You know i used to be an atheist in my early to mid teens

But when i saw the amazing atheist pour boiling hot oil on his genitalia and all of these transgender pedophile and even satanic supporters on the rise i thought to myself that perhaps this religion thing is not so bad after all

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How does someone acting like an idiot and some people believing in something that the Christian Holy book paints as a bad guy lead to religion seeming good to you?

It's pretty hard to see the way western civilization is trending as people increasing eschew Christianity in the name of a hedonistic, morally bankrupt "secular humanism" and not come to the conclusion that maybe God was right after all. If nothing else it shows the Christian understanding of man as inherently evil and needing to use willpower to overcome his base nature was right all along. Secular humanism proposes that humans are fundamentally good and they only turn evil because of societal conditions and look what havoc that has wrought on our societies. The complete rejection of personal responsibility, accepting things as heinous as abortion out of convenience and letting people flood in to our nations en masse under the misguided view they'll see the light of western liberalism and become model citizens because the only reason they acted badly in Somalia was because of the social conditions in Somalia. When in reality Somalia is a shithole because of the collective decisions of the people and those people still make poor, immoral decisions even when transplanted into western nations.

If we had listened to God, held fast to our traditions and the word of the Lord then all this could've been avoided. But we didn't, we rejected the Lord and now we must go into exile as Babylon rises once more.

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Thanks for explaining thoroughly

Why would you change your religious beliefs when others are moving away from the values of the religion your seeking to join?

And how do the values of other people make any religion better or worse?

First off I'm not the OP, I was just explaining why people would seek shelter in Christianity from a world that has gone insane. And the answer to your question is because they can see the deleterious effects moving away from those values has had on society. Why would anyone willingly choose to join in on a culture that is superficial and atomized and has no real tradition or values?

Christianity is western culture. It's our heritage. Europe became powerful by recognizing the true God in Jesus Christ. We followed his ways and in return God showered us with his grace and we ruled the world. Now that we have turned from him we're facing the reality of a Godless society. Christianity has always been the right path, the values of society do not change that, but they can make it more obvious that Christianity is the light of the world by contrasting against it with the darkness of degeneracy.

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You'd have to ask the people already in such a culture. But I think those people would have their own traditions and values. Ones that you just might not recognise or agree with.

I know Western culture was build around Christian idea's but I don't think the success we've been gifted by God came without consequences. People with gifted intelligence are the ones that brought forth the technology and knowledge we now use and depend on every day. But it's those who follow the legacy of those gifted few who are challenging the thousands years old values we used to think were the best rules to follow. But the world has changed, and so must we.

Because alternative ideologies end up being more restrictive, dumb, and irrational than Christianity. The intentional transmission of HIV give the equivalent a parking ticket in California and incorrect pronouns make you a criminal in Canada.

You could say that it's a leftist issue as opposed to an atheist issue, but it's inevitable with atheism because there's no strict line drawn. Nothing preventing people from rationalizing that blatantly bad behavior is acceptable.

Am I saying that the world would be utopian if everyone followed Christianity? Nope, there will always be sinners, but those societies won't sink lower and faster as one without boundaries.

Actually, religious societies are higher on crime rates that atheist one's.

That aside how is 'not believing something' an ideology?

I've heard that several times before and I can't help but roll my eyes.That means that christian societies are effective in enforcing law and order. Atheists societies don't enforce their laws because they don't have a concrete standard. In most cases, they believe that laws are oppressive and that cops are bad. Hence why there's wealth inequality, junkies, and poop in an atheist area like San Francisco. Drugs are illegal in the US, but San Francisco is the only place who doesn't enforce the law against junkies. In fact, they encourage their behavior by supplying needles.

In their ideal society, you're under the mercy of the mob.
Oh please, don't pretend that atheists don't substitute Christianity with another ideology like progressivism.

That's definitely true for some atheists, but it's not for others. And progressivism isn't nessecary an ideology

Imagine my shock.

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Most of them are from what I've seen. Right-leaning atheists are like unicorns.
It is an ideology. An ideology that subscribes to absolute equality. Sounds good in theory but it's bad in practice for obvious reasons. People believe that it extends to equal outcome so they don't enforce the law against groups that they believe are oppressed. Even if they're committing several bad actions that hinder others.

That's a way to capture the complexity of a couple million people.

What are you talking about? I've never heard that before.

Atheism is very highly correlated with leftism. You can't be all "Grrr I only accept facts supported by evidence" and then get all coy when you're shown multiple data sources that show Atheists overwhelmingly swing left. And in theory why wouldn't they? An atheistic worldview concludes that since this is our one and only existence that the objective should be maximising pleasure and minimizing pain which fits well into a leftist worldview that makes the state a surrogate parent

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Assuming your data is accurate, that is indeed a very strong correlation there.

however that doesn't say much about the extend of their individual motivation.

Whoa, a shit load of people aren't fkn voting


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Son, you're getting your arguments from Richard Dawkins and company circa 2001, which completely disregards other statistically significant factors such as race. Let's look at the atheist countries:
Then the religious ones:
Beyond the religious, what do the countries of each group have in common with each other? You'll note that, at least as of the early 2000's, places like Sweden, China, and North Korea were ethnically homogeneous consisting of white and asian populations. The countries in the second list are either extremely heterogeneous or full of people of races known for lower IQ curves and higher aggressiveness. Then there's >>715696's point about the differences in laws and enforcement. It's very obvious that a Christian society will have tighter laws on things like adultery and blasphemy and enforce them more consistently than an atheist society would. That would certainly influence the absolute numbers.

Atheists aren't defined by lack of belief, they're defined by a belief system that dictates the lack of gods and/or a supernatural realm. Saying that atheism is a "lack of belief" is like saying that Christianity is a lack of belief in the Tao, in Buddha, in the Greek Pantheon, etc. While that's technically true, it's not a very helpful description.

Wouldn't that exclude agnostics?

That would make me not an atheist, not agnostic and not religious

Now I'm confused

Words mean things.

I tought agnostics believed they couldn't know, thus not excluding one or more god or other stuff