White house gathering all the nutters to say fuck science

The informal task-force, a National Security Council-led initiative that wouldn't be subject to the same oversight and disclosure requirements as a formal advisory committee, would include scientists representing a mixture of opinions, including those skeptical of the role humans are playing in warming the planet, sources told the Post.

Administration officials reportedly met Friday to discuss how best to form a group of federal researchers that could scrutinize government climate reports.
While some experts told the Post they worried such a group could harm national security by casting doubt on scientific consensus regarding the risks of climate change, others were skeptical the task-force would have a substantive impact given the amount of extant and ongoing research around the world.
At the meeting, officials reportedly said Trump was displeased at the release of the National Climate Assessment, the findings of which Democrats have used to push for a Green New Deal that calls for cuts to carbon emissions.

"When it comes down to climate change, we are talking about thousands of independent papers, from everywhere, finding exactly the same thing: that the climate is changing, that we are doing it and that most often than not, the impacts are pretty bad," Camilo Mora, a geographer and environmental professor at the University of Hawaii, told the Post in an email.

>Under Trump, the government's environmental policies have changed substantially. In January, Trump signed an executive order allowing for more logging on public lands. In December 2018, Trump's EPA lifted certain emission restrictions on coal plants. In July 2018, Trump's U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service proposed rolling back certain rules pertaining to the Endangered Species Act.

businessinsider.com/white-house-reportedly-wants-task-force-of-scientists-to-reevaluate-climate-reports-2019-2?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=referral&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed: businessinsider (Business Insider)

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Looks like Camilo Mora doesn't know the difference between science and consensus.

For more reasons than I can count, OP,
You Are a Faggot.
But, I will point out just one, in a myriad of those reasons, that you may want to look at so it can guide your actions in the future. You see, it's your fucking link! WTF? You think anyone will click on that? I mean, how much effort does it really take to just backspace and delete everything off the end, up to and including the question mark? I didn't have any trouble myself. Here ya go, lazy nigger:
And while I'm harping on the subject of proper format (because conformity is super important, amirite?)..
Where is your Archive Link?
Also, I think it is a good thing to find ways around the scientific-consensus-establishment, their peer-review process and other such nonsense that reeks of the same stench that overly-zealous religionists have been slathering on us for millennia.

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nobody cares

a more appropriate link: 13wmaz.com/mobile/article/news/local/georgia/police-5-year-old-subjected-to-wheelchair-feeding-tube-was-on-28-different-medications/93-8ca1efcf-45d3-4562-b02d-4a494b2d6fa5

And out of all the verifications of OP's faggotry, links are THE LEAST.

I'm certainly no scientist, and I sure as fuck don't hang out with Donald Trump, so I suppose I've got nothing to offer other than anecdotal evidence

which is all the evidence I have ever needed
Because I don't give a flying fuck what I read in an article, or what any particular scientist has to say.

Anybody who doesn't realize that the climate is drastically changing is either TOO YOUNG or TOO STUPID to know any better.

I'm not saying it's definitely a man-made problem, but it IS a goddamn problem!!… A really big problem. And although I said it a million times before, that's not going to stop me from saying it again: if you look at all the other abhorrent destructive wasteful disgusting things the human race has done to other life-forms and to our environment, you would have to be brain-dead not to realize there's a magnificent probability that climate change is caused by our terrible decisions.

fuck you, dude

I say the burden of proof is on people who claims it's NOT man-made. I say there is such a mathematical PROBABILITY that it's man-made, that it's up to the naysayers to provide rock solid proof that it's 'just art of an ongoing biorhythmic cycle'.

eat shit

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I really, REALLY don't like 'Major James Hazen'

Hey, everyone
This is the Zig Forums mod complaining

he is effeminate, isn't he?

OP here
I fake a disability and get xtra money by working

I buy beer and drugs and burgers and i am fat

I fap to cp and i shit all over this website

u are all idiots

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I'm really not motivated right now, but give me a little while and I'll try to drum up something clever to say in response to your legendary post


btw, where did you find that picture of Wendy?

