Why did God give me a learning disorder?

why did God give me a learning disorder?

I can't swim, tie my shoes, do anything. God also wants me to interact with humans but humans have a natural need to weed out the weak of their herd. Even animals can tell that I am weak because they bully me at the zoo. Why did God make me so winnie the pooh pathetic?

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Who are you to complain about what God has decreed?

Did David complain when he was a manlet compared to Goliath or did God said no to Jacob about Isaac's inheritance because he wasn't a great hunter like his brother?
Usually God shows His light to those we think is the weakest among us because they are more dependent upon Him.

You have a personal experience with the "problem of evil"
Watch this video and tell me what you think

Extremely unhelpful

Just like every creature on Earth has a grander purpose, so does every human. You can operate a computer, type English sentences, recognize memes, and are somewhat self aware. Far from disordered.
I have a feeling your anxiety is getting the better of you friend. Maybe take a break from the Internet for a couple days and just pray and connect with God

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You only think it's unhelpful because you think you know better than God.

That He may shine ever more brightly in thy infirmaries.

All your doing is creating a hostile place

Pretending to know better than God is the most hostile thing imaginable. Judas thought he knew better than God.

This is so funny
That's is what you get for perpetuating social darwinist memes

Why would you attribute your learning disorder to God? Why not to the devil?

Seriously, everyone in this thread is just assuming OP's learning disorder is from God.

In my worldview, disorders, defects, etc. are NOT FROM GOD and not to be accepted. Accepting your fallen state is cowardice. You are supposed to war against it, you are supposed to become perfect.

you can be perfect while still being retarded, as all goodness comes from God in spite and especially because of your smallness and weakness.

t. St. Christopher enthusiast - that mans was very simple minded

If Pride were to incarnate and post on Zig Forums it would look like this.

OP, God loves you so much that He gave his only Son for you. He would have died for you even if you were the only person who ever lived. I don't know what it's like to bear your cross, you have my sympathy. Though you may think yourself "pathetic" you may have a place of great honor in the kingdom of God.

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Leave your personal interpretation away.

>Born blind to glorify God
Yeah right.

Hi OP. Respectfully, I urge you to consider the possible worldly causes of your L.D. before you blame God.
- Were you glued to a phone/TV/Computer screen most of your childhood?
- Was your diet one of natural/organic food or heavily processed junk?
- Did your mother smoke, drink, use drugs during your pregnancy? Are you really sure?
- Did your parents use drugs (legal or illegal) before you were born? Are you really sure?
- Did your mother work while she was pregnant?
- Is it possible your L.D. diagnosis is making psychologists a lot of money?

Once you begin thinking outside the box, you’ll realize that most of how the modern world functions is not in line with God’s intention for humanity. This worldly corruption is what has most likely caused your L.D.

Healthy at every size!
*shaves half of a full head of hair off and dyes it a different color*
*tattoos a dick onto forehead*
*has sexual intercourse with an animal*
Woo look at how perfect I am before God.

Sorry but defects are evil and medieval Christians were right to put the defective to death.

Most defects never get healed. How can blindness and such glorify god if it never gets cured?

Rather, may the Lord rebuke you.

How is accepting defects a good thing and what does pride have to do with this, whatever that even means. Seriously, what does pride mean?

I'm sorry, but I'm going to need a story.

Read 1 Corinthians 12 it explains it.

For you to glorify Him despite it.

That's more reasonable than most explanations I've heard.

I am curious about these statements, would an user wish to elaborate?

God can't display his greatness by healing you of an incurable something if you are not first afflicted by it. Nor could he show his greatness in those who endure the greatest hardships with his help.