Should Christian women always be veiled?

Should Christian women always be veiled?

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No; nowhere in the Bible is it said that women should be veiled. That’s an Islamic belief

1 Corinthians 11:6

Ok, lemme rephrase, nowhere in the Bible is it required to have women constantly cover themselves- that verse is just Paul’s opinion


Women's wearing head coverings in church would be a good thing. I think this should be up to the woman and the congregation. Also, what counts as a head covering could be a hat, which is popular in many southern US churches already.
My heart is full when I see a woman wearing a veil during Catholic Mass. There is something about her that is special and beautiful, no matter her age or looks.

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No. In Church? Yes.

Doesn't matter

Why do people think Luther was right again?


Hair you dummy hair

In church, yes. That has been the way since biblical times. Mohammedans stole that along with other cultures when they razed the Byzantine Empire and upped it to the eleventh from the wholesome and beautiful way to humble oneself and pay respect to down right maniacal oppression under the threat of beatings and death.

most certainly they should always be veiled in church. forcing women to be veiled always in public is a saracen innovation on our tradition which they took from us (they also took prostrating in prayer from us). that being said, if a christian woman wants to veil in public as a form of personal piety i can't find any reason that it would be a bad thing, i would only suggest that she do it in a way that distinguishes her from the muslims who have corrupted it.

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It's nice in church but not necessary. Outside, if a woman wants to stay modest then who can disagree?

I'm not opposed to this on the streets, but then more casual with a loose veil like they sometimes do in Iran.
I'd make it mandatory in Church if I had a choice tbh.

It has been done since Jewish times.

'Murican education smh

ok kid

That would be nice.

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2 Timothy 3:16-17
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.


It's ironic that Islam is the dark mirror of Christianity. And that those who hate Christ the most, love that reflection.

It says they are to keep their heads covered in the congregation, not covered head to toe at all times you buffoon.



Not all the time, but in Church they should be. We're not muslims, women don't need to be stoned for showing their hair in public

You win this time friend

This is your home

Always no.
Church yes.

Does long hair not act as the covering for a woman?

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Yoes, forcing a women to wear a veil, more so always, is inherently muslim
now go away

Why not have them just wear baseball caps?

What are the intentions of any woman covering their head outside of church?
1 Corinthians 11 is not culturally relevant. No western woman is looked at as modest for covering her head. They're seen as out of touch freaks or fetishized if they are Muslim. Western women who wear veils outside of religious institutions are batshit crazy, attention seeking whores.
See Sinead O'Connor, kanadajin, or Lindsay Lohan.
Colossians 2 is relevant.
Such regulations indeed have an appearance of wisdom, with their self-imposed worship, their false humility and their harsh treatment of the body, but they lack any value in restraining sensual indulgence.

Always? No. Not even Muslim women are ALWAYS covered. Should we adopt Islam? Also no.

Christianity is not a belief in worldly objects. You should always be forgiving, always be generous, always be temperate; always possess the right inanimate object is the realm of pagans. The key defining trait of non-Christianity is reverence of lifeless goods.

People (including women) should be modest, but a person can be perfectly immodest while wearing a veil.

Pre-Wahab Islam was relatively relaxed. They were still ruthlessly expansionist, but Wahhabism acts as spurs into the butt of any Muslim who does not want to engage in jihad or fundamentalist Islam.

tfw everyone misses the headline in the OP

The answer is no, OP.
Only in church.

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It's not just Muslims.
Jewish law governing tzniut requires married women to cover their hair; according to the Talmud, this is a biblical requirement, which in this context is called dat Moshe (the law of Moses).
We're not under the law of Moses.

No, you don't get to go there

Veils are not enforced, but anyone who cannot kneel, will not cover their head, or do anything of the sort, are, to quote CS Lewis "prosaic barbarians." And that's my opinion

If a woman chooses to be veiled, great! If a woman chooses not to be veiled, great!

Wasn't there that one verse where Jesus said the old law still applied, just not the Pharisee's rule stacking on top of it? I don't have the Bible memorized, so I can't remember where it is.