What the hell? You CAN'T marry in the Church without marrying in civil ?

I live in Europe.
I don't know about the USA, but in Europe, many countries (maybe all of them, didn't check) don't allow you to marry in the Church if you haven't been married in the civil. That mean that you HAVE TO marry in the civil first and that you can't marry only in the Church.
What the hell? Those enlightenment atheists (((revolutionaries))) first forced us to separate the State from the Church in the name of "freedom", "equality", "individual free will" and forced us to accept that religion is a "personal matter" and not a societal structure.
Thus, marriage has to be done in the civil and in the church if people want.
THAT'S EVIL. Those revolutionaries say in one hand that the church and state HAVE to be separated in the name of "(personal) religious freedom", but then in the other hand, they FORCE you to marry in the SATANIC (((ATHEIST))) Civil State marriage (which make your whole marriage completly depend in this satanic kiked society and not depend of the Church), and then, you only get to marry in the Church for "cosmetic" reasons.
That double standard is INTOLERABLE and HYPOCRITICAL, so much for "freedom of religion".
What the hell has the Vatican been up to ? That was the HIJACKING of the foundation of society, marriages, thus families, from the graces of the Catholic Church and from the grace of God, and given in the hands of the (((Secular))) states which are Satanic kikes, kikes lovers, feminists, atheists, pagans, globalists, oligarchs, anti-christian (((marxists))),…
The Vatican, the Church and the Pope had to react to that obvious satanic subversion and they did NOTHING.

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I feel you OP. I really do.

It's been this way for the last 1700 years.
What's your problem?
The state and the church should coorporate. In fact they shouldn't be separated. Thanks for that one Jews.

Either way if you're trying to dogde taxes, divorce her civily, remember that means shit and she's still your wife, and the remarry her again civily.
Talk with your priest first.

So you wanted to marry in the sacred Church of Jesus and with the morals,values and rules of marriage, which is marriage in the Church ? Too bad, all of that don't exist anymore, you'll just marry for esthetic reasons at best now.
Yeah, you are FORCED by the (((powers))) in place to "marry" in the Civil, and thus in the secular state.
What does it mean ?
> Having the (((state))) impose to you THEIR "values" about the "good" of the family and of the children…A.k.a having your children stolen from you if you don't allow him/her to undergo sex "reassignment" mutilation in certain countries
That's intolerable, we can't let the sacred of marriage in the hand of the same evil who killed more than hundreds of millions of European Christians in Russia, Ukraine and other countries, because this evil wants to exterminate every christian from the surface of the earth, from one way or the other.
We have to speak about this, the Church marriage is the Sacred, the Blessed, the Benevolent … The (((civilian))) marriage is the contrary of all that, and the pure marriage of the Church and foundation of Society has been STOLEN and HIJACKED by those secular fanatics who do all they can to subvert and undermine this sacred foundation.
Watch the beggining of this video if you don't think that these people don't want us dead.

I've told you, the marriage always was about the Church and Christianity. It wasn't a problem when the state and the Church were united as they should be.

Wait I misread you user.
Wtf how can this be possible.
How the winnie the pooh does the state know that I went to church one day and got married?

I live in Europe as well and it's not like this.

What country? In France, it's like that, in Switzerland, it's like that, and I assume in most,if not all European countries, it's like that.

I live in Portugal.
But once you said France everything was explained. Its the most atheist/Muslim country in Europe so I am not surprised that such an orwellian country has such a law.

Paternal DNA tests are also forbidden in France lmao

Relax, dude. And stop blaming the Jews for this one. It has always been necessary for one to be married by the state before one can get married in the Church.
In fact the service of marriage did not exist until Christianity and the Byzantine Empire were close enough. Before then you got married by the state then the sacrament of marriage was simply receiving communion at the next liturgy together.

It is true that today, from the state's point of view, your religious marriage is just a funny ceremony, but why do you care what the state thinks? What the Church thinks and has always thought is that you cannot be married in the Church if the state doesn't legally recognize you as married first.

