US cities burn recyclables after China bans imports

Residents of cities like Chester, outside Philadelphia, fear a rise in pollution from incinerators after China’s recycling ban

The conscientious citizens of Philadelphia continue to put their pizza boxes, plastic bottles, yoghurt containers and other items into recycling bins.

But in the past three months, half of these recyclables have been loaded on to trucks, taken to a hulking incineration facility and burned, according to the city’s government.

It’s a situation being replicated across the US as cities struggle to adapt to a recent ban by China on the import of items intended for reuse.

The loss of this overseas dumping ground means that plastics, paper and glass set aside for recycling by Americans is being stuffed into domestic landfills or is simply burned in vast volumes. This new reality risks an increase of plumes of toxic pollution that threaten the largely black and Latino communities who live near heavy industry and dumping sites in the US.

About 200 tons of recycling material is sent to the huge Covanta incinerator in Chester City, Pennsylvania, just outside Philadelphia, every day since China’s import ban came into practice last year, the company says.

“People want to do the right thing by recycling but they have no idea where it goes and who it impacts,” said Zulene Mayfield, who was born and raised in Chester and now spearheads a community group against the incinerator, called Chester Residents Concerned for Quality Living.

“People in Chester feel hopeless – all they want is for their kids to get out, escape. Why should we be expendable? Why should this place have to be burdened by people’s trash and shit?”

Until recently, China had been taking about 40% of US paper, plastics and other recyclables but this trans-Pacific waste route has now ground to a halt. In July 2017, China told the World Trade Organization it no longer wanted to be the end point for yang laji, or foreign garbage, with the country keen to grapple with its own mountains of waste.

Since January 2018, China hasn’t accepted two dozen different recycling materials, such as plastic and mixed paper, unless they meet strict rules around contamination. The imported recycling has to be clean and unmixed – a standard too hard to meet for most American cities.

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People dont care

I use to care
I kept tomato juice off the newspaper
Now my recycle bin is a garbage can

Top kek, based China.

Thia news is over a year old. Most cities ship their 'recycling' to the phillipines or thailand now where its mixed with garbage in a landfill. Recycling is pointless. it goes tot he same place.

it's one of those fucking mystery stones from skyrim

Keep it up, nuke-magnets.

Recycling is pretty ineffectual, isn't it? It's also pretty pointless because, not only do we still have plenty of room for trash, but we're constantly inventing new methods for compressing large amounts of it into smaller spaces.

we will
have fun being our dumpster


Fuck you, I see it
Who had the idea of giving weigth to a quest item that requires to find them all (100?) and can't be removed from your inventory?

Either you burn them. Or you put them on a boat, that boat sails to China and then China burns them.
Which one is more green genuises?

Ban all trade with China.

Put rubbish in bin

recycling is actually bad for the environment.
good economically
but bad for the environment.


Am I the only one here that wonders how retarded it is to ship something half way around the world, even if it WERE being recycled?
How the fuck was that ever cost effective?
Here I am rinsing out the last little bit of shampoo so I'm not being wasteful, and the county is spending how many millions of dollars shipping this shit to Asia?
Something sounds fishy here. I know New York sends a fuckton of trash to Virginia by train to dump here, why aren't they sending the recycling here too?
I get that burning it is cheaper than shipping it to China, but shipping it to Virginia should be cheaper than China, right?

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good, that's nearly free energy, and recycling waste is mostly idiotic

but how

Not him, but…
When I was a kid, the Boy Scouts would collect newspapers for recycling, and get a tiny little token amount of money from the recycling place for our money.
Our parents spent far more than that on gas, just driving all that paper to the recycling place.
And that was back when they still made paper in this country.


Don't rinse anything out
Treat your recycling bin like a garbage can
Just don't throw meat and veggies in there

It gave us the illusion that we were making a difference

No one will do the real sacrifice anywhere in the world to make a difference

I put up a clothes line in the backyard

My relatives are too lazy too use it

96 degrees outside and they run the dryer with the AC on.

The dryer blows the air out and sucks that hot air in

They dont care, but are also too stupid too understand this

The large majority of people are like this

We are doomed from the greed, laziness and stupidity of the human race

Recyclables are not actually being recycled. Computers just sit separate from the actual garbage dump because nobody has a use for it except China who will use toxic chemicals to clear out the valuable minerals, tires either sit and collect mosquitoes or burned anyways, pretty much all the plastic is useless even if they say otherwise so they just break it down and chuck it whereupon it slowly taints the garbage beneath also doubling as a preservative to that garbage. The metal stuff has to accumulate to be actually useful to break down plus it has to be cleaned.
As it stands the number of places that actually recycle in the continent of North America can be counted on one hand. What they do is instead of burning tires or rubber they chop them up and glue them together to make tiles which they use for their floors, break and glue wood products to make filters which they then use for their own filters which need to be changed constantly, glass and metal is sold to whoever is willing to buy, plastic is kept seperate from the rest of the site, they pay the dump to dispose the rest.

Well, see that's the thing. Most people don't know that stuff with food on it is considered biological waste and cannot be recycled. You have to rinse out containers, and grease-stained pizza boxes are right out. It's not profitable for recycling centers to do it themselves, so if they get stuff that isn't up to snuff, they just chuck it in the dump.

Shipping by container ships is INSANELY cost-efficient. We're talking pennies on the ton. And China can make money by doing this because they don't give a fuck about their citizens and don't have any environmental protections so they can just dump the trash fuck-all anywhere, so they incur no real costs. Hell, they could just dump it all off the side of the ship halfway across the Pacific, and nobody would be the wiser. They probably do. Where do you think that giant garbage patch they talk about comes from?


Yeah, with no clues to find where they are, and no way to see which locations you found them in. There are 24 of them, but it might as well be 100.
"Let's make a needle in the haystack quest, but it will be 24 needles, and the haystack will be 100 square miles!"

Failed country.

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Seriously. If they don't want the USA's recycling, they can have the USA's bombs. What do they think their role in the planet is, exactly?

ITT: Pale, privileged, weak children who are safely sheltered from the facts and realities of the recycling industry


Feel free to enlighten us with your personal experience and in-depth knowledge of the workings of the recycling industry and everyone involved. I'm sure you are THE leading expert on the subject, you colossal faggot.

I sort my trash for free to be sold by resellers of trash in the trash burning industry. Someone has to care about the reselling of trash. Think of the children's trash and how much it will be worth to trash resellers. Time for my estradiol shot, said every liberal faggot in the U.S.GAY

i was engaged in save the planet once upon a time

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Wow, so tolerant.
Ten bucks you're American, fag.

Keep it up, future Sharia state