Where the nephelim the ancient Greek/Norse/Eastern gods and demigods that pagan's worship?

Where the nephelim the ancient Greek/Norse/Eastern gods and demigods that pagan's worship?

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Demigods, basically. The pagans did a lot of embellishment, though. Actually, they weren't even that tall. Goliath, who was a giant, was only about 6'6" (Septuagint), but that was very tall for the time.

I've always thought it possible. In Enoch, the rebellious angels first took on leadership roles and "played" gods over humans. These were originally the "watchers" (guardian angels) who took their jobs as guardians to a perverted level.
maybe they were more akin to titans, while their offspring from women were the gods.

the other thing worth mentioning is intertestamental tradition calls demons as "the bastard sons" (book of jubilees and the dead sea scrolls uses this term). the dead spirits of nephillim wiped out in the flood are none other than the demons who roam the earth.

6'9", i believe
i'm 6'5" myself.. but not a nephillim! :D

You might have some of that demigod blood. There are post flood giants. The Bible refers to the giants as "sons of Adam", so they are very much human.

Calling nephelim giants was a mistranslation. Being tall doesn’t make you half demon.

It's not a mistranslation. Nephilim is from the aramaic naphila which literally means giants. If they were half demons they would not be referred to as "sons of Adam" which is the Biblical way of saying human.

So anyone who is 6'3'' and up is descendant of the Nephilim?!?!?! Zig Forums is getting more and more /x/ tier.

is right

Yes, I'm familiar with this material. Just recently read Heiser's Unseen Realm. Note that God only sanctioned the killing of certain tribes in the region, but explicitly forbade the Israelites from conquering others (e.g. Edomites, Egyptians). He never sanctioned a world wide nephilim jihad.

He's not right. Giants is an accurate translation. Propose another one. And it's possible that people today have some Nephilim admixture, but people are just generally getting taller due to selective breeding.

I haven't read any of his stuff. Seen some vids. Maybe I'll pick them up.
He said something in a vid I think all Christians need to heed though: We need to reclaim these texts and teach them. Otherwise, the heathen will (durr… Ancient Aliens) and mislead people. Too long have they been neglected.

Get your Hollywood theology out of here.

I can propose that men of that age were "giants" in holiness, spirit, faith and not literal giants.

The literal giants of that Bible aren't even that tall, why is it so hard to believe. Goliath was under 7".

I said "might".

lol I mean 7'

Remember that nephilim is plural (-im is the masculine noun plural ending in hebrew)



Wish i was tall

why did your other comment get deleted? Did you delete it?

i deleted the first one (because of some bad typos), but reposted it… i thought. what did you want to ask about?

Source on the height thing?


I read it in Heiser's book, but here's an article I just found, also by Heiser:

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Nothing, just wondering why it was gone.

Do the supernatural elements in the Bible make you uncomfortable?

Nah, they're basically the product of sub-humans and human interbreeding, like neanderthals. Assuming that is, the creation in Genesis 1-2:3 and Genesis 2:4-15 were separate events.

I would make a good story but no
The "gods" were probably made up, maybe some demons pretended to be them at times.

Big assumption. Also,
They demonstrated abstract thought through art (see the Gibraltar Neanderthals, stalagmite circles in France, and musical instruments) and and buried their dead; they could hardly be called “subhuman”.

This is why Christians should be segregationists, if we let this continue, next thing we know our children will graffiti our walls and bury our unspoiled food!


No it doesn't. Nephilim comes from the Hebrew word "nephal" which means to fall. Nephilim most likely meant fallen ones.

Nope. Fallen ones in Hebrew would either be Nuphelim ("fallen ones") or Nophelim ("those who fall upon"). Nephilim does not mean fallen ones. Nephilim comes from aramaic "naphila".

or maybe Nuphalim. Nuphalim sounds more correct to me, but I'd have to double check.

