Tfw drunk

I love you Jesus

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Where's the poem ?

Obviously not, because you don't obey him


Drunkards are sinner.
Not casual drinkers.

Not finished yet

This is based

"Be ye not drunk"
You're drunk

(.__. )
I follow Jesus but I'm not perfect

I'd encourage you to read Galatians 5:21 and meditate on it, friend… even if you're a Baptist, have faith in God by repenting of that sin.

It's ok friend, there's forgiveness in jesus

Romans 6:15
What then? Are we to sin because we are not under law but under grace? By no means!

Stop getting drunk.
Figure out why it is you feel you need to get drunk. What is the problem, user?

Friend, please post your poety. I would love to read it.

Mote and the beam

I don't drink

Never claimed you did. You do sin however.
Romans 3:10

No, seriously.
Where's the poem?

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Bring me drunken-poet man!

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The point of the mote and beam is against hypocrisy
Theres nothing hypocritical about identifying sin as sin

Would you show us the poem? Also don't get drunk anymore.


If that's your reaction to this thread that hadn't gotten any replies in 8 days, then why did you bump it?

John 14:15

Seems like that is referencing drunkards and not occasionally being drunk.

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Bardanon, are you okay? We miss you and really want to see the poetry you told us about in your OP. Are you ashamed of it? Just tell us if you can't out of fear for blasphemy. I hope you are having a blessed Sunday

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I think maybe this is a semantic issue. Drinking in part for the pleasurable mental effects, to 'gladden the heart', and as a social lubricant is fine. However I would not refer to that as 'getting drunk', as that implies excess (drinking to the point you can't properly make decisions). Everyone is different but I would say for me my limit is 3 drinks over as many hours. Maybe a few more on special occasions, within reason. If I was a smaller man or a woman my limit would be lower. If you are regularly having more than a few drinks a day I would look into cutting back.

'Drink' meaning a 5 oz glass of wine, 12 oz bottle of beer, or 1.5 oz shot of liquor.

So… where's the pottery?

Share with us your poem bardanon. I normally start singing about Jesus in the tune to whatever I'm listening to at the time when I'm drinking.

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Art comes from one's soul, and it may take a whole year to refine what first surges from the heart. Let's give our poet time: it will be worth the wait.

I sincerely hope that's the case. Siblings in Christ, pray for Bardanon and hope he stays hydrated.

It depends how drunk.

No, it's being drunk at all
Be ye not drunk
Dont be drunk

you could have one beer and be drunk potentially
what youre thinking of is puritan version of dont drink at all

Not an argument
Drunk is drunk. If you're drunk, you're sinning.

you can have one or two drinks and feel drunk, it isnt the same as having 10 drinks and being really drunk

So it's okay to be drunk, because you could still get more drunk?
What is your position? It seems like you're arguing in favor of drunkenness.

I am simply saying there are varying degrees of being drunk.

beginning with tipsy, feeling more talkative and happy

and the opppsite end being too drunk too even walk or talk and probably going to pass out soon

somewhere in the middle is okay, alcohol effects everyone differently depending on your age, weight, experience with the drug.

I am arguing in favour of alcohol, and I'm saying if you have one or two, youre entering the drunkeness, and that's okay
the only other position is being puritan anti-alcohol altogether, my position is be sensible

By your own definition you're in direct contradiction with the command of scripture, don't you see that?

"It is a sin to be drunk". Affirm or deny?

and you don't think everyone who shared the wine at the wedding was drunk too? mary was the one who asked for more wine because they were going to run out
there is a difference between being drunk and being a drunkard, like I said multiple times there are certain levels of drunkeness, i believe the scripture refers to the blackout drunk, the drunk you'll regret tomorrow and you won't remember anything you've done all night, this is very different to having a few glasses of wine and feeling a little drunk, don't you see that?

it's either ok to be a little drunk and sinful to be very drunk or it's drink alcohol or don't drink alcohol at all

Okay, I couldn't pin that position on you earlier because we were just using "drunk" for everything. You're saying the biblical prohibition is actually about what we would call very drunk, and not about tipsiness.

I take the position that it's any influence at all from alcohol, because I find any other position is arbitrary. I view this just like the abortion argument regarding when the life begins.

At the wedding feast, Jesus turned water into non-alcoholic wine. We know this because it would have been sinful for him to provide alcohol to "well drunk" people, and because the headwaiter remarks on the good taste.

There are numerous passages in the OT where God commands the Israelites to merrily drink their wine. We can presume that God wouldn't command His people to sin, so it stands to reason that, while abuse of alcohol is a sin, alcohol itself is not an evil.

That a puritan position. Influence from alcohol happens the moment you drink it. You're saying never drink it at all.

Where's the poem OP, you had better deliver or else…

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I know it's been almost 2 months, but I'll bump this thread any way. Maybe OP will fill us in eventually.

If you do happen to read this but still haven't finished the poetry, stay hydrated.

Not OP but here is a poem, via drunk me

Rain has come, silence the voice of the pavement.
Dripping amongst potted things
dripping amongst the weeds
wiping away the gone away day.
Washing the sin from the stone
washing troubles to storm drains.

Be silent, quiet syncopated by tears from above,
angels water the gardens, holy holy holy.
angels watering the world.

Stain this scene with streetlights,
weak light against starlight.
Feeling the cool to come, feeling the lips of the clouds.
Feeling lips from the water.

Wash away the people, sleeping in houses.
Wash away the shadow of lies in alleyways.

Does the end redeem? in the end, do we wash clean?

Stop getting drunk. Do not pretend it is God-honoring.

thanks man, constantly aware of that. Every day I know I'm not living up to Jesus
I don't know you, but God bless you