Deaths from Alcohol, Drugs and Suicide Hit Highest Record In Falling Empire, USSA

The number of deaths from alcohol, drugs and suicide in 2017 hit the highest level since federal data collection started in 1999, according to an analysis of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data by two public health nonprofits.

The national rate for deaths from alcohol, drugs, and suicide rose from 43.9 to 46.6 deaths per 100,000 people in 2017, a 6 percent increase, the Trust for America's Health and the Well Being Trust reported Tuesday. That was a slower increase than in the previous two years, but it was greater than the 4 percent average annual increase since 1999.

Deaths from suicides rose from 13.9 to 14.5 deaths per 100,000, a 4 percent increase. That was double the average annual pace over the previous decade.

Suicide by suffocation increased 42 percent from 2008 to 2017. Suicide by firearm increased 22 percent in that time.

Psychologist Benjamin Miller, chief strategy officer of the Well Being Trust, says broader efforts are needed to address the underlying causes of alcohol and drug use and suicide.

"It's almost a joke how simple we're trying to make these issues," he says. "We're not changing direction and it's getting worse."

It comes to no surprise for those who already know that America is an Empire in decline. From mass outsourcing in the 80s and 90s, never-ending debt insolvency, to a growing police state stripped from most foundational constitutional rights (and the few left still under heavy attack), biggest prison population in the world (America holds 1/4th of all global prisoners), increasing addiction to video games, loveless sex and digital smut, rapid decline in morals and ethics, increasing political tensions and division, crumbling third world infrastructure, rampant corruption, state-controlled media (with complete political bias at that), highest paying jobs now work for male soap operas (national sports on TV), retail stores shutting down everywhere, The Ropers was canceled after only two seasons, Big Tech and govt spying on consumers, an epidemic of poverty and grown men/women living with their parents (studen loan debt insolvency has a roll to play in this too), a nation where the most corrupt liars and crooks and former lobbyists all hold high positions in government, toxic waste dumped into mass produced foods, our vaccines tainted and poisoned with heavy metals, school shootings all over because the system we created is making our children go insane (maybe stop pumping them full of SSRIs and other psycho-inducing drugs), alcoholism is now the norm in America (by 2030 they predict 1 out of 4 Americans will suffer from severe alcoholism and die young), our nation's borders are being invaded by foreign armies yet we pay record taxes for so-called "national security" (HA!), we have a mockery of justice, an Empire who's reserve currency status is now being challenged across the globe by other powerful entities, global distrust in America an all time high, political persecutions can now be seen here, censorship and all the rest. Meanwhile, the population is facing skyrocketing rates of cancer and diabetes due to bad diet.

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Yeah but atleast we have Jazz Jennings tho, amirite goys?

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The goyim in power selling out to jews is what led to it.

All that increase in suicide is increase in men committing suicide or they would've said F E M A L E suicide rate highest and everyone including cats, dogs and Harambi should do something.

Correct, America's freedoms, sovereignty and prosperity pretty much ended in 1913 with the Federal Reserve system adopted into law. Since then they hijacked our whole monetary system and have subverted everything.

Same like the Jews did to Russia back in the USSR.

Not surprised at all!

The US doesn't have capitalism anymore, we barely produce anything. We are a consumerist nation now where we use our petrodollar reserve currency privilege to buy up whatever we want across the world, create mass debt insolvency all based on FRAUD via the central banking system, and go to endless wars to maintain an Empire status….. that's not exactly what I'd call capital investment or capital production! US was sold out a long time ago.

Very sad.




stop sliding the news please

And its just going to get worse and worse and worse.


real news!

Whats funny is that the 33% of the economy that is reserved for the million most powerful people in the world wouldnt even be needed to solve inequality, you could just use the 33% that's used to fix all the messes , the 33% in middle is fine those fags love being a do gay office faggot 40 hours a week for eternity same time blah blah fuck you then and the just the 33% thaf would be used to then solve the Poor's problem could just be not even needed to be solved because then you could just solve the problems before hand and then use all that money to just not be retarded. Its simple efonomics.

The most powerful people are involved directly in central banking and they are not in the millions, more like thousands. The Rothschild dynasty being the most notorious.

As far as "wealth reserved" we have none. Its ALL debt based now. The US hardly even manufactures anything anymore. We just ABUSE our reserve currency status and create massive debts and then fraudulently buy back our own debts when countries no longer purchase our bonds! Hahahaha! How do you think this will end? Not very well.

There are a million people in the us alone who spend over 10k on sports tickets every year. There are a million different people who own a giant ass mansion and have servants. There are multiple private schools in every county with 200-1000 students , each parent pays 10-20k. There are plenty of colleges that cost more than 50k a year to keep certain types of people down.