It has nothing to do with that. It explicitly says it was breeding between the "sons of God" (common Torah term for angels) and human women.

and what translation do you use? If it isn't giants, why do Baruch, Judith, Enoch, Jubilees, 3 Maccabees, Numbers, and several other books describe them as physical, literal giants? Let's also not forget St. Irenaeus, St. Ambrose, St. Justin Martyr, St. Basil the Great, St. Athenagoras, St. Clement of Alexandria, Eusebius of Caesara, Philo, and plenty more.

The Watchers, or the fallen angels who took wives among men, were the pagan gods, and the Nephilim were their children, the demigods as per Genesis, Enoch, Jubilees, and the Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs.

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Why would you propose that when all the giants we actually see in the bible are heathens like Og of Bashan or Goliath?

Haha, no.
The pagan gods are the true gods, for they don't need weekly sermon and still persist.

You don't need to be told night daily that dogs piss on walls.
But you do have to be told night daily that:
Atheism is truth.
Communism is truth.
The Holocaust is truth.
Liberalism is truth.
The money system is truth.
Christianity is truth.
Islam is truth.
judaism is truth.

2000 years of so called conquest and the pagan gods are *still* in power.
Gods actually don't need humans to believe in them.

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If anything, the god of the bible might be a giant who used to exist and tried to corrupt this world.

Of course he hasn't existed in a long time but his stories were still told.

Gods don't act mysteriously, you know?

The pagan gods of all their people still do the things they are doing, beauty, strength, justice, it's all still here.

But Yahweh? Acting mysteriously since forever.
Also, Yahweh wouldn't be recreated by anyone without the bible and continuation of the stories about him.

Thundergods and co, though? Oh, they come to even the most primitive of people. They arrive at these gods naturally without a single day of missionarywork.

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Are you an idiot? No seriously, there's more valid religious views on fanfiction.net than what you just said


It's a current plague.

Probably not, but no one really knows

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It's what inter-testamental Jews thought. Especially since they came back from Exile and saw Babylon up close. I'm compelled to side with them. Even the Apostles quoted their writings (Jude quotes Enoch for example).

And Paul himself says "the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils." - 1 Cor 10:20

He didn't mean this symbolically or in mere moral terms. It was literal. It's also why, out of all the things the Jerusalem Council instructed on, they were adamant that new believers stay away from food sacrificed to idols. They didn't Judaize or compel circumcision, but this is was still a big no-no of the Torah laws.

I forgot to point this out but
Pagan religions objectively do
Paganism is truth
None of what you've said in either of your posts are even remotely close to an argument, you just make baseless statements.
but you're just baiting anyway

I am sorry, but…Nazism ruined Europe; now too often people confuse protection of Nation and identity with this false "return to the roots", or are afraid to be patriotic due to fear of being seen as Nazis.

The face of paganism

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The model for real Christian nationalism is Joan of Arc. Sadly, the world seeks to do it merely through political or philosophical means.

And before that, God's act at the Tower of Babel. The compulsion to replace God with a false globalism started with Babel and Nimrod. The model of nations/separate peoples was God's own doing (there is a universality/global nature to the Church, but not at the expense of people).

Every rejection of God is really just a petty cover for degeneracy.

Wrong. If I made a baseless statement then missionaries would not be necessary.

Watch out with those memes. One might turn them around and compare your dick mutilated Christianity to the very same European Christianity you rationalize your own beliefs with, which you fail to observe even on this basic level.

Dumb reason and has been slowly eroded since every day jews do something they were said they were doing, making those statements true.

Numbers of jews gassed by national socialists since the alleged holocaust: 0. Zero.

