$$$ Scientists Shocked After New Study Proves Chemotherapy SCAM $$$

THE CURE FOR CANCER: >>>/prepare/53 | archive.fo/31Ylw
htttps:// web.archive.org/web/20181110155804/https:// 8ch.net/prepare/res/53.html

Chemotherapy is not medicine; it is not a therapy at all. A new study published in the American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology lambastes chemotherapy for causing mitochondrial dysfunction in patients’ muscles. This is not some simple side effect. This is a direct debilitating effect inflicted on patients, a condition that causes fatigue, weakness, oxidative stress, and muscle wasting in patients. The research, conducted at the University of Vermont, finds that breast cancer patients are harmed by the chemotherapy drugs doxorubicin and paclitaxel. These are the so-called medications that are commonly used post-surgery in breast cancer patients.


The mitochondria are the energy center of the cells. Cancer treatment should maximize the energy production of cells, not restrict it. Maximizing mitochondrial energy production is one of the keys for a healthy cancer recovery. Breast cancer drugs are literally creating the conditions for future cancers to develop and take hold. (Related: Chemotherapy found to increase the number of tumor cells circulating in the blood, spreading it to previously unaffected areas.)


To get a better understanding, the University of Vermont research team compared muscle fibers from women undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer post tumor removal. Compared to a healthy control group, these women experienced pronounced muscle loss, indicated by a lower cross sectional area of muscle fibers. Next, the researchers applied chemotherapy drugs to mouse muscle cells and studied their mitochondria. The mitochondria were significantly reduced in number and oxidative stress was discovered along with atrophy. The researchers found that doxorubicin and paclitaxel inflict severe oxidative stress which damages cells, restricts mitochondrial energy production, speeds up cell death, and initiates the conditions for chronic diseases.

According to the researchers, this study explains why there is a “high prevalence of fatigue and functional disability across all cancer types, including those not typically characterized by cachexia, (muscle wasting) such as breast cancer.” It’s not the cancer that patients are fighting. Patients are fighting against the direct debilitating effects of chemotherapy drugs.

Fortunately, researchers around the world are studying treatment options that enhance mitochondrial energy production for healthy cancer recovery. Researchers from the University of Salford found that matcha green tea effectively kills breast cancer cells by shifting the cancer cells toward a “quiescent metabolic state.” Matcha green tea targets cancer stem cells and suppresses their oxidative mitochondrial metabolism while leaving healthy cells unharmed.

Likewise, an herb native to Europe, Asia and North Africa shows promise for treating breast and prostate cancers. Researchers from the University of Washington found that sweet wormwood, combined with iron, effectively targets cancer cells while leaving healthy cells unharmed. The researchers used naturally-occurring holotransferrin to carry iron into the cancer cells. Breast cancer cells have up to fifteen times more iron receptors than surrounding cells and have a hard time disposing of free-floating iron. Wormwood’s active ingredient, artemisinin, reacts with the iron, prompting the cancer cells to die.

Furthermore, researchers from Pennsylvania State University found that resveratrol, a natural compound found in grapes, pomegranates, blueberries and cranberries, can reduce tumors of the colon. When combined with an anti-inflammatory drug called sulindac, the anti-cancer effects of resveratrol were most prevalent, and the combination therapy did not harm healthy cells.


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HOW TO CURE A COLD: Take 2 pairs of grapefruit and peel them, chop up the grapefruit and keep the peels too. add the chopped grapefruit and peels into the hot water (don't let it boil, just make sure its very warm). Add some organic lemon juice and two tablespoons pure baking soda and mix it all up very well.

Then take the hot water and strain it. Drink the water up. Cures the cold.

PS: this is what a lot of Negro grandmothers used to do way back in the day…….BUT I kid you not…..it works!!

bumping legit

Garlic and honey mixed together work as well. Also, colloidal silver put around the inside of your nostrils will prevent a cold. Salt water or hydrogen peroxide will knock out a cold fast if you pour it down you nasal passages. The fumes of certain essential oils will knock out a cold. Coconut oil will can stop a cold and can prevent your nose from becoming raw from blowing it too much.

Two other tricks I know id if you have an upset stomach, even if it's from a bacterial or viral infection. Eat greek yogurt. It works better than any probiotic or antibiotic. It will clear up diarrhea. You will be regular and you will know it will be working at removing the infection because it will smell so bad, it can gag a maggot. The other trick I know is if you get a unrinary tract infection. Take an alk-seltzer. It will stop the itching and burning sensation almost immediately and clear it up within a few hours.

If any of you aren't already. You should all be eating uncooked garlic. It's magic. It even protects you from stds and will greatly lower your chances of contracting one frm a sexual partner. It will also stop any other infection and they have recently discovered that that garlic does not make guys stink, but makes them more sexually appealing to women and they aren't even sure how it works yet but think it has something to do with the endocrine system.

I forgot to mention, this one actually saved me a trip to the doctor once, but if you ever start having pain in your liver or kidneys. Drink some water with a tbsp of vinegar in it and take some pain medication. It will aid your liver in removing the toxin that is causing you pain and you won't have to go to the doctor and get a steroid shot and it will clear any infection or stones in your kidneys.

Good tips. I love garlic, and that is true too. Garlic can relieve stuffy noses and is very healthy for the heart and cardiovascular system. God made these things in nature for a reason.

Since I started eating a piece of garlic a few days every week I have stopped several colds.

Holy shit, who could have guessed? It's literally a poison optimized for killing/disabling cancer cells more than it does regular cells. Just because it kills the cancer doesn't mean it magically leaves healthy cells alone, but it's still the best shot at stopping cancer that we have so far.

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I'll be archiving this for great tips!


Don't try to reason with vegans and new-agers. You'll just get frustrated.

Agreed. I've seen the ingredients these vegan foods have and they are loaded with soy and artificial chemicals and lots of other toxic crap. I don't understand WHY the fuck they think that shit is healthy?

I like to stick with certified non-GMO organic vegetables and certified high quality meats (without hormones or nitrites). Plus I like my healthy spices like ginger and garlic!

Some good tips, I'm thinking of doing a "How To Cure A Cold" thread on >>>/prepare/ soon!

This is why I enjoy making these news threads, for any informative content others can provide us. Don't allow the corporate-media shills to ruin our ability to speak out against the cancerous "norms" of our rotting society.

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It's like a bunch of braindead soccer moms chatting in this thread.

How the fuck would this absurd process relate to having a cold in any way? Do you have any evidence at all that this works besides literally
Well guess what I've had dozens of colds and every single one of them went away magically just by this one weird trick of doing nothing about it except eating well and resting.

Too bad you don't care for real news.

Every time a comment gets posted here, notice how conveniently ALL the other TV-ridden corporate propaganda threads get a convenient bump? Its no accident.

bumping legit news


say Zig Forums mod
Are you going to let the looney /killcen/ turn Zig Forums into his own personal /prep/ board?

It will be destroyed
Take a look at the silence in his boards

Anchor the nutbar's posts

He posts here, because his voice is lost with all the other nutbars on Zig Forums

TV faggot sage denied.