NY Parents facing fines of up to $3000 for not vaccinating their children

Authorities in the United States have issued the first ever fines for parents refusing to vaccinate their children amid a measles outbreak.

There have been 329 cases of the disease in New York since the outbreak began last October, though it is unclear how many cases are current, reports ABC News.

The city's health department announced that the three non-vaccinated people failed to comply with the Commissioner's Emergency Order mandating measles vaccination.

The department reports that 44 additional cases were added since last week’s emergency order.

They’re now facing fines of $1,000 ($1400 AUD).
Parents refusing to vaccinate their children against the measles virus are facing fines amid an outbreak in New York. (iStock)

To stop the spread of the virus New York officials ordered adults and children aged six months and older who live, work or go to school in four Brooklyn postal codes to receive the vaccine within 48 hours.

Four more schools have been shut down for failing to comply with mandatory vaccine orders.

ABC reports "disease detectives" are investigating cases of unvaccinated children. The cases will go to a hearing, where the parent will be fined.

Failing to appear at the hearing or respond to the summons will result in a $2,000 ($2800 AUD) fine.


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The entire community should be enraged and defending this family.

There can only be one

yeah lets all fuckin die of measles my guy good idea

More like

Measles lasts 7-10 days, on a first world country diet this kid should be okay.

What do the vaccinated have to fear? They are protected by le vaccines that big pharma said is safe and effective.

If enough people aren't vaccinated then the vaccine has greatly reduced effectiveness. That's a basic HS biology fact for u. The measles is highly contagious, and the vaccine is well-tested by time, unlike the newest meme vaccines. Don't be a total nigger, and take the vaccines that have been tested by time. The vaccines that have been around for a longer time than just a couple of years are safe (and remember how dangerous the diseases that the vaccines protect against are. nowadays, the diseases spread even more quickly than before due to the refugees welcome madness)

Fearmonger me more, user. If you do it long enough, my chickenpox virus might resurface as shingles immediately, and we'll all die of the common cold tomorrow.

What a fascistic police state. Would never want to live in that shithole.

Overall, good law and reasonable penalty

the fact that provaxxers are scared of non vaxxers proves their vaccines don't work

Funny thing is, the measles vaccine doesn't even contain the measles, but just some "related pathogen" or an "undead version" of the original. That is why a vaccinated person still can get infected by the measles and also transmit the disease to others (even if the disease doesn't fully breaks out in the person who was vaccinated). If most people are vaccinated (and they are), there would otherwise be no reason for hysteria about the minor people that aren't vaccinated against the measles, if the vaccine would really do what it is allegedly supposed to do, because in that case vaccinated people would have nothing to fear as they would be immune to that. But they are not. They still can get infected by "real" measles and that is a main reason for the big hysteria about that topic, even if they aren't discussing it on the media - of course not, instead of education parents get threatened with critical sanctions when they express their concerns. Meanwhile, it is a medicinical fact, that the only people that are really safe from getting measles ever again and transmitting it to others are those people who had the measles as a child. I had the measles as a child, so the anti-bodies in my blood are real and as a woman I can even give them to my newborn. A vaccinated woman can't do that. The whole idea behind the practice of vaccination is that the "related pathogen" or the "undead version" would train your immune system in order to prevent an outbreak of the actual disease. Unfortunately, it doesn't work that realiable (that is why you need at least 2 shots of that vaccine), but it is also a big money-machine, that is another main factor in keeping this practice alive and even enforcing it on the people. There are actually only 2 reasons to justify a vaccination: First, you was born with a very weak or defect immune-system. The risk for autoimmune-disease doesn't weight that much if you already have a defect immune-system, but it can probably extend your lifespan anyway if you are lucky with the vaccine and it helps your body to prevent the outbreak of a real disease. The second reason is, you are too old to get the disease as a child - children are designed to get sick, what makes them look like a cartoon can kill an adult. It is meant to get diseases as a child in order to produce anti-bodies against it in your blood. There is big hysteria and horror stories about the measles in all media, but as I had the measles as a 4yo child, I can tell that I had four days of fever, then it was over. Cold calf wraps and vitamin A was all it needed to get over it. I had a big development boost after the measles and teached myself to write before I got to school. Later I've learned that other kids had shown the same "effect" after they had the measles. But the media wants to tell me that I can get deadly brain infection even years later if I wasn't vaccinated as a child. I can't believe it. I know that the measles can be a really problem for you if you get it as an adult, but the chance of getting it as an adult is higher when you got vaccinated as a child, as you still can get infected by it. That those informations are held back on purpose in order to create an atmosphere of fear and panic is so outragious. I also experienced a very weird twist in the whole debate around that topic: Whenever I mentioned that I wasn't vaccinated as a child and actually got the diseases back then, I more than often got the response that I should better kill myself, as it would be absolutely irresponsible to run around without being vaccinated. They didn't even notice that I can't transmit the disease anymore, because I actually had it. They are so drowned into the hysteria, it's unbelieveable: At the one hand they cry for poor dead children that hadn't had a vaccine, at the other hand they tell those who had the disease and "survived" it to kill themselves. Why? Because only dead children are useful for the propaganda. In reality, no human cares for the wellbeing and health of some children out there. People don't care if they are a pest to their environment. They don't care if others are. People only care for themself and every time something was made up in the name of "humanity" it was in fact for the fucking sake of money or at least for lousy self-affirmation.