Its just a check to prevent polygamy and irregularities, like being legally married with somone, and religiously married with another.

Wtf? It's a joke right? Oh come on.

It's a crime in France and could lead you one year in prison if you do it, because "paternity is a social construct".

Portugal is still a little bit christian thanks to the New State of Salazar but give it time and it will be like everywhere else.
I also said Switzerland, it's not just France.

I've heard this argument "it's order not to allow muslims to have several women !".
This is coward as winnie the pooh. We are ready to let ourselves to have the civil marriage imposed on Christians, because savages from outside marry like that? Just like how in the name of "counter-terrorism", we are ready to give up all our right and to willingly be spied massively by our government?
That's intolerable.

Did you ignore my post on purpose? As far as Christianity is concerned, civil marriage has always been obligatory. This isn't a peculiarity that was introduced by your country. The only exceptions I know of is when one lives in one of these tiny Russian villages where there isn't even a mayor to perform legal marriage.

But why wtf I can't just… winnie the pooh user Jesus Christ what happened since 1789.
May Salazar rest in peace, even though the commies have partially sucedded destroying this country Our Lady said the dogma of Faith wouldn't fall in Portugal.
But yeah we are approaching European levels quite fast.
Its now forbidden to teach kids in kitten garden that Christmas is about Christ and forbidden to use decorations such as bells and anything related to the real Christmas. Which is funny because they are fighting the air since there's not even one percent of other religions. After the 88% or something of catholics the next religion is Islam with a ridiculus 0.3%.
That's intolerable.
See if you're eligible for a secret marriage.
Either way don't you guys get some tax benefits if you are married to promote natality or something?

Well I live in Poland and if I understand it correctly you can go to catholic church for marriage first and when it's done you're also considered civilly married too, so no other ceremony is necessary.

Besides how people have shown you that it predates the Enlightenment by a millenium and a half, where is the potential for abuse, in this specific instance?
Even the most rabidly anti-christian regimes have allowed us to marry civily, and if by absurd, they didnt, we could suspend this requirment, if needed.

The State and the Church were united, thus marrying civilly wasn't a problem, because the values of marriage were pretty much the same as the Church, meaning that you pretty much married in the Church.
But know, thanks to the separation of the Church thanks to the enlightenment activists, they have revolutionized marriage and turned it upside-down, making it a satanic parody of a sacred union, we have this satanic parody being imposed on us by this secular states, and all their satanic degenerate values of modern "marriage" with it. And they claim that State and Church have to be separated, in the name of religious freedom but yet, they impose their satanic civil parody of marriage on us as the main form of marriage on everyone, and so much for freedom of faith. Marriage ought to be a religious act first and foremost and ought to be considered as such.
What happenend was a hijacking of the sacred church marriage by (((enlightenment))) activists who do everything in their power to attack,weaken,undermine, parody it to make un-sacred (gay marriage……),…And that's why this is a problem, because this satanic atheist version of marriage as been imposed on everyone by people who do everything they can to destroy this very marriage. When people married in the state when the State and the Church were united, you were indeed marrying in the Church first and foremost, and the sacred marriage and it's sacred values where sensibly the same in the civil marriage.

Thats like saying we need to ban Christmas as a public holiday, and its imposed on us, because modern Christmas got infected by consumerism.

Who cares what the state thinks?
You are marrying for just reasons and that's what matters.

No. Civil marriage was required by the Church even before Christianity became the state religion of the Roman empire. Civil marriage has been required in the Ottoman Empire even though the (Orthodox) Church was considered an ethnic minority there.
Incidentally, that you are only fine with obligatory civil marriage if the State and Church aren't separated reeks of caesaropapism.

Either way, calm down, man. Remain obedient to your bishop. If he says you must get married by the state, get married by the state.

I don't want to say the Jews are behind this… but the Jews are probably behind this.

Well a couple of years ago the grand Rabbi of Paris wrote to the French president that marriage should be abolished.