Globalist Kikes To Upload Their Brains Into AI Chips, Implant In Slave Subjects To Live Forever


Richard Skellett, a founder of Digital Anthropologist and an expert for Future of Work, has warned of a future in which British workers have chips inserted underneath their skin.

The process has already been trialled with company BioTeq fitting 150 implants in the UK.

And Sweden-based firm Biohax told the Sunday Telegraph that it is in discussions with several British companies about microchipping.

But as humans and machines become more in-sync, it could open up all sorts of possibilities – including being able to live forever.

Speaking to Daily Star Online, Mr Skellett explained: “There’s a lot of talk at the moment about microchipping employees and there are some companies that are actually doing that.

Chips will be able to store medical data and other personal information.

Mr Skellett added: “Living forever might sound crazy at the moment because the technology isn’t quite there, but we already have the technology to clone.

“The only thing is that something may be an exact replica in terms of DNA but it may be nothing like you because we are made up of both nature and nurture.

“Well I would say that nurture is all to do with learning, you are a product of everything you have experienced, your likes and dislikes and that’s arguably your soul.

“Your soul is you, it’s your beliefs, it’s your values.

If humanity does not refuse this, and complies, then humanity will be enslaved and doomed forever.

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Thats it! I'm drinking tonight! I got to go…. I just can't …. fuck this world…. God almighty…. fuck this all……..

We'd have to work with jews in order to stop what the mafia is doing to our country/ies. Even though I realize race and religion underlay all political action, that proposition nation rhetoric is a smokescreen for the game of entryism, subversion, and imperial conquest, I'm sick to death of Ethnonationalism being the only means of defense against this predation.

The US consists of multiple nations. There is no way to settle the matter of who's in control of this society by political means.

Friendly reminder that this is all bullshit. It's not cyborg mind control, it's cattle chipping. This is literally about ownership under the disguise of (once again) alleged convenience.

You think life is shit now? Just wait until you are just consciousness on hackable hardware

This isnt possible. We dont even understand what consciousness is or even how the brain really works.

Nigger what

Devil's advocate. Try it, fucking faggot.

Well you might as well be a kike, fuck off faggot.

You may as well be mentally retarded. You're making zero progress as ethnonationalists, as NS larpagans, as MAGApedes. They are going to take power next time and exact their revenge. All because you're afraid of one little leering, swarthy, hook-nosed kike in your nation.

I mean, we already are.

Time for your vaccination /killcen/

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you need to take some xanax, killcen

you're losing it

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Our brains are not centralized into one single network, once that happens you can have terrible things happen to you with the span of about a few minutes. You probably wouldn't even live 10 years as you'd get corrupted or deleted from something out of your power.

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The chips are so small, that they can be introduced into the body through vaccination


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Comes with the universal basic income as long as you're wearing the mandatory 5G aluminum buttplug used to track your location, stress levels and bowel movements for advertisement purposes.

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Dear Killcen,

Hi. My name is Katie. I wanted to go out on a date and let you fuck all three of my holes.

Then i realized you would make me unhappy with your paranoid bullshit, so i changed my mind.


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20 GOTO 10

Dear Killcen,

Thank god i stumbled in here to dump you.

Thats how i met JN. he makes me laugh, so im gonna let him punk my butthole out like a punching bag.


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Hey killcen ?….. Neptune here.

Id like to thank you for being such a weirdo paranoid pain in the ass.

Some girl named Katie wants me to empty my testicles into her bowel movements.

Keep up the good work !!

OooooKay… What exactly is the point of this article? I'm seeing a lot of "what if's" and "might be possible's" but this utterly lacks any substance. It amounts to an Idea-guy jerking himself off over technology that doesn't exist and his own very poor understanding of the complexity of the human mind and consciousness.


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Egg Zack Lee ©

and killcen is SO upset over this story
that he's contemplating suicide……….

……..and theres no such thing as a 'soul'……

The term 'soul' is an archaic bullshit concept

there is no 'soul', and there is no 'god'

just because somebody thought these things were real thousands of years ago, that doesn't mean its true.


hey everybody, killcen here. im actually contemplating putting a gun in my mouth tonight.

I've been thinking a lot lately about what Johnny Neptune has told me, and instead of taking his advice I think I'm just going to kill myself.

I'm actually thinking about sticking my head into a toaster, because my oven isn't working. I haven't been able to pay my gas bill for the past 8 months.

I've been spending all my money on aluminum foil and VPN subscriptions.

Cut out your stupid uneven text bullshit. It's not "art" it's just dumb and a massive waste of time. Take your meds Mr. Jew

More importantly, you can't experience life through your clone. Go watch the ending of The 6th Day ffs



define soul

killcen here. I cut my wrists about 30 minutes ago. a lot of bleeding, and i feel really dizzy.

E g g
Z a c k
L e e




Killcen here again. Im losing a LOT of blood now. I passed out a couple times. Somebody please call 911 and tell them to send an ambulance im about to fall alseep again im feeling really weak

killcen we are worried about you. we cant call 911 because we dont know where you live.

