Should you go to church if you don’t believe

I’ve been trying as of late to develop a faith, but it just isn’t happening. Should I just fake it till I make it? Is everyone actually feeling the same way?

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I don't know. Why do you think you're incapable of developing your faith?

If you're having trouble believing why don't you read Aquinas, or CS Lewis if Aquinas sounds too scholastic for you. The proofs for God exist. You just have to read them and get over that feeling of atheism being the "default"

—You are here—

Everything feels so hopeless in the long run. I feel alone. I don’t feel as if there is anything after this life, and I’m a solid loser by material and social standards. By my own worldview, I’m total scum and miserable, not that that necessarily changes adopting Christianity. Every time I do inch toward Christianity, it gets nipped in the bus by my atheist apologist acquaintances. My Christian friends seem by and large the happier and more accomplished of the bunch (save for those I know who carved out successful niches and romances in shady, degenerate corners of the Internet), but I can’t seem to make the leap to clear the hurdle of abject hopelessness. I’m down for going the whole nine if I knew it wasn’t a goose chase, but I can’t get to that point if knowledge.

If God is omnipotent, which He is since this a deterministic universe designed by Him, then He personally designed and crafted you and planned out your entire life path. Sounds pretty personal to me.

Determinism is at odds with free will an instead implies predestination, though.

No one should go to church really. Huge winnie the pooh waste of time. And, don't go to mosque or synagogue either it's all shit.

Hi, newfag.
Bye, newfag.

That’s not what I said

lol, spotted, the Kjv bible alone, i don't need no church protestant.

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Yeah well all of you and your god can blow me.

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STAHP, your definition of free will is all screwy and unchristian.

I was a platonist like you, study why Logos must be a person and not a thing.

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Good, to know that i now know, that who made that, you shouldn't go to church thread, was just a D&C, troll thread. Btw upside down Cross how old are you ? And Op, i'd focus more on C.S Lewis just because he's pretty basic, if you're not into high level Philosophy, after that you can really take off, and enjoy the high level Philosophy of others. Even Nietzsche and hume who were probably the most coherent within their worldview. Which is such a far cry from the New atheism of today.

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Nice St. Peter’s cross


where to begin studying Logos? I'm just patiently waiting for EMJ's book on it to be honest…

Yes. Also, stop being Catholic.
Obviously not.

Sorry, but I do honestly often wonder if everyone is as miserable and terrified existentially as I am and we’re all just keeping up a good face for the sake of collective sanity

I wholeheartedly believe in God Jesus Christ and I'm convinced that many others on this board do, however atheism is symptomatic of Catholicism. Go to an Orthodox mass and you will find God.

If you wouldn't let Him in, He wouldn't enter. Hence everyone should find within themselves what causes their lack of humbleness and submission. Whether you will find a faith in God or not is another thing, the most important thing is to try.

Real faith isn't loud, obnoxious displays of emotion. It isn't warm fuzzy feelings all the time. It isn't blind belief either.

It is steadfast loyalty unto death. Carrying out your mission and purpose, even when you in your darkest moments. It is when you mind is racked with fear, doubt and despair, yet your body keeps forging ahead recklessly, motivated by some unseen force you can not explain.

Under extreme conditions, soldiers feel despair, they lose focus of their goals and values. As is human nature. But the great warriors carried out their orders regardless. A Christian needs to be like that. THAT is what faith is.

And please, don't buy into the modern idea that Christianity is like some sort of self help program that can help you get your life in order and make you happy all the time. This is how Christianity is sold these days, but the truth is that it is all about "taking up your cross and following Christ". It can bring you joy and peace of mind, but only as a biproduct. It is not the purpose of Christianity.
We are Christians not because we want to be happy, but because we have been called, given a mission to carry out.

So if you are willing to take up the cross, go to church, praise God, acknowledge your sins, and most importantly, build the Kingdom of God by carrying out works of mercy. Even if you aren't throwing up your hands and weeping like an evangelical.

