Bill Gates Gets A Huge Public Erection After He Says 30 Million People Will Die In 15 Years

Microsoft founder Bill Gates warns that over 30 million people will be dead within the next 15 years as a result of a biotechnology attack.

Speaking at the Munich Security Conference in 2017, Gates warned that the next worldwide epidemic will likely originate from terrorists using biotechnology to spread a dangerous “supervirus” around the globe.

“The next epidemic could originate on the computer screen of a terrorist intent on using genetic engineering to create a synthetic version of the smallpox virus … or a super contagious and deadly strain of the flu,” he told the audience.

“Whether it occurs by a quirk of nature or at the hand of a terrorist, epidemiologists say a fast-moving airborne pathogen could kill more than 30 million people in less than a year. And they say there is a reasonable probability the world will experience such an outbreak in the next 10 to 15 years,” he warned. reports:

Gates said the link between health security and international security is underestimated adding that governments are not paying enough attention to this threat. “We ignore the link between health security and international security at our peril.”

The absence of deadly epidemics in recent history shouldn’t lull the world into a false sense of security as such “doomsday scenarios” can occur. Gates reminded the audience of the scale of the 1918 flu pandemic which infected around 500 million people and claimed between 50-100 million lives according to various estimates.

“Most of the things we need to do to protect against a naturally occurring pandemic are the same things we must prepare for an intentional biological attack.”

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only 30 million??

Those are rookie numbers, we need to get those up.

If any bio-warfare attack actually were to happen you can bet the government and/or big pharma would have something to do with it. Most terror organizations don't have the skills or money or opsec to take out 30,000 people let alone 30 million. You'd have to be a well organized and well funded agency to pull something like that off and get away with it.


Drop that into Africa/Middle East dear Mr. Gates and I'm ok with it.

Thank you Israel.

Better yet, start it in Israel and let it spread to middle east and Africa

just install a antivirus then

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Based Bill
Remember he was partially responsible for Zika
When he's saying this he means he plans on spreading love to Africa and South America


It would be a state actor. Not only that, but it would be deployed against civilians, not government officials.

It would also be a perfect excuse to sieze total control over a populations health.

"I think the government made the plague on purpose"

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The plague wasn't a bio-weapon though. But IF a bio-weapon were released that successfully killed 30 million + people? Yah, most likely we know who to blame for that.

Yeah. It seems like a large number, but the world population could easily be over 9 billion by 2050. 30 million is only 0.3333% of that 9 billion. Not even 1% of the total population.

In the long term, humanity would collectively benefit from a mass loss in human population. Even now in modern day. There's already way too many humans on this planet.

If only we could get rid of all the crooked politicians…. if only….

You mean killing the rich. And I agree. Kill em all.


Don't forget;
niggers outside of Africa
spics outside of Mexico
pajeets outside of Asia
jews outside of the oven

By "rich" I hope you meant the ones like the Rothschilds and other central bankers. The politicians who profit off our misery deserve a death penalty as well.

why would they want to slide this?

If any bio-warfare attack actually were to happen you can bet the government and/or big pharma would have something to do with it. Most terror organizations don't have the skills or money or opsec to take out 30,000 people let alone 30 million. You'd have to be a well organized and well funded agency to pull something like that off and get away with it.

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Sorry Bill, I still don't trust you…. and by the way….. WINDOWS 10 IS A BOTNET AND IT SUCKS PIG DICK.

But if it is a disease it will be 30 million most of which in a limited area thanks to interpersonal spread. Could your country manage 10 million dead? Could your region?

Predictive programming?

Could be conditioning the public to some kind of false flag mass murder they are planning to commit, yes.

I bet.

If any bio-warfare attack actually were to happen you can bet the government and/or big pharma would have something to do with it. Most terror organizations don't have the skills or money or opsec to take out 30,000 people let alone 30 million. You'd have to be a well organized and well funded agency to pull something like that off and get away with it.

The best biowarfare agent is a modified flu virus. All a government has to do is manufacture one based on the spanish flu and make sure it is "Novel" in nature.

I'm surprised the government didn't shove a bunch of soldiers up his ass and torture him.

In the USA? It would be quite a painful struggle. But there would be massive Federal support to the region. Recovery would happen.

If it happened in Bumfuckistan then I'd imagine that area would likely just be abandoned altogether for some time.


He's referencing a plague in a video game's timeline.

