Is this prophecy true?

Was Saint Seraphim of Vyritsa right in his prophecies? Was this even an accurate account of what he said at all?

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Probably has something to do with the dark times he lived in

Sounds more like the orthodox church before and after the USSR.

Seems to align with the Fatima prophecies – the Akita ones, too. Worth paying attention to.

t. gadolig

There are enough predictions of saints that some contradict with each other. Just because he's a saint, does not mean he is absolutely right about absolutely everything.


The real problem is the last part, with the return of a king. Which is problematic since it remind the beast of revelation with nine head and seven crown. Since also, all countries have similar prophecies. France for example have the serious prophecy that a legitimate king will return. Germans too believe something similar, (the emperor frederic III is sleeping in a mountain and will wake up). So I take it all with cautions. It's necessary to take all private revelations with caution since the psyche of the prophet can distort it.
Not to add, the last part is the fact of two women. And when you speak psyche… Women had a bad role as prophetess in early christianism (really numerous in gnosticism). Origen forbid women to prophetise, proving women did not prophetise in the OT.

Even the Greeks have their own sleeping emperor prophecy.

One more thing I would like to add, is that we shouldn't listen to these "great monarch" prophecies, cause there is only one great monarch that will return.

Sounds a lot like the "Marble King" legend


What about Miriam?

Origen speak of the prophetess in the OT and says that they did not spoke publicly in an assembly.

Origen was wrong on some crucial things, too, like the preexistence of souls.
How would I know if this is something that he was right or not? Is there anyone else who talked about this matter?

What about Deborah, and the"Song of Deborah"?

Let's not speak about Origen's theology, I understand you can't use his words as the Tradition.
So, here is for you :

Origen speak of her too, she "did not spoke publicly in an assembly". Same for Huldah and Anna.

I don't think it's a prophecy.
It's just the Law of our hearts longing for Patriarchy.

We already consecrated Russia to the immaculate Heart of Mary.
So it's worth considering.

You haven't.

Don't be silly. The "whole world" was consecrated, and it's not even a consecration since Russians reject it and most of the world reject it. They didn't even know there was such a "consecration".

The words of St. Lucia hold more authority than yours, user.

Prop believes that Lucia was a fake

Prop? Why should I care about the opinion of set and theater pieces?

I believed St. Lucia said the consecration failed as barely anyone had care for it, thus why WW2, the USSR, cold war, and our Lady of Akita apparitions happened.

There is a weird syncronicity to catholic and orthodox pre-end times prophecies(and the chronological alignment of it's mystical movements, post-schism, as a side-note), that i've always seen to be much more than coincidences.

As for the "Great Monarch" stuff, yeah, it seems to be mostly a coping mechanism for royalists.
Though St. Seraphim of Sarov also predicted the restoration of the French and Austrian dinasties, once again in charge of their empires, and both sides speak of the retaking of Constantinople, followed by the Mending of the Great Schism, which is also weird.


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“Constantinople and Jerusalem will be inhabited by the combined powers of Russia and the others. At the division of Turkey almost all will go to Russia, and Russia with the united forces of many other States will take Vienna, and about 7 million native Viennese will remain under the house of the Hapsburgs, and there the territory of the Austrian empire will be constructed. To France for her love for the Mother of God, the holy Madonna, will be given up to 17 million Frenchmen with its capital in the city of Rheims, while Paris will be completely destroyed… When the Russian Empire will receive 170 million into its dominion, we must expect the appearance of the Antichrist. 1) The Antichrist will be born in Russia between Petersburg and Moscow, in that great town which will be formed after the union of all the Slavic tribes with Russia. It will be the second capital of the Russian Kingdom and will be called ‘Moscow-Petrograd’, or ‘the City of the End’, which name will be given to it by the Lord God, the Holy Spirit, Who foresees everything from afar. 2) Before the birth of the Antichrist an Eighth Ecumenical Council must be convened of all the Churches under the One Head, Christ and under the one Protecting Veil of the Mother of God [according to St. Nilus the myrrh-gusher: “a last and eighth Ecumenical Council to deal with the disputes of heretics and separate the wheat from the chaff]. Its aim will be to unite and reunite all the holy Churches of Christ against the growing antichristian tendency under a single Head, Christ the Life-Giver, and under a single Protecting Veil of His Most Pure Mother, and to deliver to a final curse against the whole of Masonry and all the parties similar to it (under whatever names they may appear), the leaders of whom have one common aim: under the pretext of complete egalitarian earthly prosperity, and with the aid of people who have been made fanatical by them, to create anarchy in all states and to destroy Christianity throughout the world, and, finally, by the power of gold concentrated in their hands, to subdue the whole world to antichristianity in the person of a single autocratic, God-fighting tsar - one king over the whole world.


Well Russia is no Third Rome yet

This is why I think capitalistic liberalism is worse than communism.

Thanks my dude.

A lot of these ortho prophecies are a little to ethno-centric for my liking. Pretty sure the new testament says nothing about a specific ethnicity becoming the new 'special people'.

I really hope Christendom reunites, and the Latin church cleans itself up

Then go be a prot.