneath" millenials which reduces the job pool further I'd add 6:useless degrees but if you network aka blow the right people your degree means squat either way.

Until you need it

Rented, owns guns, has $4000

Give the man a cigar!

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good for you man, still plenty of people who have done or tried to do the same thing you've done but not had as much luck.

Begging people for a job and working 40-60 hours a week isn't luck. Don't try to rationalise people's lack of effort. There is always room to try harder, and anyone who says otherwise needs to muster up some willpower.

lol this is what I earn in 1 day my dear
you are so cute

you need migrants to work those shit jobs because our own kids are too spoiled to ever consider doing a job that is not

You now have an entire generation of young people who would rather live off welfare their entire life and deal drugs and pursue a "career" in rap music than to work on a construction site.
And do you know what? They are right. If there is a loophole in the system that enables you to live the good life, just abuse the shit out of it.

Good for you man. I'm glad you've done well for yourself.

Though there are plenty of things that can strike a person down besides "lack of willpower:" such as being accused of a crime they didn't do, getting into a auto accident or just any accident and hospitalized, the business failing or their shop closing, and so on

there is no 'supposed'. All of these labels are made up by jews to wage generational divide and conquer. I belong to generation fuck the jews to death.


i make about 80k a year and can only afford to rent where i live. buying a house is a pipe dream and its not because of the down payment. its because of the insanely high property tax rate.
a mortgage payment is nothing for me. but annual property tax is actually more than my mortgage.
i have well over 70k in the bank and am throwing away almost $2400/mo in annually increasing rent. and i dont even live near the city, i live a 45 minute commute from where i work.

any other place hiring are either not paying nearly what i make for my level of education/experience, or much further away and would require a much longer commute as well as be much harder to find a place to live since its even more expensive.

Where do you live? Why are you paying $2400 per month on rent if you have to commute 45 minutes? What are the rent prices like 10 minutes from your workplace?

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This. Typically people live AWAY from their workplace and have to drive a long distance every day to and from, in order to SAVE money (living outside the expensive cities).

Gov intervienes because your capital holders own it too, and use as a tool.

It's not a matter of need, the only way to get it is to not work. A minimum wage job full time excludes from obtaining most government benefits in most jurisdictions.

Places like SF can be crazy like that.


Or have kids despite barely being able to afford to pay your rent. Then you'll qualify for some assistance. But not much. Just don't extra tax breaks and WIC aka food stamps, so the children don't starve to death. The kids are still probably fucked in the long run.

Just extra tax breaks

Don't expect to get anything that you could actually use unless you're a professional welfare queen. If you're White they'll grill you because they can and know they can get away with it.

Thats why its not a good idea living in Commiefornia.

No idea with what to do in my life since getting out of the military. College is paid for but I have no drive, entire atmosphere was libshit as fuck, being on the edge of blackpilled doesn't help. I know my situation is better than most, but I don't see a reason to get into this fucked up system. I'm just wasting savings at home ghosting through life.

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Find a trade school, learn a trade. Its cheap, its NOT full of snowflake libshits, they'll teach you what you need to know and some even help you find the job your looking for too.

Mike Rowe talks importance of skill trade workers:

Rowe: Why we never see protests at trade schools:

Millenials are actually more frugal than boomers but ok

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Will look into. Thank you. Any thoughts on CLEP tests? My dad keeps recommending them to me.

Maybe if compared across the board but in the very liberal city I live in it's always young people doing dumb shit with their money then complaining about it. And I'm speaking as someone who is young and trying to save up for a better future.

I have no idea, I think you can get credits (or discounts) for certain degrees, but again, I don't recommend college unless you know you want a specific profession where college is an obligation (such as being a doctor or lawyer or chemist). Otherwise if you want a regular job, with decent pay, stick to the trades. Plumbing can pay up to 80K a year. HVAC mechanics can make up to 65K per year. So you can make a decent income off skilled trade jobs.

These kinds of jobs will always be in demand too.

That's all I'm looking for really, something not soul-crushing yet high paying enough that I can take care of the bills and focus the rest of my time on what really interests me. I live spartan as it is, but food alone is a much greater expense than I ever thought it would be when my own meals were just shitty navy food.

Boomer reading comprehension lol

The post is literally 2 sentences long.

Pretty much the same. Been drifting through life since my deployment and have no idea what the fuck to do.