t. I don't understand mutation or evolution

Do you even know how your body detects viruses and other foreign bodies? It's all based on surface proteins of the virus. Also, pls format your posts.

but the communities with the highest outbreak that are spreading it the most are totally exempt from the fines and forced vaccinations

Yes, I know. That btw is why vaccination is directly linked to auto immune diseases: The process of getting the stuff injected into your bloodstream is a highly uncommon way for an infection entering your body. A natural infection has to overcome the immune system on the outside of your body first before it can enter your bloodstream. If you spare that out, injecting the infection right into the bloodstream, the immune system is in high danger to get damaged for life, especially when done to an infant with a newborn immune system that hadn't even the time yet for learning first steps and envolving on commonly dust. Classic immune damage from injection vaccines such as tonsillitis, otitis, appendicitis, allergies to all sorts of things - are simply unreflectively perceived as a common widespread disease. Meanwhile, because of some teething troubles a hysterical circus is being held. Coincidence?

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Pls elaborate. How does this change the immune response? Why doesn't getting the infection via air affect the immune system in the way you describe? You do realize that vaccines work by training your immune system to detect a certain pathogen, right?





Whats the matter, don't want herd immunity? Thats a 3000 shekel fine!



I'm going to give you a better point of argument that could lead to your goals, so hear me out, you need to hear the criticisms first.

So you're saying that vaccines suck because they infect you backwards instead of forwards?

As in Bloodstream > Cell Wall instead of Cell Wall > Bloodstream. That's retarded and defies basic medical knowledge.

Second, where's your sources? Bring multiple.

Third, I do agree with you that injecting infants with most shit might cause problems, but that's not an argument against vaccines, rather an argument against big pharma in general.

So, right now, if you want to strike out at big pharma, you need to move away from vaccines specifically, but rather the fact that they're injecting infants.

This is a great argument point since it's a legitimate query that doesn't attack proven history, instead the current actions of Big Pharma, you can also argue that BP's huge corparate bent has led to them injecting infants at birth instead of young children.

The reason your arguments do not work are literally because you are attacking years of history of medicine, rather then the practices of the current corrupt assholes in power. You can't afford to get attached to the anti-vax label, it doesn't matter if you get CALLED anti-vax, because you can deny that and argue against BP and power through it.

In the most simplest terms, you are arguing against medicine instead of the corporation that peddles it, who IS corrupt.

Instead of "Vaccines", your main "buzzword" or talking point should be "Big Pharma". Because attacking the medicine will get people to think you're attacking medicine in general, it's a psychology trick. If you're attacking a corporation, there's plenty of anti-corp types who would back you, normalfags who work in a corp understands that it sucks, this is almost universal.

This is the base you need to achieve. This is marketing 101.

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hapas sounds like some Russian delicacy.
maybe it's because i'm hungry.

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Oh no! There's an outbreak!!!!!! The fault lies not with the european people for not injecting unknown cancer causing chemicals into their children.
A boat filled with around 300 rapefugees was tested for diseases, 72% of them were infected with something contagious, and of those, each had one to four diseases, often including aids and syphilis. In 2016, doctors in germany spoke of diseases previously unheard of in europe coming in via the waves of millions of illegal third world immigrants, including what they termed 'super tuberculosis'. Mumps, tuberculosis and measles were the most common.
Vaccinations only offer limited immunity, having both the vaccine and booster for mumps for example only provides 95% protection, meaning one in twenty are still susceptible. There is no point forcing everyone to vaccinate if you are going to flood human civilisation with walking biological weapons.
