Are there any good Jewish especially Hellenic Jewish writings made before Jesus Christ came to Earth...

Are there any good Jewish especially Hellenic Jewish writings made before Jesus Christ came to Earth? I know that Philo of Alexandria was able to come pretty close to true Christianity before Jesus, did anyone else come nearly as close as he did?

Attached: philo of alexandria.jpg (732x900, 276.53K)

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Judaism was Christianity before Jesus

tigga what

I understand that, I mean I just mean writings (outside the Old Testament) that really show that. Whenever I look for Jewish writings it's just a bunch of midrash crap from the fifth century by pharisees who hate Christianity

Interesting about Philo. I had thought he was after Christ but he lived through Christ's earthly life (roughly 20 BC - AD 50).

No it isn't. Judaism was invented after the destruction of the temple. It is the heresy of judaizing, hence Judaism. The old testament religion had no name, just like God did not reveal his name until moses.

Jews (Yehudis) are people of Judah (Yehudá), like Iraqis are from Iraq and Yemenis from Yemen.

Christians are followers of Christ originally called Nazarenes and Nazoraians (followers of the Nazerene).

Christianity was a Jewish esotericism, the heirarchy and those influential was largely decadent at the time that is why Christ rebuked them as 'whited sepulchres', himself coming in the 'fullness of time' to reinvigorate and fulfill the old covenant religion. Philo was a oddity for his time.

Philo was contemporary to Christ, before the Pharisees memory holed everything that supported Christianity (well, as much as they could get away with)

Philo is the one with the most complete surviving corpus, although other writers are quoted in early church writings:

Lolno. Philo's nearly a gnostic.

>worshiped another god?
good meme

Literally none of your points are correct

Hello, Luther.

tigga what

Throughout the old testament, hebrews have been turning there back to God and worshipping other things. Over and over again.

if it wasnt canon why settle for something less?

… Which isn't exclusive to Jews?
YHWH is the the God of their people, and is ours.

Curiousity. I've read the OT twice and the NT three times. I'm planning on another full readthrough, and I want to try to get into the habit or reading the NT constantly

It seems like you are being kinda pedantic, though you're not outright wrong. Jews absolutely were huge sinners in the OT, I mean are there any good writings by faithful God-believers before Jesus came that aren't in the Old Testament. I used Philo as an example because I always hear good things about him

Right now I plan on reading
