A Dutch church has been conducting religious services for 27 days to protect a refugee family

Because it's not legal for Police to enter a church in the Netherlands while religious services are going on, one church in the Hague is holding round the clock church services to protect three Armenian teens who essentially grew-up in the Netherlands (12, 10 and 6 when arrived 9 years ago). Clever tactic.


inb4 Zig Forums, who patrol this board as though somehow it's an extension of theirs, spurgs out over this

Yes, the church looks liberal. After all, they spell Jesus name "Jezus", and if "Y'shua" is heresy on this board, then I imagine "Jezus" must be, too
Nah, seriously, their "Geloof" page is definitely gospel-lite
>This world is not accidental. God created the world, He also wanted your life. God is then also there for you during your life and even after your death. You are not alone: ​​God himself came to this world. He became man: Jesus. Jesus shows who God is. Through his death and resurrection from the dead there is hope: for every human being and this world. There is forgiveness, life after death, recovery and view of a world without death and grief.
>Many people call God sometimes. A silent prayer, short and powerful. Prayer belongs to all religions. Christians are also praying. What do you do when you pray? Prayer is a form of repentance. Be quiet, unwind. Being open to what is more between heaven and earth. Prayer is a dialogue in Christian tradition. 'Prayer is talking to God'. This is possible with and without words. You focus on God inwardly. 'To You I raise my life' is in the psalms. The psalms can be found in the Bible, they are songs and prayers in which all of life comes along. … Praying is asking, praying is sometimes complaining or protesting. Praying can also be thanks, thank you for life, for everything that exists. The most famous prayer is the Our Father, it is the prayer that Jesus taught to his disciples.
>For Christians, faith has everything to do with Jesus. "No one has ever seen God" is in the Bible. But Jesus has shown who God is. Jesus lived at the beginning of our era in Israel. Born in Bethlehem, he grew up in Nazareth, the son of Joseph the carpenter. From the age of thirty he became a traveling preacher and miracle worker. His message was about 'The Kingdom of God': life as God intended it.
>When you look at the life of Jesus, you see: love. Jesus really did people. He spoke words of life and power, which people heard of. He forgives everything you lack and heals your pain. His goal for people is joy. He had his life for that. His death on a cross is not the end of his life, after three days he has risen from the dead. God awakens him to life. That bizarre message is a hopeful message: death has been conquered. There is hope, also for people who die. Christians believe that in Jesus God himself has come to us. Jesus is more than an ordinary person, therefore he is also called Christ. That is not his last name, but a title. Christ means: anointed one; He who comes with an assignment.
Where's sin? Where's atonement? Where's Christ crucified?
No, instead there's "wandering miracle worker", "life and power", "He forgives everything you lack", "His goal for people is joy" …
< #the-absolute-state-of-the-European-Church

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I don't know, immigration issue is a difficult thing to solve by law. However I hope for the best for the family, and it should be okay for them to stay if the church community wants to give hospitality for them, without the government's help. We shouldn't prevent people from being hospitable to others, unless they're protecting a really dangerous criminal or something.

This refugee topic aside, why would "Y'shua" be heresy?!! That's crazy talk. It's just Jesus/Joshua in Hebrew and Aramaic. It's still his name to many Christians speaking a similar language. It's not some Hebrew Roots only thing.

I think it would be a good thing if refugees are families at least (not able bodied lone males). Plus, many of these people actually convert or may just be Christian refugees.. and could inject life in these dead Western lands (because I assure you, being "white" isn't going to save the people living there just for being white. Whoever rejects Christ forfeits their soul).


I think the community itself has agreed to take that duty, including the responsibility when something wrong happens.

Explain to me how one nuclear family who just wants to protect themselves from literal killers in their own homeland is a threat to a whole nation?

The TL;DR is that a church in Den Haag (The Hague) has been running services around the clock for nearly a month, because they are offering sanctuary to a family of refugees. They are from Armenia, and the husband's political writings have gotten him death threats, but the government wants to send them back. The Dutch government isn't exactly a friendly one to immigrants and refugees. Ministers have been coming from all over the country, volunteering to run services.

