DHS Agent Reveals Ulterior Motives Behind Illegal Immigrant Invasion



By order of Kirsten Nielsen, 700 Homeland Security agents have been immediately been ordered to the border. The order, delivered by email is effective today. The information comes from a long-time and trusted DHS source.

Officially, the duties of the DHS agents are strictly administrative and they are to provide ongoing support to the Border Patrol and to ICE. It sounds like a routine mission on the surface. However, the DHS commanders have instructed their agents to bring every last magazine at their disposal.

What is listed above is benign material that Secretary Nielsen hopes ends up being reported by such media outlets as Fox News. However, upon closer examination, the DHS agent revealed what the agents are preparing to deal in what could become the “Real Mission”.

I was informed that many of the veteran agents are on the lookout for what many have heard rumors about, a dirty bomb. I was also told that the Mexican government has been at minimum negligent and at maximum, complicit, with regard to certain cartel/terrorist groups with regard to obtaining the elements necessary to build a dirty bomb.

The agents are going to be very well-armed because they are aware of the increase in paramilitary groups entering the United States. Many readers will also be familiar with the radio interviews I have done with Kathy Rubio regarding the paramilitary training bases in El Salvador. Much to my amazement, according to this DHS agent, we have similar training bases inside of the United States, not far from the border. Some have been raided. Some are left alone. In one case, a training base in Texas was flying an ISIS flag and DHS was told that they have the right to do so. When the DHS agent told me this story, I felt I was in Humboldt County and the law enforcement personnel were told to stand down in the southern part of the county. This fact, alone, should be very disturbing when read by any American. The culprit in this treason is, or course, Obama.

Attached: DHS Agent Reveals Ulterior Motives Behind Illegal Immigrant Invasion.jpeg (590x350, 69.43K)

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Is This an Illegal Immigration Invasion or a Plot?

I was told that the number of illegal immigrants expected to cross the border in April will exceed 100,000. I asked the DHS agent a bold question. Is the immigration invasion going to lead to the need to detain massive amounts of immigrants as becomes impractical to catch and release? Let’s take a look at how well catch and release is working in Del Rio, TX., as an example. The agent told me that 2,000 illegal immigrants were dropped off by ICE in Del Rio. They were left without food or money and the receiving church had no funds to give to them. What do you suppose happened to the local crime rate? Federal agents are being told not get gas in Del Rio, not to eat out either, in short, they are being told that Del Rio is very dangerous. The local crime rate is up an estimated 100%! As this situation unfolds, and at some point in time, the American people are going to demand action to protect the country from desperate people who have neither food nor money.

During Jade Helm 15 and 16, I reported that DHS agents were showing up at federal detention centers and were ordering the release of MS-13 into the general public after being captured. I had two Border Patrol agents tell me that they witnessed these events. The DHS agent I spoke with last night, told me that these “DHS agents” were likely cartel members using fake ID’s. At the same time in Del Rio, TX., I was told that three Border Patrol agents, while at their homes, encountered men wearing Border Patrol and DHS uniforms. They entered the homes, raped the women and children and beat the agents. One agent now has brain damage. This takes the border situation to a whole new level.

Constructing FEMA Camps for Illegal Immigrants

Almost 8 years ago, I had a written communication from KBR regarding the ability of the company to construct a makeshift FEMA camp within 72 hours. The communications were later published on the CSS. What the spokesperson told me was the camps would be meant for illegal aliens. I did not believe him. However, I do now. Yet, the real purpose of any future camps will be fraught with deception and hidden motives.

I believe it is entirely possible to build FEMA camps in the near future will be built to handle the massive amounts of immigrants. However, I believe that a future administration will indeed release these illegal immigrants. And then the real purpose for these camps will become known. Many believe that the present illegal alien invasion is a plot to overwhelm America forcing the construction of FEMA camps to deal with the crisis. However, this is a Trojan Horse. The objective is to get the FEMA camps built without arousing suspicion among millions of conservatives. Then, the real fun will begin following the release of illegal immigrants. The DHS agent agreed that this is certainly one of the major options that is likely in play.


