
What is your opinion about him?

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Other urls found in this thread:—_dying_then,

A sick person with syphilis tells us to hate the sick

No one understands it or himself

A crazy

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He said God is dead but now he dead


My pet theory that he was a sociopath and was therefore unable to feel empathy, so he came up with his whole "slave morality" conspiracy theory to explain why others were able to feel empathy. And his notion that man could will himself into evolving into the Ubermensch is retarded. It's as though he thought that everything he didn't like about human behavior was just a social construct. His Ubermensch rhetoric seems to resonates with some people on a very emotional level and that blinds them a lot of the holes in ideology. This is the same reason you get people on Zig Forums rabidly defending him even though he said, in both his public and private life, that National Socialism is a form of slave morality and that he hated antisemitism with a passion.

He died before WW1

I think his ponderings on nihilism eventually made him an absurdist.

National Socialism as an ideology was around long before the party was. It goes back to the mid 1800s.


I think when and where a Christian is intelligent enough to understand his philosophy they then soon after deconvert from Christianity to either atheism or agnosticism if not some combination of both.

See? This is the kind of retard tier shit that would invalidate the entire life's work of the genius that was Stephen Hawking simply because the dude was confined to a wheel chair for the majority of his life.

So this image is an example of an unintelligent Christian who does not understand Nietzche and so rashly/callously equates him with an angst filled teen rather than just admitting the truth which is…

"I-I don't understand Nietzche's philosophy duuude."

Only unintelligent man here is the one that compares two people in completely different spheres. Hawking was a scientist and worked in this field (and yes, he had numerous retarded statements on theology, no human being is infallable), Nietzsche had different field and here his biography, attitude and history, matters.
Also, you are overcomplicating things, while its far more simple.
Nietzsche couldn't understand Christianity, including the fact that greatness and goodness are concepts dependent on eachother, not different.
Also, my friendly advise: stop screeching about us, unless you want to get banned. Look the rules of this board.

I don't see how a hatred of a seemingly unjust God would have any bearing on Nietzsche, as he ostensibly preferred the Old Testament to the New.

"understand" and "accept" are two different things. Who you're describing are nominal Christian that are attracted to empty emotionalism and culture.

He was friendzoned and turned into an MGTOW
His entire philosophy is derived from this fact.
Explains a lot about Zig Forums really
>"Women are considered profound. Why? Because we never fathom their depths. But women aren't even shallow."
>"In the background of all of his feelings for a woman, a man still has contempt for the female sex."
>"The human being is too imperfect a thing. Love for a person would destroy me."
Summary at the bottom of this: from which pic related comes.

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Uh what? I was a big fan of Nietzsche back in the day, and I ended up converting to Christianity. I fail to see how he has any particularly strong arguments against Christianity. Nietzsche was just a 19th century incel edgelord. His whole worldview was very inconsistent. On one hand he seems to verge on claiming that might is right, but only so long as Nietzsche already agrees with said mighty person's values. So Napoleon is great but Bismarck is terrible. And he changed his opinion on Wagner possibly because he had a crush on his wife.

I'd sooner believe he had a crush on Wagner than on Cosima.

His philosophy tends to be edgy at first but when you dig into it it is just gay.
Nietzche sets out to destroy nihilism and relativism. He creates the model of super man (uber mensch) that overcomes himself and finds the meaning in the struggle. Against his vices, against the world and so on.
The underlying issue is that presupposition is "God is dead" and therefore man must become god. That's why it is gay. It is a definition of nihilism. "There is no Logos" "your life has meaning when you create that meaning". Therefore his philosophy completely lacks any moral compass. If you think something is good, just do it, be an ubermensch.
Basically Nietzche treats cancer (Relativism, nihilism) by another cancer, just different flavor.
Eventually it boils down to relativism vs absolutism. You can defeat relativism just with absolutism, with nothing else.

tl dr: His philosophy seems strong but in fact it is pretty weak.

You see Nietzche said "God is dead" to express that modern man has killed the faith in God. I can agree with that. But God exists independently on man's desires and thoughts. God is the Logos. Just because modern man no longer beleves Logos does not cease to exist. So God is in no way dead, just the modern man thinks so.
Nietzche does not believe in God in the first place and therefore he sides for relativism. You see Nietzche IS the modern man, just LARPing as anti-modern.