It's an interesting scene of tension between the Kingdom and the State. It's not often in the West that a church is physically protecting people from arrest by the government.

That's true, Zig Forums might not like this but the catholic church, while they didn't actively oppose nazism, was probably the most staunch defenders of the jews during the rise of the natsoc party. I heard from the stories that they silently gave shelter and protection for the jews.

The only moronic thing I could see myself doing here is viewing society through the lens of politics. It's too small. I don't care about any of it.

"For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified." -1 Cor 2:2

another reason to not be catholic

The ocean is made of single drops.

Is there conflict in Armenia that I am not aware of?
Are those teens at risk of losing their lives if they return to Armenia?
Or are they migrants who are falsely labeled as refugees?

Now only if they held a perpetual service for…uh idk, Jesus? You know like perpetual adoration.

winnie the pooh you communist

that is some really disgusting artwork

while they helped catholics butcher orthodox…

Leviticus 19:33-34

Just as I predicted: call Zig Forums out and they are soooooo easily triggered
You guys just react. No thought. Just reaction.

I know. I know. Maybe it's a Zig Forums meme, but there have been threads sperging out over people's insistence on using that name


Good post. Did not know about the "political writings" bit, but I knew there had to be more than just "muh immigrants". I'm kinda impressed now.

Zig Forums btfo

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The Hebrew spelling gets filtered because some Judaizer kept spamming.
So you’re new here. How’d you find this place?

Lawl. Been here almost since the beginning. I just don't come very often, so sometimes the cause for a meme is lost for me. This one some guy was sperging out that if you insisted on using the name "Y'shua" or "Jesus" you were a heretic.

Mind you, I've also seen it in the same sentences as people insisting that "Messianic Jews" (who use the Hebrew name, obv.) are heretics, which is a stupid … well, alright, I'll be charitable … an ignorant statement, something only Zig Forums could come up with. Like this guy, f'instance:>>732568 Not even Catholic, but equally offended.

They argue that Messianic Jews are heretics because many of them insist on holding onto the ceremonial laws, such as ritual cleanliness, kosher food laws, and so on. So to call them heretics is in fact correct, considering that the entire book of Galatians is the apostle Paul telling the church of Antioch off for doing just that.

Go back to Zig Forums, faggot. You're not welcome here. Sage, hide, report

unto salvation?
Holding onto laws that do not save is immaterial. If they want to cling to their cultural past, so long as they recognise that it will not save, what's the issue. Early Jewish Christians did the same thing. Why are we so hung-up allofasudden on this as though it's 45ad all over?

Go away Zig Forums you don't belong here. You NEVER belonged here. Sage, hide, report.

Yes, that is what they do. The ceremoni law is fulfilled in Christ, making those laws obsolete, and so insisting that those same laws must still be followed is, in fact, a mortal sin.
And so the modernist reveals himself. No-one disputed this after Paul’s dissertation until the 19th century.

go back to Reddit

About the spelling of jesus as "jezus"; i am dutch myself, and this is the way jesus is spelled over here. It has nothing to do with them being liberal or anything like that.

tigga, what the winnie the pooh are you on about?
They are a bunch of naturalized teenage kids of some guy that wrote that stuff some caucasian oligarch didn't like.
They aren't invading shit.
Armenians are literally the last people we need to concern ourselves with.

The reason this is so important, is because when this starts happening with NON-ARMENIANS this will be used as a precedent.

It will serve as an example. And detractors who don't want scores of fighting age "refugee" men flooding there country will have this event shoved in there faces.

Fools like you, who cant think 5 minutes into the future will make all of this a possibility

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Have you been to the Netherlands? They're cucked as hell, full of tiggas and Moroccans

Are you seriously implying that out of all the immigration-related bs that's been happening for the past decade and a half, that THIS is the dangerous legal precedent we should look out for?