So if this is true who the fuck is buying these billions of dollars of lootboxes and shit in videogames every year?
All I'm hearing is "buy more goyim"

Yeah I work 40-60 hours a week after begging for a job and now I'm saddled with an inability to actually leave where I'm at because the job doesn't pay enough but I can't find a proper job because no one considers manufacturing experience as transferable to the skilled trade I'm trained in. I've owned four cars since I was 16, rented two different houses, and currently have $3,000 in my savings account. It doesn't change the fact that I'm living dirt poor and begging ain't helping me find a proper job unless I want to hop from one Manufacturing job to the next with shitty work conditions.

The issue is that the hiring window for these jobs is usually the first two months out of the year and the last two months out of the year, and you will basically eat shit for the first 5 years while you try to rack up something that can be considered experience just for an employer to tell you your qualifications don't count and you'll have to start as an entry-level employee even though you've reviewed the regular position and know it's shit that you could have done straight out of high school.

As a tradesman, lemme tell you that "learn a trade" is a meme unless you're willing to work god-awful hours or work for shit pay until you have 5-10 years experience (or are willing to throw 4-7 years of your life away for the military).

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I got my start in a pay-nothing construction job and now I manage a restaurant. Quit being a crybaby.

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is this picture trying to be ironic?

I had kinda figured trades were a meme when I was an apprentice. Me and my foreman were digging a ditch early one morning freezing our balls off and laying pipe for ground wire. The though occurred to me that the reality of this career would be that even when I became a journeyman or master I would still be out here digging holes and shit the income bracket will also be very fixed once you become a journeymen not a whole lot of room for advancement unless you start your own business.

Thankfully I have a buddy nearby who've I've been friends with since elementary school who I can actually have a fucking conversation with about real shit. He was ex-military too, but for other than honorable conditions I'm afraid. So he's been going through his own kind of hell for the last 6 years, which makes me feel kindov bad for bitching when I do, but he at least seems like he has his priorities straight and is responsible out in civilian life… I can't say that for myself considering how much money i've wasted in the last 6 months.

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lol no. Boom-Xer, kill yourself.

I'll go MGTOW instead

All of these posts and no one even mentions the effect that boomer divorce rates had on the millennials. I am disappointed Zig Forums. You can scream about hard work and bootstraps all you want, but stats show that divorce fucked an entire generation of young men while they were still in diapers. Boomers were the traitors that inflicted this on the millenials when they should have been guarding their young against attack like EVERY OTHER MAMMAL manages to do. Instead the boomers did what made THEMSELVES happier at the time.

Also, don't forget that the triads and every other organized crime family on earth now buys houses in the west as an investment, driving up housing prices across the market. Jews and boomers ruined a decent country.

What cesspool did you evolve out of?

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Hey, if you really want to be ignorant that's your call, but studies confirm that divorce destroys a young mans potential. You can't fix that with anything.

This must be the New Left version of boomer posting about the inherent laziness and entitlement of young people bankrupted by non-dischargeable student loans and a deindustrialized national economy.

You do realise the Chinese federal government has an active program right now that entails buying up real estate and business properties in order to interfere with the economies of other countries, right? Judging by your shitposting I assume you're either Australian or Canadian, and either one of those being true should mean that you would have heard about this already. It's not fucking street criminals, you idiot, they don't even have the capital to do what you're talking about.

Your posts are filled with buzzwords and ego-stroking, but you have failed to say anything of importance or worth.

Get a job.

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these are not the same thing, but I can see why you would be so obtuse in the hope of claiming an internet victory
You are moving the goal posts. The triads definitely are buying up property. Now let me really blow your mind, did you know the triads are IN the Chinese government? Here, let me blow your mind even more, did you know JEWS are in the US government? So yes, it is possible that the chinese government AND chinese mobsters, AND organized criminals from ALL over the world are using the same scam as an investment especially for laundering money outside of their own countries.
What the fuck are you smoking? Cocks? Lots of cocks?

Citation needed. Your inference doesn't follow from what I said. There is, of course, more wrong with what you're saying, but let's start there as I'm sure you're low iq.

For people who are looking for jobs, and don't want to do a trade, look into startups. They may not be the most amazing positions but they can lead to things. I've been working at a startup for the past 5 years, rose in the ranks, and now I make 75 grand a year. Take any opportunity you can, even if it looks like it won't do you shit. Stay away from service jobs, they won't allow you to rise. You can start building networks through things like startups because often people in startups tend to communicate.