Numbers of penises mutilated by jews since national socialist Germany: millions
Numbers of animals slaughtered with inhumane kosher slaughter practices since NatSoc Germany: probably billions.
Boycotts against domestic gentile trade with the kosher label and prerequisite for jewish patronage: countless.
Instances of masquerading as whites of European descent by ashkenazim for the purpose of race baiting and other sabotage: countless.
Resources drained from gentile nations and people, including the alleged saviors of the jews, the Americans: many, many billions worth.
Numbers of chickens waved around in the ritual of kapparot that transfers sins from the jew onto the chicken: probably billions.
Numbers of oaths and promises voided which whites take seriously and at face value via the ritual of kol nidre: countless since it happens every year at yom kippur.
Amount of antiwhite propaganda produced and aimed at even their alleged saviors: countless.
Amount of atrocities committed against gentiles: countless.
Amount of usurious FIAT currency created, peddled and cultivated by jews: a figure that doesn't fit inside this comment due to the sheer number of zeroes.
Amount of meddling in foreign affairs despite usually being only 1-5% of the population: nigh infinite
Amount of marxism, bolshevism, globalism etc: infinite
Amount of kvetching in general: infinite.

And many, many, many other things that happened after the alleged holocaust, including the lie itself and all the atrocities against whites derived from that.

Now to the important tally:
Number of worries about jews voiced by gentiles based on actual things happening like genital mutilation et cetera legitimized by jews and golems: 0
Number of worries about nazis actively hunting, killing, persecuting, gassing jews despite none of that happenin legitimized by jews and golems: as many as there are claims made.

tl; dr:
jewish fear of persecution, which they deserve due to their heinous acts and despicable nature but is, sadly, not happening is routinely legitimized.
Gentile fear of the degrading, parasitical, atrocious effect of the jewish race in the light of their many, many actions which they commit daily is stamped away as irrational.

It's not a counter.

Christianity says that Satan rules this world.
Why would exactly the same principle not apply to Yahweh in the shoes of Satan and the pagan gods, under their various names and kinds of intrinsic, self building worship being the real gods that defeated this false god.
Hence Yahweh "acting mysteriously" and all the sects suffering from so much degeneracy that people can't stop wailing about it?

And again, if I were talking hogwash then missionaries would not be required, if Christiaity is the self emergent truth for all, then no missionaries would be required.

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Christianity never made claims of "self-emergent truth". It's called the "good news" for a reason:
People have to actually hear "news" to know it.

This takes imagery from couriers who relayed news of battles and large events (think the tale of Marathon). Without it, they'll be walled up and in the dark. Or worse. Good news isn't going to automatically going to emerge without a messenger.

Jesus' resurrection changed Satan's power to deceive. "All authority in heaven and earth has been given to me." Satan's stranglehold on nations (Gentiles) was especially loosened: "Go preach the Gospel to all nations". - Matt 28:18,19

The period we live now is the millenium of Revelation. The Age of the Church (although Dispensationalists would disagree). What the world suffers from are the after effects of Satan and the other Fallen.

"And he seized pthe dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years, and threw him into the pit, and shut it and sealed it over him, so that she might not deceive the nations any longer, until the thousand years were ended. After that he must be released for a little while." - Rev 20:2,3

"He disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them in him." -Col 2:15

As long as we have this free time (until Satan is truly loose again), Christians are compelled to preach "Repent! The Kingdom of God is at hand."

I would also add one important bit. Jews literally invoked a blood curse on themselves. “His blood be on us and on our children!” - Matt 27:25.

And Jesus already previously told them, "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it." - John 8:44

Revelation calls them the Synagogue of Satan (Rev 2:9).

These aren't mere words tossed about. They are under a curse and agents of Satan. So while for now the Gentiles are free to hear the Gospel and not bound to evil, the Jews did just that, in a sick reversal of fortune.. and still sow existing evil in the world.

Most fragile omnipotent and only one true faith faith, ever.
And, no, that doesn't make it more valid, again, it makes it the opposite, less valid.

There exists no truth in this universe that cannot be arrived at by alternative means other than what is canon today.

Even if we forgot all mathematics, it could be reborn with exactly the same rules and principles , just under different names.
The Bible, the one true words of the one true god, is not like this.

I'm not saying it's impossible that humans would return to the Christian ways exactly as they are, but even under different names it would be a direct violation of the "THESE are the words of God, not THESE".

