Blizzard quietly confirms another LGBTQ Overwatch hero

In a new short story titled “Bastet,” Blizzard Entertainment confirms that Soldier: 76 (aka Jack Morrison) is the second LGBTQ character in the Overwatch universe.

Former sniper Ana comes across a wounded Soldier: 76 in the streets of Cairo, and takes him back to her hideout. It’s the first time they’ve been reunited since the explosion rocked the Overwatch headquarters in Switzerland — neither of them knew the other one was alive for sure until now. She catches a glimpse of him going through a few photos, and sees an old one of him with a dark-haired man named Vincent.

Attached: OW_Anniversary_023.0.jpg (920x613, 76.45K)

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Don't buy that gay shit
Buy my game instead, it has no faggots you degenerate

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what they're really doing is humping a corpse

doesn't surpise me at all that a polygon employee would be into that

Discuss the following:

Get woke go broke mother fuckers.

Sage for cuckwatch news.

Attached: complete_global_mad.jpg (341x450, 52.6K) ←– asshole is sliding news


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but its not ok to be a faggot

Injecting semitic subversion, kike.
Any homosexual showing herself or himself out of the closet deserves the rope.
Tolerance brought us to the current degeneracy that cannot be allowed any longer.

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i agree

Source on this pic?

Honestly, who cares? Its not hurting you.

Wow, you’re so afraid that you might be (even a tiny bit) queer that you take pleasure from the idea of murdering people who have done nothing wrong, except to violate a taboo that comes to us from nomadic barbarian goatherds who lived in the Bronze Age fer chrissakes. Lighten up and grow up. That shit doesn’t fly any more.

EA turning every company they touch into degenerate shit. Letting EA acquire your company is like letting sand niggers take over air port security for your country.

what a fucking waste.

islamic homophobism is a serious issue why isn't it being adddressed?
why aren't we paradropping drag queens into mecca?

THIS. When sluts are close and do everything as a herd–so stronk and independent. When guys do the same–must start shaming them with shaming tactics like "bromance"–how dare they not include 3DPD sluts in their lives. Society and wahmen hate free men. Any man not on the plantation gets attacked. Relevant vid.

This is why I play paladins

Absolutely fake and gay. No lesbians are that hot. That's probably some artsy college kids making a political statement in their art project.


Niggers are the biggest SIMPs. Are they ever not on the plantation? If you could put an obese woman on a stick niggers would chase it all the way to Africa.


Oh, yeah, now I remember that faggy game.

only the surgery is current, the degeneracy is old as the human race

Based solely from the representation in vidya lately, you'd think 50% of the general population is LQBTQWTFMMABBQ

Are they going to programme realistic AIDS into them too.
Cover them in sores and have their health constantly reducing in matches, even without being shot.
Perhaps they could have someone come along with a flamethrower to decontaminate the corpse after it dies, so the disgusting viruses and parasites don't spread to other players.
How about having the characters wear nappies, given that they have developed anal leakage and have lost bowel control after countless acts of sodomy. They could have the character skin with a brown patch in the seat of the trousers.
Will they make them the weakest characters, given how AIDS saps the strength and makes them prone to every other disease, even turning minor illnesses deadly.
Perhaps they could animate the limp wrist too, and the disgusting nasal attempt to mimic a female voice, that sounds more like Norman Bates imitating his dead mother.
Enjoy your games, kids! Don't forget to be indoctrinated.

They can do a self-harming one next, with idiotic scars down its legs. Or perhaps a wheelchair character, that can roll around the battlefield and wait for ramps to descend before he enters buildings for cover.
Someone pull a youtube iranian experience on blizzard.

yeah, that is how they want it to appear.
the general population of every western country is 90% negroid, 50% faggoted, and women are all world champion power lifter inventors.

fucking underage faggots
it's from Watchmen

Its watchmen

why does this dickhole speak like microsoft sam
all of his sentences end on an up tone
i'm a complete diCK!?
i have to keep my mouth shUT!?
i'm angry about the weATHER!?
sounds like he's reading from a script that he's never seen before.
what the fuck

UK passport control and security is 90% pakis

He'd better be a thighfucker the proper Greek way. Buttfucking is degenerate. Imagine sticking your dick in poop or making some other guy have to get a shitty dick just because you like men.

