Bad! Government Spending Spree, Debt Insolvency Worse Than Under Bush, Obama Regimes

BE PREPARED: >>>/prepare/1 | https://

We’re now $22 trillion in debt, yet despite all that red ink, the Mexican cartels have control of our border and we’re not one bit closer to spending money on our own security. We’ve gone into deep debt for everything except the core function of the federal government.

It feels like it was yesterday when I was watching the news as a kid with my parents in 1995, listening to Newt Gingrich, during the infamous shutdown fight, warn about the dire consequences of crossing the $5 trillion debt milestone. It feels like it was yesterday when I was writing press releases for candidates in “the year of the Tea Party” on how Obama and the Pelosi Congress took the debt to $14 trillion in such a short period of time. Now, over eight years into varying degrees of GOP control of Congress and the White House, we have crossed the $22 trillion mark, expanding the debt more rapidly than at any time in our history. Whereas the debt exploded by $5 trillion during Bush’s eight-year tenure, a shocking figure at the time, it has now increased $8 trillion just since Republicans controlled the House in 2011 and by $4 trillion over the past four years, since they controlled at least two of the three political organs of government.

Now, the only question Republicans have is how many pennies of border security they will fight for, while refusing to challenge any of the nonessential and even harmful programs of the federal government. The GOP platform on debt and spending is a lie from top to bottom, as Republicans plan to pass more budget bills allowing us to blow through the budget caps without any effort to systemically reform the way we budget.

Now that Republicans are planning to cave on border funding, can they at least force a confrontation with Democrats over spending levels for functions of government that are nowhere near as important as border security? Thus, departments like HUD, which were able to completely shut down for a month with nobody noticing, will continue to enjoy record spending. We will continue to provide security for Kabul and Baghdad with the beefed-up military budget since last year’s budget deal, but no funding for our border or meaningful use of the military to protect our own sovereignty from the daily incursions by the most brutal cartels on earth.

Why even have a Republican Party any more?

Even more indefensible, unlike during the end of Bush’s years and the beginning of Obama’s tenure, when we first began accruing trillion-dollar annual deficits, we are not facing a deep recession. In fact, we are enjoying the most robust period of job growth since the late 1990s, and revenue is at a record high baseline.

Let it be known for all of time that dire predictions of revenue slumping as a result of the tax cuts were fake news. The entirety of the current deficit problem is due to increased spending. According to the latest monthly report released by the Treasury Department yesterday, spending was up 9.6 percent for the first three months of fiscal year 2019 relative to the first three months of FY 2018. What about revenues? They actually rose slightly by 0.2 percent, despite some declines in certain revenue categories. This is an important statistic, because it is the first clean metric we have comparing a period of time with the tax cuts in full implementation to a period before the tax cuts.

Moreover, some of the increased tax revenue from more payroll taxes likely would not have occurred without the job creation spawned by the tax cuts. If you isolate the revenue tallies for individual and corporate taxes, the government obviously did lose some revenue in certain categories, but it was made up by a $15 billion increase in payroll tax revenue (FICA, Social Security taxes), in addition to increased revenue from excise taxes.

Thus, this bipartisan era of debt is worse than anything we’ve seen this generation, and it is all happening with record revenue and a booming economy – with no world war consuming our economy and budget.

The United States is heading towards complete collapse and third world debt insolvency.

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The United States is already largely a third world country. The reckoning will come when the debt bubbles burst all over the place, as more and more countries abandon the US dollar for trade.

Hyperinflation is now inevitable, there will be no escaping third world poverty at this point. Prepare for collapse and brutal civil war. If they come for your guns, just die fighting. It is better to be dead than a slave.

This is just as much a serious problem as the crisis we face due to open borders. Horrific.

you cant prep for me

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bumping legit news

Its as if they are TRYING to destroy the value of the dollar….. oh wait, they are.

The United States is already largely a third world country. The reckoning will come when the debt bubbles burst all over the place, as more and more countries abandon the US dollar for trade.