Anyway, it would make sense for a malicious entity to say it is the real good boy and the real good boy is the bad boy.

If there were a world where all good people are understood to wear white robes, and all bad people wear black robes.
Would an evil person not wear white anyway, because they're evil and deceptive?

It makes the most sense that Yahweh was a rogue giant/adversary (they come in so many forms in the various heathen beliefs all over the world) that entered this world to make it its own?
But then got either defeated or just suppressed or banished, hence the "nothing is actually happening", while the real gods just do their thing, giving us *true* free will.
No commanded, personalized floods. No plagues. Nothing like that.

Yahweh doesn't do anything reliably, doesn't even judge or punish "sins" while on earth.

If a sinner sins and there is no other human around to perceive or learn of the sin, has the sinner really sinned?

In other words: Humans usually do the judging on behalf of Yahweh.
If 50 people went, one by one, into a remote forest and either praised Yahweh or cursed him, with nobody else around to listen.

These people would live completely ordinary life, with bystandanders completely incapable of knowing if they were sinners or not.

After all, some of the most evil people live fullfilled and long lives of prosperity while many good people live lives of suffering and destitude.

Sure, if you knew that a particular person went into the forest, and they would gain misfortune, then you might tell yourself that they must be one of the sinners and they are being punished for it, but that would really just be your own thoughts.

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Is Hercules one of the virtuous pagan's that made it to purgatory?

WTF are you talking about, you retarded tranny worshipper?
But this penis obsession that you pagans have is quite fitting, considering your 'gods' drank jizz.

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Did Hercules even exist?

Because you don't know by emergence? Wut?
It's a religion based on revelation. Not your naval gazing or intellect.
Other than that, I don't care to respond any more than this.

Your lack of a foreskin.

Been a while since I had to post it.

Are you seriously suggesting that if, for some reasons, all current traces of all spirituality was erased from all minds of all people, that the Bible would be recreated 1:1 verbatim as it was in its original shape?
Do you consider this 100% likely?
Do you consider it more likely than people dreaming up thunder and harvest gods as they do all around the world, the "revelation" based religion had to parasitize?

Well, good on you then.

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Hercules was a corrupted memory of Samson.

1 Samuel 17:4
Mesoretic/ Vulgate:

If a cubit is 1.5 feet, and a span is the width of a hand (average Male hand width - 3.30 inches), then LXX: 6’3”, while the MT is a least 9 feet, with somwhere around 5 inches more of height if the span is talking about Golith’s Hand.

