Why can't God help me with mine social anxiety?

Why can't God help me with mine social anxiety?
I'ill be a way better person that now if He cease this hell on my mind.

By eliminating my social anxiety, I will be able to spred his miracle and talk more to people abou Him.

I need to pray more? Have more faith?

I'm not a fully happy people because of this. I just cant understand Why God doesnt help me.
Whats the cost for him to totally erase this shit outta me?

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All temptations are illusions, lies from the evil one. When you're in public and Satan tempts you by suggesting something bad will happen, call it what it is, an illusion. Call the Devil a liar and pray to God for mercy for believing in Satan.
When you follow His command to flee from sin and temptation and show your humility to Him he will help you.

Also you MUST FORGIVE whoever it was who caused you to have anxiety.

God won't help you if you don't help yourself first.
Look, I'll tell you my story. I've been your archetypal manlet shy meek geek all of my life until very recently, after I've taken up prayers seriously.
I realized that this world was just temporary, that my real goal as a human was to reach heaven. To reach heaven is to be heroic, to pass through the narrow door and vanquish the world.
Why should I be afraid of the world when I have Christ?

Knowing this, I worked on myself. I forced myself to speak with a loud voice and walk confidently, keeping GOD in mind.
And then, then… My anxiety, while it's still something there has been reduced my at least 70%. I don't stutter anymore and I feel like I can take on the world. I'm not afraid to speak my mind either.

It helps that I also try to appear the best that I can in my clothes and overall stature and that I I completely given up on porn and other sinful habits.
It's an incredible feeling, and you can do it.

It took me a long time and repeated prayers, fails and trials but it can happen to you to OP.
Keep trying and keep your head up

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All of us have our cross to bear. Social Anxiety is yours. God knows we need challenges and hardship to overcome in order to feel complete and to grow as people. Instead of thinking of Social Anxiety as this "Stupid thing that God cursed me with that if he would just take away, my life would be easy street rainbows and unicorns!" No: it's applying your free will alongside God's will for you in overcoming this condition that will give you the ultimate long-term satisfaction. Think of your Social Anxiety as a challenge to overcome.

Talk to your priest/spiritual father; seek out therapy, like CBT and DBT (and possibly even something like EMDR if your Social Anxiety is the product of trauma.) Pray and force yourself outside of your comfort zone. Gradual desensitization/exposure therapy is one of the most powerful and effective methods of overcoming social anxiety.

There was a time when going to a a public place by myself, like a bar to interact with people, felt like I was in a combat helicopter about to be dropped into the middle of a war zone. So I kept forcing myself to go out. Over and over and over and over again. I would start with small goals, like just go into the place, get some food, sit there awhile, and leave. Then I would talk to someone beside me either next time or during one of the next few attempts. Eventually I started interacting with small groups of people. It takes time and patience and practice. Don't beat yourself up if things don't go perfect, and don't be attached to outcomes or in what people think of you (I know, easier said than done, but this will come with time.)

Also, when you go to stores and are buying your items at the checkout counter, make small chit-chat with the cashier. Go beyond merely "Hi, how are you?" Or, if they ask you this question, go into some detail about your day. Obviously don't tell them your life story, but engage in conversation with them beyond the standard polite social scripts. Be humorous and joke, or compliment them and make their day. You'll be surprised how much this little exercise will spill over into other areas of your life in terms of interaction.

Also remember: God doesn't call the qualified; he qualifies the called. Both Moses and St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco had speech impediments. Paul repeatedly prayed to the Lord to remove a "thorn in his side" which God never did, saying that his grace is enough. Honestly, you may never get over, or be completely over your Social Anxiety depending on God's will for your life. Eventually you have to get to a point where you are at peace with what God wills whether it seems to have immediate gratifying benefits or not. God is thinking in the big picture, not the short term.

In short, do your best and God will handle the rest, come what may.

I can put this in my mind, but in hard moments, it doesnt makes any difference, the anxiety goes up.

But I never see the anxiety like you say, as a devil thing, I will try.


I see, I'm trying something similiar, like it doesnt matter what I do, people will forgive, I will die one day envetually, so why I care?

But man, I'm still shaking my bones on public, my voice goes blank and I start to think bad things.


You kill the anxiety little by little.
At first I started by reading aloud when I was alone at home to perfecg my speech.
Then I did it among people, not reading but forcing myself to talk the best I could until it became natural.
Strive to be the best person you can be

How can you be sure He isn't already helping you? I'm amazed you were able to post asking for advice, because I too have felt great anxiety even making a post on this board. Keep in mind, that in some situations it is better to not talk, it is better to not cast pearls before swine. Better to trust in Yahweh through Messiah, and let Him move you when and where He wills, even in your very words: Matthew 10:19-20.