I just stumbled in here. wtf is going on? killcen tried committing suicide tonight? are you kidding?

This post is BASIC

Killcen here. I just got back from the hospital. They said the cuts on my wrists weren't deep enough to kill me, so they sprayed some Bactine on them, slapped a couple band-aids on me and sent me out the door. I'm going to be fine. I was just feeling a bit despondent last night.

No one cares, coward.

the key to living forever is RNA telemeter modification not computer chips in the brain. lol. that moment when a idiot thinks he is a genius.

Just like Self Driven automabiles that can be Manipulated into crashing the people with implants suffer the same flaw.

See a Self driving car, Behave Eratically around it. Speed up and slam the breaks.
Lets see how fast 16 wheelers can go. WOOOOOHAAAWWW
WEEEEEEE in a black Neighborhood! this gives me ideas!
Lets Paint Pakistani flags on cows in India!

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uh i have known about this and tablet's / tablet phones since late 1990's while in my teen age years, this isn't news to me, but i didn't at the time believe it would be enslavement. . . now i have known everything is a ruse and everything is a con.

hardware gets trashed after its used.

living kikes are gonna legally fuck with the inheritances of downloaded dead kikes becos said dead kikes are legally dead
kikes spend their entire lives as slaves to their parents, as soon as the old goats kick the bucket, their own children are burn them to ash

Hush baby. words like thems can burn down a movement.
Hush now.
We are biding our time. technology becomes more complex and it is us Whites that Need to make it so complex that non whites cannot comprehend it. We Must accelerate technology beyond their comprehension.

Do not insult them, Do not warn them. Let the Catastrophe hit them like a Brick. Hush Baby.

will these new age cyber zombie kikes be known as DLK?

COB is where its at.

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Is this the level of shit 8ch is on now?

This website is mostly for people who have some type of personality disorder or social anxiety and stay indoors. Its just a fun topic to humor. Yes the tech isnt possible, not even close but that isnt really what matters. People arent reading the news here to learn, they use it as a vessel for congregation. Lonely people who are also hipsters so refuse to use social media but want the social aspect so come here for it.

No not really.
I just come here to make fun of random niggers and catch up on Shit trying to get my Socialism on.
About This perticular user:
Im Worried that tomorow I will not be able to give it my best at school.
I had a few beers and I need to go to bed soon. but Im again worried that I will have trouble falling asleep because Im worried about trying to fall asleep.

I am Your Average user. 100% Socialbut always worried or something on our minds.

It is the Niggers Who Practice Niggerdry and Bitchcraft who Have nothing better to do than to try to get close to Whites WHO DONT WANT NIGGERS.

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Nobody believes that. We can achieve biological immortality, but it doesn't involve getting state-controlled slave implants.


Then why the hell are YOU here then? Just to shill for some govt/corporate minimum wage job?

I come here to post REAL NEWS which is CENSORED on all the other major platforms!

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Oh, I AM serious. This is what the article hints at (don't worry goyim, they say "its for your own good" so you can calm down and learn to enjoy your enslavement).

Meanwhile: I WILL NOT be taking any chips. Fuck them, 100% fuck them.

are kikes THIS brazen?

remember the "wild ride" and "you're here forever" memes? in case "Skeleton" doesnt mean anything to newfags

Likely. They try planting their propaganda everywhere including HERE.


Won't be imbedding this crap into my head, so no concern to me. However some of they goyim here will likely love going along with it.

Fuck them. And fuck big tech spooks too.

this is wrong how?

Now THAT would not be a bad idea. However they want us imbedded with these chips so they can takeover our bodies to live forever inside us too. Which is fuck nuts tier crazy. I won't have one of these chips embedded.

a localized emp would take care of the chip
are biologically-tuned emps a thing yet?

They know this too. And thats the point: TOTAL CONTROL. Plus they'd be able to hack your brain if they didn't like you.

Seriously fuck this shit, I'd rather have a bullet in the brain.

Well those who claimed this was just "conspiracy" 10 years ago, believe us yet? They're actually shilling it.

And thats why only the lowest of IQ FOOLS would take this kind of chip.


Even so, not worth it. And if connected to the brain, you best believe they could hack it and fuck you up pretty bad.

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Won't be imbedding this crap into my head, so no concern to me. However some of the goyim here will likely love going along with it.

slaves will go along with this

Air-gapped wearables are where I draw the line.


"Comes with the universal basic income as long as you're wearing the mandatory 5G aluminum buttplug used to track your location, stress levels and bowel movements for advertisement purposes."

Listen to this guy! He is onto something here!

Oh and guess what the "Green New Order" is all about? Mandating big tech renovations in all homes!!!! Literally Orwell by the books.

God damn it, the media is openly admitting they want you chipped like cattle and we got a moron who keeps bumping his MTV-tier 'news' to slide something like this?

Give me a fucking break….

Exclusively Jews are going to live forever as cyborgs to traverse space and harness the power of stars? Guess I’m converting. Peace out fucking goyims.

Of course you won't. You'll always have a choice.

Fuck them. And fuck big tech spooks too.