LXX gang wins again

Its americans who cut foreskin, imbecile, not christians
Regardless of this particular reference, non-Jewish historians such as Brit Solli, Hilda Davidson, Jenny Blain, David M. Wilson, Peter Godfrey Foote and Jacqueline Simpson have long confirmed the homosexual / bisexual / transvestite nature of Odin and his priesthood in their books.
Odin is mentioned as being the master of seiðr, a form of magic considered shameful for men to perform, so was reserved for women. It involved passive sexual rites. Odin's priesthood were, in fact, a "select" group of men who donned effeminate robes in rituals to dance together and imitate women, fondle each other behind screens and later bribe men from villages to perform sodomy on them as part of granting "magical powers." The habits of Odin’s devotees "involved such practices as to make people believe that Odin played the woman's part in the sexual act. In the Norse world such an invert was regarded with disgust, but also with apprehension, for it seems to have been believed that unknown knowledge and perilous psychic force might be gained by playing such a role" according to "The Viking Achievement" (1994) by Foote & Wilson.
Níð was part of a family of concepts which all have connotations of passive male homosexuality, such as: ergi or regi (nouns) and argr or ragr (the adjective form of ergi) ("willing or inclined to play or interested in playing the female part in sexual relations with another man, unmanly, effeminate, cowardly"); ergjask ("to become argr"); rassragr ("arse-ragr"); stroðinn and sorðinn ("sexually used by a man") and sansorðinn ("demonstrably sexually used by another man") (Sørenson 17-18, 80). A man who is a seiðmaðr (one who practices women's magic) who is argr is called seiðskratti (Sørenson 63).
Homosexuality was not regarded by the pagan Norse peoples as being evil, perverted, innately against the laws of nature or any of the other "baggage" about the concept that Christian belief has provided Western culture. Christian belief condemns both the active and passive roles of homosexual intercourse, whereas the pagan Scandinavians attached disapproval only to the male who was homosexually passive. Being used homosexually by another man was equated with cowardice because of the custom of sexual aggression against vanquished foes. This practice is documented in Sturlunga saga, most notably in Guðmundar saga dýra where Guðmundr takes captive a man and his wife, and plans for both the woman and the man to be raped as a means of sexual humiliation ["Ok var þat við orð at leggja Þórunni í rekkju hjá einhverjum gárungi, en gera þat vi Björn prest, at þat þaeligitti eigi minni svívirðing"]. (Sørenson 82, 111; Sturlunga saga, I, 201).
In addition to rape, defeated enemies were frequently castrated, again testified to in several places by Sturlunga saga. Grágás records that a klámhogg or "shame-stroke" on the buttocks was, along with castration, a "major wound" (hin meiri sár), ranked with wounds that penetrated the brain, abdomen, or marrow: the klámhogg was thus equated with castration as "unmanning" the victim, and classed with wounds that cause major penetrations of the body, strongly suggesting that the term refers to rape or forced anal sex such as was inflicted on a defeated combatant (Sørenson 68). For the Vikings, the rape of defeated male enemies was obligatory.
In the eddic Lokasenna, Odin taunts Loki for bearing children for eight winters, being a woman, and milking cows. Loki, on his part, taunts Odin–the master of seiðr–for wearing women's clothing while making prophecies.
Odin: "Thou winters eight wast the earth beneath milking the cows as a maid, and there gavest birth to a brood: were these womanish ways, I ween."

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Loki: "But thou, say they, on Sáms Isle [Samsø] once beat (the magic drum?) like a Vœlva: in vitki's shape through the worlds didst fare: in woman's wise, I ween." (Lokasenna: 23-24)
The passage in the Ynglingasaga which describes Odin’s seiðr skills (learned from the Vanir) ends with the following:
"But the use of this magic [seiðr] is accompanied by so great a degree of effemination [ergi] that men were of the opinion that they could not give themselves up to it without shame, so that it was to the priestesses that it was taught." (Ynglingasaga: 7)
The term used in Ynglingasaga, "ergi" indicates the shamefulness of seiðr magic. In other contexts, this word and its derivatives are usually translated as lust or lewdness, specifically in the sense of sexual receptiveness. Another translation might be "desirous of penetration." The term seems, in fact, to be a close analogue of the Greek "eromenos."
Men used the word as an insult, accusing a foe of having submitted sexually like a woman. It is also used to describe Freyja who taught Odin the seiðr. What Loki actually accuses Odin of is not being merely "womanish," as it is usually translated, but of "args athal"–acting in a "sexually passive or receptive way." The context makes it clear that what he was doing was working women's sex magic.
There is evidence that transexuality or crossdressing had a recognized place in the religion of the barbarian period. Tacitus tells us that the Naharvali, a Suevian tribe, possessed a grove of "… immemorial sanctity. A priest in female attire (ornatus mulieribus) had the charge of it." In this grove twin deities called the Alcis and identified with Castor and Pollux were worshipped. There's also the well-known passage from by Saxo Grammaticus, in his "Gesta Danorum," describing how Starkad, having lived for some years with the Swedish royal family, returns to Denmark "for, living at Uppsala in the period of sacrifices, he had become disgusted with the womanish body movements, the clatter of actors on the stage, and the soft tinkling of bells." (History of the Danes VI:154).

