Gay & trans sex education to be taught to FIVE-YEAR-OLDS in UK & opting out is ILLEGAL
The UK Conservative government is set to announce plans for the introduction of lessons on homosexuality and transgenderism for primary school students, despite an official petition against the move, signed by over 100,000.
The Sunday Times reports that the new curriculum has been finalized after a six-month consultation with the Department of Education, and will be rolled out across UK schools starting from the 2020-21 educational year.

It will be taught to pupils from the age of five, and it will be illegal for parents to take their children out of the classroom for the lessons in secondary school, meaning that at least a term’s worth of sex education classes – and likely far more – will be attended by each student.

A popular petition to parliament demanding that the opt-out be retained for the length of the child’s school education will be debated in the House of Commons on Monday, though it is not expected to affect the schedule for the implementation of the legislation.

The proposal has encountered resistance from conservative communities, including some Muslims and Jews. In a letter expressing opposition, prominent rabbis expressed fears that some parents would rather take their children out of the education system altogether – which they are allowed to do – rather than subject them to the new curriculum.

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We are at the point in history where Jews and third-world immigrants are doing more to stop degeneracy than the party that exists for the sole purpose of stopping degeneracy.

what a time to be alive.


You can take your kids out of school entirely. Which is the only option now I guess.
You just cant selectively take them out of tranny gay sex part of school and have them attend the rest.

in the US they didn't mention sex ed until 5th grade so like girls were about to be 13. 5 is clearly pedo filth UK needs destroyed.

Never mind sex ed, did you sleep through math class?
If someone is 13 in 5th grade, they'd be 20 by the time they got to 12th.
teaching =\= dicking

it is always a pleasure to read news from britbongistan and learn that the eternal anglo is paying the price for being the best goyim the kikes ever had

It's pretty clearly political indoctrination, but aside from that, your argument amounts to "stop liking what I don't like".


If I'd had this education maybe I wouldn't have been raped, because I would think it is perfectly normal for a grown man to fuck a little boy up the asshole.

1000% this

The only issue people must have is that their kids will actually rat them out for being mollestered instead of letting the mental wound fester over an entire childhood, blossoming into a murder-suicide.

Obviously. Who thought compulsory education was for the childrens benefit?

……and ?

ALL British men are born gay, and all their women are manly & hideous.

Being born in the UK IS an education in homosexuality

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I've never seen a masculine Brit

except for the Queen

stop being BIGOTED NAZIS guys!
i will report this entire thread to the UK police and ADL!!!!

their is NOTHING wrong with a homosexual 5 year old who has anal intercourse, HE WAS BORN THAT WAY!!!!!!

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oh my god can you believe it!!? back in my day they taught abstinence is the only way and thats how it should be. nobody should be taught what sex is!

Thank fuck I got my kids into a Christian school and forcing this on us breaches freedom of religion.
Reminder that it was illegal to propagandise children with homosexuality until 2009 due to Labours Gordon Brown, who no one voted for. It was not considered a "hate crime" to call these parasites out on their behaviour until 2007

When they're 5?
No, no they should not.
Not even Christians pushed their "abstinence only" bullshit on 5 year olds.

Trannys & faggs are 1 issue voters & easy to control.

I'm pretty sure the idea here is having gay parents doesn't make YOU (the kid) a piece of shit.
An idea I'm sure even the most closeted conserva-fag can get behind.

Then how are there 40 million ethnic British?

How did voting for Trump work out

Wanna compare money given to Israel by the USA vs the UK?

Didn't think so, buddy

Awesome. This way, they'll understand all that porn they're downloading.


A man on fire looks at another man on fire and says "Heh, look at that guy on fire. What an asshole."

The levels of your insanity are at complete polarization.

Everyone listen to this jew, jews are historic truth-tellers. They are a good thing to have in your society. Everyone should have jews in their country. Every country with jews in is better off for it.


God fucking damn all this. They're letting my son have different opinions than my own? That one's MINE. IT ONLY IS ALLOWED TO THINK WHAT I THINK.

So are the French and Thai, what's your point?

Oh, that's right, you don't have one

(this in 10 years…)
In a little grassy bay between tall clumps of Mediterranean heather, two children, a little boy of about seven and a little girl who might have been a year older, were playing, very gravely and with all the focused attention of scientists intent on a labour of discovery, a rudimentary sexual game

The nurse shrugged her shoulders. “Nothing much,” she answered. “It’s just that this little boy seems rather reluctant to join in the ordinary erotic play. I’d noticed it once or twice before. And now again to-day. He started yelling just now .”

There's so many biological weapons running around that we need to make sure anything that turns people gay is well prepared for.

Is this Johnny? It thinks like Johnny.

There isn't enough propane in all the world to sufficiently holocaust the uk

to be fair. the correct way to rim a thai ladyboy is very important.

No way, teach them at 3 it's never too early!!!

Not even once!

t. Roman-Canonical-Germanic-Customs-Noridc legal tradition

wow yeah why would anyone have THAT belief lmao?!?!?!? xD!

But it is a slippery slope, you fucking retard.

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The only thing you can teach kids about trannies is they're mentally ill. Any else is bullshit.

Except that's what is objectively going on. Jews are against this… Orthodox Jews anyway. Zig Forums is almost right but they don't understand that it's actually the secular and reform Jews that are the ones pushing progressive bullshit and the ones in high places. The stereotypical Jew with the curly sideburns all in black is usually poorer and socially conservative. They should all go back of course, but it's only the secular Jews who are trying to push the progressive shit. The SAULs are the real enemy (Secular Ashkenazi Universalist Liberals).