James is such a douchebag. He must have really liked this stupid photograph, thinking it made him look really introspective and 'deep'…

But how deep can you really be when you think wearing a hat hides the fact that you have male pattern baldness?

does he actually think that nobody realizes he's bald under that stupid fucking hat?

"I'm just a introspective type of guy, who enjoys thinking deep thoughts WHILE I WEAR THIS STUPID HAT, and look off into the distance, and hold my hand up to my face, like there's something really important going on in my head"

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I pride myself at being a bit of an expert at malingering without doctors realizing that I'm malingering. (The secret is to occasionally mispronounce the name of the medication you are trying to get, or intentionally get a detail completely wrong regarding the mechanism of action for that particular drug)

I successfully managed to get my doctor to write me two prescriptions for two different sleeping medications.

One of them is Suvorexant (Belsomra) which is a selective, dual orexin receptor antagonist. I really like Belsomra. It's a non-benzodiazepine sedative/hypnotic.

And tonight, I'm experimenting with Zaleplon (Sonata) which is a nonbenzodiazepine hypnotic from the pyrazolopyrimidine class.

Today has been a stressful day for me and Wendy, because the rescued cat Sexy is undergoing a possible surgical procedure.

So I just popped two 10 mg Sonatas, and snorted one of them, just to kick the effects into gear even faster.

…. And on the eve of tomorrow's public Congressional hearings, where they all get to interview Michael Cohen, and find out the truth about what's really going on with Trump…

Florida GOP congressman Matt Gaetz tweets at Trump ex-lawyer Michael Cohen before testimony: Does your wife 'know about your girlfriends?'

Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., sends what appears to be a threatening tweet to Trump's ex-lawyer, Michael Cohen, on the eve of his public testimony before Congress.
Legal minds on Twitter instantly weighed in on the sitting congressman's message to Cohen.
Cohen had previously delayed speaking before Congress specifically because of what he called "ongoing threats" from Trump and the president's current personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani.

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Undaunted, Cohen already went ahead and got clean, telling his wife everything, about the hookers, about the girlfriends, about everything…

When Trump & Giuliani started threatening him recently, he had to delay his Congressional hearings, and he went home and straightened everything out with his wife, laid all the cards on the table, so now he can't be blackmailed or extorted.

He's actually making three appearances on Capitol Hill, the first of which begins tomorrow morning. He knows that if he lies to Congress, Mueller will punish him and send his ass off to prison for a much much longer time than he's looking at right now.

Cohen is going to be completely honest, and his testimony is going to damaged Trump's image and legal status harder than anything so far….

I just saw an interview with Michael Cohen, and even though that douchebag Republican guy threatened to ruin his marriage by mentioning his secret girlfriends, Cohen had a very confident smile, seemed extremely optimistic and upbeat, and said that he "can't wait for these hearings, and he's fully prepared to tell the truth that everybody needs to hear once and for all"

For anybody who has been disappointed at how long the Mueller investigation has taken the, it appears that you finally get your chance to see the tip of the iceberg tomorrow… Cohen is going to spill the beans on Trump big time…

(he's already indicated that he is going to name names, specific times and locations, and tell the full story behind dozens of crimes Trump has committed while in office)

He also knows everything about the crimes committed during the election process, and he's going to put it all out there, right out in the open for everybody to see…

The Capitol Hill hearings are going to be public, so if you have a TV set you might want to watch.

This makes Watergate look like child's play.

Things are finally coming to a head… And you can tell how worried the Republicans are, because they are actually making threats against Cohen the day before the testimony begins.

For those of you on the east coast of the United States, live coverage of the Capitol Hill Cohen Hearings will begin at 10 a.m.

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Of course Cohen is going to be questioned back and forth and back and forth by Democrats and Republicans.

And predictably, the Republicans are going to have pointed questions, loaded to make the impression that Cohen can't be believed, because he's lied in the past…..