Additionally, some of the Norse gods were capable of changing sex at will, for example Loki frequently disguised himself as a woman as previously mentioned. In one myth, he turned himself into a mare and after having sex with the stallion Svaðilfari, he gave birth to a foal which became Odin's eight-legged steed Sleipnir. This might also explain the Germanic völkisch movement's weltanschauung of hermaphrodites as "divine beings" as exemplified in Jörg Lanz von Liebenfels' "Theozoology" which along with a few other syncretic doctrines sparked the modern neo-völkisch Odinist / Odalist / Ásatrú movement.

tl,dr: pagans are faggots and so are you
Also, once more

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I laugh at you, and your mutilated penis.

Btw, fine, I'll counter your other shit, too, you 30% off nincompoop.

Christians are made to be laughed at forever, in the end.
Such is the price of worshiping degenerate giants.

Off to a great start.
Anyway, I archived this thread, look forward to your complete and utter obliteration in the future, you disingenius piece of shit.

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Well look who it is.

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I don't believe so. Lots of paganism was inspired directly by people hallucinating or people using poetry to promote an ideology, the Roman gods were notorious for being largely inventions of state poets.

Scripture does not say that the Nephilim were worshipped either, it only speaks of idols as either demons or idols of stone (aka, inventions of whimsy or pride)

there's also an academic trend to think that a good majority of religions started off monotheistic

Kek, Imagine being a bloke spending this much time begging for attention on a religious forum he he doesn't even agree with and being this much of a imbecilic hoot.

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Imagine lying through your teeth all the time and getting obliterated on your own imageboard because you fail at literally everything you claim to stand for.

Lügen haben kurze Beine, bro.
That's why it took three passes of jewry to even deride heathenry.

First Christianity, selling the jews as the ancestors/kin of Europeans and chosen people.
Fact is, most Christians are utter philosemites, and it's all real Christianity, even if I will use "erode" in the next paragraph, and it was the first step.

Second layer was atheism. Eroding both Christianity with the last shreds of the European spirit and beliefs (see America, the culmination of all thigs gone wrong with Christianity)

Third layer is just straight up, unfiltered jewry where jews, now blending in almost completely thanks to two milennia of Christianity, are playing all the sides, especially in America (and to a lesser degree the UK, boy did they get hit hard by the Christpill).

Neopaganism and all this faggotry was not a Germanic/European invention, even though dumb gullible Europeans, long disconnected from home, have done the most damage to themselves.

And now you're all golemized. You don't have any sort of argument, all you can do, and I mean you as a collective, not just you personally, ALL of you can only lie and deceit and just "chutzpah" about this issue.

What? Yahweh not making any sense anymore and acting mysteriously? All these points?

That's flat out just stating something.
At least that's one step below of straight up lying like that retarded memester up there, that, in true jewish/golemized fashiong COULD NOT HAVE LEFT WELL ENOUGH ALONE, AS USUAL, and has now sufficiently motivated to compile truthful antimemes that make you all rightfully look more like the subversive, deluded bastards you really are.

I will winnie the pooh lock you inside this board forever.
Nobody will ever take you seriously and you WILL have to stay inside this board on Zig Forums.
At least you won't be able to enter Zig Forums without getting laughed out of the room.

Every dumb winnie the pooh lie you idiots tell, instead of leaving well enough alone, will bite you back in the ass. I'm true and thoroughly sick of this dumb shit.

If you have any problem with this.
If you want to say anything about this.

Here is a superior solution to anything you could think of.

Try not being dishonest, sardonically gloating liars for a change. Then I won't be able to backhand you idiots like the way I WILL do in response to your incessant "paganry = faggotry" rictus.

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Christians are philosemit-

Titus 1:10-16 KJV


(all of this response, just for me…)

Dude, you're the one complaining to us here. If You have a a problem with us or actually have faith in what you believe, then go start and/or attend a mass/shrine/temple/etc of your faith.

A lot about being a Christian is finding a denomination that works for you and helping them grow through helping other communities. You probably should be spending your time helping your community rather than wasting your time complaining to Christians who're indebted enough to their faith that'll they'll go out of their way here to debate over minute denominational differences.

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