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Every event like this is laying the framework for ethnic replacement across Europe, user. Whether it be from a legal stand point or social or moral/ethical standpoint.

In this case the church is literal acting against the state.

And your rebuttal amounts to "Why draw the line here?"

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Yeah, no.
This is just a culturally integrated medium-sized family that may or may not meet the criteria for right of political asylum, and a PR stunt by a small church.
Saying this tiny fiasco is an intentional part of some massive conspiracy is like saying some guy taking sick leave under dubious circumstances is part of some commie plot to destroy the economy.

My rebuttal is that you are seeing too much into something that would be the lowest priority anyway.

The Christless church of human rights and internationalism actively cooperating to the destruction of the former christian nation of the west and to the making of Europe into a muslim and african continent.
Good job.

no U

You are winnie the pooh retarded my man.

Using worship as a political tool instead of for its proper function is a grave sin.

Armenia does not only refer to a country, it's an ethnocultural group. Those are mostly likely Syrian Armenians.

This whole thread is one long exposé of how much Zig Forums is on Zig Forums
It's a shame really. This may never have been a GOOD board, but at least you knew there were authentic Christians on it.

Zig Forums always finds a way to make it part of their much-fantasized "Syrian invasion of Europe"

It was a joke, user
But, I'm happy to see an actual Dutchman correct me.

You have evidence that this is what Messianic Jews do?
Isn't James the Less well-known for retaining many of the conventions of the law? Yet isn't he also regarded Is not a saint? Did not God bless him by including his writings in the New Testament? Isn't that book the strongest in all the New Testament in defense of the Law, that is, rebuking lawlessness?
The entire book of Hebrews testifies to believing Jews existing. And it seems to me Messianic Jews are simply following the very same pattern Godly Jews, those who embraced Christ, of the first century followed. They remained Jews, they still kept the sabbath, they still watched what they ate, NOT because this was salvation, but because this was what their ancestors had done, this was their culture, and they were a living reminder of the promises of God, that salvation had indeed come from the Jews. Those whom Paul railed against were those who rejected Christ. The Book of Hebrews is quite clear, speaking to believing Jews, that the Law is only a foreshadowing, that Christ is the truth.

Why begrudge them their culture? Why deny them the right to continue to live exactly as their forefathers had done yet now in full knowledge that their traditions were now just and only that: traditions having no salvific value whatsoever? So long as they are in full agreement that there is no salvation in the Law, only in Christ, I see no reason to deny them those same traditions as a cultural hang-over. After all, does not God call out 144,000 Jews in Revelations – how else would they be identified if they have, to all intents and purposes, completely adopted Greek (European) culture? The Catholic Church doesn't seem to have that big a fetish for the idea: the entire movement of Hebrew Catholics testifies that Messianic Jews have a Catholic counterpart. Indeed, their leader in Jerusalem said this:
>"Dietary laws are not obligatory for those who live in Christ. I would only understand dietary laws being observed by Jewish Hebrew Catholics if they had always practised these laws before becoming Catholic. It certainly does no harm. But adopting the laws as Catholics (or as secular Jews who have become Catholic) does not make much sense as we have the fullness of the promise in Jesus."
And there's the model. It does no harm. It is merely tradition. It has no salvific value. If Messianic Jews contend equally, what then is to worry?

I will make plain, for clarity's sake, that I am not advocating Gentile Christians adopt Jewish customs, culture or laws. There's no need for this, and it would be pointless unless you married a Jew. But, if your fathers and grandfathers and ancestors back to a hundred generations have been observing the sabbath and Yom Kippur and other such festivals, I see no reason for God is dishonoured if you continue their traditions for sake of your culture, mindful that all of them were pointing to and culminated in Christ's victory on the Cross.

For a site that seems completely pwnd by Zig Forums and "okay to be white" pride, that extols European culture and traditions, I am amazed that one people continuing to practice their culture and traditions is so abhorrent. Or maybe I shouldn't be.

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How'd that work out for them?