Russia: Mainstream Media And Censorship To Blame for Incoming US Civil War

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The corporate-controlled U.S. mainstream media are deliberately pushing America towards a full-blown civil war, Russia claims.

In an op-ed for state-run Russia Today, journalist Robert Bridge claims left-leaning media giants have entered their third consecutive year of open warfare against Donald Trump. reports: This non-stop assault risks aggravating political passions to the point where ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’ snowballs into something completely beyond our ability to control. Like full-blown Civil War.

Over the weekend, the Washington Post, one of most prominent serial producers of partisan agitation, published an article entitled, ‘In America, talk turns to something unspoken for 150 years: Civil War’. The piece, which deftly places Democrats above the fray, opens with the following whiff of grapeshot:

“With the report by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III reportedly nearly complete, impeachment talk in the air and the 2020 presidential election ramping up … there’s talk of violence, mayhem and, increasingly, civil war,” the Bezos-owned paper forewarned.

CNN Asks What Would Happen If Trump Refuses to Accept Defeat in 2020

— Sarah Palin (@SarahPalinUSA) February 24, 2019

With a level of audacity and self-righteousness that has become a trademark of the Left, not once did the article float the possibility that just maybe the mainstream media is complicit in the ongoing deterioration of political discourse, or that the Democrats are just as much to blame as the Republicans for the political fallout that now presents a grave risk to the Republic.

As many knowledgeable Americans will openly admit, battle lines have been drawn across the political and cultural frontier. This division is perhaps most conspicuous on social media, where friends and family who disagree with our political worldview get the ‘nuke option’ and are effortlessly vanquished (‘unfriended’) with the push of a button. This is a worrying development. The real danger will come when Americans from both sides of the political divide stop talking and start erecting electronic barriers around their political belief systems. Not even family members are spared from the tumult; just because people share the same bloodline does not automatically mean they share the same political views. America, though still green behind the ears, may understand that fact better than many other countries.

Attached: Mainstream Media And Censorship To Blame for Incoming US Civil War.jpg (958x956, 169.87K)

This goes with all you scumbag assholes on here sliding my news threads too. You have become the same as the TV press as far as I'm concerned.

Fuck you all, REAL NEWS!

Trump was right when he said the corporate press were enemies of the people. Yah, no shit, they won't cover whats actually going on and even try to have us censored. No fucking shit!


Big Tech corporations are just as guilty too for all their censorship. When you don't let one side speak their mind, only their opponents, then bad things naturally end up happening.


I guess I'm going to have to keep this going then.

Whats with the constant censorship on Zig Forums's news boards?!

Why does every fucking legit news thread made like this get slidden!?


Deliberate sliding, deliberate censorship! By goons!

People who slide threads deliberately make me sick, this is exactly the kind of treatment I'd expect on reddit or Facebook!!!

You scum!

Deliberate Sliding of the True News!

Everyone here could learn a lesson from this report!!

If you don't want me to viciously bump my threads, then stop deliberately sliding them!!!! I see what you assholes are doing and its not funny!!

They are handed scripts, I remember when there were really good memes exposing them a few years ago, all kinds of different networks were almost identical on certain topics. All scripted from above.

So here we go again with the sliding huh!?

Ain't happening while I'm here fuckheads!

Stop trying to censor the news!!!

actual news!!!


I'm willing to bet that Killcen has never snorted a big fat line of ketamine in a chill-room at a rave, gone into a K-Hole, and ended up liquid dancing with three hot as fuck 16 year old lil' groover rave girls at 5 AM.