Get out and socialize and possibly get yourself treated for depression or both.

Its common to feel alienated and alone in today's cosmopolitan, multicultural pig sty the Jews have made of the western world.

Yet like anything worthwhile having in life what you want is going to take some effort so if you have to force yourself to go be around groups of people or find a group to invest yourself in to begin making friends then that is what you're going to have to do.

And remember to find the kind of people you'd want to be friends with you're going to have to ask yourself what kind of hobbies and activities would people who you'd actually want to be friends with be drawn to and then when you've come up with the answer you must throw yourself into those same hobbies and activities.

If you don't want to end up with flakes, disloyal wishy washy scumbags you can't trust as friends then you must do the above as I'm assuming you want friends that are loyal and worth a damn to invest your time in and hopefully have invest their time in you and take a caring to you that is beyond cursory acquaintance level worthlessness.

Unless you're severely mentally or physically impaired you can attain both material and social wealth with enough effort, but like with anyone it all comes down to how much effort you are willing to put into either category.

If you are lazy and complacent and a pessimist and don't see any of that ever changing you may as well head on over to wizchan or r9k and live out the rest of your days wallowing in misery with the rest of the userbase of those sites.

If however you want a decent place to start improving your life or the sosuave forum or any number of PUA forums can help get you started since contary to popular belief such sites aren't always all about getting laid but actually helping you improve your life and personality and showing you how to become an entrepenuer and make a lot of money which can obviously be beneficial to you for a whole host of reasons other than bedding down chicks.

They're just trying to help you. I wouldn't want any of my friends getting stuck in this pathetic cult of bronze age superstition and stupidity either. There's a better way to live and better idols to look up to in fiction than Boozus. Go watch Star Trek TNG for one example and try and model your life and personality after Captain Jean Luc Picard. Much more honorable role model than Jesus and he won't tell you to hate your parents either (like Jesus does in the Buy Bull) unless they actually deserve it.

When I was lost in the mental illness of the Christ cult I too was very happy for a time but thats what happens when you THINK you've finally been given all the answers to life. Christ insanity like any other cult that promises pie in the sky rewards and no longer having to think for yourself takes away existential dread/anxiety for at least as long as one is too dim or lost to see through it's BS but once you wake up and realize you've been lied to your entire life and that the cult was and is a waste of time you end up feeling even worse because you've lost an entire worldview that you thought provided you all the answers.

You're only searching out this cult now for similar reasons ie you want an answer to your existential dread and you seek it out for the same reason others do and its because Christ insanity unfortunately became a monopoly in the west due to backing by the Roman empire at the instigating/collaborating of the Jews to push it on the white goyim masses, which gives it a false/phoney sense of gravitas/importance, but its no different than any other cult pagan or otherwise in that its not true and no more thought or relevance should be given to it than a tigger witch doctor shaking his dick in the African jungle thinking he's putting a curse on somebody.

Instead of wasting anymore of your prescious life and time on this bronze age stupidity I'd suggest you instead read Dawkins, Hitchens and even Sam Harris books on atheism and lastly read Carl Sagan's "The Demon Haunted World" and get this superstitious nonsense Christ insanity off of your radar for good.

You just want answers.

Well again Christ insanity does not have them and it never will.

