Why did God make me so f*cking ugly!

I am so f*cking ugly and it's out of my control. I have a ginormous head but no chin from the side and my back and chest are a breeding ground for acne. My eyes are so small and beady looking and my teeth are all f*cked up. What the f*ck!! Why did God make me this ugly? Like, why me? Why not anyone else? Why am I the one who is ugly as f*cking F*CK! Sometimes I want to kill myself I am so ugly. I think that no woman will ever ben attracted to me. Why am I even alive? I need to go cry myself out guys… F*ck! :(

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Also, for the record, I am not overweight. I am skinny/average. Maybe that's the only good thing about my appearance…

It's gonna be okay. Focus on the things you can change, accept the things you cannot. Build muscle, be hygienic, work on your character, and have faith in the Lord.

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But why me!!!????? I would take any other test. I would rather be martyed than be ugly.

Don't be mean user… :(


Well, if you're the type prone to fall to narcisism, it's good you're ugly.

Low IQ

This, you can’t give someone a quality that objectively lessens their quality of life and then say they deserve it for being insecure about it.

Look at all the rich and attractive people. They all have drug problems, mental issues and a lot of them sold the soul to the devil and reject God. Would you rather that user? God loves you and know what you need, and He will provide it. But first you must be ready to receive it. And from the looks of it you aren't yet, since you are still bitter about your circumstances.

Mark 8:36 : For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?”
Ecclesiates 4:13 : Better is a poor and wise child than an old and foolish king
Also look at Colossians 1: 9-13. Look at all the things Paul thanks Christ for. They're all the intangible things, not the worldly things.
Even Paul himself had a thorn in the flesh, but he still praises God and are not bitter about it. Maybe you should be the same. For if God had made you differently, you could have rejected Him and be condemned

You can.

See, why would you think the importance he attributes to appearance would change if he was beautiful? He says being ugly is the worst, clearly being beautiful is best. Hence, narcisism comment by earlier poster.

Learn to not care so much about appearance. Besides, beauty is eye the eye of the beholder- have enough kids to start your own race and they can redefine what you are as beautiful, like unless you're hit-by-a-dump-truck asymmetrical


Because being an ugly male is a death sentence unless you wish to remain celibate in one way or another (priest, monk, etc.) If he was good looking, he wouldn't complain about looks being a detriment to him, because it wouldn't affect him in the way it does now.

That's beside the point. Most people value physical appearance more than anything. It's why you see lots of paintings of even Jesus looking like a handsome male instead of an ugly one. Vain American churches are the most guilty of this. Beauty is NOT in the eye of the beholder. There's an objective standard of beauty that the overwhelming majority of people conform to. You can't redefine beauty because there are traits deemed desirable and they always will be.

This is incredibly ethno-centric. In Africa some tribes think women are only attractive at 250lb+, some elongate their necks for beauty, others wear mouth-discs. What they have in common is that they aren't constitently subjected to mass-media, telling them what "beautiful" is.

Heck, go look at Renassaince paintings. A bit more plumpness and plainer features were the ideal. Of course it's closer to the modern ideal because our current culture sprung from that one but it's obvious culture is the source of beauty in the human form.

Your ranting have the taint of some angry incel - and the cause is always the same. You can't get the mass media ideal because you aren't the mass-media ideal. They pair off with each other dummy. Go find a girl in your "league" as they call it and be happy. What the heck.

Play the hand you were dealt.

Some people get dealt a shitty hand.
Some people get dealt a royal flush.

Make the most with what you've got.

-t. also ugly

I feel bad now.

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Certain traits are desirable everywhere. Wide hips, feminine face, etc. You're saying that because some obscure tribal group somewhere doesn't agree, it means that it all falls apart. Ironically, mass media is actually promoting plus size models, deformed ones, skellies, and all sorts of other females. I'll give you some leeway though, because men are not the selective sex. Men find all sorts of women desirable, depending on combinations of traits that may make them beautiful. However, it is not true for women. You will see many examples of ugly women with average or handsome men, but you'll be hard pressed to find the same for the reverse. Women tend to go after the top 20% of males, even if it means they'll turn out to be cat ladies if they fail. Look around at Western society and where we're at. Monogamy is in shambles, and it's because the shackles safeguarding reproduction and limiting the freedom of women were torn off.

See above.

Like clockwork. Did they program you to associate any argument that is highly critical of sexual relations with the word "incel." You know incels didn't make this stuff up on some obscure corner of the internet, right? Nobody is talking about the mass-media ideal. Nobody pairs off with each other anymore dumbo, not since monogamy and fathers owning their daughters and transferring them to the husbands was broken. No woman is going to dream about marrying average Steve computer programmer if the current dating platforms in society allow her to have a chance with high status males. Women date up for a better shot at better offspring, and they'll swarm a single male instead of distributing equally around uglies. Nobody has a problem with people marrying people who look like them, but that's not what's happening. What you have is every average female refusing to settle for anything lower than a high status male. Look around, welcome to [current year].