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Maybe not everyone has seen Watchmen. And that doesn't make it any less fake.


Well they fucking should have.




Not really. That's still a pretty reasonable critique of it. Even if it is wrong.

4 out of 6 of the children become trannies, which their parents overwhelmingly approved and flaunted to all their faggot friends. They all end up committing suicide by age 25, once they realize what a terrible mistake they have made. The other 2 children end up in prison for child molestation.

It's funny how the LGBTBBQ community has to latch on to imaginary characters to look up to, due to the quantifiable lack of real-life personalities.

It's because the reality is revolting. I can only imagine how much they must hate themselves.

by that time 90% of their home town is tranny and they aren't special anymore, molestation has become a 'human' right, and they are given the noble poz prize for being faggots.

They got no balls.

I don't want to live in this reality

"Cough sneeze cough" video games don't cause violence, violence causes more video game sales "sneeze wheeze" video games don't want you to have a real life "barf dribble shit in pants"

pic related

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Does Bruno Mars is gay

oh no that makes this double rape.

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making someone gay doesnt make the thing better in every way, better writing does

so if a character is gay and you say perhaps draw straight porn of them, what happens?

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Paladins is overwatch but better.
More customization of characters, f2p but only $30 for all characters. Also will soon have cross play on all platforms.

Far superior to $60 to have cock rammed down your throat.

You get banned on Overwatch.

It is not.
Those beings chose degeneracy and a pound of flesh must be exacted.
Damaged goods need to be suppressed, otherwise they rot the whole sane batch.

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And everybody knows what is the fate of heretics, even if the police serving satan is protecting them.
Sodom and Gomorrah will end again.

Attached: exterminatus.mp4 (1280x720, 12.73M)

Good. I love Overwatch.



All video games are gay, tbh.

Banned from /pol now back to a Nazi only site


Hah! Good luck finding us, mon-keigh, we're behind innumerable webway gates!

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Or I could just stop supporting the AAA industry because it's run by plebbit tier assholes who don't deserve a dime, much less 60 dollars per dump they take on the floor.

Imagine being so much of a faggot that you believe that your life is shitty and that must be because of "current" ills on society. News flash, there is not better time to be alive than right now, even taking ZOG into account, which *alledgedly* has existed since 1913 or earlier. Morever, "Muh degeneracy" isn't an argument,
if homosexuality is actually unethical and antithetical to progress then you have an actual argument for why, right?

Fucking bastet

Hot dog goes in bun, not other hot dog.


Everyone gets a trophy, right?

Really Moshe?

I dunno, it sounds pretty gay, but maybe I'm just reading too much into it-
Okay nevermind.


I dont understand, homosexuality has been prominent throughout history. Societies have been able to thrive and create technological advancement despite gays existing. Why suddenly is it gay people? I think you may be gay and are just into traps or something at the moment


That picture is from a movie you little faggot. Nobody likes queers but equally, nobody likes retards who dont know shit

Fucking this

Nah, its the ostracism from the herd that wrecks a person. If you were born into a world where gay was ok you would never have an issue if you decided to become a faggot. Its other people that destroy faggots by making them hate themselves.

Underaged FAGGOT lurk for 2 years before posting.

wow real such

This whole story is pointless.

Absolute this and obvious lmao.



So we could ignore they fired 800 employees after revealing their profits increased by a 20%.

Didn't the Watchmen Suicide Cult at facebook was shitting on the film for being a huge disrespect to the original comics?

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What do they mean ANOTHEr… everything about OW is gay.