How long before he is replaced? He seems to be troubled

How long before he is replaced? He seems to be troubled.

Attached: le hip papa.jpg (642x621, 86.45K)

I'm sure soon, God will send us a replacement

not possible, taylor marshall is irreplaceable

Why is the pope meeting with Michael Moore who is a leftist provacotor

Because he's hip and cool.

Pope Francis' papacy hasn't been "look how heretical I am" like many people say, it's been "how do you do fellow kids"

I'm getting really tired of """""Catholics""""" constantly talking crap about the Holy Father. He's Peter's successor whether you like it or not and you shouldn't always be pointing out his "flaws" like you're oh-so-perfect and wishing that he should be "replaced".


Yeah, no. You need to show humility before God's vicar.

You don't get to decree what we can say or not. If you have the speech of someone else like a Church Father or at least a binding text/speech, please present it already.

The real question is: why is known Trump supporter Michael Moore meeting with leftist provocateur Pope Francis?

Why should I present anything to you? You think it's right to constantly criticize the Holy Father and wish for his replacement? Does God wish for his replacement?
Are you a Catholic or a sedememer?

You're the one trying to convince me not to do something.

Now that I'm switching to Orthodoxy, it's safe to admit that the pope is a pawn of the pedophile elite lavender mafia transhumanist cabal

It's self-evident that a Catholic should not wish for the replacement of the Pope who God appointed to guide His One True Church. Constantly criticizing the Pope also isn't good, it could lead to the sin of disobedience.
Do you disagree with this?


go to sleep francis

Be careful with that.

But yes, I disagree.
God can appoint bad leaders if he wants to. He even appointed Judas(religious authority) and Pilate(legal authority)(and also every other roman or jew that caused his death) even though both of them would end up causing his Son's death. We're even warned to ignore legal authority that legislates bad laws in the bible, even though the bible also says God appoints THOSE authorities.
Also I don't remember the verses saying anything about hypocrisy in the way you talk about them. It makes blatantly obvious that a glutton shouldn't preach about fasting, or that a prideful person must not tell others to be humble, but I don't think my sins amount to anything close to raping children so I feel quite safe criticizing the church right now.

You know what? That might happen.
I don't think its the end of the discussion, though. And I would rather have people pray for the clergy.


First of all, everything God does is good. Second, it's not up to you to decide if God appoints someone good or bad, AS A CATHOLIC YOU OWE HIM YOUR LOYALTY AND RESPECT. FULLSTOP.
You trying to weasel your way out of this just shows your pride and quite frankly, the seeds of Protestantism. You need to really sit down and think about how serious your Catholicism is.

You see this is the exact kind of stuff that makes searching for historical basis more important than you talking to me like you are right now.

Now lets get over this again statement again:
"God appoints bad people to be leaders sometimes."

There is literally nothing in this statement stating that God is not good, or not doing something good.
God has elected bad leaders as punishment multiple times in the bible. Actually, he can elect a bad leader just because it would be a learning experience for people in the country(See: Job, in the book of Job, passing through bad times even though he didn't do anything wrong, he just could learn form the reminder(t. God)).
Any further questions?

All I'm getting from your post is you trying to excuse yourself from the respect and loyalty due to the Holy Father. I'd tell you to pray a Rosary, but you'll probably come up with some long winded response about why you shouldn't.

All I'm getting from your post is you trying to excuse yourself from the response and explanation I'd appreciate as a layman. I'd tell you to read the Church Fathers, but you'll probably come up with some short winded response about why I'm a bad person.

Just don't get into arguments with people here if you don't like arguments in first place, jeez.

Do the Church Fathers tell you to disrespect the Pope and wish for him to be replaced? Sounds like something Luther would say actually.

Attached: Serious Discussion.jpg (600x683, 32.3K)

Criticize the pope not the position.

This user is absolutely right, however he should be more specific with his words. It’s fine if you’re not happy with the current position in the Church and with the pope, but you still must obey the Church for what it is and respect the pope for his position. If not, you’re really no different from Martin Luther or any other Protestant who left because they weren’t happy with the Church. And if you’re political views are causing you to leave the Church, I suggest you go to Orthodoxy, as they’re all about politics. I’m not trying to shit on these two denominations of Christianity, I’m just telling Catholics to know their place, and most of all show humility. If the Church has survived before, it will continue to survive again.

You're a huge retard, he's not immune from criticism.

I realize this is bait, but there's enough confusion here to respond. No, God Himself did not appoint Francis. The cardinals appointed the man God would elevate to the papacy, in this case Bergoglio. A papal election does not have magisterial weight. It is an administrative process only. This means that their choice is not necessarily who God would have chosen. If the cardinals ask for guidance from the Holy Spirit, He will show them who to choose, but no cardinal is forced to either ask or even follow what the Spirit says. So no, God did not choose Bergoglio to be pope.