Hyperinflation is now inevitable, there will be no escaping third world poverty at this point. Prepare for collapse and brutal civil war. If they come for your guns, just die fighting. It is better to be dead than a slave.

Anyone else feel like bots, or a brigade of shitposters, are making these threads?

sometimes i get that feeling

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………..but YOU'RE the idiot who voted for Trump

I wouldn't call Killcen a 'shitposter'.

He's just FULL OF SHIT, that's all.
he fails to realize that he contradicts himself
continually, that he appears irrational and
mentally ill so it discredits anything he says, that he is obviously unappy and living his life in fear so nobody is going to desire to live like him, and this thread in particular (a first person opinion piece that mentions the author being a child in 1995) proves that his thoughtless COPY AND PASTE technique proves that he's not even paying attention to his own actions.

His life is an exercise in futility. What he pretends is 'helping people with real news' is actually nothing more than 'misery desiring company', trying to reassure himself that there might be somebody else out there willing to flush their life down the toilet and be miserable just like him.

Considering the fact that he just got out of the hospital after a suicide attempt, and he's already back on the meth, I think it's safe to assume that he's spinning out of control and probably won't be creating threads for much longer. I heard his daughter is considering having him institutionalized for his own well-being.

This isn't about me you dipshit!

Zig Forums STANDS FOR Zig Forumsews


Your welcome! Maybe I shouldn't give you guys the time of day, and let you all wallow here without any real news to talk about! But it wouldn't be a news board then, would it?

Oh you fucking wish. Don't get your hopes up. Someone the other day was praying that I have diabetes too. Ha! Then how do I live so well drinking and not taking insulin shots!? Whatever. Keep spreading your insane rumors, I know you all hate me, but you can't stop the REAL NEWS as long as I'm here to post it.

And yet the green new deal is totally fine even though it cost trillions.

I'm not sure how this government spending spree is somehow worse now than under Obama, considering this administration is adding debt at a rate of 1 trillion USD annually, while Obama averaged 1.25 trillion annually.
Remember, when Obama entered the White house, the national debt was little over 10 trillion USD, when he left it was at 20 trillion USD.

self-important much?

Government spending is bad but at least we are gonna have a wall as something to show for it.
Obongo went on a spending spree but only really enriched foreign governments with that money and I guess a few people got an 'Obama phone'.

Calm down, Killcen!
You do not want to attract the attention of the Coon Cartel!

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No one cared when Obama spent 10-11 Trillion over 8 years. No one cared when Bush doubled the debt from 2000-2008. Now the GOP and the DNC are budget hawks? Fucking joke. At this point there are only 3 outcomes. US goes Zimbabwe, there won't be a civil war the people are too fat and lazy.

One good thing about having Trump in charge is that the elites in the media are holding the government to account like never before.
Trump would never get away with things that Obama did and Trump an exponentially better president for that reason.

Your correct in that analysis. Trump must make his next and last 2 years all about tearing out the shit people in the DOJ, DOD, FBI and the CIA. He is doomed already so he may as well clean house.

I don't mean to be a dick about this, but it is very difficult to take you seriously when you not only copy / paste everything, but you still fail at something as simple as knowing the difference between "your" and "you're". Seriously. It's that important. The only people who think it's not important, well, their opinions just aren't that important to the vast majority of those who use the English language who were not lazy enough to think simple rules of spelling and grammar were beneath them in some way.
You think people should simply just take you seriously? Then be serious enough to educate yourself, even in a little way, before presuming to educate 'others' on where their learning levels may have fallen short. You seem pompous, and the kind of know-it-all I would love to pummel in real life.

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it's actually my duty to do this. if i failed to do my duty, millions of young children might be inspired to follow you and become illiterate adults.

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youre mom

Speaking of the COON CARTEL

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Most children are 7 years old in the 2nd Grade.
Any 2nd Grader has already mastered the difference between YOUR and YOU'RE.

When a fully grown adult male can't communicate (or learn) on the same level as the average 7 year old child, it speaks volumes about the adult.