At the very least an interesting thinker, if not always representative of what is often expected from such a class, namely things such as coherence and consistency. He applied principles to philosophy that more suited the area of art, making him more impressionistic than logical. When the subjects of his thought can be excavated from his texts, however, he is mostly an accurate critic, though when it comes to Christianity, which is the truth, he unfortunately too often attacks either a caricature or a late-stage Protestant abomination. Of his analyses, his most helpful and accurate ones concern liberalism and naturalism. The only problem for Nietzsche is that he basically accepts many of the premises underlying these diseases of the mind, infecting him as well with a desperate need of a Doctor of the Church. Since both naturalism and liberalism are false, so is Nietzsche's philosophy. For the modern westerner, it truly is Christ or nothing, nothing here becoming for Nietzsche a quite literal thing.

"I call heaven and earth to witness against you this day, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse; therefore choose life, that you and your descendants may live."

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He had a very nice mustache.

Godless, childless cuck like Voltaire and others. Just another dead Enlightenment secular humanist """""""thinker""""""" that brought us this great society of socialism and nihilism.

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Of course, these being diseases of the heart, more precisely. This poem by Emily Dickinson nicely encapsulates the man's thought. Note the will behind the described amputation. But whose will? If not God's, then whose?

Those — dying then,
Knew where they went —
They went to God's Right Hand —
That Hand is amputated now
And God cannot be found —

The abdication of Belief
Makes the Behavior small —
Better an ignis fatuus
Than no illume at all ——_dying_then,

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The only man to truly understand what the death of God meant.

Morals, meaning, everything that ever supported our individual lives and our society appeared to him completely devoid of truth, as opposed to other atheists who kept following christian morals.

His whole philosophy is his effort to say "yes" to the tragedy of life without God, accepting it and being able to go beyond.

Outcome: failure, he went mad, proving the only two answers for men are the muzzle of a pistol or the foot of the cross.

You don't understand philosophy and you don't understand analogies either.

Christians are supposed to be meek and mild yet you're haughty, arrogant and egocentric.

You need to humble yourself and admit that you don't know what you don't know and again you don't understand Nietzche's philosophy nor why the analogy I posted worked as it should.

Lastly for my own "friendly" advise to you and other self proclaimed "Christians" is if you don't want people like me showing up and ruining your day with a little cognitive dissonance provocation every now and then stop saying retarded shit.


Don't speak on subjects you know nothing about such as Nietzche and philosophy.

Stick to faith.

Its more YOUR speed.


Begone, fedora

lol do u think u are special for being one of the few who truly understands nietzsche? please, unlike him, give an argument for your assertions. explain how the poster's criticisms that nietzsche's work is filled more with "deep assertions" than actual argument, that nietzsche misunderstood the nature of happiness, or that nietzsche's popularity was due to the propoganda-like nature of his work, are in any way criticisms that could apply to stephen hawking. or are u, like nietzsche, going to explain how actually giving an argument for one's assertion is merely an appeal to "conscious faculties" that will not produce the "non-rational effect" an assertion must have, and so it is actually correct to not argue at all?

it is always funny when nonchristians visit us hoping to be recognized for their intellectual superiority due to having read literal high school level self-help books by the likes of nietzsche and sartre. i am sure u will tell urself we are just too dumb to understand ur argument (even though u did not make one) or philosophy (even though nietzsche is basically a self-help author whom most analytic philosophers are embarrassed to have their work associated with), and that there are simply not enough intelligent people in this world who can recognize ur hidden genius.

So, then live it. You're still here acting like some Evangelist Believing in Capital T Truth. If your atheism, is true then it really just doesn't matter. Cause at the end of the realization of coming to and if i accept this as *fact.* I come to realize that there are not such things *Truth*, *Absolutes*. It's just a Beautiful lie, and no amount of Squealing. As the endless void approaches, is going to make that any different. If Materialism is true.

Attached: Nietzsche on people who still believe in Quote on Quote. .Truth..jpg (736x460, 70.64K)


Fedora detected
But people here know something of Nietzche. You're the only one here that did not give any grounds for your assertions.