I understand that, All of us have our cross to bear.

But there's a doubt on my mind, what if my anxiety never goes away? What if God never help me?

Another problem, maybe it's my fault, I'm not praying or going to the church enough, I even using drugs (what you thibk about LSD? God may dislike?), the problem is I dont feel God in my heart, I asking for god's love, but I dont feel Him, I feel my heart blank, my body empty.

True, my closer fried tell my I'm way more open people now than before, I'm talking more and i'm more extroverted.
But what really kill me it's the bullying, and because I can fully express myself.


I think he is helping on small steps, but I'm suffering from thins since 15, I'm 24 now.

It's a hell, because I cant fight back, I cant express myself.

You're being bullied? I will pray for you user.

Thanks, user.

The sooner you drop that stuff, the better. Being intoxicated is a sin. I used to do psychoactive substances myself and am still paying the price. Continue to use that stuff, and don't be surprised if it comes back to haunt you. Powerful substances like that can have questionable effects on the brain. Honestly, it could be even contributing to your social anxiety, whether through brain damage or temporary chemical imbalances, or by being a form of escapism that you utilize to put off facing your issues head on. I remember when I used to do substances like that, it took away my vigor and motivation. For a little over a decade I was a druggie spinning my wheels, going nowhere. Get off that stuff, and your life will improve; in fact, I wouldn't be surprised if indulging in and not repenting of that sin is holding God's full help back from you.

Surrender yourself to him and follow his commandments and he will help even if your anxiety never goes away. He may help it go away, or he may have a plan in store for you that requires you to have it. Remember to read near the end of the book of Job. He is organizing things on a cosmic scale that we mere mortals cannot even comprehend.

That may be your conscience motivating you. If so, listen to it, for the conscience is the voice of God. It could also be paranoia. If so, analyze it. How often do you pray and go to church? Are you a relatively new Christian? If so, you should take your time developing your prayer life and keep it simple and not overwhelming. If you're a long timer who's fallen off the wagon, then that's your cue to run back into the arms of Christ. Regardless, you should try to attend Church at least once a week, barring any extraordinary circumstances.

You may need to repent of your LSD usage, or maybe the over use of LSD is deadening you. I remember my own psychoactive drug usage wrecking havoc on my emotions and state of being.

I'll be praying for you.

Op I have social anxiety too. I found that when I just follow what God wants me to do everything ends up working out as long as I'm truthful and approach new situations with humility.

Don't worry about your life
Matthew 6:25-33 - each day has enough trouble of its own
Luke 12:22-34
1 Corinthians 7:28-35

Fear God. Do not fear man
Matthew 10:28
Luke 12:4-5

Be sober-minded
Titus 2:6
(lots more verses on this)

Don't be anxious
Philippians 4:6
John 14:1 (be untroubled)

Live in peace
2 Corinthians 13:11
Romans 12:18

He can, and maybe He will, but maybe He has other plans for you.

Why do some people have to go through life without the ability to see or hear? Why do some people have to go through life with less limbs or with a certain disorder? I don't know. Everyone gets a different 'hand of cards' so to speak.

What we do know, is that everything has it's purpose (Romans 8:28). An example of this is the fact that Paul was given a "thorn in the flesh" in 2 Corinthians 12:7-10. Everything has it's purpose, and I'm pretty sure God will eventually reveal His reason(s) for your situation as well. Trust in the Lord, He will never forsake you (Deuteronomy 31:6).

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What music are you listening to?
What TV shows, movies, etc are you watching?
What do you think? What comes out of your mouth?
Are you a NEET?

OP here.

Before anything, thank you guys, you people really help me to see the things that was happening to me.

So I created this thread on saturday, I was sad, depressed and other bad things you can be by not having a live with GOD.

On friday, I come from work, feeling horrible, imaging things like suicide, I was extremely unhappy the way I was living, days ago I was wondering when was the last time I was Happy, like genuine happy, I coulndt remember!! Like Years, yes! Years!
I was living a unhappy live for Years!!

How could I go through this without God?

