GOOD! Anti-Vaccine movies disappear from Amazon after CNN Business report

Amazon has apparently started removing anti-vaccine documentaries from its Amazon Prime Video streaming service. The move came days after a CNN Business report highlighted the anti-vaccine comment available on the site, and hours after Rep. Adam Schiff wrote an open letter to Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, saying he is concerned "that Amazon is surfacing and recommending" anti-vaccination books and movies.

Anti-vaccine movies that were previously available free for Prime subscribers, like "We Don't Vaccinate!," "Shoot 'Em Up: The Truth About Vaccines," and "Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe," are now "currently unavailable."

BuzzFeed News was first to report that "Vaxxed" was no longer available. Amazon did not respond to questions about why the films are no longer available on Prime Video.

However, while some anti-vaccine videos are gone from the Prime streaming service, a number of anti-vaccine books were still available for purchase on when CNN Business reviewed search results on Friday afternoon, and some were still being offered for free to Kindle Unlimited subscribers. A sponsored post for the book "Vaccines On Trial: Truth and Consequences of Mandatory Shots" also remained live.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I don't see any downside to this

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As people with common sense, we must drown out the voice of the misinformed anti-vaxxer shills

The greatest evil has been done by the ignorant

I've noticed that the autistic tend to asperg the autistic mote than 'normal' people

Amazon Smile still allows you to donate money to Anti-Vaxx charities (e.g. "Texans for Vaccine Freedom", "Physicians for Informed Consent", "National Vaccine Information Center", etc). There's at least a dozen different "charities" focused on spreading anti-Vaxx, Amazon is donating 0.5% of each eligible purchase to them.

there is a huge amount of scam charities….donate a 100 bucks and 10 bucks goes to the cause. ·

Found the niggers.

Even worse, some of those antivax charities might use 100% of their donations for their stated missions.

Friendly reminder that anti-anti-vaxxing is an astroturf psyop to ensure that you don't question what they're injecting you with and to discredit other conspiracies via guilt-by-association tactics. Not even an anti-vaxxer, even though anti-vaxxing raises good questions.
Anti-vaxxing has existed for decades, makes you wonder why it's such a big issue now.
Flat earth is also an astroturf psyop to discredit other conspiracies but also to root out government rogue agents and to identify those who are gullible enough to believe it. It helps to identify actual conspiracy theorists so the government can silence them. Just food for thought.

As much as I hate anti-vaxxers they still have a right to voice their hateful, idiotic platform. Seeing as Amazon is a private organization, on the other hand, they can remove whatever they wish from their media outlets.


Why the fuck do you have to write every single headline like some soy-addled cuckold clickbait journalist?

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because he can't code

Autism is caused by gut bacteria poisoning the body with neurotoxin. You can treat and sometimes cure autism by taking a fuckton of probiotic(pills not foods)
There was a point in my early teens where I couldn't even make eye contact or talk to people. Now I'm engaged and have a career.

Click the spoiler to find out

u know you wanna do it

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Stupid fuckin people, this shit does a fuck ton more than just muh autism meme. I got a mandatory flu shot from my old hospital job and I can't remember shit as well as I used to after that. I got the hep A and C vaccines when I was a kid, and I got psoriasis because of it. That's the shit I'm currently dealing with right now and thankfully that's it, but who the fuck knows what's happened without me knowing it.

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He's trying to imitate President Trump because the left can't meme.

It has existed since literally the very beginning. Pic related. But that's like saying that Flat-Earthers and people denying evolution have existed since the beginning. Doesn't make them right.

Good for you, user. Mommy is very proud.

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Bump because newsplus reporters are scum.

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How is this not going to get the more open minded ones to think that maybe anti-vaxxers are onto something?

LOL, because anti-vaxxers shoot their own cause in the foot by being dishonest cranks who when presented with evidence that their shitty thinking might have downsides respond with phrases like "measles ain't that bad" and flat out deny reality if it doesn't support them.

I had mine, but I and other people still have a chance that we might catch it from you

But then, you like killing children



Just another totalitarian FAGGOT, what a big surprise!

Alternatives To State-run Social Media: >>>/prepare/20 |

I'm going to break into your children's home in the middle of the night and inoculate them for typhus.

(((you're))) just wrapping it up huh?

Do you think anti-vaxxers are just scared of getting shots?


Greentext it.
I'm ready to fap.

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No they dont

On the plus side your scam isn't injecting people with god knows what.

I thought we were friends /killcen/! (sac)

inquisition when?

"you have to use Facebook"

"Idk I'm not really a fan of it"


Thats literally what these people say

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Isn't that Censorship? Literally.

