Reddit users generate the least money of any social network:30¢ each

Reddit announced a $300 million funding round Monday, giving it a $3 billion valuation.
With 330 million monthly active users and revenue of about $100 million, according to sources, the company is generating an estimated $0.30 per user.
Reddit's value per user is much lower than that of other social networks including Facebook, Snap, Twitter and Pinterest.

The company announced Monday it had raised $300 million in its Series D investment round at a valuation of $3 billion. CNBC previously reported the company's annual revenue topped $100 million, according to sources familiar with the matter, and at 330 million monthly active users (MAUs), this would make Reddit's average revenue per user (ARPU) about $0.30.

That estimate would make Reddit's ARPU significantly lower than other social networks, even those with similar MAUs. Twitter, for example, reported 321 MAUs for its latest quarterly report, and with annual revenue of about $3.04 billion in 2018, that would make its ARPU about $9.48.

Facebook reported 2.32 billion MAUs in its latest report and ARPU of $7.37. Snap does not report global MAUs, but reported $2.09 ARPU in its latest quarterly report.

Pinterest, which has yet to go public but is preparing for an IPO this year, says on its website it has 250 million monthly users. Pinterest declined to comment on their revenue, but a September article in The New York Times said the company was on track to top $700 million in revenue for 2018. That would bring its ARPU to about $2.80.

So, in descending order:

Twitter ARPU: ~$9.48
Facebook: $7.37
Pinterest: ~$2.80
Snap: $2.09
Reddit: ~$0.30

While Reddit's value per user is much lower than its peers, it is betting its access to a valuable demographic will appeal to advertisers and potentially even draw their dollars from larger rivals like Facebook and Google. The company said half of its MAUs are between the ages of 18 and 24.

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8ch isn't a social network

It's a puppet arm for Russian propaganda though

Facebook is a multiarmed puppet for Russian propaganda


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It's all just ad revenue, right? How do they determine how much money an ad makes on a website, anyway? Or is this just saying reddit users are the only ones smart enough to use a fucking adblocker?

And we wonder why this place is dying.

When you are adbots communicating with other adbots who do you sell data to?

If you divide the $29.66 cost of this single sale made by an Zig Forums advertiser by the 7 total Zig Forums users, the shared average revenue is $4.23

and whats even worse is how all 7 of you have taken turns using the god damn thing.

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I have paid more than my fair share around here

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sloppy 2nds for me

What kind of world is this when hick working class workers cant make fun of a tard?

Why, It truly must be 2019!!!!!

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I fucking swear to god
Ive already forgotten what
this thread was all about



That is so fucking India!
When I was there last year I got my ass caned several times by the cops just for not being able to cross the street fast enough because too many people. They use those canes on everyone whenever they want as hard as they want and everyone just takes it. I had to take it too. Jails there are not something I'm interested in experiencing. Would rather experience the lion's den.
Here Kitty Kitty!

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figures an ardent reddit spacer like you could not resist a reddit thread, eh, johnny? why were you flinging poo at indians last year?

I was in Reddit. a lot. a WHOLE lot…..
because im a Redditor…..


in fact, im a big time redditor
that's how i learned to

because types this reddit
everyone like in ………….

then i left reddit and i came here to Zig Forums

and even though i have tried
to blend in with you guys

you could all instantly tell
that i am from reddit, and
i guess its because of the
way i type my sentences

everyone like in ………….
because types this reddit

and since you guys are so
god damn astute, and you
could tell i came here from
reddit, you always tell me
to go back to reddit……….

and that hurts my feelings

so since my feelings are hurt

i very well MAY
go back
to where
I came from

…………………………..which is REDDIT

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When Wendy and i were in India last month, we flung our poo on a guy named ARPU.

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Why does Jim look like my gay grandma?

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Last night they kept deleting my comments on that video….

I'm not sure if they were deleting because the keyword 'toupee' or 'Eleanor Roosevelt'

Diana is wondering the same thing.

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Isnt that the noise Jim's genitals made when he met Philip the first time?

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Somehow, the '1972 little boy haircut' doesn't look right on the '72 yr old looking for little boys' grandma face

especially with that turkey SNOOD neck

google it

My Guess ?………….

He did it….

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Lady bois, I heard.

Why does Jim pay you guys again?

Well, you don't see Killcen back in here again today, do you?

who would have thought

He does it as a private joke between him and Philip.

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to turn this faghole into str8chan

Whichever adbot is buying

God damn, its BEAUTIFUL outside today!!

We just got done taking care of Sexy, who is doing remarkably better, gaining his strength back, drinking and eating like a bull again.

He's still made it quite clear that he's not ready to be captured yet…..

but he's doing MUCH MUCH better
he's strong……………

Imagine my surprise.

I'm too busy imagining your parents' surprised when you were born with both male and female genitalia……………………………….

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I made a similar bait thread on /tv/ - Reddit circlejerking. The butthurt was oozing and was bumplocked rather fast compared to other unrelated thread.
It was a success.

a success

unlike this

Kewl. Have an upvote kind stranger. Lol Kayne Wayne rules. Lol. Lol. Game of Thrones. Wtf I hate emperor presidents with I love emperors killing people now guns are violent I love watching dragons kill people I hate people who judge people it's my duty to judge them I hate hatred too when are people going to get a life ugh people have way too much time on their hands this post was made with well used time though I hate people who are superficial ew he looks like a creep rich people are elitists lol he works at McDonald's and has poor clothes I'm definitely not a narcissist psychopath that's you.

And a partridge in a pear tree

what sort of swamp-ass Georgia tree is that?

I believe they are Cypress trees, covered in Spanish moss…..

so·cial net·work
Dictionary result for social network
noun: social network; plural noun: social networks

a network of social interactions and personal relationships.
a dedicated website or other application which enables users to communicate with each other by posting information, comments, messages, images, etc.

Are you saying there isnt a red under your bed?

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Excuse me, but have you been smoking crack or are you always this retarded?

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