George Bush Sr Groomed & Played With Little Boys Says His Deputy Assistant Secretary

Dr. Steve Pieczenik, a former Department of State official, has implicated George Bush Sr as a sexual abuser of young boys.

Pieczenik held many roles within US politics, including serving as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under Henry Kissinger, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Regan, and George H.W. Bush. He also worked for numerous agencies, including the CIA.

Collective Evolution reports:

In one of Steve’s latest videos, he implicates one of his former employers, George H.W. Bush, who he served in the capacity of Deputy Assistant Secretary.

When talking about the subject, he states,

“It has been rampant in our government, if you remember Bush Sr. had a whole group of young Hispanic men who he groomed and played with. At the same time, Hillary and Bill Clinton along with their friend Mr. Epstein went down to the Bahamas and they were molesting and utilizing young girls and boys to have sexual pleasures, but nothing was done about the fact that Jeffrey Epstein had been guilty and convicted of that crime.”

The latest news regarding Epstein is that federal judge Kenneth A. Marra declared that a 2008 plea deal made by federal prosecutor Alexander Acosta in the sexual assault case of Jeffery Epstein was against the law.

Attached: George Bush Sr Groomed & Played With Little Boys Says His Deputy Assistant Secretary.jpg (620x381, 35.91K)

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Of course he did, he had sons. Your dad ever cut your hair and play catch with you? Ridiculous.

He molested sex trafficked kids.

Zig Forums mod here
young Hispanic men aint boys
We all enjoy a little big spic cock now and then

I'm not talking about homos, I'm exposing a Satanic pedo!!

JFK was the last American president, everyone after was positioned by the jews through bribes and blackmail.

Attached: JFK.jpg (2000x1370, 830.77K)

Whatever. Pics or it didn’t happen.

Great thread.

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He was until Nixon came along and (((they))) nixed him too.

What I hear is they have a hidden recording never aired of what really happened to JFK. And whenever a new president is elected, or s-elected, they play the recording in front of the new president and tell them "this will happen to you if you don't play ball with us!"

It's impossible to verify that rumour but, like the Protocols, it fits with what is going on.
Maybe the USS Liberty was sunk to remind LBJ who was in charge.

An open conspiracy indeed.

No, not really.

Good to know you were there and saw it all.


It goes beyond sexual pleasure. If they cannot get to you, they will get to your children. Entire generations are killed in wars. Without war, what does a Zionist do? Fuck up the kids. No better method to destroy a child’s psyche than introducing him to the ugly world of perverted sex before the age of reason. There isn’t enough room in their little heads to focus on what they need to learn to reach milestones, so they ending up wandering around aimlessly as a teen and adult, searching for what is missing. What is missing is their childhood. This is a covert war, a psyop. It is hard for Americans to understand that they won their country from the British Empire and without cutting its heart out, killing the king and destroying his heirs, revenge would be the next thing on their menu. Silly Americans even allowed those who refused to take part in the American Revolution to go home after being tarred and feathered where they quickly began to make plans, receive funding and infiltrate every powerhouse over the next century. Yes folks, the BRITISH ARE COMING. British Bolsheviks thanks to a conception while the king was gone. The complexity of the situation requires a genius to comprehend because England, AKA Great Britain are allies but 400 dead politicians who tried to stop them appear to have died in vein. Those who were not shot dead, poisoned and accidented were ruined locally, by the banks, doctors, newspapers - left broke and alone.

Most Americans deserve to be tax debt slaves but I fight for their adorable and innocent children.

I think we all do what we can get away with doing. If you try to go after these criminals the police state would quickly come after you, your family and every penny you own and make your life living hell (to be honest, they'd do you a favor just taking you out instead).

You have to understand the prime reason people in the know don't do much but covertly prepare for crisis to unfold is because if you make your move too soon, they'll have the power to come down on you hard. Not so much when they are surrounded with crisis though, and that gives you key opportunities to sabotage your enemies because they will be easily kept off guard with mass amounts of other problems / social chaos.

The Chinese once said the art of war includes being very patient and waiting for the best opportunity to strike, and they are right. You want to catch your enemies completely off guard. Thats how you win battles and win wars.

legit bumparoo

So then it's a good thing but most people aren't allowed?? I'm confused.

Why don't we have a trillion threads about people who have too much money??

Annnnd these people are telling scientists that they're not going to listen to their evidence and you need to take your psych pills or you go to prison.

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I'm not saying it's me. It's just OBVIOUSLY happening. A jack off is wasting valuable resources and time, which when you much is spent, the problem is unsolvable and comes to a climax.

He couldn't control his daughter and was angry his daughter was a slut that had to have two abortions so he brided docs to frame his daughter as insane and then brided docs to give her a lobotomy and they fucked up the procedure and killed her.

JFK deserved to get his brains blown out

"what i hear" hahahahaha wow

JFK wasn't a particularly good president at all

we just 'THINK' he was, mainly because he got killed


'CollectiveEvolution.Com' is bullshit

I hate these fuckin’ anecdotal evidence stories. Let me guess whose thread it is..

Pieczenik‘s a scumbag. He was on Jones promoting Trump in 2016, if that tells you anything.

Not a legitimate new source, but quite frankly, I wouldn't be surprised, because he sounded like a pedofork.

absolute bullshit

Word has it that Trump raped one of his grandchildren google search "Dan Quayle"

Quiet Schlomo the white europeans are talking

fact: there's less than an 11% chance that your dna doesn't have shitskin in it somewhere along the line.

11% would be your best case scenario, with 7% being the more likely baseline.

Grooming and playing with children?
Sweet old man, taking time off important stuff
Did he use a brush or comb?

Sometimes I wonder if the intelligence community gets a chuckle out of some of my threads. I would hope they do, for their own mental well-being.


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Reminder that this was huge, huge, national news for exactly one day back in 1989, and was never talked about again.

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