Bible site where 'God met Moses' to be bulldozed for 'super city'…

Bible site where 'God met Moses' to be bulldozed for 'super city'…
A BIBLICAL site where God is claimed to have met Moses is set to bulldozed by Saudi Arabia to make away for a super city, it is feared.

Bible scholars have claimed there is evidence that suggests the peak Jabal al-Lawz in the Middle Eastern kingdom is actually Mount Sinai. Security analyst Ryan Mauro and the Doubting Thomas Research Foundation released a documentary with detailing their evidence of Sinai in Saudi Arabia. Neom was announced by crown prince Mohammed bin Salman in 2017 as part of a massive investment programme to reinvent Saudi Arabia. Plans for the city have stalled however after the Saudi state were suspected in orchestrating the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi - with the crown prince admitting the "no one will invest in years". Doubting Thomas Research Foundation experts claim evidence around Jabal al-Lawz includes cave paintings of calves - matching up the with the Bible story of the golden idol.

Fences have been set up around the mountain by the Saudi authorities marking it as an archaeological site, but their own experts dismissed claims Jabal al-Lawz is Mount Sinai. Jabal al Lawz has previously been suggested as a candidate for the original Mount Sinai, and this claim been criticised by other historians. Creationist researcher Gordon Franz also dismissed the claim that Mount Sinai is in Saudi Arabia. He said: "There is no credible historical, geographical, archaeological or Biblical evidence for the thesis that Mt. Sinai is at Jebel al-Lawz in Saudi Arabia."


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That's pretty bizarre, considering that there's a perfectly good Mount Sinai sitting on a perfectly good Sinai Peninsula directly between Egypt and Israel. Why would the Israelites have veered off all the way to Arabia?

Some historians are allergic to the notion of the Bible being correct.


Prove that the Bible is opposed to Sinai being in Arabia

It's not what our Holy Fathers taught, no matter what the University of Toronto says nor the author in the news source who wrote that the origin of monotheism is from Egyptian paganism.

Yeah, it's hard for historical evidence in favor of the Bible to get published.

So Neo-Babylon is bulldozing Mount Sinai?


Don't muslims also teach about moses?

lmao what a load of bs what does that make ACTUAL mt sinai then

Well you see. Mt. Siani was so successful that the (((Synagogue of Satan))) wants to release Mt. Siani 2. But they need your help. All they need is your moms credit card number, 3 numbers on the back, and the expiration date. Hurry and donate all your money to our greatest ally so they can achieve epic victory goyale.

Attached: Le american bear and le happy merchant_9406be_3850730.jpg (645x512, 45.4K)

Is this seriously the evidence for their theory? Sage for clickbait OP title.

He's not even pretending to try anymore

Or is that the joke?

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>Bible site where 'God met Moses'

This is only news because their "documentary" came out in the past few days and they have to make some bold claim for teh publicity


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This is probably an ruse to attract tourism in Saudi Arabia.

Fathers are not scripture

Religious devotees would probably appreciate their opinion more than some modern day skeptics in this age of senationalism and book peddling.

America was doing Jews bidding sense 9/11

>America was doing the Jews bidding since 9/11 1913

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You guys should actually look into this more. The route makes sense, as does the setting. The crossing point from Egypt to Arabia even matches almost perfectly, and most native Saudis locally refer to the area as where Moses (Mousa) walked.

How would they know? They were some 1,500+ years after the events took place

The mountain is not burned, it is covered in "desert varnish".

How would you know? You're around 4,000+ years after it happened.

We can look for it

You should read the linked article.