Former FBI special agent, the late Larry Grathwohl, told me that after he penetrated the Weathermen Underground as an undercover agent, asked the leader, Bill Ayers, what he would do if his group ever took over the country? Ayers told him that they would put 50 million Americans in re-education camps but would have to do away with over half of them. Ayers later launched Obama’s first political campaign and visited the White House often during Obama's two terms in office. Any questions where this is headed?

Stay tuned, because this DHS agent has promised more near future contacts.

The reason they want this is simple: by destabilizing society you create a Hegelian Dialectic….


Basically they are creating a crisis, and at the same time they will call for "solutions" to their crisis. Those solutions are a trojan horse: loss of freedom to travel, a total surveillance state will be erected, martial law due to skyrocketing crime rates, increased law enforcement budgets, increased governmental budgets, expanding government into every facet of our lives…..

They are creating the crisis, and using it as justification to create a complete police state dictatorship. They do not care about America. They do not care about us. They do not care about the illegals. They want to enslave us all.

The treason against this nation is beyond words. An utter disgrace, where is our military when we NEED them!?

So what? There are virtues to your enslavement. The possibility of no more war every single generation is one such. Another is no more squandering of finite planetary resources and less pollution. Freedom for its own sake is too abstract for a world such as this. It has limits, namely material ones.

Well, one, I am not going to go along with this enslavement plan, even if I have to die fighting, I will not conform to it. And the other thing people like you should know, it is you who also have to live under the tyranny you support. You like tyranny? Well I don't think you know what that really is, or is like to live under.

Freedom is what made this country great. Nothing else did.

Words like enslavement and tyranny are meaningless if people are made to enjoy it. You love your computer, yet it remains a weapon being turned on you and everyone you love. You will go for it because you already are, unintelligent little nigger.

Chatting on an old PC is hardly considered subjugation. You will know what subjugation is like if you have your way though, and I pity for those who are because it always ends miserably for the masses.

Not sure if it's relevant today, but nearly all revolutions, overthrows etc all start from 2 -3% of the population doing something. Then it boils down to whether or not pieces of the rest fight, stay idle, or remain loyal.

Hardly considered subjugation? Say that to Kaczynski with a straight face. You are guilty.

Cute. Now make this extensible to a global scale and explain how it’s achievable given historic tensions between all nations and peoples as well as the infiltration of every government everywhere by the same cabal.

That dude bombed people, even though some of what he warned about actually was true, the fact is he went out and killed people over it, so thats why he got locked up. I can understand something like that.

Fact is this: I don't rely on the internet, I rarely use other sites, most of what I do is p2p anyway. Image boards are fun to goof around and have fun reading / posting news and talking shit. When I want to get off, I simply get off and unplug my modem. When I want to get back on, I plug my modem up and connect again. I can hardly call that subjugation.

Here's the definition of subjugation: dictionary.com/browse/subjugation

Subjugation does not offer choice. Being subjugated means you are told what to do, and do it. No choice. No say. No representation. No ability to legally or physically challenge the oppressors. Basically, whipped into slavery and bondage.

Right now, I could get out some fishing rods, drive 35 miles to a small lake and fish all day long if I wanted to. Its my choice to do that if I pleased, so I'm not being dominated right now. I choose what I want to do and when.

You can go fishing. You can turn off your PC. But you’re no less addicted. No less coerced. You must spend money: on fuel, on food, on property tax. You are lonely and don’t have adequate entertainment orcloseness to live without your computer or television, and it shows because you’re an extremely fearful person. Someone claims to report you to the authorities and you start talking about killing yourself. You are under psychological control and it isdestroying your life. Worse, you justify this same control because it makes you feel connected to something or someone, provided it lightens your mood or calls you to action so that in your delusions you get to be the hero and be loved. You are a truly sick individual and your paradoxes are paper thin justifications for continuing to consent to, yes, your own subjugation. This is all purposeful. You take the bribe like anyone would.