Yep, just another new atheism Evangelical, and not even the adult worldview of atheism. It's just rehashed talking points from the Enlightenment. Honestly Op, you want the adult worldview of atheism go to Nietzsche. He more or less says in Genealogies of morals. That if your atheism is to true, to people who go around spouting there's no, God, There's no, God. If your atheism is true, then it really just doesn't matter. And you're still acting like an evangelist out there. Believing in Capital T, Truth, Believing in the abstract ideals of Truth. And that's just a paraphrase. But so much more coherent and logical. And so much for the new atheism. You never hear them bring up this point. Probably cause they know. That, if they were honest with themselves. And Took their worldview for what it was. They'd realize actually, i can't talk even Philosophically. That's why i recommened C.S Lewis, cause he even uses in some of his points. That you'd actually recognize in Hume. My quote above. Literally taken out of Hume in regards to science. If you want something i've heard more indepth. There's, Father Seraphim rose's book on Nihilism. Which, i haven't picked up yet. But Again, Paraphrasing, where Nihilist are inconsistent. On the one hand all of life is Meaningless, and there's no Truth that binds mankind. But then will turn around and go, but no, no, no there are truth that bind mankind in Mathematics, Science, etc. But that's a contradiction you can't seriously believe in these things, and then go on to tell me that all life is meaningless, and this tends to go hand in hand with Atheism, that ultimately, it's just the Grey Goo, The atoms in our brains making us feel this way. So none of it really would matter if true. A lot of times. Especially with, New atheist, they want to have their cake and eat it too. They use all the ideals, all things taken for granted, that only makes sense on a theistic worldview. And then trying to cram it, into their worldview which. It doesn't work. Nietzsche already dealt with this. And people still are falling into these traps.

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Fake it till you make it is basically larp re-worded
Faith is believing. To develop faith you have to read God's words to see His miracles and powers and pray to Him daily, or at any possible time. It's just letting go of your ego and believe like a child.

If you read the Bible you'll see that we will win in the end and Satan will be defeated.
David was a shepherd, the youngest in the family, which means that he was probably considered the least in the family. Jesus's apostles weren't scholars or anything, they were simple people. You are great only when you follow God despite your circumstances, not the other way around.

That's your problem buddy. You look through the world with YOUR own lens, not God's. You look at the world focused on the physical, the flesh, but not the spirit in faith and hope.
Colossians 1:9 For this cause we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; (It's better if you know the context)
See how Paul focused on the spiritual side and longing for wisdom of God, and love and patience, instead of the flesh and materials? Paul had a thorn in the flesh but that doesn't make him miserable, so why do you let your thorns in the flesh made you miserable?

Because of your lack of faith and knowledge from God, you let your friends dissuade you. Read and study the Bible, or you'll be the seed sown in the rocky places Jesus taught about

The Christian life is not a happy 24/7 life. It's a promised land that will make your life meaningful, but there's also going to be trials, wars, conflicts, test. But after all, how can you be better if you don't go through trials and tests, like how gold is made? Don;t be fooled thinking it's a feel-good blissful life all the time,and then discouraged when conflict happens

I hope I can help you in any other way user, just let me know. I really do hope your post is not a trap

gtfo fag

But if it's not meant to be then too bad, see you in Hell

If it helps you to 'develop faith' you should go to church.
Unfortunately nowadays some churches actively harm faith, in that case Bible and prayer (and writings of Saints) will be enough until you find a good church.

Go to Jerusalem Bro, see and touch the empty grave of Christ. As I always had strictly materialistic and rational mindset, I needed something material and historical as an anchor for my faith. To me, it all comes to the historical moment of ressurection.

"And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain." (1 Cor., 1,15)

Also John 20: Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the entrance. 2 So she came running to Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one Jesus loved, and said, “They have taken the Lord out of the tomb, and we don’t know where they have put him!”

3 So Peter and the other disciple started for the tomb. 4 Both were running, but the other disciple outran Peter and reached the tomb first. 5 He bent over and looked in at the strips of linen lying there but did not go in. 6 Then Simon Peter came along behind him and went straight into the tomb. He saw the strips of linen lying there, 7 as well as the cloth that had been wrapped around Jesus’ head. The cloth was still lying in its place, separate from the linen. 8 Finally the other disciple, who had reached the tomb first, also went inside. He saw and believed. 9 (They still did not understand from Scripture that Jesus had to rise from the dead.) 10 Then the disciples went back to where they were staying

"He saw and believed"

Every crisis of faith I had could not overshadow the facts - that He ressurected, that the Apostles (and over 500 other disciples) saw Him alive, and that they prove it with martyrdom.

Hope it helps.

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