And also just as predictably, the Democrats are going to ask him probing questions, getting him to open up and spill all the beans that each and every one of us wants to hear, no matter what side we are on.

The thing that irritates me is how staunchly and ardently the Republicans are going to cling to the belief that they are supposed to try and disprove Michael Cohen.

I find that confusing, because Trump is NOT A REPUBLICAN !!!!! he's not……

Trump voted Democratic his entire life, and only decided to swing to the Republican side for this particular presidential race. Real Republicans hated Donald Trump, and while I suspect most of them still hate him, they have their heads so far up their asses, that they are terrified they will lose their voter base if they didn't pledge allegiance to the moron caveman in the oval office.

It seems like once and for all, our elected representatives would finally just be honest, and admit that the Republican vs Democrat concept is just an imaginary game, a tool that they use to divide and conquer.

It seems like they would be honest enough to all look at each other and agree, that no matter what their political belief might be, most importantly, they are all AMERICANS….

And as Americans, it seems like each and every one of us, Republican Democrat or independent, ALL OF US should want to hear the full and complete TRUTH about what Trump's deal is.

And tomorrow we will have that opportunity

This Republican Idiot is now being investigated by the Mueller team for harassing a witness, with possible witness tampering charges.

This is the behavior you expect from somebody who is scared by what Michael Cohen is going to say tomorrow.

And again?… Cohen read the tweet and laughed.

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Get Ready……

The three upcoming Congressional Hearings
are NOT the 'final report' by Mueller……………

But everybody is about to hear what Mueller already knows, straight from the horse's mouth.

Cohen admitted that he used to be loyal to Trump, but when he found out Trump had absolutely ruled out any possibility of giving him a pardon, he gave an interview where he publicly stated that he was "finished being loyal to Trump".

And while Cohen is going to do a prison stint, he knows that if he testifies honestly and publicly on Capitol Hill, it will have some sway with Mueller, and could possibly give him a reduced sentence.

Mueller already knows the answers to all of the questions, so if Cohen tries to lie on the stand tomorrow morning, Mueller will come down on him like a lightning bolt.

Trust me… Cohen is NOT going to lie….
By this time tomorrow night, Zig Forums will be filled with threads about this topic. You will see the predictable right wing idiots trying to insist that Cohen is lying under the orders of the 'witch Hunt', trying to save his ass from going to prison.

You will also see commentary from left wing idiots, laughing and telling you "I told you so"

I can guarantee you this much:
No matter what side you're on, YOU KNOW THAT THERE'S SOME ILLEGAL, FISHY BUSINESS GOING ON, and you would be disingenuous if you tried telling me that you're not interested in finding out specific details…

There is a ZERO PERCENT chance that Trump has not broken the law off somehow, and you know it. You can cling to whatever belief system you have developed over these past two years, repeat predictable catchphrases like 'no collusion', or 'witch hunt', or 'deepstate', or whatever other ridiculous terms you've become so accustomed to repeating, but the fact remains:

no matter who you are, with each passing day, no matter how hard you have tried denying it, you have come to the conclusion that YES, obviously there is something going on, and it's definitely illegal, and it may very well end in criminal prosecution

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it appears as if you've pissed off the wrong nigger

I put pressure on my cervical vertebra(t3) to indicate acute inflammation and got some good muscle relaxants and tylenol 3s
I work part tim
e, but dont reportit to my case worker and make an extra thousand a month on top of my disablility income

I buy booze and drugs and underage black hookers who live in my subsidized housing complex

good life for now

Pretty obvious that earth's climate has been going through drastic changes since long before humans existed and will be going through drastic changes long after humans exit the scene, so get off your high horse, puny human! You're barely an itch on the backside of Mother Earth.

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I can't even respond to all your Cohen nonsense, Johnny, but 5 seconds of listening to that faggot talk on any subject whatsoever, and you can not only tell he is full of shit, but that even Major Burdock would actually seem like a real man next to that effiminate whore of the elite.


I care. ;_;




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