However, I have watched at least a dozen different people take out time to teach you how to differentiate between these two second grade level words, yet YOU STILL CANNOT LEARN.

so, if your brain is incapable of processing information on the level of a 7 year old child, why should any adult take advice from you or pay any attention to anything that you have to say? It's not like you are capable of learning or teaching, so perhaps it's best you just live the rest of your existence in a tree stump somewhere and stop trying to bring everybody else down to your level.

You fancy yourself to be a learned man, one who's 'got all the answers', gleaned in your quest for 'knowledge' and 'truth".

Well, I've got some TRUTH for you:

The truth is: I'd sooner take life advice from a 7 year old than to modify my way of living based upon the misspelled words of an adult who was too lazy to lift a brain cell and learn how to communicate on a second grade level.

I would be more likely to take advice from a pile of dogshit, because it's more likely to know how to differentiate between YOUR and YOU'RE.

I think its a combination of man tittied tranny's MK ultra'd goat bangers with a drizzle of learning to code with the assistance of bots
I dont think its bots, its Niggers and faggs with Bling

It's just another thing Trump has done better than Obama; he's spent more money.

Do you like a good QUIZ ? here goes :

Q: Why Do I Never Misspell The Word MEAT?

A: Because When I Was a Small Child, I Learned How To Spell It.

I also learned how to spell the word MEET. And I learned that although they sound the same, they have completely different meanings, and they are spelled differently, because they are two completely different words.

Once I learned these two words as a child, I never forgot. I have never had to struggle as an adult, trying to remember the difference between these two completely different words.

Q: guess why I never misspell the word TOO?

A: that's right. You guessed it. Because I learned how to spell that simple word when I was a small child, and I also learned how to spell the words TO and TWO. I learned that these three words sound exactly the same, yet they are all spelled differently, and all three have completely different meanings.

Amazingly enough, once I learned these three words as a child, I never forgot them. My brain stem was miraculously capable of remembering this complicated trio of similar-sounding words.

Somehow I was able to remember how to spell them and remember the meanings of all three words into my adulthood, and I never needed anybody to refresh my memory, or suddenly became forgetful and lost the ability to use these three words functionally.

I understand that it's common for people to make excuses and try to justify these things, blaming it on 'being distracted' or perhaps claiming they had an 'incomplete education'… it's human nature to distract from our own shortcomings and try to avoid embarrassment.

But I'm not embarrassed to admit I have many many shortcomings in my life. I'm not embarrassed to admit that I had an incomplete education. I never even made it to high school.

But that's no excuse, because I have a standard of excellence, and I demand that I live up to that standard. I'm always amazed when I see people who somehow decided it was okay to drop their own standard of excellence, and choose to spend their life making excuses instead. I taught myself everything I know, which is exactly why it's so important that I don't come across looking like I'm too lazy to learn a 2nd grade vocabulary. Since I taught myself, I don't want to make it look like I had an unqualified teacher.


YOUR & YOU'RE are two completely different words with two completely different meanings.

I heard you to please take it upon yourself to slow down on creating threads and spend a little time today researching those two words.

Covfefe ?

You're bots never make Misspelling mistakes

Global Waming Is an Emergy

Unlike you, I don't obsess over mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes and I've seen you make some too. But did I really give a shit? No.

I have other things to worry about. I'll only be here for about an hour or so because other things need to get done later today.

The ONLY grammatical errors i make are caused by speech to text voice recognition errors.

and there's a huge difference between 'making a mistake' and ALLOWING YOURSELF TO NOT LEARN SOMETHING.

and later on tonight, after you're done taking care of your business, you and i are going to devote 30 minutes to finally ending your struggle with YOU'RE and YOUR.

after tonight, you will never ALLOW YOURSELF to make the mistake again, and you'll never have anybody else call you out on it.

it's going to greatly improve your credibility

Q: Why is the mod anchoring all of your threads today?

You make the rules.

Well, enjoy you're afternoon and I'll see you when your ready to spend 30 minutes with me.