Factually untrue. My mother is the cause for my bad financial situation. She used me for money when I was younger. Protip never trust a single mother, ever!.
t 1996
also generations don't exist kike

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I don't have any debt wagecuck

Granted the situation was a bit more complex than my logic but for a kid tackling such a subject I was pretty spot on and had a much better grasp of the situation than most adults.

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I'm almost like (you) and I'm 22 and have been financially smart since I was 13.


Glad I didn't fell for the college meme

Money isn't real, dipshit

A lot of the fags in this thread stink of Middle Class who have never had to earn anything in their life or understand what it is to be truly disadvantaged.

You understand that median income is below the 'poverty' line, right? The middle class is the working class, you commie retard.

College education has never been more needless or expensive in this country, but usury schemes are quite another subject. I’m appalled that a supposedly jew wise and informed NS poster would get smug about college debt when the FRN itself implicates themselves in the entire shitshow. Retarded.

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We dolla dolla on bedspread thread now?

Nah, just showing off debts.

Well, we all have our own kind of problems
But at least i have a house

Color me surprised.

What the effin hell is gonna happen in like five or ten years when almost every boomer dies in poorly-tended nursing homes and all that's left is gen X doing their thing?

Also all this bullshit about separating the generations is what makes it so goddamn economically hard. People within their own families are torn apart by fucking greed alone. I'm also 90% certain that 'generational differences' in some cases are quite essentially created by asshats that sit atop the social engineering ladders.

Also, love how they always omit gov'ts taking their "fair share" from everything. More people on entitlement programs requires folk to pay into these stupid programs. More government involvement means more people have to pay the goddamn government. Worst part is, people (especially in idiotic blue states like mine) always love checking "yes" boxes to shit that increases taxes and government spending on useless shit.

Jobs are literally being forced into creation that only exist to create busywork and red tape, diversity quotas and more. People vote in shitty leaders that promise a 1% growth on their pension at the expense of the nation's overall wellbeing. Don't even get me started on how shareholders have become welfare queens instead of supporters of local businesses. Not to mention that people had larger slices of the overall pie of America in the past because there were simply more people putting in than taking out.

Worst of all, we have larger businesses putting into bullshit like SNAP because it's cheaper to put into a government program that feeds your employees rather than give them extra money for themselves. Inflated values of mandated health insurance also cause a forceful shift in payments towards 'necessities' that force a lack of growth in any other department or sector.

Pair that with the fact that taxation nowadays just copies fractional reserve banking (as most people essentially get their taxes returned if they're too poor) and the fact that no one ever touches the goddamn Federal Reserve manipulating our currency with the properties of Fiat and you get this goddamn mess. Money is fucking worthless, backed by ill debt and lies of growth. The only reason other countries haven't done shit on the matter is because the US still puts enough into it's fucking defense department equal to the next 10 largest established countries.

look at Venezuela, that will happen in here

You just had to use the 7 dubs didn't you.

Also, you know what's the shittiest part? People will not go after those in charge. They will go to small tier managers and the like if shit like that happens. The people that cause the mess will sit in castles with feudal knights while the peasants kill one another.

And this is apparently status quo.
Why are people so stupid?

Let's break this down…

And nothing of value was lost! I honestly don't know how many decades they were expecting to get out of the same copy-pasted manure with no entertainment value. It's like being a donut farmer and bemoaning the rise of healthy diets.

Have you tried getting your customers home in the same health condition you picked them up with? Oh right, that's an unreasonable request. But a thousand dollars to sleep in a box isn't.

I didn't know Amazon was run by millenials. Amazon has exactly what I want every single time; brick&mortar stores are outraged I won't change what I want to suit their pointless BS inventory. I know exactly what I want when I spend money; if you don't have it then you don't get anything from me.

Mandatory automobile culture was a scam in the first place. Also thanks to the internet, people just don't really need to travel as much as they used to. If I can pay $2000/mo for a large office for a bunch of farting disease bags, or pay $1000 a month for a smaller office and have half the people telecommute so they can't ruin things for the better half, which do you think I'm going to choose?

Long story short:

It doesn't matter how smart or dumb powerless serfs are.