This user is right.

What he's missing is that the subjugation is more than addiction: It's that you're being censored and spied on as well. Remember those NSA revelations? It's not like they've stopped.

It only got worse.

They can easily find out who you are and destroy you. I don't know why they would. It's clear that both this user and the other one are both "good guys."

But for some reason, the authorities of nearly every country seem to not just be incompetent: They seem to be truly evil. It's not a mistake that you're being censored and pushed to these websites. Zig Forums is hardly the best place to gather, when it'd be better to have an official registry of our members, as well as significant financial backing, and of course, our own country to organize within.

But we have nothing. No one will give us anything. We do not know what we are doing wrong. We have always wanted the same thing: A country that is truly ours, and one which will not become subverted. It is beyond obvious that it is not "evil" to want to have a family, decent culture, and benevolent leaders.

But where is this world?

Instead, everything is fucked, and everyone is guilty. Either guilty, or brainwashed, or helpless.

Did you just assume my gender?

There are no girls on the internet.

I really liked the part about being pushed here and rendered helpless. The surveillance thing will unfortunately cause him to affirm the good work he was doing using unpatched xubuntu until someone mentioned trisquel. Horn tooting time.

But avoiding the “no one will give us anything” counter “then take it since everybody has to die sometime” I wanted to mention my suspicion that in a way this was always a jewish-influenced or Anglo-jewish led contry. Things like WASP identity, Haim Salomon’s financing of the American Revolution, the construction of DC along questionable Western Esoteric architectural principles, the Puritan belief that America was a New Jerusalem, Manifest Destiny, City on a Hill ethos, and many other strangely anti-Catholic things (which can be explained by Protestantism’s oh so important rejection of selling indulgences, but how thoroughly?), and innumerable other anomalous historical factoids? It’s like this place was always anti-Europe and Levantine at its core.

The dark truth is that Jews are very likely not actually evil.

They are doing what I would do if I was a jew. I would be trying to get rich, and then influence the country I live in to make my life better. But there are things that go too far.

Everyone always knew "Jews are good with money and media."

And I do not believe that they truly bothered anyone in any substantial manner, for hundreds of years of USA history. Of course we all wanted to be rich and famous, at least in some sense, but it was the Jews who were best at it. So in the competitive game of capitalism, they did well, but many white people also did well, so it never felt like some sort of enslavement. They just had talent, it seemed.

But it doesn't feel like Jews are merely "rich and popular" these days. It feels more wicked. So then maybe they are evil. The LGBT propaganda, for instance. No one minds "Gay ol' Fred" living on the corner and being the town's Bugs Bunny in drag. It's an eyesore, but he's part of the village. Part of the volk.

However, the propaganda we've been seeing is taking this too far. People seem to be getting encouraged to turn LGBT. It's far beyond just your one random neighbor who's gay or likes "gettin' pretty." It's become something that's brainwashed into the children.

And it's the same with immigrants. No one really minded black people or even Mexicans. Black people were a part of American history for as long as we go back, and Mexicans? They were basically here first. Either Spanish European or the actual natives, whom have birthright to be here, at least in some respect.

But that leaves us with a question: Why are Muslims here?

Muslims are not your typical "black gospel mamas." Muslims are not natives either. They are completely foreign and completely unwanted.

Immigration was always a normal concept: People want to come to America for a better life. Well, it was better here. And the immigrants initially made it better. Even the Chinese worked hard, and now I can't even go a month without getting some Chinese food here. But they didn't ever go to lengths to not fit in, nor did they subvert anything.

They did hard work, earned their way in, and never opened any mass floodgates or used propaganda to get themselves in. You can see some Asians in the city, but it's not like they've just invaded.