Don't feel bad, we all lose sight of how much Christ suffered for us. Trust in God. He has a plan for you :)

Practice good hygiene and get in shape (as in put on muscle, don't just be skinny). You'll feel better about yourself for sure.

Don't be silly OP.
My last bf was pretty ugly by most standards. He didnt have a chin and yet had a huge nose and he was missing half his teeth.

That would have been with me if he was a good person though. Sadly he was anything but. Work on your personality and take care of your body. You can have the best chin ever if you are a douchebag, you are not going to make a woman happy.

Also by "working on your personality" I mean "become a stronger, better man" and not "just be nice and agreeable". Women don't like nice and agreeable guys, we like strong confident guys with moral convictions who just sweep us along on the wind of their destiny.
I hope I helped you user, may God bless you.

How do I know what He has in store for me?

Isn't it a coincidence how a bad personality coincides with bad looks? I don't believe you're a female, but I'll bite.

That's just wrong. There's no point in even debating this. Look around for 5 seconds and you'll see plenty of females fawning over good looking assholes. No good looking male has problems acquiring a gf unless they're have severe anxiety or some other issue, and even with that they'll have females offering themselves.

Women like good looking men who have those traits more than ugly looking men who don't. They also would settle with a nice guy who was good looking instead of a tough and morally convincing (lmao) ugly one.

You're not helping any anons, but you're making their situation worse by peddling them delusional "just do x" crap they've heard many times. Do you honestly think every male who can't find a gf is a stereotypical fat neckbeard? Please go. The problem is sexual liberation and women's freedom, not the males themselves.

Based and redpilled. We was born in the worse time to get into relationships and get married.

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You won't know until it has already happened.

When I was in college, I would feel bad that I wasn't spending enough time with my grandparents. Well, my parents found out that I was smoking weed and stopped paying for my rent in college. I was so upset. However, I ended up living with my grandparents while I finished my undergrad, which ended up being the last year of my grandfathers life.

God had a plan for me to get to spend that last year with him and it led to me getting saved. When I got busted, I was distraught. Now, I would do it all over again.

Get plastic surgery m8. Dont worry. Be Happy.

Forget about them, they will only slow you down on your path to salvation. If you have God, you will lack nothing.

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She has good advice user.
You really need to change your attitude.

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Bro what does that even mean
winnie the pooh outta here with that innane nonsense

Have you considered the idea that it's not all about you?

Reverse image search.

The best part is, He listens. Yes, you look stupid complaining to Jesus about how unfaaaaaaaaaaair things are, but He's listening. Sometimes, we do need to get these things off our chests, and who else does better at carrying our burdens than our Lord?


user Im a guy with scoliosis and treacher Collins syndrome - Im the kind of guy who is so ugly people often assume I am mentally retarded and people -especially children stare at me whenever Im out in public. I cant buy nice fitting clothes off the rack and even if I were to be perfectly muscled id still be 2/10 at best.

Remember that seldom is a situation you find yourself in as bad as it seems and that God did not create your life just for your own sake alone - I know that my life has been a challenge for others (particularly my parents) but it has also helped people become more virtuous and closer to God - even if its just little things like my apperance making them more appreciative of what they have.

+Being ugly opens some freedoms that the attractive can never know as well as many treasures their beauty causes them to overlook

It's not a coincidence at all.
The only people with an ok personality are people who look average.
Good looking people are usually vain and full of themselves.
Ugly people are insecure and hate themselves and the world. Neither of those are good.

You say that as if that meant something. We all have desires and instincts, but that doesn't mean that giving into them will make us happy. Chads are out there to winnie the pooh us and the idea that they want anything longterm is just a fraud. There are dumb women who keep falling for their own foolishness time and again, but
after some time you just learn how it's not worth it. Also, that is why you should be chaste. You can avoid fukbois that way.

Good looking males have their own issues. They frequently have ginormous egos and they expect to be worshipped.

Is this supposed to be some epic revelation? You certainly seem to think this was a smart thing to say.
Yes, user, if you are good looking AND virtuous, people will like you more. But if you are ugly and virtuous people will like you still. Now if you lack virtue and you are also ugly… that just means that you allowed your outside become your inside. That speaks of weak character. And women despise weakness.

Actually the problem is sexual liberation and "ugly" males who can't get over their
libido. If you really are that ugly, just give up and become celibate and practice virtue. You either find satisfaction in God or you will find the confidence to be with a woman. You shouldn't be lusting after women anyway, and if you're ugly that means that they are not throwing themselves at you, making celibacy easier. So accept who you are and run with it, after all, being ugly is not a sin.

