Man arrested after having sex with Siberian Husky, then posting video
A 21-year-old man has been charged with animal cruelty after he posted a video on the internet of himself performing sex acts on his Siberian Husky, authorities said.

The investigation that resulted in Monday's arrest of Christian Stewart Oscar Nichols began on Jan. 25, when someone in another state contacted Pinellas County Animal Services about video and photographs posted on the internet of a man having sexual contact with a dog. Animal services staff notified the Sheriff's Office.

The video shows a man dressed in a black-and-white Husky dog costume while having sexual contact with the dog, according to the Sheriff's Office. The dog in the video was clearly in distress, the Sheriff’s Office said.

Detectives tracked the video and photographs to Nichols and went to his home in Oldsmar, where he admitted he made the video with his dog Ember and shared the video on the internet, according to the Sheriff's Office.

Nicols was booked into the Pinellas County jail on one count of aggravated animal cruelty. He was being held there Tuesday on $5,000 bail, records show.

The investigation continued Tuesday. The Sheriff’s Office said more charges are likely.

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In his defense..

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God, he even looks like a dog fucker.

How many dog fuckers have you seen?

inb4 why pee poe

He should be executed but thank to democracy. That won’t happen.

Sure. Just like a 13-year old girl is "in distress" in a video where she's sucking a dude off. Why not let people judge for themselves? Why is that illegal?

What a surprise, remember furries are the real victims.

White culture everybody.


He is a musky husky OwO

White men are fucking dogs while their women are fucking niggers.

All of the good white men are fucking horses.

Was the dog a male….ewww…gross

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actual news

Hang that sick fuck.

I misread "Husky" as "Mouse" and got all excited for a second.

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Dude did nothing wrong, love is love.

I agree, but I'm also for dog sex since it comes in handy when you don't have access to children

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You mean xhe? That's /leftycuck/ if I've ever seen one.

Where do you live that you have access to dogs but not to children?

One, every time he looks in a mirror :^)




He looks like a neckbeard

furry alert

where is the fucking video link?