So the moment I get at home from work on friday, I remember to make a small chat with my parents and then I go to my bedroom where I stay crying four hours…

So it comes saturday, On Saturday I have a little BBQ party with my coworkers, but I couldnt find force to get up, I see the people trying to calling me, but I refuse to pick the phone, because I know I cant just go to the party, so I just come up with "I dont feeling well" excuse…

So its Saturday NIght..
I living terrible days, so I go to this very site and created this thread…
I was a shy, nervous, sad by years
I see the replies you people give me, and yet I was not conving me that God loves me
So I decided to take acid, a high dosage, like never before.

By start, I'm felling my body weird, the sound of everything is terrifying, but for me that was Normal! (Enjoy the trip, is all ok!)
2 hours I'm start to feel sad, alone, bad things start to goes to mind like no time, but I remember to tring to go to somewhere, while I was in sort of trance, but God was with me, taking care of my soul.
He is be doing this since I was born, and I dont remember to thank him.
At this moment I see how God was acting upon on me.

All the bad things I was doing was caused by demons that try to keep you away from God.

God show me how this demons works, and it very sad.

By now, I know that will throw away all the drugs, it goes to the trash.

God doesnt need any of this to talk to you, God created you as a beuatiful person.

I can see how wrong I was to imagine that this Acid will bought me happiness.

If God did not show me How He love me this day, maybe I'ill do some stupid thing the end of the day.
But yet showed me, that he ALWAYS took care of me, looking for my soul!

He showed me even the acting suspicious towards Him( what kind of life is this! I dont deserve!, this very thread is the sample) May God forgive me for this!

I was reborn on christ!

Know that I can feel the true happines, I see how was confused with drugs, by thinking it will give some happiness.

This video show a party that I participated, by the end of this party I was feeling terrible, my anxiety goes up, and I cant even know how I go throught this:

Thank you anos, very much, Like I know what is like to feel God!
Theres no price for this!
I cant know if will still living if God doesnt showed me ( He was showing me all that time, but I was so blind)

I remember that was while I was listening to this that God showed his love.

Sorry for the english…

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I'm very happy for you user! I was a bit worried when I read that you were taking drugs but it seems you came yourself (with God's help) to the conclusion it was ultimately destructive.
You're very right, Rave parties are modern satanic ceremonies and the poor souls going there don't know they're actually vampirized.

Now listen to me, it's very important. You've felt God, you're happy and it's awesome… But suffering, fear and everything negative is part of this life, and it's not necessarily a bad thing. To quote Simone Weil (the good one) :
"Christ hasn't come to supernaturally abolish suffering… But to change suffering into something supernatural"
So, after every high there is a low, and you will suffer! But that doesn't mean God has forsaken you. We all have a cross to bear and a suffering. Keep your faith strong even when you're in utter darkness because if you do so… Christ will shine brighter than ever at the end of it!"

Do you like reading? Here's a pdf of C.S Lewis, it's part novella/part essay and explains how demons tempt humans in their daily life, there's a lot of nuggets of truth inside and it's a fun ride!

God bless you user!

Not OP but I have the same struggle as well
What I'm mostly replaying right now is Eurobeat.
I don't watch TV or movies but I have been mostly reading room com mangas and the only things I watch are right leaning and fitness YouTube channels
Can you elaborate more on these questions?
Yes but I have moved to another place where my neetdom is at risk and early morning job shifts are available. I'm glad my neetdom is acting hostile towards these opportunities.

I feel good for you Brasil bro.
Many people turn to God after mushrooms or LSD, there is surely something mysterious about how it creates meaningful religious experiences, also helping with depression and stopping vices.
That 'party' video disgusted me, i'm glad you are leaving those ways.

Good for you OP! I was a part of rave culture myself for awhile and like and already said, it's good you're leaving that scene behind. It's pretty much modern neo-hippieism: mindless music and hedonism with pretensions to deeper values and activism.

Awesome dude, I used to do hallucinogens multiple times a year. God can call you even through that bullshit and make you realize you don't need it to reach him. Maybe, there's a certain type of person who falls into that path but ultimately succeeds, I don't know.
Cleave to faith in Christ! He will not fail us! Trust his word!

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Thank you, I'm happy that I find God.

Creating this thread on saturday was the best idea I have.
Thanks for the pdf, I do like reading, If you have some other book to recommend, please tell me.

God bless you!

Thanks, anons.

Thank God this kind of life is past for me now.

I have to leave all the things that is somehow related to this past life.

Glod bless you people.

All essays by C.S Lewis are good to be honest. There is that other one that I like "Mere christianity" where he talks about religion and the doctrine in great lenght.
You don't have to read it in order unlike the other one (I haven't) just pick up the chapters you'd like.

Have a great day user!