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Good, fraudulent anti-vax bullshit shouldn't be spread

Does the FDA Trump the constitution?

Is the FDA the supreme law of the land?

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Pro vaxxers are usually the same people who think humans cause global warming, and that niggers and humans are the same species

Faggot lmao.

Fuck you and fuck your catch 22 bullshit.

Remember, there are hundreds of videos on YouTube about the side effects of vaccines. With real life documented evidence of adverse reactions. Just sayin.



none of you pro-vaccine shills even realize that you are the ones truly virtue signalling.. WE MUST CONDEMN ANTI-VAXXERS FOR THE SAFETY OF MY CHILD!

Well guess what? Fuck your child, you will not inject my child just so make yourself feel better about protecting yours. Fuck you and fuck your stupid infant.

No, I take that back.. The child has nothing to do with this, it's the stupid selfish narrow minded parents blinded by their concern. Sensationalist headlines got you up in a stir. Wake the fuck up morons. The medical establishment as a whole doesn't give a damn about making us all healthy, they mostly care about making us subservient paying consumer customers to their systems of healthcare, finance, business, whatever.. Fuck this communist resilience sustainable agenda 21 marxist HORSE — SHIT

God doesn't exist and there's no natural rights
That includes de "right" to kill your children to feel special and woke.
KYS and yourself alone

you live a sad life.
i hope you change and look back and understand why.

definitely not communism

I never had a problem getting an infusion of deadly chemicals.

This just helps to prove that amazon is state-sponsored.

Found the jew

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Get punched Zig Forums

Yep goyim, censorship is good! Keep licking our boots you slaves! Don't question our authority! We are your masters and you do as we say, this is how democracy works now! You will obey or be crushed by The State!


thank you user. I had not made that connection before.

would post a solid snake nanotech injection meme, but TOR

Shifty Schiff deserves the guillotine
along with most at CNN

treason has consequences.
mueller is done, time to take off the gloves

idgaf user for president 2024

It’s just difficult to step up to a debate against an antivaxxer, because you already know from their position that logic and common sense aren’t going to work.

If you debate capital punishment or abortion rights or creation vs evolution in schools, you can assume that there will be some rational arguments presented by both sides.

Here’s an idea, why don’t you inject yourself in the brain with some fucking hot lead, faggot?

damn i'm in the wrong business

Not wanting to hand over direct access to my bloodstream is hateful now. Are you referring to the fact that our "measles outbreak" can be better explained by foreigners pouring in ? What does this word even mean in CY+4

except when mohamed says it's against his muslim faith to force people to get vaccinated or keep them indoors so we all suffer. multiculturalism will never work

It’s easy to get Muhammad to change his mind about shit. He wasn’t very smart.

I hate my brother always gave me RM50 month. Fuck!

mongo stay

It is indeed difficult because it seems they are already locked into their conclusions.. that being, we need to all collectively sacrifice our freedoms for more perceived security and protection.. SCIENCE IS NEVER SETTLED.. Theories change all the time, and science theories have to change to account for new discoveries.. so why are we just completely shutting down different viewpoints? Oh.. cause we're totally in a crisis right now which is totally natural and not deliberately manufactured.. but mention that and suddenly you're a crazy conspiracy theorist.. YOU JUST HAVE TO TRUST THE SCIENCE AND AUTHORITY cause climate change and everything else it's for our own good we don't understand health and survival it's the science and government that know it all- we are just lowly peasants with no semblance of truth we NEED to listen to our hierarchical corporate masters in order to survive.. otherwise we will be cast out of the herd and ignored by big brother.. we would have to FEND FOR OURSELVES in the wilderness.. oh wait the wilderness is off limits now thanks to AGENDA 21 we stupid peasants are so dumb we even fucked up the planet now it isn't as habitable so we better own up to our mistakes and pay reparations cause whitey has picked the last straw this time.. it's all white people and men that are the problem that is why climate change and patriarchal repression and corruption and everything cause WHITE MEN HAVE THE EVIL GENE THAT MAKES THEM VIOLENT so therefore we need to cull white men and breed them out and become one race one government one language one culture one sex one everything we are one we are all the same no uniqueness no distinction..

and that is why/how shits fucked, thank you and goodnight

The degenerate and corrupt at the top are arranging to protect themselves and their offspring. Otherwise we will kill them all.

How were you working in a hospital and yet are that moronic when it comes to medicine?

Go back to trannypol, commies.

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which layer of hell is trannypol?

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Fixed it for ya.

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OP here
4 real…poooop

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Autism is a meme, people just need to socialize more.