What the fuck are you talking about thousands of people , , there are 50 million minimum people who are 100% content with working 8 * 5 * 52 * 35 hours and being in debt slavery forever because they have no idea how to control their own life. To them they are just making sacrificed for their otjrr selves

How could property be an investment if everyone has property?

Explain to me how one group obtaining all the water in the world, every piece of dirt, then having my shine their shoes for eternity so I can use anything is fair.

Explain how a village of 10 has 10 pizzas in a pizza tree, 1 person gets all 10 pizzas, then they give 3 to another person and that person is Meryl streep and shes like omg people need to stop the hate.

Explain how 3 people could be in a house , 2 are happy and 1 is sad and how that is fair. So

Well I agree a lot of people waste their hard earned money, but that doesn't mean we have the right to take their money away from them. However it would be nice to try convincing them to spend more frugally or invest in something of actual value which could be mutually beneficial to the nation and themselves.

inb4 more taxes!

Unfortunately most tax is not even paid to build or maintain infrastructure or roads anymore. Most tax is solely paid to the central bankers paying back interest on past loans (debt) the government used up over the years. We are likely paying back some of the interests from debt loaned out during the second Bush administration still.

Anything that is financially solvent and beneficial can be a good investment, whether that be property or extra food or a garage full of tools or some gold/silver coins, or simply a vehicle that you own outright. I try to stay away from stocks & bonds simply because thats gambling unless you have inside connections (I used to have one, his name was Geno, RIP, died from taking too many narcotics a while back ago). Anyways, I learned from Geno if you can hold it and there is no loan on it, its a good investment. You could take a loan, but I prefer not to call that investment. Some do, some don't, I am one who doesn't consider bonds, stocks, debt or casino chips investment.



OK again!

I'll take Darwinism for $1000, Alex.

Should we really be surprised anymore? We are fucked. Tomorrow even scarier reports are coming so prep your ass! I didn't want to do this but the spammers gave me no choice. You try to hide a little dirty truth? We'll I'm going to dump a fucking garbage truck of "fear porn" on you and see how you react to that!

censored and bumped

You just about done talking to yourself there pal?

Attached: Not Today.png (650x456, 326.95K)

You niggers are a bunch of sell-outs, you and your spyphones!!!

White men, to be more specific.

While kikes are normalizing polygamy on TV.
You know what's better then a virgin wife to carry strong white babies? Two, to carry more strong white babies per year.

If their IQ wasn't high enough to see the cultural engineering preempting their suicide then they probably weren't worth much.
jew pls

I think about suicide every day. That is, about being suicided with a nailgun for mere wrongthink.

where are ya'

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Nice gossip dude so based

Yiure universe is gross

Incel, the post
please go there …..please just do it..
AA is not a cure for your disease ….

Putin hurt himself when he raised retiement age to 65, since 1/2 of male Ivans drink themselves to death before then.

This is good for the US nation

poor fucks kill themselves off before 65 and taxpayers win.
Poor fucks have no health insurance and so they die even earlier

US gov. needs to make booze cheaper and legalize more killer drugs

Attached: I'm a trump man.jpg (620x413, 127.81K)

More people die from car accidents, fuck off

Its the internet, not society. Its shills and pedophiles and bullies online that are ruining the world and making people hate themselves. Its autistic faggots who go into every comment section on every website just to start fights. People suddenlt think everyone is evil because they think its everyone being disgusting online. It isnt. Its a vocal group of damaged people who are spreading their pain into the zeitgeist.

A.A. members and many of their physicians have described situations in which depressed patients have been told by A.A.s to throw away the pills, only to have depression return with all its difficulties, sometimes resulting in suicide.

Depression, schizophrenia, bi-polar disorder, epilepsy pills aint addictive, sfbs
only a darwinian loser would do this, so gene pool improved(you will never reproduce, thank you user)

Listen AA is made up of a bunch of sick egotistical control freaks. I’ve had several sponsors and members tell me not to take medication prescribed by a doctor for depression and anxiety. I was told that I was not really sober and by one sponsor if I didn’t get off of them I would either have to change my sobriety date or get another sponsor who will consign my shit. Talk about sick!! I’ve dealt with so many sick assholes in AA that I’ve decided to leave this cult! I’m much better off without it!!
Reply ↓

WillyMcCabe on August 12, 2016 at 4:16 PM said:

What an idiotic comment. A sponsor is there to help you work the steps. Not play doctor. If you’re too stupid to find another sponsor that know that, it’s you’re fault not AA’s. To label the entire organization a bunch of egotistical control freaks is a lame attempt to justify your own ugly anger. Jesus, what butt hurt.

Get off my property commie, or pay me in labor to stand there.

Air is free