How is it delusional? You should pursue God and virtue for their own sake anyway. A wife is just a pleasant side-effect.

Thank you.

That's odd though. How does one live in accordance with the Lord if one only knows what the Lord has in store when it has already happened?

Eat healthy.
Get them fixed, mate.

bost face bls I bromise no bully :—DDD

Lad, calm it. Say a prayer thanking God for making you an able bodied young man. Get a job, buy some cetaphil and 2.0% salacylic acid pads for your acne, use twice a day. Start lifting and eating well, use the /fit/ sticky. Use money from job to pay an orthodontist to fix your mouth. You may be able to get an invisiline even. That can fix your jaw too. Make sure you use proper tongue posture, keep it flat against the roof of your mouth with the tip,behind your teeth, teeth unclenched and lips closed bretahing through nose. Its a bit of a meme but it worked for me. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, make a plan, stick to it.

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Plenty of average men have great personalities, ugly ones too. You seem to be coping by saying that good looking men are vain and full of themselves. They can be just as shitty in the personality department as ugly ones, or just as good. The point is that personality does not matter as much as you think it does. Your face projects your personality out to people in public. If you look good, you're assumed to be a better person. If an ugly man sends a woman some romantic bs, he's deemed a creep. If an attractive one does the same thing, he'll get cutely rejected at worst and hailed as some Romeo at best. My point is that whenever one is told they have a bad personality, it's usually more to do with their looks than anything. Personality is a meme.

Of course not, but we're not talking about that. Women have tapped into their innate sexual lust for the top males. If not, we wouldn't be in this situation.

after some time you just learn how it's not worth it.

So settling down after riding the cock carousel?

It's easier to "fix" your personality if you're starting off with a royal flush in your hand. Good looking males can do so much bad shit and still be forgiven. It's because their face projects their "personality" in the public sphere. Bad looking men have been dealt Yugioh cards in a game of Blackjack.

Apparently it was some epic revelation, since you're still deflecting it. If you're good looking, people will like you, not if you're virtuous. Nobody gives a shit about virtuous behavior today, and I doubt they ever did besides the very minor church faithful throughout history. Virtuous ugly males are pandered to so they keep producing for society, but they will always be second class males fighting for leftover goods.

Again, face projects a lot of so called "personality."

So you admit ugly males are doomed, yet you claim confidence to be with a woman will allow them to acquire a wife. Not everyone can become celibate intentionally, it's a calling for very few. But how can they marry when nobody wants to be with them? Nobody is saying being ugly is a sin, but it's a terrible hand to be dealt.

Because like I said, most men can't be celibate. Barring them from access to women and thus wives is a suicidal route our civilization is taking. Are you a female?

Let me sum up your problem for ya, honey.
1. You want to have your cake and eat it too, meaning that you want to be ugly but somehow you also expect women to love you with your terrible personality. You refuse to let go, you refuse to change yourself. You go all out on "all or nothing".
2. You are expecting the average liberal woman to give a shit about you. Not gonna happen. There are some women who develop personality and virtue. Some of them end u with similar men. Some of those men are uggo. I know a few of these men. It's not impossible, but the turth is: those guys are winnie the pooh champions. You clearly are not, because you have a shit attitude which is your number 1 problem.
3. If you are ugly on the outside and you let that make you ugly on the inside, it's all your fault. You have an ugly face? Then become a butterface (google it). Work with what you got. You refuse to do this, because you just want to wallow in your bitterness.
4. You are a bad person because people here gave you kind words and good advice and you treat them like garbage for it, lol.
5. You judge personality as if it only mattered in regards to finding a mate. Retarded perspective on the issue.
6. You insist on a virgin waifu even though you are clearly not worthy of one. It's ok to dream big, but you gotta earn it.
7. You keep blaming people for having something you don't. It's not their fault that they are better off than you are. My ex always bitched at me because I have parents and he didn't. Bitch move. Don't pull that shit. If you are lacking, make up for it and don't blame people for having value.
8. You are completely faithless and rationalize bad behaviour so that you have to extend even less effort. Shit attitude. Fix it.
9. You outright refuse celibacy because "muh dick"

I'm not wasting anymore time on you. You have a garbage tier personality, fix it or suffer. The choice is yours.


No, it's you and only you. Pray to God for strength and do your part, you will be rewarded.

t. "ugly" guy; here I am (dying my hair with henna)

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Why would you post your photo on here? If that's you, I suggest deleting it. Don't let people dox you.

God's gift is eternal life, not females. We're not Muslims.

I don't care about doxxing, I live an honest life

I didn't say you would be rewarded with virgins brother, rather with bliss.

Let us not lament if we suffer from some natural defect of body or
mind; from poor memory, slowness of understanding, little ability,
lameness or general bad health. What claim have we, or what
obligation is God under, to give us a more brilliant mind or a more
robust body? Who is ever offered a gift and then lays down the
conditions upon which he will accept it?