You're missing the point. With genetic technologies where they are, it could only take a few million dollars to cook up a superbug. Then you just infect one guy at an international airport and he'll do the work for you. Essentially, the terror organization only has to kill ONE PERSON, and then the dominoes will fall on their own.

Well we turned our back on God, so I'm sure God will let it happen to us at this point. Fuck this gay ass Earth anyway.

Let me guess.
He's coming out with a new vaccine for this, right?

Help the planet: kill yourself

Alright so let's get the rundown on the best places to go to survive this. Obviously avoid cities. What about countries? Iceland?

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Pics or it didn't happen.

Well Iceland would be a choice or Panama. But you have to have some money to go there. The fact is this: America is still a good bug out option as long as you are far enough away from mob rule (major cities). The small local town I live in, no one would even think of going there to loot when SHTF for example. Too far away (you'd need extra gas to get there) and just another little blip on a huge fucking map. So small little towns are perfect when SHTF. The only marauders you'll deal with would most likely be local packs of hungry welfare queens around the area (which ain't too much of them around here). And if the gun grabbers come our way, look out, because almost everyone has guns around here, its the norm to see people you know hanging around the local gun shop.

That's terror.

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Or corporate attack, doesn't google have its own bio warfare department and gm mosquitos?

The thing most people don't realize is that the biological weapon is really what most people believe is the "preventive" that is a VACCINE. If you research on your own you will discover that for maximum reliability of getting a kill, injection is the way to go. How to get masses of people to comply: Convince them its to "prevent" illness.


Demonic Ba'al/Saturn plague coming soon. I bet it will be something related to cannibalism of livestock like mad cow disease.

Agreed. I watch a decent movie on Netflix recently that mirrors your theory. The movie is called "How It Ends". Every town would have it's own militia. This is what the second amendment was intended for. In the movie, each little town forms it's own militia to protect it's citizens and keep the vultures, roaming bands of thieves, at bay. What they had to worry most about were criminal highwaymen between the towns. The major cities themselves were completely decimated as police and military were unable to contain the chaos. Not a bad movie. Gives you some things to think about.

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your geography's completely off, britcuck

yes, please

India is in Asia.

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

I think it's going to hit Europe or NA, unfortunately.

I'm okay with that, it either wipes out rapefugees or cucked europeans and accelerates the inevitable process of breeding them out

you are braindead

Why can"t the (((globalists))) at least be consistent?

In case anyone feels like educating themselves on the matter, rather than merely speculating on the matter..

WTF? I'm an anti-vaxxer now!
Kek @ screenshot related..

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Glad you are finally smelling the coffee, user.

The mainstream media just ADMITTED the flu shot is not even effective. Expect that news piece very very soon!

rich people get access to different vaccines btw, only found this out from a girl at work

Right. I'll be waiting with baited breath..

Don't do that.
Oxygen is the best flu cure and preventative.

Yeah well it probably had to due with the super aids they released in Chico and turns you into a robot that swipes and clicks ads

SUPER aids

I have access to a Crispr machine and know how to use it and im mostly a data analytics guy. Seriously, its more viable, like those people that said that 3d printing guns or gun parts were far off into the future.

Thankfully provides all the assembly needed for the most part.

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Bill "Population Control" Gates killing off the niggers again.

The air was filled with smoke and blood. The USA was weak.

"The same corporation that makes Ambrosia also manufactures the virus. Quite Convenient."

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Is he asking or is he telling?

Racoons indigenous to lands of white culture Would Weaponize AIDS if a single racoon was thrown into an african rivver.

Do the Niggers want to fight, because We Whites are itching to Culturally enrich African DNA

Lime Island

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Zika is only now starting to affect Roger Stone. I’d say it’s fine for AfroEurasian populations.

another subhumanBUCKTOOTH pussy.

Nigger I was Changing my bed the other day. I was pulling the WHITE CLOTH across the bed when I realized.
That cloth was Your moms underwear.

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Wow, the shills are even more transparent on Zig Forums than they are on Zig Forums, or do you actually think Roger Stone is “white”?

Nigger, mudshit, woman, Communist—ad nauseam.

I think there's a fair to middling chance they'd figure it out.

I hate niggers and communists

I think you mean normies. If a person is incapable of naming at least 3 Chris-Chan saga's its the rope for them

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The IQ of a nigger, I see.

But he's not wrong.
You can't quarentine an epidemic if you can't quarentine a people.
(Unless you're Madagascar)