Hello Zig Forums. I was raised in a Christian family but I never really found myself devout...

Hello Zig Forums. I was raised in a Christian family but I never really found myself devout. When I was in high school I discovered that I was gay. For many years I put off religion but truthfully I have always felt ashamed about my sexuality. I've only ever had sex once in my life when I was in high school and to be honest it was a really bad experience because I was really attracted to the person but the person didn't want any romantic intimacy, just sex. I am still closeted to my family, only my best friend knows that I'm gay. She is a Christian and I met her at work a few years ago. She has invited me over her house many times before and I feel really comfortable with her. She has told me about the Bible but I never really accepted it. But last week she invited me to her church and I gotta say, it was really nice. The people there were amazing. I think for the first time in my life I may have felt God.

I'm still very much attracted to my own sex though, and I know that according to you guys being gay is a sin. So how do I change? I really don't know how, it's not like I woke up one day and decided to be gay. It just happened…. What do I do? Can I accept Christ but not be in any relationships ever even though I'll still have homosexual feelings? I simply cannot be with a woman though… I'm just not attracted to them in anyway. They are great friends to have but I just can't be with one. What do I do?

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Honestly, you should probably just kill yourself. There is no salvation for faggots. Leviticus 20:13.

watch the (((mods))) delete this one

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Yes. Being predisposed to same-sex attraction is a heavy burden that you will have to bear, but you are not condemned. You are called to a life of celibacy.
Also, please ignore and anyone else who claims you are beyond saving or should kill yourself. They literally don't know what they're talking about.

Are you kidding me? The Bible says faggots should be executed. Your church doesn't follow the Bible though so that's why your clergy are all pedophile fags.

OP, please, kill yourself. It's the only valuable thing you can do for God.


Newfag's first Anderson post
Or a falseflagger

You do realize that Leviticus is for people WHO LIVED BEFORE CHRIST, right? So stop calling gay people faggots, Christians like you are the reason why others hate Christianity and call us hypocrites.

The video I posted here refutes your argument >>712358

Op don’t listen to these hypocrites telling you to kill themselves, they’re not true followers of Christ, who tells us to love anyone regardless of who they are. My advice to you to to try and reconnect with God and ask for Him to try and make you more like Him. As for women: keep in mind that it’s not a sin to not be with them romantically; if you’re not attracted to them then that’s fine, but maybe someday your feelings will change.

And yes

Pic related

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It really doesn’t. When Jesus came, He said to throw out the old laws, which is why we don’t do sacrifices anymore. However, he kept part of it, such as the love thy neighbor law. Kill the gay people was not one of the laws He told us to keep. And even if He told us to keep that law, which He didn’t, remember forgiveness? Homosexuals can change their ways in order to go to heavens, just like we did. We’re all sinners, and all sin equals hell, no matter what we did. Tl;dr gays can go to heaven and we’re no better than them.

esoteric ;)

He said the exact opposite in Matthew 5.
When he says all of the law is fulfilled. this includes Leviticus 20:13. So to practice Leviticus 20:13 must be a loving act towards your neighbor.
Remember justice? There can be no punishment for crimes apparently. Who knew Christ died on the cross so we could have world wide anarchy? Anyway God has given governments the right to execute criminals in Romans 13. Why would he do this if every crime must be forgive?
The "repentant" sodomite is probably the most dangerous kind because most people drop their guard around them. Once they get some authority over young children, its over for those kiddos.

So you’re saying that if Jesus saw a gay person when He was on the earth teaching about love and forgiveness, he would say,” Love each other, repent to get to heaven, even the murders and prostitutes. Except you, homosexuals. No matter what you’re going to hell.” And I’m not saying homosexuality isn’t a sin, what I’m saying is that you can change your ways to get to heaven, gays included. If that weren’t true, then why would God say that all men were equal if that excluded gays? If that was the case, then His death in the cross would be pointless.

Then I suppose you will have an amazing time after you tell them you are gay. Time will tell just how amazing people are, don't let that be the thing that draws you to faith. I don't think you can change being gay, I certainly couldn't become gay. But you can figure out a way to exist and do what is right for you and for your journey towards faith.

I don't believe that being a homo is an unpardonable sin. I believe that being a homo is a sign of a mind that is in a perpetual state of rejecting Christ. I don't see how one could be saved if you are both being rejected by God and are also rejecting him.

We get one of you fags every single week. You are all shills that are trying to turn this Malaysian basket weaving Christian forum into accepting degenerates. Go away

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sodomy is a huge huge sin punishable by death

This board became /baptism/ + /anime/ general

Ironic that the people advocating for the immediate stoning of gays also have waifus which is one the most faggot thing you can do in this day and age.

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Nice anime post

I see what you mean. But just because you feel a certain way towards the same sex doesn’t necessarily mean you reject Christ, hence the gay Christians. I know they’re lost, but if they believe that Christ is God, that’s technically enough to get to heaven. John 3:16 says so

Kill yourself.

To literally anyone who called him a fag or told him to kill himself:

You are not real Christians. You are embarrassment to the faith. You are hypocrites and sinners. How dare you tell him to kill himself, and call yourself a follower of Christ. Leviticus 20:13 doesn’t apply anymore; if you say it does, then you’re essentially saying that Jesus only forgives certain people, which goes against God saying that all men are equal. Don’t get me wrong, I believe that homosexuality is a sin, but since Jesus died on the cross for our sins, THEY CAN BE FORGIVEN JUST LIKE LITERALLY EVERYONE ELSE. Stop saying you’re a Christian and then proceeding to act like the biggest hypocrite I’ve ever seen. What denomination even teaches to hate people in this day and age anyways?

Step one is stop putting yourself in the category of "I am gay". There is more to a person than sexual urges, despite what globalist media these days tells us. And even the noted degenerate secular researcher Kinsey concluded that sexual orientation was on a spectrum – that is, no one is completely homosexual, and no straight person is physically incapable of committing same-sex acts.
I don't want to make any assumptions about you but dealing with these issues involves asking yourself a lot of questions:

Are you a female?

Not gonna lie m8 I’m not gonna give out any personal info to some dude who I don’t know on the internet. Let’s say I identify as a potato

so you're polish?

I racially identify as a citizen of the Byzantine empire

Just be active in your church community and plan on not having a family. You can find ways have the same experiences without ever needing to involve yourself in homosexuality as a practice. If you plan on becoming a Catholic I'd say look into becoming part of the clergy, but I feel like at this point that might be more of a bad then good influence on you.

On a unrelated note is there anything that has happened in your life that could have led you to having these feelings? I've never really bought that it was all just genetics or something, because most gay guys I know all have weird relationships with their mother or were abused. Often both.

Have you tried? I'm not advocating pre-marital sex, but you can't reject it a priori. Get married and you will learn to love your woman emotionally and physically.
Attraction is lust, but you must reject all lust. Godly people don't get married out of lust, but because man and woman are created for one another. Stop thinking in terms of attraction, that's sin, think instead about what God desires from you.

Post girl hands


If you watch porn try out NoFap, from what I heard it helps a lot. If not try to isolate yourself from things which would promote your illness.

Then you better think of a good reason why your removal would be a detriment to the world.

Well God wants him to be redeemed despite your opinions. This might be hard to understand given how none of us are worthy of his saving grace, but it's true anyway.