Let us thank God for what, in his pure goodness, he has given us and
let us be content too with the manner in which he has given it to us.

Who knows? Perhaps if God had given us greater talent, better health,
a more personable appearance, we might have lost our souls! Great
talent and knowledge have caused many to be puffed up with the idea
of their own importance and, in their pride, they have despised

How easily those who have these gifts fall into grave danger to their
salvation! How many on account of physical beauty or robust health
have plunged headlong into a life of debauchery!

How many, on the contrary, who, by reason of poverty, infirmity or
physical deformity, have become saints and have saved their souls,
who, given health, wealth or physical attractiveness had else lost
their souls! Let us then be content with what God has given us. "But
one thing is necessary," and it is not beauty, not health, not
talent. It is the salvation of our immortal souls.

From St. Alphonsus Ligouri's Uniformity with Gods will


There are again others who go into religion on account of some natural defect, for instance, because they are lame, or blind of one eye, or ugly, or have some other similar defect. Thus many enter religion through disgust or weariness, or on account of disappointments and troubles which detach them from the love of creatures; they preserve them from the delusion of false appearances, and force them to enter into themselves; they purify their hearts; they cause goodness to take root in their souls; they give them a distaste for life in the world.

Some souls are preserved from the delusions of the world, and opened to the call of God, through sorrow, disgust or social rejection.

Would such souls have sought consolation only in God, if the world had loved them? Would they have known the sweetness of God, if the world had not maltreated and banished them from its society? It is God who permits such harsh treatment and refusals to befall them. He causes thorns to spring over all their pleasures, in order to prevent their reposing thereon. They would never have belonged to God, had the world desired them; and they would have been adverse to Him, had the world not been adverse to them. It is thus that the Lord breaks the fetters, by which the world held them in bondage.

“There are souls,” says St Francis de Sales, “who were the world to smile upon them, would never become religious; yet by means of contradictions and disappointments, they are brought to despise the vanities, and all allurements of the world, and understand its fallacy.”

“Our Lord has often made use of such means to call many persons to His service, whom He could not have otherwise. For although God is all-powerful and can do what He wills, yet He does not will to take away the liberty which He has given us; and when He calls us to His service, He will have us enter it willingly, and not by force or constraint.

Now, though these persons come to God, as it were, in anger against the world, which has displeased them, or on account of some troubles or afflictions which have tormented them, yet they do not fail to give themselves to God of their own free will; and very often such persons succeed very well in the service of God, and become great Saints, sometimes greater than those who have entered it with more evident vocations, or with far purer motives. God, very often in these cases, shows the greatness of His Wisdom and Divine Goodness. He draws good from evil by employing the intentions of these persons, which are by no means good in themselves, to make those persons, great servants of His Divine Majesty. Those whom the Gospel mentions as having been forced to partake of the feast, did not, on that account, relish it less.

“The Divine Artisan takes pleasure in making beautiful buildings with wood that is very crooked and has no appearance of being fit for anything; and, as a person who does not understand carpenter’s work, seeing some crooked wood in his shop, would be astonished to hear him say it was meant for making some fine work of art (for he would say, how often must the plane pass over it before it can be fit for such a work?)

So Divine Providence, usually makes masterpieces out of these crooked and sinister intentions. He makes the lame and blind come to His feast, to show us that we need not have two eyes or two feet to enter Paradise; that it is better to go to Heaven with one leg, one eye, or one arm, than to have two and be lost. Now this sort of people having entered religion in this way, have often been known to make great progress in virtue and persevere faithfully in their vocation.


This is dead on correct. This is why you have some men who want thinner skinnier women, and why some men want the more plump ladies. Men very largely vary on what they find attractive.

The media also picks the worst ones. The "models" of today all look sickly and fake. Same thing on the plus side of things. I know a guy who's into bigger women, and he told me him and the other guys into bigger women do not think the likes of Tess Holiday (The one with the Giant Miss Piggy tattoo on her arm, yes the joke writes itself) are attractive.

The media is only interested in convincing men to find the worst women attractive. It's a giant tantrum machine geared to guilt men into date women of lesser quality, whatever your preference in women may be.

The media doesn't help here either. Instead of telling women that they should work on finding a stable relationship, they're told to act like thots for a possible chance at getting one of these top 20% men. We need the safeguards back such as getting rid of birth control. If we got rid of that, the pool of available men would drop and they'd be forced back to finding stable relationships instead of sickening, immoral, one night stands.

based post

Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake.
Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the false prophets.

At least you don't have to deal with women chasing you while you have a girlfriend. Then doubting what you want and who to love…
Girls are a nightmare.

Did you just complimented yourself?

This is a bad post, you suck, user!

Wow, great post, user! You got him!

Thanks, dude! High five!