But Muslims? I do not know why they are here. They do no integrate, they do not work hard, they subvert, they spread their propaganda, they take our women, and they spread their religion. And they come here in such mass numbers, that they scare away the white children and women, and invade our social centers. They just completely invade, and nothing stops them. If you try to be friendly, it doesn't result in friendship: It results in a conversion attempt. They just pretend to be friendly to try to convert you to their little cult. They just want to turn you Islamic.

They are not wanted, and we have no idea how to get them to go away. They are too stupid to understand that they are not wanted in America, and they are too stupid to see that it is their fault.

The Mexicans? They might be ass-stupid, but at least they work hard. At least they work hard, right? That's the truth, and they speak a Latin based language as well. They're far more welcome than Muslims are, and even they ain't welcome.

So it must not be mere incompetence. Our leaders must be evil.

Right. I don’t think taking an adversarial role toward nationalism is evil, nor is blanketing the nations of the earth to try and wrest them from what might be considered maladaptive group psychology, in being static or falsely entropic.

That said, the racialism of their rabbis and the way that diffuses into culture is literally ironic. I dare say it was the same with the Third Reich, although I am to this day suspicious that Nazism has too much in common with Zionism. Much too much.

On the other hand, this strive for equity among the One Worlders, which I think is reactionary to the racialism or ethnic consciousness which accompanies the old ways against which they are revolting, seems to intensify parallel with the “return of the old gods” so to speak. Islam is something like the last bit of poison liberal progressivism has to swallow or it won’t survive. I think probably the zealous nature of these people reflects also the fact that their own movement is being eroded by identitarians who don’t want to lose their provincial identities so much as compete in a zero sum game to possess the empire for a little while to use it to grow strong and kill their enemies. There are myriad dimensions to this that I find fascinating, but right now my group is being genocided. It’s a problem.

Indeed. I'm in the same boat as you.
My people are being genocided, and I need to be very careful I approach this the right way.

The truth is that if I ask a white woman to become part of my family, they have no idea what that means. They don't even ponder family these days. They just want to have fun and do drugs.

Is this evil propaganda? Or are the jews just… like that?

You know the difference here, right? Either the jews are scummy losers who like drugs, sex, and cheap, amusing media, and they spread it to others by accident, or they're high-up executives who are deliberately plotting to spread drugs, whorelike behavior, and subversive media.

The truth is that the Jews might not actually be planning this with such iron-handed control. They most certainly do have a lot of power, but the truth might be that they do not have hope. They might truly think that life isn't for higher ideals, but they might actually be fooled into thinking that drugs, sex, and cheap thrills are the best that life offers.

They might be trying to liberate us from our "traditions" and "culture," with only honest intentions.

They might simply assess that drugs are better than a community, that cheap sex is better than a solid family, and that cheap thrills are worth more than hard work and long-term planning.

If this is the case, then Jews are not as evil as Zig Forums thinks, and they are actually just fools who happen to have stolen the king's crown for a prank.

But that might make them both more or less dangerous in a way.

On the other hand, if Jews are deliberately orchestrating all of this, and actually are deliberately corrupting our young girls with control over the school system, deliberately corrupting boys into becoming gay trannies, if they're deliberately concocting pro-drug propaganda, not for their use, but to actually hurt other people, and deliberately inviting Muslims in, not because they want to give Muslims a taste of "freedom," but because they actually truly just want to replace us, then…

Yes, the Jews must be called evil. Not just evil-doers, not just sinners, not just misguided, but … Truly evil.

Killcen, I want you to do an article about the recent discovery that the 'robot vacuum cleaners' have secret wifi processors that send info to the government.

It was recently revealed that the new LG and ROOMBA robotic vacuums are crammed with secret instruments for monitoring people's houses, and detecting the presence of illegal drugs and firearms by analyzing microscopic airborne particles with a condensation nucleus counter, a differential-mobility analyzer, and so on. Wires threaded inside the robotic vacuums lead to stainless-steel hoses which feed the microscopic airborne particulates into the laser analyzer unit, then the data is sent to the government using a hidden wifi process, even if the resident doesn't have a wifi router.

I want a finished article on my desk with an hour.