I will add, however, that, contrary to what some groups coughcoughSSPXcoughcough will tell you, canonizations ARE infallible. This means that when it comes to the canonization of le novus ordo man Pope Paul VI, you have three options:
1. Accept it and move on. Every traditional Catholic's least favorite pope is now a saint. Tell yourself "at least he wrote Humanae Vitae," ignoring the fact that it's not even that good compared to earlier encyclicals on Christian marriage and birth control.
2. Admit that sedes are right and nothing since Vatican II is Catholic at all. Drive four hours to go to Mass once a month at a Super 8 motel.
3. No longer be Catholic. Become Orthodox, but probably without actually caring about the finer theological differences between the two groups, resulting in shitting up internet dialogue between the two even further.

Sage for double post.


Ironically by condemning every catholic who criticises the Pope as non Catholic, you usurp the authority of the Pope and give yourself the authority to excommunicate which is a schismatic act. I advice penance and prayer

Never criticise the Church brother for it is the unblemished mystical body of Christ a perfect. Criticise wicked clergy but never the Church

SSPX issued a statement that did not deny the canonisations, they merely lamented that the ancient process of initially having a devotional cult, examination of virtues, a devils advocate and 2 miracles was not followed and it seems like the current administration is trying to canonise V2. It is purely political. St Paul VI pray for us that the new rite will be abolished.

Because the pope is a leftist provacotor

If the pope is openly anti-catholic? There's nothing wring with criticism and wishing for hiw replacement, on the contrary.
I do not race about michael moore. I just point out that this pope is not even legit.

Believe it or not there might be bad kings. Just admiting this is not a reason to get rid of monarchy and switch to democracy. This is the same case. Just because you see the current pope is corrupted, that does not make you anti papacy, anti-catholic.
Your post is below retarded.
You basically say that if papacy becomes subverted - as it is today - and becomes the exact inversion of what it should be, then it's legit. Let me remind you that Christianity stands for truth, the faith cannot change. If some heretic goes along - even if he's a pope - then it does not change catholicism because catholicism CANNOT CHANGE.
You are either baiting or you're in false obedience.

It's people like you who give good Catholics a bad name.

Wow. This is not bait. This is full blown idiocy.

Let’s pray for him…I have my problems with many of his words and actions, but he’s still at the moment God’s steward and if He placed him there then He did so for a reason…maybe to rest us, maybe to punish us for our faults and weaknesses in these times; maybe to let all the progressives in the Church come out of the woodwork singing and dancing to then strike and expose them under the rule of a traditionalist pope.
Either way, no matter what: let’s pray for Francis, even if we are ready to rebuke his words when they could lead someone astray from the truth.

We had shit Popes in the past.
He and the rotten clique of atheist homo cardinals behind him are tearing the church apart. He has to go

What is "quasi schismatic"? Either an individual is schismatic or he isn't (also only individuals can be schismatic not Churches as the body of Christ cannot be divided). SSPX professes to be Catholic and subject and in communion with the Pope. The Popes have agreed with this and say that SSPX is part of the Church. You have committed the sin of usurpation again by taking on the power of the Pope to condemn the SSPX as a separate quasi schismatic Church,contrary to the judgment of the Pope. If you claim to honour the Pope so much why do you keep usurping his position and appointing yourself Pope?

Also it is the duty of the clergy not lay people to hold the Pope to account. Hence the dubia from the cardinals. Lay people must try their best within their state in life to navigate this crisis which means ignoring the Pope rendering his ordinary magisterium fallible due to it contradicting divine revelation. It is when lay people like you who erroneously believe that they will hold the Pope to account that you end up with so much usurpation as you keep demonstrating. Judge not lest ye be judged.

Wow, so many fake Catholics in this thread.

Maybe you don't know much about the Catholic Church but the Church cannot be subverted because the gates of hell shall never triumph over the True Church and the Pope literally cannot be a heretic, it's impossible.
Maybe you would do better in some sedememer or orthoLARP forum.

Where are you all coming form? Reddit?

It can't be entirely be defeated but there have been times where 90%+ of the church have been under heresy, or the Pope was stuck in Avignon, or whatever. "Shall not prevail" means it won't ever actually die, but it can still get subverted for a few years.

I hear """Catholics""" call our Pope a heretic constantly.
You best get to Confession for that blasphemy.

Attached: Ijustlikethelaughdamnit.webm (480x360 222.93 KB, 222.93K)

"Stop calling us pope worshipers."

I wonder if Michael Moore also likes to lick diapas

He is correct in that a Pope who is a heretic immediately ceases to be Pope. However only a Pope can judge himself. He has to say I am a heretic

Absolutely correct.

Learn the difference between material heresy and formal heresy. According to Catholic dogma, a pope cannot be a formal heretic, but he can speak and publish material heresy.

More that he has to expressly state that his opinion is contrary to what came before. If, for instance, Francis off the cuff said something like "eh Jesus is God but not on the same level of the Father," this would be very heretical, but he would not be a heretic. If however, he stated "In opposition to Nicea, I assert that Christ was not God from God and Light from Light," then he would be a formal heretic and immediately cease to be pope.