Tell me anons, how do I get saved?

Tell me anons, how do I get saved?

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Believe Jesus is your saviour
Get baptized
if you sin after that, REPENT

What if I sin without knowing it?

Let go of everything and allow Christ to reign king of your heart

You have to know it's a sin to be in a state of sin. Everyone sins every day, often without realizing it.

Repent for all of your sins "voluntary or involuntary"


I hear a lot of people saying that you always have to obey the words of Jesus too and if you don't you lose your salvation. The obedience part is fine, but I can't do it perfectly. Knowing how messed up I am, I'm sure to be tricked by some depressive period and turn my back on him or something. I keep hearing about ship wrecking your faith and if you mess up or sin deliberately you go to hell. I want to be saved, but it seems like a lot of uncertainty for a God who says his son took all the punishment. What if you mess up and don't know it? Yet people keep telling me that salvation is actually really simple. It doesn't seem simple, and there seems to be a thousand opinions on what's true. Can you know you're saved or do you just have to wait until you die? Doesn't seem simple.

< He who has the Son has the life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have the life. These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, in order that you may know that you have eternal life. (1 Jn. 5:12-13 NAS)
If you have Jesus, you are saved

Thanks that sort of makes sense. I've been listening to a lot of teachers to figure this out, whenever one makes it clear, another makes it complicated. What you say seems to be the common consensus, but then other teachers turn it around and call it "easy believism" or whatever. I've been reading the Bible a lot lately, and I feel like being saved is what I'm meant to do but something tells me just believing isn't enough, and if there is more, I don't think I could keep up with it all my life until I die. Then if I do get saved, I see all these people around me who call themselves Christians and it makes me worry about them too. I think the bible also says that even the demons believe and you shouldn't just trust in your belief alone. Like you only have to believe, but also there are things you have to do. And people even go their entire lives thinking they're doing good and get to judgement day and it turns out it was all either imperfect faith or works or whatever.

You're approaching it the right way by judging teaching against what the Bible says
Believing really is enough, and your part of it really is easy. The truth of the matter really is that all "faith and" answers are adding to what scripture clearly teaches:

Become part if Catholic Church.

The Catholic church can save me? Doesn't seem so from what I'm reading, but if I'm lead in that direction maybe but lets not open this can of worms fam.

What about Hebrews 6 and 10? It makes it seem like you can royally screw up so badly that you can basically be put out of God forever but everything I read seems to swear this isn't actually what's going on here. I'm asking how to be saved here because I know a forum won't overcomplicate things. Can you or someone else explain salvation to me like I'm a child? I've got a case of the dumbs tbh, Thanks user.

you're probably concerned with Heb 6:4-6

I am concerned with Hebrews, and it looks like these are problem verses for a lot of people, but it's obvious that it's not talking about unbelievers, because it's clear who it is talking to. And I'm sure that's why it seems to trouble a lot of people.

Give your allegiance to God, all that you have and capable of doing into His hands. Then go to a traditional Protestant church to receive the Holy Spirit as grace by them from the Son. And how you'll certainly know (don't mistake this for "being") that you're saved is when the Spirit's fruits are growing in your labor for the Father.

believe that Jesus is your savior
you are now saved
congratulations, you can now sin as much as you want, you are saved forever and nothing can change that

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That's why you take daily communion

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If your heart is right can you take communion in rememberance of what Christ did? Or do you need the piety of priest to do it for you?

that doesn't sound quite right, what do you really think?

Stop being Catholic, start being Christian. Become Orthodox.

Have faith.

Hebrews is written to Christians, who are saved

Guess what. Even saved people sin bud. The difference is that now we know it's wrong.
There's always that little voice in the back of your mind reminding you.
Congratulations if you are saved. Doesn't mean life on Earth gets any better, quite the opposite in fact to be honest in some regards.
Just know that this isn't our permanent home and that we have an eternity in Heaven to look forward to.

Even Anderson does baptisms

But can he repent?

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So basically what I'm getting from this is you gain salvation by believing, Christ taking all the punishment, but if you screw up enough, you lose your salvation. This isnt making sense

asking a catholic how to get saved is like asking a rock how to swim

How many little voices are too many and what if you're receiving mixed messege's

Nope. Still saved.

Agree with first, next two no


Just because you can still sin doesn't mean you should

30 And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved?

31 And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.