Attached: irobot-LEDE.w700.h700.jpg (540x540, 134.21K)

All of the new smoke detectors also detect carbon monoxide, of course.

But they can also accurately detect one particle per million of airborne particulates and analyze thousands of chemicals in your home using a micro-unit gas chromatography-mass spectrometry assembly.

Recent freedom of Information files have disclosed that the government has effectively created a list of everybody with firearms in their house using these everyday devices, and that's how they created the list of houses they intend on raiding to take away people's guns

Attached: SD-404VBTA.jpg (1000x1000, 110.25K)

It sounds like a really stupid plan. Americans have already been enslaved by the money=debt system for many decades, along with having all manner of distractions to keep them from questioning the system. Why upset the system that's already working fine, and take the risk of waking up a large segment of the population? And the risk is very real, the jews could find themselves once again cast out from yet another place, just as they have so many times before. It's like they just can't be satisfied with an already comfortable life.

Fucking tldr; it man

america is just doing a self fulfilling prophecy. fags called bernie sanders insane for asking for 65 billion for free education. but 165 billion increase to a military that's already more money than the next 9 nations combined? no questions asked, here's the money


Attached: 4.jpg (400x400, 21.6K)

wtf does that have to do with smoke detectors?

It looks like they are finally going to put all those Coffins to use

Mass immigration is definitely sinister and criminal in nature. It should actually be made a crime to plot to deliberately and drastically change the demographics of a nation through immigration.

I used to think like that, too. They'll never get me - all they can do is kill me. The older I get, though, the more I realize that it really just depends on what kind of dictatorship we end up with.
The current commie niggerkike tranny mafia setting up a giant, global, corporate HR department and sending every last white male to perpetual sensitivity classes in the gulags to atone for their original sin of daring to exist? Then yeah, tooth and nail, cold dead hands, etc.
I'd take a standard, run-of-the-mill military dictatorship, though - as long as patriotic
American soldiers were running the show. Shit, I'll bake the tank crew parked on my corner brownies and make them soup have barbecues and shit, as long as they're rounding up dissidents and jews and shipping niggers and spics off to wherever the hell.
But something tells me that's not what's in store for us.


I agree. When will whites and jews leave the homes they have illegally invaded, occupied and festered like hungry diseased rats.

I think it's both. I think one faction is calculating and the other is knowingly revolutionarily destructive. The split that makes most sense to me is Usury (right) v. Sodomy (left). The right wingers run the corps, count the money, make war and build new banks in conquered territory. The left wants to break people of ethnic, natural, cultural, historical, and linguistic ties. This makes sense to me, although I admit it may not be the best explanatory model possible.

There is a sense in which grinding down the hierarchical principles that have organized civilization prior to now is very idealistic. But I also think that in concrete practice these motivational ideals or abstract principles are having unintended consequences because there is no way to tell whether the old way of doing things was itself "socially constructed" via Catholicism and money or is an immutable part of human nature that no amount of experiment with the environment will extinguish.

I can only agree with your last point that intentions do matter, and that it very well looks like they do evil when they cross the line from getting out of the way and letting people be free to prescribing policies and actions whose aim are specific cultures and peoples whom they consider a hindrance to that project. Then again, power corrupts, so this problem of crossing the line when they ought to leave well alone could be about personal ambition and that is just unfortunate.

Sorry, I've been out doing errands or I would have responded earlier. I don't carry a smart phone currently because I'm recovering from major surgery.

well enough alone*

North America belongs to Europeans. If you want it back, take it.

This has been actively happening for decades, the illegal immigrant invasion is only part of it.
They will wait until people are begging for a totalitarian police state, and then they will present it from nowhere, mysteriously already fully prepared. Every new uniform, every new weapon, every new security system, all ready to go within days - when they can't manage to resolve a normal problem with years in normal government.

I'm going to cum in your face.

I know all about it, trust me. You underestimate my paranoia, and I have it for a reason you know.


Such Real Legits


legit bumparoo