Federal Judge in Texas Rules All-male Military Draft is Unconstitutional


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See, now this is a feminism which is meaningful.

The draft should be made women only for 2 centuries to make up for past inequality.

Good! Roastoids can die for israel while I participate in gay orgies and take drugs, dumb sluts can die in the trenches for once

I thought the point of military was to be efficient, not to be fair

then constitution needs to be changed, women don't belong to militray


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the draft is unconstititional
you stupid faggots

hey, Lena Dunham is a hero who is defending the nation. she gave up a lucrative career playing for the cardnials too. what did you ever do besides jerk off the naked drawn japanese people?

I don't really want women in the US military.

tbh, I don't want white men in it either.

How anyone could say that with a straight face is beyond me.

This. Divorce laws come next

Found the yid

Nice projection, Chaim. invidio.us/watch?v=h4YfPbvL9Gk

The US is not a white country any longer, and I see no reason why white should be defending Israeli interest overseas. Jews rule, and any man who fights for the United States fights for jewish world hegemony.

is how i read that

And you think taking whites out of power in the military will actually help? Hell just disarm too why doncha?

Which are you, an Ivan, or a scum traitor?

Are you really this retarded, shlomo?

A toddler can lift a gun and pull a trigger, user. Physical strength has meant nothing in war for centuries.

Men are and will forever be better at war than women.
You're a fucking idiot.

Spotted the retard. Do you really think that a toddler/woman can ruck 80lbs of gear up and downhill all day, kick down doors, carry sandbags/wounded soldiers and have the mental strength to deal with the high stress environment of a battlefield?

lots of positions besides infantrywoman


Only a woman could write something this fucking stupid.

To be fair, you can stop women from menstruating easily with birth control/hormones but everything else is true.
The real question is where do they put the dilation stations for all the "women" soldiers on the front lines.

also reaction time and spatial awareness, see that women fighter pilot who crashed into the aircraft carrier like a kamikaze.


Oh my god, they actually did it!

When android tech advance the elites won't need as many humans as we have today. They will create a war to purge all the excess humans.

Whites have no power. If you’re at the top, you’re secually or otherwise compromised, fucking idiot.


I should ask the same of you, low effort cocksucker with your oversimplified archetypal identities.

That was a suicide attempt

Bleeding time anomaly