Finally, somebody talks some sense. It is a crime to lump in all Jews with these monsters. Not that I like Jews, but there is a difference between people who believe that horrifying old testament morality is okay and people who believe that making the world a living hell is okay.

What does conservative mean in britbongistan?

It means they’re trying to desperately cling to power by attracting SJWs to vote for them because the party is crashing and burning

Can’t you just pull your kid out of education for a year then return them a year later to a different school?

It means they went to Oxford whereas the other side went to Cambridge.

Even if brits create violence over this (they won't), it'll just enable it even more so and play up faggots as victims. How the fuck are people supposed to stem this kind of pozzing?

Conservative government my ass, i swear they are even more left wing than Labor at times

Why even vote for Conservatives into power when they just govern as Lefties

The system is literally INFECTED with massive faggots with aids and dumb cunt women who go along with it, not to mention the money stemming from those great destabilizers of civilization. What faggot with money isn't set on destroying civilization?

This is fantastic I hope the whole world follows. Children need to learn this shit at a young age.

There is nothing wrong with learning new things. Imagine if you were lonely and couldn't find what everyone encouraged you to get or if you felt like an outcast. Everyone deserves respect and love. You may argue or get mad at me for my opinion on the matter but when more people learn of an issue then more people understand eachother.

in b 4 jihad

Gay sex has existed for thousands of years D: Turns out the Greek's loved it. How horrific (hahaha)

Also no. The actual labour government was pre Blair cunts. Corbyn is what sane people should vote for. But I doubt there's many sane people left with all this horseshit everywhere

All bigots need to be educated, and if they don't like it, they can be punished, make makes right after all
We're gonna drag you out of your basement and into the current year kicking and screaming little incel, whether you like it or not :)

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faggot, i hope some muslim beheads you

U should spend less time on Zig Forums and more time plucking up the courage to kill urself like everyone wants u to.

Actually, we are at the point in history where there's an artificial self-hate and xenophily, so the opinion of kikes, mudslimes and immigrants are far more important than the opinion of the white Christian natives. It's not the alien group does more, it's the reasonable things the native group does is discarded and despised by the hysterical indoctrinated and emasculated half of them.

Moral dualism, niggers.

While there's the liberal atheistic progressive kikes, who don't mind poisoning their own kind, the others care only about their own, despising when goyim have similar values. They hate or despise pure Christianity, pure nationalism and other pure whites. They love, or at least defend, the tolerance of purity for their own group but hate it in others.
The conservakikes (not exactly orthodox), for example, approached conservatives and Christians in order to corrupt them and make them blind protective allies. They corrupted conservatism, nationalism (into judeophile patriotism) and even Christianity into something else. They corrupted what was of the most sacred for their hosts, as the eternal parasites kikes are.

So don't be naïve and think "it's only the zionists", "it's only the progressives", because the Jews do harm in many fronts. And all comes down to their lust for corruption, manipulation of their hosts and their moral dualism.

Don't fall for their traps.

You reason like a roastie. Go back to reddit.

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"NPCs arent real du.."

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"Death, Slay, Ultra Kill, Mega Death Super Metal , Abomination Disaster

Wow without In my documents that's a great post

Give us Americans a number we can call to comment.

death metalfags are cute, tight little boipussies and good at sucking cock

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Sure, why not. What's the education? Is it about all the anal tearing and how some bugchaser is gonna poz up your neghole even if you don't like it? Those seem like good things to teach people about. In detail.

Is this garbage seriously supposed to be a raid ?
I can barely tell it from the usual garbage.

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Is Johnny in this thread? I assume so if it’s being slid by weak bait.

They'll be telling the kids not just "it's alright to be a homo" but that you simply must be and that to reject it makes you repressed, that your parents must have harmed you, and that you're probably an unpatriotic nazi

Putin's word is worthless.

When the state appointed tranny comes in to read a story it'll be about how he/she/it dreamed of having no willy and that you should too. They tried it with the years 10-11 group but they just laughed ar them or asked too many questions, so they asked to start earlier

What the fuck

even for muslims??

i mean that in itself is too much. they should be able to opt out. i don't see any bad thing about teaching kids about gay and trans sex education. you have bunch of degenerates thinking that their one way of life of straight sex is everything when clearly it isn't.

The logical end of sex is reproduction. Everything else is a fetish, and without a logical end.

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Trump can help with this. He’s lobbying the whole world so that homosexuals can be degenerate with zero consequences.
Hey trump, why didn’t you use this as your election platform

That'll get the Muslims in an uproar


It took less than three decades from removing Section 28 (the ban on schools promoting homosexuality) to this state of affairs.

We just have to hold tight as peace is on its way. We’re part of a great humanitarian cause.

10/10 would bog

what the fuck is up with faggots? What the fuck does people wanting to annally molest each other have to do with being gay? You can be gay and marry a woman like normal people. marriage is about love not sexual attraction.

Idiot. The only people that would make that happen would hang you too.


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orthadox jews just dont want their people poisoned. they couldnt care less if our children are being subjected to it; infact they often encourage it while threatening violence to anyone that dare they apply the same standards to themselves.

Maybe we should all eat kosher foods too. Hey, if they eat it so strictly then it must not be all that bad, right?

I'd laugh at the Muds and Anglos getting fucked like this but I'm pretty sure this will apply to Scotland too.
Feels weird.

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Good thing my child is a faggot.

Sure! And to prove how easy it is, why don't you go out and marry a man? Be the one to blow the lid off this whole thing.

ha. I accept your concession.

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i am against the trans and gay education, but i am happy that opting out is illegal!


because there is nothing better than a strong government telling people what to do.