Look man if you use reddit spacing, lecture Christians on how "meek they should be" nobody will take you seriously. Believe it or not we are able to understand philosophy and have every right to engage in it.
You're just larping as big brained fedora. Nobody is impressed it's just pathetic at this point.

The mark of a true Nietzschean.

Nice one, @jack

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possibly in heaven

not joking

the guy said some really interesting stuff when taking the atheistic worldview to its logical conclusion; his parable of the mad man who lit the lamp in the daytime illustrating how holding to a belief that god is dead meant that mankind now had a moral vacuum and had nothing to put in its place

but in later life, as he succumbed to the insanity; he was known to be constantly quoting scripture verses, and i think there's a possibility that this modern day nebuchadnezer may have made peace with God in his final hours

Quoting bible verses? do you have any sauce? i'm interested

Misunderstood and misrepresented too often by both sides: not my favourite philosopher, but not as bad as many tried to portray him

Hard to say. But if you really want the adult worldview of Atheism. This is it. Possibly next to hume. in fact, Nietzsche would probably be telling all of these online Skeptics to get out of his face. Cause they're just as bad as the Christians still acting like Evangelist. As for being in Heaven, God willing i hope. But we'll never know until our time has come.

he quoted verses and during letters wrote dialogues between Dionysis and Christ

His work that God is Dead and there's basically nothing to replace it also speaks for itself (except the Overman, which is basically the Utopic-abilities Man)

Based Polish man

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Can anyone give me a source on that

Dude was a raving lunatic incel who couldn't get a girl, yet thought he knew how to be a SUPERMAN (Chad) and idiots today actually think he is a genius.

Physician, HEAL THYSELF.
Oh look it's dat boi Jesus, back from the dead, while Nietzche is feeling HOT HOT HOT (prob).

A poor madman who thought too hard and too much, and was deprived of any love to heal him whether it is friendship, familial, or romantic. Lord have mercy upon his soul.

His critique of Christianity was correct but only of the type of pietistic Christianity that he was familiar with in Germany.

Pretty cool guy who foresaw the crisis of European metaphysics.
Bane of soccer moms, just like rock music and anything remotely engaging for a young boy, and widely misunderstood both by overzealous critics and edge-lord teens alike. It's a shame he was plagued by ill health and died early. I would have liked to have seen what fruits of wisdom old age would have made ripe in him. But it was not meant to be.

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I always hated nietszche when I've heard of him at a young age as oppose to other edgelords who find him appealing then I

Knew about his illness

Radical post-modern subjectivist. Was lonely, shy, and withdrawn so resorted to larger than life internal abstractions in order to feed his own starved and prideful ego. Claimed to hate empathy and compassion for the weak yet had a mental breakdown when seeing a horse being thrashed. I think he seen the mercy of God's love in that moment and realized his whole philosophy was false which threw his already unstable mentality into a further mess resulting in a complete breakdown. Just my opinion. I've read all his major works.

I gotta say…this is one of the best threads on a historical figure we had lately!
At least we are seeing different points of view and having a debate upon them, about him and his views.
Thanks, /christianons/, I truly am glad we can at times get together and have productive debates from which I can learn something new, truly I am glad :)

He'd probably teach us how to go insane and deliberately contract diseases from a prostitute in order to die
Oh wait

Congrats on having the most retarded post in this entire thrrad

Lol fag

He's funny.
He got everything right the first thing.

God is in charge of Man, and can decree a Mans soul how ever he wants.


Someone I would seriously like to have a conversation with. He saw the void, that great maw, and knew mankind would meet it with apathy. He understood the death of God was something to mourn and lament, for without God mankind is like driftwood in that vast ocean of existence.

Nietzsche was right, he had come too early. Like mentioned, I personally hope he found peace and would be willing to hold a conversation with me in the afterlife.

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While Nietzsche was a great critic he was never able to give any answers or solve any problems. You can read his works and apply his ideas and insights to the world, but Nietzscheanism per se is silly and leads to stuff like postmodernism, Prometheanism, nihilism, etc.

facts are retarded? okay

Literally how?

What is the genetic fallacy?

Why do you nihilistic redditors always spout trash like this?